You think you know a person when you fall in love with them, and then you move in together and/or get married and you realize you really didn’t at all.
Now that we’re spending almost all of our time with only our families, well…there’s bound to be even more secrets oozing out of the (probably dirty) woodwork.
Luckily, couples like these 10 are showing us all of the ways to laugh about it. Because divorce is expensive and rough on the kids.
10. So you’re saying we’re doing this for a few more months?
I love a fun fact, but this woman needs therapy.
Wife: Did you know 95 percent of people are immune to leprosy?
Me: Wow.
Wife: Did you know humming birds are the only bird that can fly backwards?
Me: Oh.
Wife: Did you know I'm going to keep reading you facts until I'm not bored anymore?
Me: This quarantine needs to end.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) March 25, 2020
9. I mean, they’re crunchy like a chip.
But why not just each chips?
During this quarantine I’ve learned that my boyfriend eats croutons all day as a snack.
(rare sighting of TP underneath)
— Lauren Tighe (@laurenatighe) April 21, 2020
8. If only it was so easy to deter children.
Or maybe her husband just sat outside the door and strummed.
Home quarantine status: my husband learned how to play “Beat It” on the ukulele and tried to show me but I’d locked myself in the bathroom
— Jewel Staite (@JewelStaite) March 20, 2020
7. Why is this so, so accurate.
I’m in my closet right now, but still.
Every single person stuck in quarantine with their significant other right now.
— Erin E (@iamsoerin) April 23, 2020
6. She has had it with your “jokes,” sir.
Unless it was nice outside, then she’s crazy. I would have just gone for a wander.
Wife: let me in the fucking house.
— dADDisms (@Beagz) March 28, 2020
5. Just check yes or no.
It could change at any moment, you know.
My bf: shows me an abundance of love & affection every day
Me:— sav (@savmlove) April 26, 2020
4. His hairdresser must work magic.
Maybe you should name the baby after her.
me once my boyfriend gets his first haircut after quarantine
— marylin rivas
(@marylinrivasss) April 16, 2020
3. Man, that dog needs a walk.
So do I. I am the dog, and I need a walk.
this is literally me and my boyfriend in quarantine, i bet you can’t guess which one he is
(@juustmolls) April 22, 2020
2. Actually I kind of want to know the answer to this, now.
Thanks, John Mulaney.
Trying to start up a conversation with your significant other after 500+ hours of quarantine:
— Corrine. (@corrinedowlin) April 16, 2020
1. I think that was an episode of The Twilight Zone.
Here’s hoping you don’t die at the end.
I told my wife about a dream I had where she was mad at me and she sided with dream wife and is now actually mad at me
— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) April 8, 2020
I’m laughing, and also I can sympathize. Our alcohol budget has gone up since this started!
How are you coping? What’s the funniest thing you’ve learned? Entertain us in the comments!
The post Couples Who Are Learning a Lot About Each Other These Days appeared first on UberFacts.