The origin of french fries is a hotly…

The origin of french fries is a hotly contested issue between Belgium and France. Belgium claims a 1781 family manuscript proves they were invented there, while France claims Paris street vendors invented the dish just before the French revolution. 00

The sandwich was supposedly invented by the Earl…

The sandwich was supposedly invented by the Earl of Sandwich, who was so addicted to gambling that he refused to leave the table for meals, and demanded something he could eat with one hand. It caught on amongst other players, who ordered “the same as sandwich” – thus, “the sandwich”. 00

In 2013 Europe was hit by a horse meat scandal, in which…

In 2013 Europe was hit by a horse meat scandal, in which 300 tons of horse meat was found throughout the EU food supply labeled as beef. The source was traced to a Romanian slaughterhouse, who sold it as horse meat to a chain of Cyprus, Dutch, and Irish resellers who mislabeled it. 10