A recent study out of the University of Kansas found that it takes about 50 hours of socializing to go from acquaintance to casual friend, an additional 40 hours to become a “real” friend, and a total of 200 hours to become a close friend.
All 20-Somethings Need These Kinds of Friends in Their Lives
Your 20s are a weird, confusing time, and you’re going to want to have good friends around you to survive that trying decade.
Some of them help you have fun, some of them are there when you need them and some, well, they’re kind of garbage friends, but it’s still nice that they’re around.
Here are the essential buds you need in your life so that your 20s run as smooth as silk.
The Errand Runner
Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb
You want to minimize those impulse purchase? You need a shopping buddy… stat!
Ms Bad Influence
Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb
TBH, this friend is only good for the first half of your twenties. And they better not be somebody you’re sexually interested in, otherwise you are DEFINITELY going to fuck them. A lot.
And if you’re still into having Ms. Bad Influencer in your life in the back half of your twenties, you’re both probably alcoholics.
AA anybody?
The Sex Goddess
The only kinds of friends you need pic.twitter.com/AR5vqhJ4fO
— Jessica Higgins
(@jessiccalilyx) May 7, 2019
In this hookup culture, having a more sexually-experienced friend is absolutely essential. And hey, if the ribald conversations get too blue… you can always call in “The Bad Influence” to run interference.
The Checker Inner
Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb
Honestly, this is kind of a garbage friend because they’re not really there for you. And do they really care about your well-being? Hmmmm, well, at least they pretend. And sometimes that’s nice. I guess. Whatever.
The Editor-in-Chief
Every woman needs a friend who will read her important emails and take every “just” out for her.
— Kaitlyn Schiess (@KaitlynSchiess) January 31, 2019
Always just keep this friend at the ready because they could be just the thing to just make any text, email or cover letter all better.
Just saying…
The Detective
Every woman needs a friend who has the research skills of a FBI agent.
— Bubbles n’ Booze (@BubblesnBooze) May 10, 2018
Whenever it’s time to do recon on your possible new boytoy/fuckbuddy/friend… this gal is your baroness in dark web armor.
The Illusionist
Every 25-year-old woman just needs a friend who’ll say “No, you don’t have to take a shower, your hair isn’t that greasy.”
— Spencer Porter (@porters) May 13, 2013
I have no pity for those of you out there that wants somebody to lie to you.
Your hair is greasy bish. WASH IT!
The Photographer
When I snap my friends
Climbs a fence to get the right angles
Lies down to get the right shot
Looks for the perfect lighting for them
Takes like 1,000 pics so they have optionsWhen they snap me
Take 10 shots
Take blurry photos
Uses flash now I look like a demon— Pastor Ola
(@Biisi96) November 3, 2018
They know how to do it for the gram. And that is more valuable than gold!
Okay, we’d take the gold instead, but this is still valuable.
The One Who Knows You’re Awful
sign of true friendship pic.twitter.com/cXPWwpC0vT
— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) November 2, 2018
Yeah, they know your secrets, but they won’t judge you. Actually, they’re more likely agree with you and carry all your secrets to their grave.
Thank god… because that is a large bag of no no.
The Awkward One
When your friend is crying and you don’t know how to comfort them pic.twitter.com/vkuvgWMjX4
— Emma (@EmmaVanEaton) March 8, 2015
They have no empathy, so they don’t know why you’re crying, but that’s okay because they’re still there helping you out anyway…
The Bold One
— A Literal Homosexual (@kyry5) April 18, 2019
“Ummm, excuse me waitress. You got her order wrong. Could we fix this? Thank you.”
God damn you’re the best.
Thank you Bold One!
The post All 20-Somethings Need These Kinds of Friends in Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.
20+ People Explain How Their Best Friendships Ended
Ending a friendship is always rough, especially if you’re on the receiving end of the “unfriending.”
These 26 Redditors share the good, the bad and the ugly of losing their best friends.
Sometime for very good reasons. Sometimes for no reason at all!
1. Just Jealous
I set a good girl friend up with a close guy friend. Then he started cheating on her, so I told her the truth. When she finally confronted him, his actually replied with:
“Don’t listen to her. She’s just jealous. Just played matchmaker to get closer to me.”
The worst part? She believed him. So did my circle of friends on her side and his side.
I never quite got over that.
2. Drinking doesn’t make it better
I lost my friends when my son died. Instead of being supportive, they harassed me to come out drinking, or go to the bar. Like I had just been through a breakup and needed to go out. No, literally 24 hours ago I buried my baby in the ground.
3. Not like Britney Spears though
She was toxic. Always one-upping me, comparing us and making herself feel better about her appearance, always leaving me for other “best friends” and telling them all of my personal stuff… The list goes on.
4. Moms’ club
She had a baby, and then one day we were having lunch and she told me “You know, I only want to hang out with other moms from now on.” I didn’t quite get the hint, but she ignored all my texts and emails for a few months and I finally realized what she was trying to tell me back there.
5. Ghosted
My best friend ghosted on me. We met in 3rd grade and were thick as thieves until I went to college. While I can recognize I wasn’t the greatest friend always, it was 100% her choice to stop being my friend. I admit- it still hurts nearly a decade later. I never got closure, and I doubt I ever will. I’m not sure she has thought out why or would give me the honest truth if I asked. She should have been my maid of honor, and it makes me really sad when I think of that. I try to remind myself that she caused drama for me- she was really passive aggressive and wouldn’t talk to me when I did something to bother her. She also never opened up to me about anything bothering her in other aspects of her life. I don’t need that back in my life.
But I do miss the great times we had- all the inside jokes, the way we knew what was on each other’s minds- we absolutely killed at the game taboo! – and I have never gotten that close with anyone again. But I did read a really beautiful sentiment recently, which I will try to capture here. The people you have in your life grow and occupy space in the tapestry that makes up your life. When they are gone, it makes a hole where they used to be. The memories and love are still there and may always be there. So don’t look at your tapestry as filled with holes- look at it as your own unique lace pattern. The pattern isn’t over, but it is constantly changing. The pain of loss doesn’t ever really go away, but it does lessen over time.
6. Differences
Ah, my highschool best friend. We weren’t very alike at all. “Anna” was this super bubbly and cheerful feminine girl, and I was a sarcastic pile of nerd in vaguely human form. A kind of geek-tomboy. We actually meshed pretty well, but from the get go, she was the kind of person who’d turn up to parties on the wrong day because she’d get mixed up. Her parents didn’t like me much, because I was into heathen stuff like Lord of the Rings.
Anna couldn’t form an opinion if it wasn’t exactly the same as her Dads. I remember in 2006, she argued vehemently that there was no future in I.T. because her Dad said it was a waste of time. Facts didn’t matter if her Dad didn’t like them. We stayed close until after school ended, and since our birthdays were only a week apart, we always had a combined party.
Three weeks before my eighteenth, I got tickets to a convention. I called her that day to let her know that we’d have to do separate parties. I asked if she wanted to come to the con with me. She said no, not her thing. Cool.
Literally the day my group is going, she calls to ask when she can expect us around to her place for the party and ice skating. I remind her that we’re going to the con. She loses it at me. Gets real nasty over the phone and hangs up. Calls everyone else to try to convince them to ditch the con and come to hers. They all say no. She calls my parents and tries to get them to stop me from going and tells them I’m on drugs…yeah no. Went, but the whole thing was soured by her reaction.
I don’t think she ever spoke to me again herself, but I’d often meet people in my social circles who’d treat me like trash “because of what you did to Anna.” Took ages for people to stop thinking I was a complete and utter jerk. Maybe they just grew up.
7. Ouch
Let him move in because of issues at his home. Started missing money and found used syringes IN MY SHOES.
8. I’m sorry – cat abuse?
His drug using girlfriend who was on probation stole $300 from me and abused my cat. My former friend refused to believe she could do such a thing and got pissed off at me about it. We’d been friends for 20+ years.
9. Anger Management
She flipped and went super saiyan because I had the audacity to make plans with another friend, and invite her. Instead of making plans with her first then inviting my other friend. She then pinned me to a chair and started screaming in my face. Thats the day I fired my maid of honour, and booted her from my life. She then smashed my car window that night.
10. Du-ally noted
I fired him. Not as my friend – I employed him to help him out, and ended up needing to let him go. He wants nothing to do with me now.
Don’t work with friends.
11. Flake
Long story short: I love the guy, I wish we saw each other more often, but he’s the flakiest, most unreliable person I know. He treats everyone like they’re barely worth his time. Make plans with the guy and it’s a coin toss whether he’ll even show up. I’ve known him for 10 years and it’s only gotten worse, but I learned long ago that it’s a waste of time to chase him.
12. Duh
Got invited to his wedding, all night long I heard about how awesome the Bachelor’s party had been and asked why I hadn’t come along – because I wasn’t invited or told about it.
13. Buh bye
We grew apart. I needed emotional support during a very tough time and she wasn’t interested in helping, so I ended it.
14. Bridges
You know what they say about how you don’t always burn your bridges, but rather let them fall apart due to structural decay? That’s pretty much it.
15. Booty call
Because she calls me on the phone every few months when she’s alone and has had a few beers. that’s pretty much eliminated the need for other conversation. I messaged her a story about an interesting and relevant event in my life today and she ignored it.
16. Then she doesn’t
“I feel she doesn’t want to talk to me… what would happen if I stop initiating conversations?”
Many months later, haven’t heard a single word from her.
17. When I needed her most
My best friend from high school fell off the face of the earth when I needed her most, I had a precancerous tumor and had to have surgery. I was terrified and she wasn’t there for me. It didn’t make any sense.
Almost a year after we stopped speaking, a mutual friend informed me that her father had just lost his battle to cancer (I had no idea he had it). She wasn’t there for me because she had to be there for her father, and I then understood that she probably couldn’t emotionally handle both situations at the same time. It was then when I decided I would take a chance and attend the wake.
I was so nervous when I got there because I hadn’t seen her in over a year, but when I walked in and she saw me, she immediately burst into tears and gave me the biggest hug. To this day, that moment was one of the best I ever experienced. I got my friend back. A year and a half after that, I was the maid of honor at her wedding.
I know not every situation turns out as well as mine, and I’m sure there are people who bail because they simply don’t care, but in my case all it took was a bold effort by me and it worked out in the end.
18. Needy
She’d only really message me if she wanted something.
If she was down I’d try my best but if I was upset it was ‘oh I’m really not in the right place right now, talk later’ which is fair enough but I always tried to help her.
She’d also message me screenshots of the argument with her boyfriend, they’re a bad couple and my advice is always either ‘dump him’ or ‘talk it out’ which is never what she wants to hear but what am I supposed to do about it? I guess she just wants validation she’s right to be annoyed but she can be really unreasonable sometimes.
Oh and then she asks for money under some bogus pretence and then buys weed. I know I shouldn’t fall for it and I’ve stopped now but y’know.
19. Shaming
My high school best friend got into college around six months before me (it happens in my country). She then stopped talking to me altogether. When I finally got into college, she decided it was too shameful to hangout with someone who was six months behind her. She’d still talk and go out with other friends from HS, but I was completely ignored by her.
20. Snip snip
He cut me out of his life.
He was my best friend for 15+ years. We had grown a bit apart due to different lifestyle choices, but we always spoke at least once a week and found time to spend with each other.
He was constantly talking about feeling stuck in our home town and wanting to explore the world, but worried about paying for it. About two years ago I helped him get a job with my company. It was not a very exciting job, but it paid twice as much as he was making before, so I figured it would help him save up for traveling.
About six months into the job, we were working together and got into an argument. We had fought a few times in our friendship and this did not seem any different than other times; I was over it by the time I went home.
He missed the next 2-3 days of work, then emailed our manager saying he quit. He removed me from all of his friends lists, and will not respond to phone calls, text messages, or emails. I admit I am not the easiest person to get along with at times, but after a 15 year relationship I would have liked to at least said a proper goodbye.
It has been 18 months since he’s talked to me. He was my guy and now most days I feel alone.
21. Blocked
Her boyfriend didn’t like her hanging out with other guys, made her block me and all of her other male friends on social media. No idea if they’re still together, but she hasn’t contacted me at all since so.
22. Religion changes you
I left the mormon church. I lost many friends the moment they found out I left. I even lost a ‘christian’ friend because at least as a mormon I believed in the bible – now he doesn’t know who I am or what I believe anymore.
I have new friends now, but most of my mormon friends treat me like I’m dead.
23. Nowhere to go from here
When I realized the only thing we had in common was the past. That sucked.
24. ‘I forgot’
She was maid of honor in my wedding. After, I would try to make plans with her for lunch or whatever, and she always cancelled the day of. Never gave a reason just “oh I forgot I can’t, some other time”. I realized I was the only one putting in any effort so I just stopped trying to do things with her. I figured if she wanted to do something she’d get ahold of me.
I got married in July of this year, haven’t heard from her since.
25. It’s me not you
It’s the same reason I don’t speak to most people from my past. I’m got mental issues. So if I don’t see someone for a while then seeing them is very hard for me because I hate myself seeing someone who I knew in the past.
26. Karma
Walked in on him moments after he was finished having sex with my (now ex) girlfriend in my room
Karma was nice though: he blew out his knee and can no longer play his sport professionally, I lost a lot of weight, and she found most of it.
The post 20+ People Explain How Their Best Friendships Ended appeared first on UberFacts.
20+ People Explain How Their Best Friendships Ended
Ending a friendship is always rough, especially if you’re on the receiving end of the “unfriending.”
These 26 Redditors share the good, the bad and the ugly of losing their best friends.
Sometime for very good reasons. Sometimes for no reason at all!
1. Just Jealous
I set a good girl friend up with a close guy friend. Then he started cheating on her, so I told her the truth. When she finally confronted him, his actually replied with:
“Don’t listen to her. She’s just jealous. Just played matchmaker to get closer to me.”
The worst part? She believed him. So did my circle of friends on her side and his side.
I never quite got over that.
2. Drinking doesn’t make it better
I lost my friends when my son died. Instead of being supportive, they harassed me to come out drinking, or go to the bar. Like I had just been through a breakup and needed to go out. No, literally 24 hours ago I buried my baby in the ground.
3. Not like Britney Spears though
She was toxic. Always one-upping me, comparing us and making herself feel better about her appearance, always leaving me for other “best friends” and telling them all of my personal stuff… The list goes on.
4. Moms’ club
She had a baby, and then one day we were having lunch and she told me “You know, I only want to hang out with other moms from now on.” I didn’t quite get the hint, but she ignored all my texts and emails for a few months and I finally realized what she was trying to tell me back there.
5. Ghosted
My best friend ghosted on me. We met in 3rd grade and were thick as thieves until I went to college. While I can recognize I wasn’t the greatest friend always, it was 100% her choice to stop being my friend. I admit- it still hurts nearly a decade later. I never got closure, and I doubt I ever will. I’m not sure she has thought out why or would give me the honest truth if I asked. She should have been my maid of honor, and it makes me really sad when I think of that. I try to remind myself that she caused drama for me- she was really passive aggressive and wouldn’t talk to me when I did something to bother her. She also never opened up to me about anything bothering her in other aspects of her life. I don’t need that back in my life.
But I do miss the great times we had- all the inside jokes, the way we knew what was on each other’s minds- we absolutely killed at the game taboo! – and I have never gotten that close with anyone again. But I did read a really beautiful sentiment recently, which I will try to capture here. The people you have in your life grow and occupy space in the tapestry that makes up your life. When they are gone, it makes a hole where they used to be. The memories and love are still there and may always be there. So don’t look at your tapestry as filled with holes- look at it as your own unique lace pattern. The pattern isn’t over, but it is constantly changing. The pain of loss doesn’t ever really go away, but it does lessen over time.
6. Differences
Ah, my highschool best friend. We weren’t very alike at all. “Anna” was this super bubbly and cheerful feminine girl, and I was a sarcastic pile of nerd in vaguely human form. A kind of geek-tomboy. We actually meshed pretty well, but from the get go, she was the kind of person who’d turn up to parties on the wrong day because she’d get mixed up. Her parents didn’t like me much, because I was into heathen stuff like Lord of the Rings.
Anna couldn’t form an opinion if it wasn’t exactly the same as her Dads. I remember in 2006, she argued vehemently that there was no future in I.T. because her Dad said it was a waste of time. Facts didn’t matter if her Dad didn’t like them. We stayed close until after school ended, and since our birthdays were only a week apart, we always had a combined party.
Three weeks before my eighteenth, I got tickets to a convention. I called her that day to let her know that we’d have to do separate parties. I asked if she wanted to come to the con with me. She said no, not her thing. Cool.
Literally the day my group is going, she calls to ask when she can expect us around to her place for the party and ice skating. I remind her that we’re going to the con. She loses it at me. Gets real nasty over the phone and hangs up. Calls everyone else to try to convince them to ditch the con and come to hers. They all say no. She calls my parents and tries to get them to stop me from going and tells them I’m on drugs…yeah no. Went, but the whole thing was soured by her reaction.
I don’t think she ever spoke to me again herself, but I’d often meet people in my social circles who’d treat me like trash “because of what you did to Anna.” Took ages for people to stop thinking I was a complete and utter jerk. Maybe they just grew up.
7. Ouch
Let him move in because of issues at his home. Started missing money and found used syringes IN MY SHOES.
8. I’m sorry – cat abuse?
His drug using girlfriend who was on probation stole $300 from me and abused my cat. My former friend refused to believe she could do such a thing and got pissed off at me about it. We’d been friends for 20+ years.
9. Anger Management
She flipped and went super saiyan because I had the audacity to make plans with another friend, and invite her. Instead of making plans with her first then inviting my other friend. She then pinned me to a chair and started screaming in my face. Thats the day I fired my maid of honour, and booted her from my life. She then smashed my car window that night.
10. Du-ally noted
I fired him. Not as my friend – I employed him to help him out, and ended up needing to let him go. He wants nothing to do with me now.
Don’t work with friends.
11. Flake
Long story short: I love the guy, I wish we saw each other more often, but he’s the flakiest, most unreliable person I know. He treats everyone like they’re barely worth his time. Make plans with the guy and it’s a coin toss whether he’ll even show up. I’ve known him for 10 years and it’s only gotten worse, but I learned long ago that it’s a waste of time to chase him.
12. Duh
Got invited to his wedding, all night long I heard about how awesome the Bachelor’s party had been and asked why I hadn’t come along – because I wasn’t invited or told about it.
13. Buh bye
We grew apart. I needed emotional support during a very tough time and she wasn’t interested in helping, so I ended it.
14. Bridges
You know what they say about how you don’t always burn your bridges, but rather let them fall apart due to structural decay? That’s pretty much it.
15. Booty call
Because she calls me on the phone every few months when she’s alone and has had a few beers. that’s pretty much eliminated the need for other conversation. I messaged her a story about an interesting and relevant event in my life today and she ignored it.
16. Then she doesn’t
“I feel she doesn’t want to talk to me… what would happen if I stop initiating conversations?”
Many months later, haven’t heard a single word from her.
17. When I needed her most
My best friend from high school fell off the face of the earth when I needed her most, I had a precancerous tumor and had to have surgery. I was terrified and she wasn’t there for me. It didn’t make any sense.
Almost a year after we stopped speaking, a mutual friend informed me that her father had just lost his battle to cancer (I had no idea he had it). She wasn’t there for me because she had to be there for her father, and I then understood that she probably couldn’t emotionally handle both situations at the same time. It was then when I decided I would take a chance and attend the wake.
I was so nervous when I got there because I hadn’t seen her in over a year, but when I walked in and she saw me, she immediately burst into tears and gave me the biggest hug. To this day, that moment was one of the best I ever experienced. I got my friend back. A year and a half after that, I was the maid of honor at her wedding.
I know not every situation turns out as well as mine, and I’m sure there are people who bail because they simply don’t care, but in my case all it took was a bold effort by me and it worked out in the end.
18. Needy
She’d only really message me if she wanted something.
If she was down I’d try my best but if I was upset it was ‘oh I’m really not in the right place right now, talk later’ which is fair enough but I always tried to help her.
She’d also message me screenshots of the argument with her boyfriend, they’re a bad couple and my advice is always either ‘dump him’ or ‘talk it out’ which is never what she wants to hear but what am I supposed to do about it? I guess she just wants validation she’s right to be annoyed but she can be really unreasonable sometimes.
Oh and then she asks for money under some bogus pretence and then buys weed. I know I shouldn’t fall for it and I’ve stopped now but y’know.
19. Shaming
My high school best friend got into college around six months before me (it happens in my country). She then stopped talking to me altogether. When I finally got into college, she decided it was too shameful to hangout with someone who was six months behind her. She’d still talk and go out with other friends from HS, but I was completely ignored by her.
20. Snip snip
He cut me out of his life.
He was my best friend for 15+ years. We had grown a bit apart due to different lifestyle choices, but we always spoke at least once a week and found time to spend with each other.
He was constantly talking about feeling stuck in our home town and wanting to explore the world, but worried about paying for it. About two years ago I helped him get a job with my company. It was not a very exciting job, but it paid twice as much as he was making before, so I figured it would help him save up for traveling.
About six months into the job, we were working together and got into an argument. We had fought a few times in our friendship and this did not seem any different than other times; I was over it by the time I went home.
He missed the next 2-3 days of work, then emailed our manager saying he quit. He removed me from all of his friends lists, and will not respond to phone calls, text messages, or emails. I admit I am not the easiest person to get along with at times, but after a 15 year relationship I would have liked to at least said a proper goodbye.
It has been 18 months since he’s talked to me. He was my guy and now most days I feel alone.
21. Blocked
Her boyfriend didn’t like her hanging out with other guys, made her block me and all of her other male friends on social media. No idea if they’re still together, but she hasn’t contacted me at all since so.
22. Religion changes you
I left the mormon church. I lost many friends the moment they found out I left. I even lost a ‘christian’ friend because at least as a mormon I believed in the bible – now he doesn’t know who I am or what I believe anymore.
I have new friends now, but most of my mormon friends treat me like I’m dead.
23. Nowhere to go from here
When I realized the only thing we had in common was the past. That sucked.
24. ‘I forgot’
She was maid of honor in my wedding. After, I would try to make plans with her for lunch or whatever, and she always cancelled the day of. Never gave a reason just “oh I forgot I can’t, some other time”. I realized I was the only one putting in any effort so I just stopped trying to do things with her. I figured if she wanted to do something she’d get ahold of me.
I got married in July of this year, haven’t heard from her since.
25. It’s me not you
It’s the same reason I don’t speak to most people from my past. I’m got mental issues. So if I don’t see someone for a while then seeing them is very hard for me because I hate myself seeing someone who I knew in the past.
26. Karma
Walked in on him moments after he was finished having sex with my (now ex) girlfriend in my room
Karma was nice though: he blew out his knee and can no longer play his sport professionally, I lost a lot of weight, and she found most of it.
The post 20+ People Explain How Their Best Friendships Ended appeared first on UberFacts.
12 Times People Did Petty Things to Get Back at Someone
When people are petty, it’s entertaining for us all. Isn’t that right?
Buzzfeed asked their community to tell them about all those petty things they’ve done, and these folks delivered BIG time.
1. Trust officially broken…
“My ex cheated on me, then had the nerve to say that he didn’t trust me.
So I waited until he was at work then took his phone, dumped all his cologne onto his bed, kicked his air conditioner out of the window, and gave his dog away.
He didn’t have a reason not to trust me so I gave him one.”
2. Ass if…
“After years of treating me terribly, my so-called ‘best friend’ was riding my ass about a cheap dress I’d borrowed from her that I hadn’t returned yet, and I just snapped and ended our friendship.
But not before wiping my ass with the dress, putting it in a plastic bag, and giving it to her dad to return to her. To this day, I wonder if she ever caught pink eye from that.
I would never do anything like that again…but fuck that bitch, seriously.”
3. Petty sex
“A college friend was having a small party and invited a guy that she thought was really cute.
Well, that cute guy took a liking to me and kept hanging around me that night, even though I wasn’t really into him. But my friend was still upset that he was paying me so much attention, so she SPRAYED HER CIDER ALL OVER ME with a simple ‘oops.’
After the party ended, the cute guy asked me to crash on the couch with him, but my friend insisted that I sleep in her room instead or else she would totally cut ties with me. I turned her down nicely, and she slammed the door in my face.
So I had sex with the guy on her couch.
I regret nothing.”
4. Mother of the year
“My ex was in prison at the time, and he pissed me off right before Father’s Day. So I bought a card for my daughter to send him that said, ‘I may not be a perfect child, but look on the bright side…at least I’m not mailing this from prison.
Happy Father’s Day!”
5. Screams of displeasure
“My roommate and her boyfriend were having really loud sex against the wall between our bedrooms when they knew I was trying to take a nap.
So I put my speaker right next to the wall and blasted a series of shrill, screaming reaction videos from the internet.
It very effectively killed the mood.”
6. The log of lies
“When I was younger, I would keep a log of all the times my sister lied to my parents.
Then one day, she really pissed me off, so I gave the compilation of years of lies to my mom.
My sister got in so much trouble that my mom still brings it up.”
7. Fun with photoshop…
“I went on a beach trip with my friends and a girl that I don’t like was invited.
So before posting all our pics to social media, I edited the photos to correct blemishes and thin out everyone’s faces,
except hers…which I widened.”
8. Cancel the marriage. It’s done!
“My (now ex) husband would always wake me up to yell at me for leaving a cabinet door open, so one day I waited until he was asleep in his recliner then I went in the kitchen and OPENED EVERY CABINET, all of the drawers, the oven, the dishwasher, and the microwave.
Then, knowing he’d have to cross the kitchen to get to our bedroom, I crawled back in bed and waited.
As soon as I heard him swearing I felt so much glee. That’s when I realized our marriage was over.”
9. Like petty mother, like petty daughter
“My dad pissed me and my mom off one day, so we teamed up and ate his Jimmy John’s tuna sandwich and replaced it with a regular white bread sandwich filled with dry canned tuna.
And hey — my mom wanted to put wet dog food in there instead!
Clearly, the petty apple does not fall far from the petty tree.”
10. When pettiness pays off!
“There was a girl who bullied me in high school and made my life hell.
Well, when I found out that she didn’t get accepted to her dream school, I applied out of spite to see if I could get in.
Not only did I get in with a scholarship, I ended up attending and even made the Dean’s List.”
11. Paging the adult daycare center… we have a petty child for you!
“My mom remarried a few years after my dad died, and I really hate her husband.
So whenever I visit them, I take one of his belongings and I hide it.
Yep — I’m 37 years old and petty AF!”
12. When you don’t makeup
“After a fight with my sister, I secretly dumped her makeup setting spray and filled the bottle with water.
For months, I watched with evil satisfaction as she sprayed water on her face and wondered why it didn’t work.”
Ohhhh, these were so very petty.
Love it!
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Funny Memes About the 1% of People That Haven’t Seen ‘Game of Thrones’
What is wrong with these people?! Why don’t they like amazing things?!?
Seriously though, not everybody loves to watch the best show in the history of television. They say it’s boring. Or too violent. Or has too much nudity.
It’s okay to be wrong.
Now enjoy these memes!
1. Zach’s got a plan, y’all!
Photo Credit: The Chive
2. No. We won’t. Well, we will eventually.
Photo Credit: The Chive
3. You’re a god damned monster!
Photo Credit: The Chive
4. “Yeahhhhh… so???”
Photo Credit: The Chive
5. Accurate.
Photo Credit: The Chive
6. Yeah, because you suck!
Photo Credit: The Chive
7. A mysterious tribe we know little about…
Photo Credit: The Chive
8. lol… okay, this is funny
Photo Credit: The Chive
9. Haters gonna hate.
Photo Credit: The Chive
10. Just ask somebody! We’ll be happy to explain.
Photo Credit: The Chive
11. Kind of like when you don’t watch sports, yeah?
Photo Credit: The Chive
12. Same thing every Monday. For now…
Photo Credit: The Chive
13. Watch it. Jumping out of windows isn’t fun OR easy.
Photo Credit: The Chive
14. GoT isn’t going to end. The prequels are coming…
Photo Credit: The Chive
Do you really think Game of Thrones will ever end? HBO has made WAY too much money because of it.
Winter is coming… for decades!
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15+ Epic BFFs Who Will Inspire You to Spend More Time With Your Friends
Do you have a BFF (Best Friend Forever)? A friend with whom you’ve got an unbreakable bond, the kind where you may not see or talk to them for months/years but you could still pick up where you left off as if not a day has gone by.
Take a look at these 20 epic BFF pics and then go get on the phone with your best pal.
Photo Credit: Twitter
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Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter
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This Illegal Uno Move Has the Potential to End Your Friendships
Did you know that Uno was developed in 1971 by Merle Robbins of Ohio, a barber by trade. The game caught on quick, and weirdly enough, Robbins went on to sell the family game quickly to a funeral parlor for a whopping $50,000 + a $.10 royalty per game sold. I’m guessing he did pretty well for himself after the game eventually sold to Mattel.
Anyone who’s ever played the game is probably familiar with the “draw” cards that force your opponent to draw additional cards from the pile (2 or 4, depending on the card). It’s a strategic play that can help you slow down your opponents in later stages of the game.
Well, it appears using a Draw 4 and immediately stacking a Draw 2 card has caused a ruffle, so much so that Uno has stepped in to clarify the rules. It is now official: “double stacking” is cheating!
If someone puts down a +4 card, you must draw 4 and your turn is skipped. You can’t put down a +2 to make the next person Draw 6. We know you’ve tried it. #UNO pic.twitter.com/wOegca4r0h
— UNO (@realUNOgame) May 4, 2019
Sure we’ve all tried it. I mean, this was how we were taught. No one reads the “official” rules booklet, rather the game rules were passed down from your brother, aunt or another family member. Stacking made the game more fun!
Uno’s clarification caused an uproar on Twitter, where users combatted the makers of the game. What do they know?
Apparently, a lot. They did make the game after all.
Some Twitter users tried “going around” the rules by questioning Uno:
What about a +4 on a +4?
— quintel clements (@q_theflyguy) May 5, 2019
You don’t know how to play the game right
— quintel clements (@q_theflyguy) May 5, 2019
@realUNOgame what are you saying?! You can’t stack a Draw 2 on top of a Draw 2?! My whole life has been a lie! Take this down y’all
— AprilJoy ESQ. (@ajoybryant) May 7, 2019
While other Uno enthusiasts denied the makers of the game altogether.
i know this is literally your game that you made up but this is incorrect im sorry https://t.co/EZ4wTxRqYH
— tracy the emotional support penguin (@brokeymcpoverty) May 5, 2019
Dear Uno,
That’s not even how Uno is played.
– From Everybody https://t.co/y0PNuj8ic6
— Foot Locker (@footlocker) May 5, 2019
And what Twitter debate is complete without commentators chiming in about the insanity?
My deck, my rules…someone's eating this +24
— Kyle Smith (@absentstudent87) May 4, 2019
I love how folks were arguing with Uno about how to play Uno. A game they created.
— Karlous Miller (@KarlousM) May 5, 2019
My advice? Play by house rules – if you can keep this sneaky move hidden from your Uno mates. They may ban you from the game indefinitely if they find out you’re a cheater.
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This Guy Plotted for a Whole Year to Spoil “Avengers: Endgame” For a Stranger Who Spoiled “Avengers: Infinity War” For Him
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, and if so, this one was served at absolute zero (for non-nerds, that’s zero on the Kelvin scale, equivalent to –459.67°F).
If you haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame yet, the rest of this post is definitely going to have a bunch of spoilers you don’t want to see yet. Bookmark this post, go watch the movie in theaters, then come back and enjoy this afterward.
Ok, moving on.
Reddit user Jus10Sch lays out the story, but not before labelling his post with the warning we just gave you!!!!
Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch
And then the fun began…
Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch
Yeah, you read that right. He messaged this guy for 7 WHOLE MONTHS.
And then, he got the good news he had been waiting for…
Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch
We don’t ever recommend taking a bunch of pictures in a theatre, but this was revenge!
And yeah, he got Iron Man dying too…
Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch
His “friend” was serious befuddled…
Photo Credit: Reddit/Jus10Sch
That is stone fucking cold.
A worthy revenge if I’ve ever seen one.
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20 Women Share What Happened After Someone Stole Their Baby Name
Ok, maybe it’s just because I’m a guy, but I don’t really see the big deal here. There are so many people with the same name out there, does it really matter THAT much if someone else has it too?
Then again, when it comes to TRULY unique names (like “Margoux,” for instance), I guess I can understand why someone would get upset.
1 Okay, that’s fucked up.
Photo Credit: Whisper
2. Well, you don’t own a name, so…
Photo Credit: Whisper
3. Not something to get violent over, dummy…
Photo Credit: Whisper
4. You didn’t realize it for 2 years, but realized it for 2 more? Don’t be a professional victim…
Photo Credit: Whisper
5. We always hurt the ones we love…
Photo Credit: Whisper
6. Yeah, but she’s 18. She’s not smart enough to think of something cool. So that’s on you!
Photo Credit: Whisper
7. Might or will?
Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Gripe. Her. Out.
Photo Credit: Whisper
9. Then. Use. It.
Photo Credit: Whisper
10. I’m guessing they didn’t get that wrong.
Photo Credit: Whisper
11. Boom.
Photo Credit: Whisper
12. With THAT spelling? Okay, that’s fucked.
Photo Credit: Whisper
13. So… why are you calling her your best friend…
Photo Credit: Whisper
14. Can you really steal a name?
Photo Credit: Whisper
15. Then blame your husband!
Photo Credit: Whisper
16. Just tell her!
Photo Credit: Whisper
17. Oh… that’s great revenge! Well done!
Photo Credit: Whisper
18. People should ask if it’s okay… but maybe they’re afraid of the answer?
Photo Credit: Whisper
19. Obviously…
Photo Credit: Whisper
20. What? Did you have the name stored in a box somewhere like a weird little secret?!
Photo Credit: Whisper
So much pettiness, so little time…
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