These Students All Have Very Cool Teachers

I had some teachers I didn’t like too much when I was growing up, but the really, really awesome ones definitely made up for it.

And these students have some real gems right here. These teachers all seem pretty great.

Let’s just hope the students appreciate them!

1. I like their style.

History professor teaches about the first man in space. from funny

2. Don’t be stupid.

A little wisdom from my Physics professor from funny

3. He’s a true wizard.

Our professor wears his hat and cape every time he conducts an experiment from funny

4. This is pretty cool.

George Fox University’s iMac Box Wheel

5. You better be quiet.

Genius teacher from funny

6. The substitute cat is here.

My teacher is the greatest from wholesomememes

7. One of the good ones.

“My face physically hurts from smiling so much today, I love teaching you guys” -my professor, who’s such a good soul from MadeMeSmile

8. This guy is awesome.

9. Follow the face.

My teacher raises a picture of his own face to make sure no student is lost during the fire drill. from mildlyinteresting

10. Better have a good argument.

All set for my meeting with the student that missed more than 30 classes this semester and emailed me to set up an appointment to talk about his grade.

Posted by David Red on Tuesday, April 24, 2018

11. Please act accordingly.

Spotted in the window of a biology professor office at a community college. from funny

12. Algebra is cool, bro!

The coolest math teacher in town from pics

13. “It’s in the syllabus!”

Frustrated with the same old questions, my profeesor ripped off his shirt in the middle of lecture from funny

14. Just go with it.

15. We have a winner!

My professor gave me a present today.. from funny

Let’s give it up for all the teachers out there!

They do their best every single day and put up with a ton of BS from kids and parents. Bravo!

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15 Tweets for People Who Think Everyone Is Always Mad at Them

Are you worried that folks are constantly mad at you?

It’s not so uncommon, after all. Some days it just feels like the world is pissed off at you, so maybe everyone in it is too.

If you are one of these people, take these tweets to heart.

1. Why do you hate me?

2. That’s life!

3. Can we talk about this?

4. It just seems like…

5. Good at overanalyzing.

6. Get out the drill.

7. They’re clearly over it.

8. Your boss wants you dead.

9. Silence is not golden.

10. Are you mad at me…while driving?

11. Who has a crush on me?

12. Here come the waterworks.

13. This will not end well…

14. Let’s keep this going.

15. You’re now under arrest.

Seriously, I want to know if you’re mad at me…

Please tell me!!!!!!

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15 Tweets for People Who Think Everyone Is Always Mad at Them

Are you worried that folks are constantly mad at you?

It’s not so uncommon, after all. Some days it just feels like the world is pissed off at you, so maybe everyone in it is too.

If you are one of these people, take these tweets to heart.

1. Why do you hate me?

2. That’s life!

3. Can we talk about this?

4. It just seems like…

5. Good at overanalyzing.

6. Get out the drill.

7. They’re clearly over it.

8. Your boss wants you dead.

9. Silence is not golden.

10. Are you mad at me…while driving?

11. Who has a crush on me?

12. Here come the waterworks.

13. This will not end well…

14. Let’s keep this going.

15. You’re now under arrest.

Seriously, I want to know if you’re mad at me…

Please tell me!!!!!!

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15 Wholesome Posts That Should Put a Smile on Your Face

Let’s enjoy some very, very wholesome posts, okay?

You need it, you want it, so let’s do it!

Enjoy these posts that you make you smile.

1. This is the saddest and cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Cat before and after jaw surgery from aww

2. He nailed it.

3. She’s an octopus.

4. Here’s the story.

5. She couldn’t hold back.

6. I’m crying, too.

7. That is perfect, indeed.

8. Don’t tell me you didn’t laugh at this one.

9. That’s pretty trippy.

10. Made me feel a lot better.

11. Family movie night.

12. Did you cry?

13. You gave it a shot.

14. Don’t ever settle.

15. He doesn’t look thrilled about it.

That’s MUCH better, don’t you agree?

Share some of your most wholesome pics in the comments, please!

The post 15 Wholesome Posts That Should Put a Smile on Your Face appeared first on UberFacts.

A Text Exchange Between a Mom and Son Shows That Kids Will Never Understand Life Before the Internet

Remember what it was like…?

Even those of us who did grow up without the internet stop and marvel from time to time about how easy everything is now and wonder aloud how we managed before things became so convenient.

That said, we do remember what it was like – and we know that everything worked just fine. We all survived, and we’re (somewhat) functional adults.

I have permission from the mom in the texts to repost this with her son's name blacked out. One of the funniest things I…

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

It can be striking to realize that there are now whole generations behind us who literally have zero concept of how they would accomplish everyday things without the help of email, texts, Blackboard, and the like.

Which is exactly how I felt reading this conversation between a woman and her college-aged son, who struggles to compute how on earth anyone navigated higher education twenty years ago.

The woman who posted the text conversation is a family friend, Barbara Noble Sobel, who called the screenshots “one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while.”

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

It started with the question “how did any of college work before email?” and snowballed from there.

They eventually got to discussing how she landed her first job, and he wanted to know how they “linked” to more information.

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

Posted by Barbara Noble Sobel on Friday, September 20, 2019

And also lamented having to actually speak to someone to get a job.

Bless his heart.

But also, word.

There are definitely some things that are better about the way things work now. Especially for introverts.

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16 Tweets That Accurately Capture the Struggle of Adulthood

“Youth is wasted on the young.”

I often think about this quote when I ride in to work every day and consider what I’ve done with my life. Because we had all that time! And what did we do with it? Eat gummy fruits and watch reruns? Why wasn’t I investing in stocks?!

Thankfully, there’s Twitter. Where comedians hang out and tweet funny shit that we can all relate to.

Let’s have fun.

16. I scream! And… that’s it. I just scream.

15. MINE!

14. Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? A: An employee, apparently.

13. Drugs help.

12. So much me. So much.

11. I didn’t ask for this!

10. 4 hours at least. 6 hours at the most.

9. What a pain!

8. Why doesn’t anybody stop me from doing these things?!

7. Time works differently now.

6. OMG. This is so true!

5. Too expensive!

4. Can I hire a domineering mom for another 5 years?

3. I read lots of Böökes

2. Stop jumping! I want to get back on my feet!

1. Wait… how much is THAT?

Now that was some good adulthood! I feel MUCH better about ALL my choices.

What do you think? Do you struggle with being all grown up and stuff?

Let us know in the comments!

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10 Funny Tweets About Living with Your Significant Other

Living with another person is difficult. If it’s your family, a roommate, a partner – human beings (including ourselves, I guess) are just weird and gross and we have habits we don’t even realize are annoying until someone else points it out.

Cohabitation can be a real test for a relationship, but less so if one or both parties can manage to keep their sense of humor.

In that way, at least, these 10 tweets should help.

10. How else are things going to get done once you’re gone?

9. I mean, can he not see it?

8. This is the truth.

7. Because getting up is just out of the question.

6. It’s important to be there for each other.

5. You know she still loves you because she pretended to listen to the whole thing.

4. And then, Your Honor, I grabbed HIS pillow…

3. Can I get an amen?

2. That was so cute.

1. Don’t mess with that one.

Good luck out there, romantics. Try to keep some of the mystery alive.

What’s your advice for people getting ready to live together for the first time?

Let us know in the comments!

The post 10 Funny Tweets About Living with Your Significant Other appeared first on UberFacts.

13 Funny Tweets About Living with Another Person

There’s really no better way to get to know a person than to move in with them, right? Whether you’re talking roommates or romantic partner, sharing space is not the easiest thing in the world.

In fact, doing it while still maintaining a good relationship and not murdering anyone is damn hard.

If you’re doing it, you’re going to really feel these 13 tweets.

13. I’m going to guess this isn’t the first time you’ve said idk.

12. Financial responsibility is so romantic.

11. Really just separate beds would do.

10. So what if I did? Was it where it didn’t belong?

9. Mistakes were made. I’m not going to say by who.

8. This is the best relationship advice I have seen in a while.

7. Spoiler alert: it will always be you.

6. Also protect you from your eventual want-to-be murderer.

5. She’s a totally neutral party, she swears.

4. And God help you if you don’t answer right away.

3. It really is a miracle he made it this far.

2. Please, let’s just agree my way is right.

1. I was looking forward to those ALLLL DAYYYYY.

I mean, I’m not saying I want to live alone (because ghosts), but these are spot on!

Do you love living with someone? Do you live alone?

Share your funny cohabitating stories in the comments.


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17 Hilarious Tweets About the Trials and Tribulations of Marriage

Let’s talk about how hard and how wonderful, how fun and how maddening, how rewarding and how insane it is to agree to live every day with another human being for the rest of your life.

Hard to sum up in a tweet, I know, but these 17 people sure do give it their best shot.

17. I prefer the “change it whenever you walk by and see HE changed it” method.

16. It’s a high-stress environment.

15. Hint: it’s because he’s not listening.

14. I feel personally attacked by this tweet.

13. I mean honestly it’s probably not worth fighting about at that point.

12. You should know where the spoons go by now. You idiot.

11. Mistakes have been made by all parties.

10. He should really know not to get between you and future you like that.

9. Why would I wake him up?

8. Sweaty palms and everything.

7. Yep. You’re going to need backup.

6. It’s important to be able to have honest discussions.

5. I don’t hate this idea.

4. Sleep is so underrated by the young and child free.

3. Why do we do this?!

2. Husbands have no halfway.

1. He thought he was being smart but he messed up.

I’m impressed (and tickled) about how spot-on these thoughts are!

Are you married? Have you been? How would you sum up the experience in 280 characters or less?

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These Posts Might Make You Shake Your Head in Disgust

There sure are a whole lot of people out there who are…let’s say less than brilliant.

People who are so less than brilliant that I think you’re going to facepalm OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

Try not to hit yourself too hard…

1. Giving Americans a bad name!

2. Way to go!

You got catfished from facepalm

3. We need a noise for that.

Bee warning! from facepalm

4. Oh, that’s why.

5. It was harmless, right?

Thanks, Dana. from facepalm

6. Meet me at Louie’s.

Where are you again? from facepalm

7. You nailed it!

Engineer 1: What’s the date today? Oh idk from facepalm

8. Might want to check the spelling.

There is no “i” from facepalm

9. Slow down and think about it…

I wish this was fake. Meet Jenn from facepalm

10. It’s been 30 long years.

11. Imagine that…

How are you this ignorant? from facepalm

12. Why the handcuffs?

Poor mother has to imagine her daughter now from facepalm

13. Oh, that’s right…

Yeah… from facepalm

14. Never ever. Don’t even think about it.

Never? NEVER??? from facepalm

15. An official selfie ID card.

Fake ID Fail from facepalm

I just hit my face with my palm so many times that I’m going to have a major headache tomorrow.

But I couldn’t help it, these people were just wayyyyy too ridiculous.

The post These Posts Might Make You Shake Your Head in Disgust appeared first on UberFacts.