Do you have any odd opinions about food that might cause people to argue and debate with you?
I have one: I like to eat salami rolled up with cream cheese inside. I’ve caught a lot of flack for that for some reason…
Let’s begin!
1. Cereal killer.
Put the milk before the cereal
— Flintor (@TheFlintor) June 23, 2019
2. You might cause a riot.
My worst food opinion is that the bagels I’ve had in California were better than New York bagels
— michele (@inthefade) June 18, 2019
3. Okay, that’s weird.
i'll eat a lemon like an apple for a snack
— what (@c_p_sree) November 9, 2017
4. There’s something wrong with you.
Controversial food opinion: I prefer the lemon Oreos to the regular chocolate ones.
— Nathan Crowder (@NateCrowder) March 2, 2019
5. I’m gonna be sick.
Yellow mustard goes well with mac N cheese.
— Susan Stone
(@SusanStone12) November 21, 2019
6. I’m not on your side.
controversial food opinion: i will never understand how people can eat mashed potatoes because tbh i find the texture to be nauseating and it’s like eating food that someone has already chewed and it’s despicable
— jamie (@geddysmullet) February 9, 2019
7. I can go either way on this one…
I've been sitting on the most controversial food opinion of all time, knowing it would destroy my reputation. But I can't hold it back anymore…
I don't like rice in my burritos.— Rachel "Be Kind, Rewind" Torres (@torrespolisci) February 13, 2018
8. Whoa! Fightin’ words!
My controversial food opinion:
Nectarines > Peaches— Marjie Cunningham (@missmarjiec) June 6, 2019
9. Many would disagree.
Not everything is improved by adding chocolate or chocolate chips, ex. banana bread and pancakes.
— Margot (@notmargot663) November 19, 2019
10. Interesting…
Raw fresh asparagus is good actually.
— Astrius… Catyote? (@AstriusCatyote) November 20, 2019
11. Bone-in, please.
“Boneless Chicken Wings” are both garbage and false advertising.
— A Dave (@d_m_s_1972) June 11, 2018
12. I agree with the spaghetti part…
leftover pizza and spaghetti need to be warmed up. They cannot be consumed cold, straight out of the fridge.
— Brad Monastiere (@Brad_Monastiere) June 11, 2018
13. Are you from Europe?
Best condiment to dip French fries in is mayo.
— Megs (@YankeeMegs) June 12, 2018
14. You may leave now, sir.
The ends of a loaf of bread > middle pieces
— Paul Jackson (@AdoptablePaul) June 12, 2018
15. So you just don’t like food…?
Food is primarily for sustenance, not for pleasure, and life would be considerably simpler if NASA would just deliver on its 50-year-old promise to fit the nutrients of a Thanksgiving dinner into one tiny capsule.
— Benjamin Compson (@BengyCompson) November 21, 2019
Readers, let us know your unpopular food opinions in the comments.
Let the debates begin!
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