A “Harry Potter” Beer Festival Might Be Coming to Your City

Have you been to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios in Florida? If so, then you know exactly how delicious butterbeer is in real life.

It’s like…cream soda but buttery and frothy and just an all-around delight. Get a load of this…

Adding alcohol seems like it would be the cherry on the butterbeer cake, and if you agree, you’re going to want to check out one of these Harry Potter inspired beer festivals when they wander close to your hometown.

Posted by Eventbrite for Organizers on Monday, May 20, 2019

The event is being organized by Rock Star Beer Festivals, and, according to the website, everyone who pays the toll will get access to samples of 20+ beers – including that adult butterbeer that is sure to knock your socks off.

Another option will be Snape’s Lair of Secret Cider Potions, which they claim is a cider, but I don’t know…Snape’s name is attached, so it could be polyjuice potion or something.

Make sure there aren’t any cats in the immediate area, is all I’m saying.

The venues will be “transformed into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter” for the event, with guests being transported to the Great Hall, Diagon Alley, and the Leaky Cauldron for the price of just $40 or $45 a ticket on Eventbrite.

You’ll also meet performers dressed as Hagrid and be able to dance the night away to the sweet sounds of the Sorceress Sisters and DJ Dumbledore, so it sounds like a magical event worthy of the Harry Potter name.

If you live in or near Fresno, CA (June 21), New Orleans (June 29), Philadelphia (July 13), or Boston (July 20), well…the rest of us are super jealous!

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This Restaurant Owner Asks Customers for 1-Star Reviews to Beat the Yelp System

It’s not a huge secret that customer review sites like Yelp aren’t exactly objective or fair. So a chef in California decided to try to beat the system by asking his customers to leave him 1-star reviews on Yelp. Yes, you read that right.

Italian-born Davide Cerretini owns Botto Bistro, an Italian restaurant in the Bay Area. Davide was an early adopter of Yelp, which was launched in 2004, and he’s well aware of how much a Yelp rating can impact a business.

A half-star difference in a restaurant’s Yelp rating can increase peak-hours foot traffic by as much as 19%, HuffPost reports.

The Village Idiot – weekly update.www.davidecerretini.comI have been given the gift of these treasures and I feel…

Posted by Chef Davide Cerretini on Wednesday, August 8, 2018

But it’s not that simple. Davide tells The Hustle that, after opening Botto Bistro, Yelp salespeople tried hard to convince him to buy ads. When he turned them down, 5-star reviews were removed from his page.

“Yelp was manipulating reviews and hoping I would pay a protection fee. I didn’t come to America and work for 25 years to be extorted by some idiot in Silicon Valley,” he said.

Desperate to succeed on Yelp, Davide resorted to writing his own 5-star reviews to replace the ones that Yelp had removed. He also wrote critical reviews of neighboring restaurants.

“I wasn’t a good guy,” he admitted.

Posted by Chef Davide Cerretini on Saturday, June 23, 2018

The ensuing months brought more frustrations with Yelp. Davide realized that the website was “completely controlling [his] reputation,” and it gave him an idea.

“What if I don’t give a shit about reputation? What if I take away their power by actually making it worse?” he wondered.

So, he offered customers a discount on pizza for giving him a 1-star review on Yelp.

His page soon filled with 1-star reviews… while his restaurant filled with customers. His idea worked — he had outsmarted Yelp, and people loved it.

Photo Credit: Botto Bistro

“It wasn’t about the discount, or the pizza, or even the reviews,” he says. “It was about the general public saying enough is enough. They no longer wanted to be surrounded by Yelpers’ bullshit.”

Botto Bistro became the worst-rated restaurant on Yelp, and business is booming.

In fact, this is what they say on their website:

“We made it! It’s official, Botto Bistro is the worst restaurant ever on Yelp and in Yelp’s world.
We are the only One star restaurant on Yelp, and our goal is finally reached!
Get an immediate 50% OFF any pizza for your One star review.
Take a quick screenshot to show it to us, as Yelp’s special Botto team removes our reviews as fast as possible. Busy people…so far they removed just about 3,000 of Botto’s one star reviews.
How cute and adorable is that? They are busy people thanks to us.”


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According to a study by WWF…

According to a study by WWF, Dalberg, and the University of Newcastle, Australia, “on average, people could actually be ingesting approximately 5 grams of microplastics every week – that’s the equivalent of a credit card.”

Scientists May Have Found a Link Between Eating Beef Jerky and Manic Behavior

It’s a sad, sad day for me and m fellow lovers of cured beef products.

NBC News has reported that processed meats that contain nitrates (like jerky, cold cuts, hot dogs, etc.) may provoke symptoms of mental illness – specifically, mania.

The claim comes after a study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that a significant number of participants began exhibiting symptoms of mania – like racing thoughts, intense euphoria, and irritability – shortly after eating some type of cured meat.

In fact, patients who had recently consumed products like salami, jerky, and dried meat sticks were more likely to have been or be hospitalized for mania than subjects in the control group.

Scientists narrowed the link down to the nitrates, which are preservatives added to many cured meats. People who were fed nitrate-free jerky acted less hyperactive than those who were given the nitrate-rich sticks.

That nitrates may not be exactly harmless to humans isn’t news – you can find numerous studies that contain warnings and show multiple risks associated with consuming them regularly. They don’t just make you hyper, either. They can lead to the formation of cancers and promote inflammation in the gut, though most scientists will admit that more research needs to be done in order to pin down exactly how and why consuming them has such negative outcomes for many people.

In the meantime, if you have a history of cancer in your family, a history of poor mental health, or have existing psychiatric or gut disorders, you might do well to avoid nitrates – and all process meats containing them – until the research is in.

I can tell you I plan to (continue) doing so, though saying no to hotdogs at the ballgame is gonna be tough.

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8 Great Facts That Will Send Your Brain Into Overdrive!

Attention! Attention! You will engage in some brain power exercises starting RIGHT NOW.

You’ve been a little lazy lately (haven’t we all?) and it’s time to kick that brain into overdrive!


1. I did not know that

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2. Disgusting!

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3. A wonderful idea

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. Survivors

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5. Thank God

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6. Dum Dums

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7. Man of culture

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8. Wow

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Brain power!

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Classroom of Toddlers Makes a Their Own Cookbook, and One of the Recipes Is Just $70 of Salt

As a food lover and enthusiastic home cook, I always try to have as many cookbooks as I can get my hands on. It’s a great way to learn interesting new recipes and techniques, as well as a source of culinary inspiration.

Still, of all the cookbooks I’ve ever read, this one shared by Twitter user Jordan Adams may just take the cake. Adams shared some of the recipes from his nephew Ethan’s pre-kindergarten class that the kiddos dictated themselves, and they are glorious.

Take a look.

Ethan’s Eggs can be made for a mere $3, they only take 2 seconds, and you can buy all the ingredients at Texas Roadhouse. Ethan also spelled out the exact instructions for his cuisine:

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“First you put pancakes and then sugar and that’s it. You can cook it, but you can go to my house and I will give you eggs because my mom makes eggs all the time. You can eat them with a spoon. Don’t put anything on them because that’s how you makes eggs, with nothing.”

Joe’s Tacos are also a culinary treat. Follow along closely:

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“First I don’t actually know, I really don’t remember anything. Can I change this to cheesy roll ups? Because they are super easy. There is only 3 stuff you need, white cheese, yellow cheese, and tortilla. I don’t even want to make tacos anymore. I don’t even know how. It is so hard to think about tacos. But I can make cheesy roll ups. They are super easy. They come from Taco Bell. I need yellow cheese and I don’t know where to buy the white cheese. I don’t know how to make tacos. Cheesy rollups are better because I know how to make them. I don’t think…one time I made candy and it turned brown. I don’t want tacos anymore. I like them, but I love cheesy rollups more. I don’t like beans because they make me throw up. My mom made me a burrito one time with beans and I threw up. Wait…I know how to make watermelon it is easy…just buy the watermelon and eat it.”

Joe is obviously a true master chef. And what about Ariana’s Macaroni?

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“First you put the macaroni in the stove and now you put it in the end. Put it to the oven and put cheese and more melted cheese. The oven has to be hot like fire…like a candle…like for birthdays. Now you need to tell everyone that its time to leave. And I have to leave because I am going to a party with a swimming pool. My sister says, “Why do you go to the swimming pool?” and I say, “Because I like it.” Now I go home and I am waiting for it to not be hot and then my sister says, “Why do you do that?” It’s because you blow on the macaroni so it won’t be hot. You need to wait. Now it’s done!”

And as you saw in the tweet earlier, Sebastian’s pancakes consist of only salt and cost $70. The kid knows his stuff.

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“You get a thingy from the house and you put it in the hot thingy. Turn on the hot thingy and it burns so you have to be careful. You make like, something and put it in and it cooks. Then you get a plate and finish it. Don’t leave the plate on the table, you have to throw it away in the wink or flies will get on it.”

People on Twitter thought the whole thing was totally hilarious.

I can’t wait to make Joe’s tacos!

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Florida Brewery Creates Edible Six-Pack Rings, Ensuring No Turtles Will Ever Die Eating Them Again

Human activity has put the oceans in extreme peril. There is enough plastic in the oceans to form a minor continent and to say that it’s killing marine wildlife would be putting it too kindly.

Turtles, in particular, can get seriously injured or killed when they get tangled in the plastic rings used to connect six-packs of beer or soft drinks, or when they eat floating plastic bags thinking they’re tasty jellyfish.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Fortunately, one of those problems might have a solution!

A Florida brewery believes they can help end the scourge of six-pack rings ending up in the water. Their goal is to keep turtles and their marine friends healthy and happy, while maintaining the convenience of grabbing a six-pack from the grocery store. To that end, SaltWater Brewery, working in conjunction with startup E6PR, has launched the biodegradable/compostable/edible six-pack ring.

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P A S S I O N F R U I T ?

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The craft beer microbrewery, based in Delray Beach, Florida, now uses rings made out of barley and wheat instead of plastic. If the environmentally friendly packaging ends up in the ocean, it begins to break down within 2 hours – plus, it can be safely consumed by turtles and other animals. It should totally biodegrade within 2-3 months, on land  or in the water.

South Florida stores already have the rings on their shelves.

The rings are the first of their kind, and the idea is an excellent one. But the innovation doesn’t come cheap. The Mexican company behind the development, E6PR, is marketing the packaging to other beverage companies in the hopes of both bringing costs down and encouraging the use of plastic alternatives in creative ways.

So, expect to see these on your favorite beverages in the near future (hopefully!).

Just an FYI, the manufacturer does not suggest that anyone actually eat the rings or feed them to wildlife. The best way to dispose of the eco-rings is to put them in a compost pile.

The use of biodegradable packaging is a great development for the Gulf region, which has one of the world’s highest concentrations of plastic trash.

Over 50 other beverage companies have expressed interest in jumping on the edible ring bandwagon, which is a great start to reducing their contribution to our current garbage crisis!

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This Avocado Stick Got the Internet VERY Excited… Even Though It’s Not Real

Have you ever been frustrated that your favorite foods aren’t available in the form of a stick that looks like deodorant? Well, turn that frown upside-down!

These days, it seems everyone is a devotee at the Altar of the Avocado, but could this particular idea be just a tad on the extreme side?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you “Avocado on a Stick.”

Some of the responses on Facebook:

“I love avocado, however this is repulsive.”

“If only Mother Nature gave avocado it’s own packaging. Oh wait she does and it takes like five seconds to open it this takes laziness to another level.”

“I ain’t eating this. It probably taste like Degree.”

One side note: Avocado on a Stick ISN’T REAL. In fact, none of the hilarious and ridiculous products featured by Unnecessary Inventions are real. Which makes the fact that people got grossed out and totally annoyed that much better.

No matter how you slice it, I don’t think having any kind of food come out of a receptacle like this is a good idea. Do you agree?

But for a fun time, let’s see this baby in action.

I’m pretty open-minded, but I just don’t think I can get past this…and I’m willing to bet someone will actually make this product sooner or later.

Pass the deodorant! I mean, the avocado stick…

Feeling hungry now?

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10 Awesome Facts That’ll Rock Your World

Are you ready to ROOOOOOOCK????!?

With facts, that is.

Just look at the gentlemen of Black Sabbath above. You know they’re ready for some serious factinating. So let’s rumble, y’all!

1. Fascinating

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2. Which house do you belong to?

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3. Cool!

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4. Beautiful

Photo Credit: did you know?


5. Sign me up!

Photo Credit: did you know?


6. BFF

Photo Credit: did you know?


7. Get on board!

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8. Sea Peoples

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. Trouble makers

Photo Credit: did you know?


10. Strange…

Photo Credit: did you know?


Now you’re rockin! With facts, I mean…

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Gamora Putting on Lipstick Is the Galactic Meme We Didn’t Know We Needed

Actress Zoe Saldana most recently graced theaters everywhere as the character Gamora in Avengers: Endgame. She recently posted the following video of her putting on her character’s lipstick…


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#nofilter ?#Gamora #becauseshesworthit

A post shared by Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) on

You know, as you do.

The internet saw you Zoe. And they made it a mood.

Lettuce begin…

That’s so money…

That is snot funny…

You can’t do that on television!

The same shit again avocado?!

What else do they have to do?

Ain’t broccoli’s fault your digestive system can’t handle fiber…

You’re a god damned monster!

Who invited you parsley?

You ready to get turnt?

It’s out time now, fam!

That sour spinach smell, tho…

Mood officially achieved!

Maybe next week Chris Pratt will comb his hair…

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