France banned serving alcohol…

France banned serving alcohol with school lunches in 1956, but only for kids under 14. Before the 1950s, French children were not only allowed to drink wine, beer or cider in the canteen, but they were encouraged to do so.

The American Revolution the…

The American Revolution the -ville suffix became popular in the names of new US settlements due to an increase of pro-French sentiments. After the Marque Lafayette visited the USA in 1824, many cities , towns and counties were name after him.

France demanded billions…

France demanded billions in reparations from the Haitians for their freedom. Haiti was a successful slave revolt and one of many countries in the New World that fought to earn its freedom. France, a little pissed, after having lost its colony and its slaves said “OK, you’re free but you’re going to have to pay […]

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