I need a bit of pleasantness in my life.
Things have been quite ugly in the world for a while but we’re gonna change that immediately!
We have some tweets for you to look at today that we think are really gonna set your pants on fire with their hilarity.
Do you think you can handle the heat?
We sure hope so! Because we have a feeling you’re gonna start scrolling if you’ve made it this far.
1. That would not be a fun job.
Darn it, I have to start over…
As sorry as I feel for the man, I think the real victim was the guy who had to count the bees pic.twitter.com/tSIYk0EL4N
— Jill Twiss (@jilltwiss) April 1, 2021
2. Uh oh…what happened here?
A major break up, that’s what!
did someone just break up with their mom pic.twitter.com/HyoKlZlWij
— jamieloftus
(@jamieloftusHELP) April 1, 2021
3. I never thought about it this way…
This should be a movie.
an oscar the grouch in every trashcan doesn't break the canon that there's only one of him, each connects to a central body in the undercity
— bandit (@UtilityLimb) March 17, 2012
4. This is very inappropriate!
But…I still laughed.
does jesus measure pasta
like this or like this pic.twitter.com/98vNqQC3FG
— taming fred savage (@FredTaming) April 2, 2021
5. I can see why this couple needs to get divorced.
This would probably get old.
MAN: i’m leaving you
WOMAN: is this about the hokey pokey again
MAN: *clenching fist* that’s what it’s ALL about
— Rads (@FeelingEuphoric) August 17, 2020
6. Well, that’s a nice way to approach it.
She’s not taking sides.
Watching Godzilla vs. Kong. pic.twitter.com/PvwkmQYcpG
— Danny Neary (@itsdannyneary) March 31, 2021
7. This is amazing.
Teach him some more slang for our sake!
Told my dad to start using “it slaps” and now he won’t stop pic.twitter.com/htKvqiCOP1
— Jesika (@jesikalander) March 27, 2019
8. I’ve often wondered this…
I’d like to get to the bottom of it.
Why do people named Deborah go by “Deb” and never “bruh”
— Christine Estima (@christineestima) March 29, 2019
9. That’s when you know you’re really depressed.
Do you ever do this?
U ever be so sad you drive the speed limit?
— Ayeee.Ash
(@AshAyyeee) August 4, 2020
10. A life tip we can all use!
I’m gonna try it soon!
Instead of blocking your ex, become such a disaster online that everyone makes fun of your ex for dating you
— Samir Nazim (@BadboyNazim) January 16, 2020
11. You know you had one.
But the question is, do you still have it?
That one IKEA mirror everyone owned in college:
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( (— Ecce_Homosexual (@Ecce_Homosexual) March 26, 2019
12. Time to come clean.
What really happened out there…?
one time during a high school cross country meet i pretended to faint .5 miles in because i was tired and the medics came and carried me to a golf cart and i’ve kept this to myself for 4 years- AND THAT’S SHOWBIZ, BABY.
— Brett Neustrom (@brett_neusty) March 27, 2019
Now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, please share some funny memes, tweets, photos, or jokes that you’ve seen lately.
We look forward to it!
The post Funny Tweets to Make Your Day a Little More Pleasant appeared first on UberFacts.