When the Airline Wouldn’t Let Him Board with It, This Australian Man Checked a Single Can of Beer as Luggage

Air travel has gotten pretty rough over the years, and they’ve really taken a beating (or given one, rather) in the way they treat customers. Let’s just call a spade a spade, y’all: They’re dicks.

But out of the frustrated masses, every so often a hero emerges to light the way forward. The latest incident? Refusing to let a gentleman bring his beer onto the plane with him.

Photo Credit: Dean

Passenger Dean Stinson was on his way to Perth, Australia via Qantas Flight QF777 when was told he couldn’t bring his can of Emu Export lager, so he hatched a rather hilarious plan: he checked his beer as luggage!

Photo Credit: Dean

According to News AU:

The beer was tagged and sent off to be loaded onto the plane with the rest of the baggage, which the Melbourne ground staff happily did — but not until they had snapped a few pictures of the unusual check-in item.

Incredibly, the beer actually made it to its destination and apparently was the first thing to come out at the baggage claim – proving that the baggage handles at Perth clearly have a great sense of humor.

Photo Credit: Dean

Sure, it might be all shaken up and skunked from the changes in pressure and temperature that it undoubtedly experienced in the cargo bay, but it’s the principle of the matter. This hero of a man stared the tyranny of modern air travel right in the eye and literally said, “Hold my beer.”

Absolute legend.

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These 19 Photos Are Proof That Americans Do the Weirdest Things with Food

Having lived in America for well over a decade now, I admit there are a lot of things on this list that don’t seem as weird to me anymore. That said, when I first got here, there were definitely plenty of foods that had me confused AF. At the very least, I will say that Americans are… unrestrictedly creative with the things they do to food.

1. This is actually a great idea that doesn’t belong here. I just wanted you to see it.

Photo Credit: Imgur

2. That is deep fried butter, and I am amused.

Photo Credit: Instagram

3. That is deep fried sugar, and I am horrified.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. This is bad enough without the chocolate chips.

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Like this. Wtf is THIS?

Photo Credit: Imgur

7. These are pickles brined in Kool Aid. Just stop it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

That’s right. They’re called Koolickles.

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Listen, I’ll eat it, but we can’t be calling it ‘cheddar cheese’, people.

Photo Credit:

9. Why do people pay for snow cones?? It’s just ice! IT’S A CUP OF ICE CAROL

Photo Credit: Instagram

10. A donut bun cheeseburger is one of the more ‘American’ things I’ve seen…

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Ok but why tho

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. I have questions…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Oh, so we’re flavoring condiments with other condiments now? Cool.

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. I am going to give this points for creativity, and you can’t stop me.

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Have you ever really thought about what jerky is? Cuz I guarantee your teeth and cholesterol have.

Photo Credit: Flickr, andreelau

16. Explain how this applies to chips, please.

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. We’re deep frying bubble gum now? WHAT FOR

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. “Excuse me, ma’am, is that a brick of fries O_O”

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

19. Oooo. “Natural butter flavor with other natural flavors contains no butter” is one of my all-time favorites.

Photo Credit: Twitter

We should all be ashamed about that last one. Truly.

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10 Cooking Hacks That Are as Useful as They Are Unusual

I’m a huge cooking enthusiast, so naturally, I’m always on the lookout for awesome new tips to up my game in the kitchen. Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of cooking hacks – some great, some terrible. This list from BuzzFeed is definitely full of some of the best ones!

1. Roast your white chocolate.

If you’re into baking, try roasting your white chocolate on a sheet pan in the oven. It turns golden and nutty.

2. Use your slow cooker as a sous vide machine.

Sous vide cooking has been all the rage amongst foodies for pretty much ever. If you’re handy and have a bit of time on your hands, you can hack your slow cooker to behave like a sous vide machine to save money on equipment.

3. Cure your egg yolks.

Photo Credit: Bon Appetit

If you want to seriously impress your next brunch guests, bury some egg yolks in a mixture of salt and sugar for a few days and then put them into the oven to dry out. The yolks become cured and firm, and you can grate them on top of other dishes.

4. Make your own cheese sauce.

Cheese sauce solves all problems. You can make your own at home with just water, cheese, and sodium citrate (a type of salt that you can buy online). Easy-peasy.

5. Cook your pasta in red wine.

Pasta and red wine go together perfectly, and apparently, you can cook them together too. Cook pasta in red wine rather than water to add flavor and color.

6. Roast your pasta before you cook it.

Photo Credit: Food 52

Whaaa?! Yes. Roasting makes the pasta nuttier and browner and adds a unique flavor. You must roast the pasta while it’s still dry for this to work.

7. Make vegan meringue with chickpea water.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

An episode of The Great British Bake-Off will confirm that this trick does, in fact, work. It’s also known as “aquafaba.” The liquid from a can of chickpeas can be whipped into meringue in place of egg whites.

8. Make instant potato chips in the microwave.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Ever too lazy to buy a bag of potato chips, but really need to eat some potato chips right that moment? If you have some potatoes on hand you can make potato chips in the microwave in a couple minutes.


9. Use mayonnaise as a non-stick layer.

Coat your meat or fish with mayonnaise before you put it onto the grill, and it will prevent the food from sticking and help it cook more evenly.

10. “Ripen” your cookie dough first.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The secret to the perfect cookies is… letting the dough sit for several days before baking it. This reportedly improves the texture.


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This New Way to Eat Pineapples Is the Biggest News of 2019

Pineapples are absolutely yummy (unless they’re on a pizza, but that’s a whole other story). Sadly, they’re also kinda hard to eat if you’re actually trying to do it from scratch and not get the syrupy canned versions. Do I peel, then cut? Do I cut, then peel? What’s the best knife for it, and how do I not chop my hand off in the process?

Even if you’re a pineapple-slicing professional, it’s a whole elaborate process. Your other options are to buy pre-sliced pineapple or just… give up on this delicious fruit.

But wait. THERE IS A BETTER WAY. You can apparently just eat pineapple with your bare hands, and honestly, this is the biggest development of the year, as far as I’m concerned!

Photo Credit: TikTok

This pineapple hack comes to the world courtesy of a TikTok user. @dillonroberts22 posted a video that shows someone ripping off individual pieces of pineapple and (really loudly) chomping on them. It’s about 2 seconds long, and those 2 seconds basically changed the world.

The video spread like wildfire on Twitter, where people were genuinely shocked that there is a whole other way to eat pineapple that nobody knew about WTF.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Some people even ventured to try the trick at home, sure that the TikTok video was a hoax. But nope – it’s 100% real, folks.

A few wise Twitter users took everyone else to Pineapple School, where they explained that pineapples actually consist of a whole bunch of berries fused together. Each individual piece is a berry, which is why they can be torn off like that.

Mind blown. It’s almost too good to be true.

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Corn Flakes Were Made to Get You to Stop Masturbating (+7 More Weird Facts About Cereal)

We all know that Frosted Flakes are “Grrrrrreat” and that Lucky Charms are “Magically delicious,” but I’m willing to bet that a lot of you have no idea what the real story behind some of your favorite cereals.

#1. Alpha-Bits were a concentrated effort to market cereal to children.

Image Credit: Post Cereals

Post Cereals worker Thomas Quigley, a father of seven, rose to a challenge to design a new cereal to market to kids – that combining fun, education, and sugar would be just the ticket.

He was right, of course, and the tradition of selling sugar to kids and calling it a healthy breakfast was born!

#2. Wheaties were the result of an accident.

Image Credit: Wheaties.com

In 1921, a clinician at a sanitarium accidentally spilled wheat gruel onto a hot stovetop. It dried into flakes and, inspired by the preparation of Corn Flakes, a miller and his employees tried 14 times and 36 varieties of wheat to find the perfect combination of wheat, salt, sugar, and malt syrup.

They became popular due to the first radio commercial jingle.

#3. Cap’n Crunch is designed to make you want more.

Image Credit: Quaker Oats

By the 1960s, some of the best-selling cereals marketed to kids had lots of sugar, and research showed that kids preferred cereal that floated and stayed crunchy (duh), so Quaker came up with a combination of corn and oat cereal that fit the bill.

Flavorist Pamela Low brought the key ingredient to the table, though, with a favorite combination from her childhood: brown sugar and butter sauce over rice. She called it a “want-more-ishness” and people couldn’t get enough – especially kids after the introduction of their seafaring mascot.

#4. The history of Chex is…not very nice.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Chex came from a pet food company called Ralston Purina that was led by one William Danforth and self-help author Webster Edgerly (who was looking to promote whole grains as people food). Edgerly was the founder of a cult-like movement that, in addition to promoting a healthy diet, was into mind control and racial supremacy (he advocated for non-whites to be castrated and believed watermelons were toxic to Caucasians?), but the diet piece made Edgerly interested in creating yummy sources of whole grains to his followers.

Together, the two first came up with Shredded Ralston, which was bite-sized squares of shredded wheat, changing it to “Chex” in 1950 to honor the brand’s checkerboard logo. Danforth continued to make pet food under the name Purina while Chex was sold off to General Mills.

#5. Your Corn Flakes were meant to curb sexual desire.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who worked as a physician in a Michigan sanitarium, believed (along with the rest of the Seventh-Day-Adentists) that irritating foods (like too much meat at breakfast) led to an increase in sexual desire, and that masturbation could lead to worsening illness.

He experimented until he came up with bland, grain-based breakfast flakes after he left boiled wheat out for too long and then decided what the heck, I’ll toast them and feed them to my patients anyway. Luckily, it worked out for all involved!

#6. Cheerios are the perfect result of over 500 test products.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Puffed cereals made from rice and wheat were all the rage in the 1930s and 1940s, and General Mills wanted to see if it worked with oats. Food science innovator Lester Borchardt and his team tested the oat-based recipe (and a variety of shapes) – over 500 formulas in all – before the winning donut shape won out.

It was originally called CheeriOats but the name was shortened after Quaker Oats filed a lawsuit over the use of the word ‘oats.” It was rebranded in 1945 and has been a top-selling cereal ever since.

#7. Honey Bunches of Oats combines the trifecta of popular cereal ingredients.

Image Credit: Post Cereals

In 1989, long-serving Post employee and cereal lover Vernon J. Herzing took his three favorite cereals – Toasties, Grape-Nuts Flakes, and Sugar Sparkle Flakes – and tried combining the three. Together with his daughter, Kimberly, they combined products until they landed on the perfect mix.

Its success has led to other flake-and-cluster cereals and myriad spinoffs.

#8. Rice Krispies are the product of an experiment and a gun.

Image Credit: Quaker Oats

In 1901, botanist Alexander Pierre Anderson wanted to know what might happen if he heated starch granules – he thought the water inside the granules would turn to steam and result in small puffing explosions (and of course, he was right). He then used a gas pipe and a sledgehammer to form a gun-like device that simplified the process.

He debuted his cool little trick at the 1904 World’s Fair and Quaker Oats snapped it up, marketing it as “food shot from guns.”

Interesting, right? You just never know what you’ll find online!

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15+ Things Picky Eaters Will Both Relate to and Have Some Sort of Problem With

Are you a picky eater? At very least, you probably know one. It’s tough to be one, and it’s insanely hard to live with one.

Either way, you’ll definitely relate to these situations way too hard.

1. The Picky Eater’s ‘Trying Something New’ Face

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. The Picky Eater’s Typical Response (‘food is trash’)

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Once Again… Picky Eaters = Students for Life

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. The Ultimate Question

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Picky Eater Instructions 101

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. *also Froot Loops

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. *and vegetables… and fruit… i guess dessert is cool… but not tiramisu… or fruit pies

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Golden Rule #4: The Picky Eater’s Burger Shall Always Have the Most Toppings (…on the outside of the wrapper)

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Picky Eaters = Students for Life

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. The Picky Eater’s Proudest 2nd-Proudest 3rd-Proudest Moment

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. The Picky Eater’s Proudest 2nd-Proudest Moment

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. The Picky Eater’s Special

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. The Picky Eater’s Plate (after every meal, because they’re literally picky)

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. The Picky Eater’s Typical Receipt (plastered with their favorite word [NO])

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. The Picky Eater’s Proudest Moment

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Golden Rule #23: A Good Support System is Imperative to Ensure the Picky Eater’s Survival

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Every Picky Eater Fail Ever

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. It Takes a Special Kind of Person to Be the Friend of a Picky Eater

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. And an Even Specialer Kind of Person to Tolerate Their Bullshit

Photo Credit: Twitter

Did I tell you or did I tell you? Or did I TELL you.

Mmhmm that’s what I thought.

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If These Snaps Don’t Make You Laugh, Do You Even Deserve Snapchat?

Snapchat is all the rage nowadays, maybe because it’s got an innate ability to bring out the funniest in people. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

1. Kevin?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. Crack kills

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Sooo many things that look like other things

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. Wouldn’t you be?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. The birbs

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. The horror

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Comedic gold

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Oh no, not the lasaaaga…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. O__O

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Exactly

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. That kid is goin places

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Hopefully now you understand even a fraction of the power of Snapchat. Because, as I said earlier, if you don’t appreciate the snaps… YOU DON’T DESERVE THE SNAPS.

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8 Insane Photos That Shouldn’t Exist, But Do

Every now and then, you see something that shakes you to your core. Something that just feels… unholy and should never have existed.

These 8 pictures are like that.

1. What?

Photo Credit: funny junk


Photo Credit: 9gag

3. Oh god why tho

Photo Credit: Tumblr

4. Why

Photo Credit: Imgur

5. Oh no…

Photo Credit: tumblr

6. But why?

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Who would do this??

Photo Credit: Tumblr


Photo Credit: reddit

I’m sorry to have put you through that. But it had to be done.

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Scientists Find Whiskey Makes You Live a Longer, Healthier Life. Cheers to That!

I love when science gives me a reason to drink! According to new research, drinking whiskey in moderation can yield serious benefits such as helping increase your lifespan, improving your overall health, and even boosting your creativity.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Yes, you read that right. A study recently presented to the American Association for the Advancement of Science has found links between moderate alcohol consumption and increased life span.

Claudia Kawas, a neurologist at the University of California, Irvine, has been studying the lifestyle habits of people in their 90s for the last 15 years. Her team found that people who drank two units of alcohol daily had a lower risk of premature death.

“I have no explanation for it, but I do firmly believe that modest drinking improves longevity,” says Kawas.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Whiskey also contains ellagic acid, an antioxidant that helps to fight cancer. In fact, whiskey actually has even more antioxidants than red wine – long held to be the reigning champion of “healthy” alcohols.

Moderate whiskey consumption (no more than six portions a week) has also been found to reduce the risks of strokes, heart attacks, and dementia by nearly half! Finally, a study by the University of Illinois also discovered that participants were more creative at a blood alcohol content of around 0.075.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

So, raise a glass to health! But just one – seriously, moderation is vital.

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Which Chain Restaurant Was Born the Same Year As You?

Are you a McDonald’s maniac, or a White Castle junkie? Is Starbucks more your flavor, or do you run on Dunkin?

Chain restaurants are clearly a huge part of our lives, and if you were born between 1969 and 2009, this list lays out the chain restaurant that opened the year you were born.

If you’re older than 50, I apologize, but you didn’t make the cut this time…



Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Olga’s Kitchen




Ruby Tuesday

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Golden Corral


Mellow Mushroom







Photo Credit: Wikipedia


The Cheesecake Factory








Olive Garden

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Panda Express


Papa John’s




Five Guys

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Lone Star Steakhouse


Auntie Anne’s


Cook Out


Baja Fresh


Joe’s Crab Shack

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Caribou Coffee




Famous Dave’s


Einstein Bros. Bagels


Yard House


Cafe Rio

Photo Credit: Wikipedia






Moe’s Southwest Grill


Wow Cafe and Wingery


Cheeseburger in Paradise

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Pie Face


Shake Shack



Photo Credit: Flickr, Gnawme


Melt Bar and Grilled



Photo Credit: Wikipedia


MOD Pizza


Umami Burger

I don’t know about you, but I feel cheated that I didn’t get Olive Garden. What chain restaurant opened the year you were born?

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