10 Interesting Facts About a Meat Grinder – Why You Should Get One

If you’re into meat products, then you most definitely have a meat grinder in your kitchen. However, most people that do own a meat grinder may be surprised about the various uses of this kitchen tool. Despite its name, it can handle much more than meat products and, with a few adaptations and accessories, it can transform into a true all-in-one. If this sounds far-fetched, we invite you to read the ten interesting facts about meat grinders that we put together in the article below. It Was Invented in the 19th Century The person owning the patent for the first

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10 Fun Facts About Pizza

When pizza is mentioned, everyone’s mind snaps to the Italian cuisine made of dough, topped with tomatoes, cheese, and other ingredients. Pizza actually originated from ancient times when Greeks and Egyptians made them as flatbreads with Olive oil and spice topping. Modern-day pizza is said to have originated from Naples, Italy. Pizza has been one of Americans’ favorite, and it has been statistically proven that every American is likely to eat 6000 slices in his or her lifetime. 1. Pizza Supply and Consumption Currently, there are 11,139 pizza huts around the world. And with each pizza hut in the U.S,

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13 Health Benefits of Drinking Whiskey

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.”  – Mark Twain, “Father of American Literature” When people hear of whiskey, innumerable thoughts will come into mind. From heavy-drinking cowboys, especially in vintage movies taking shots before a tavern brawl or gunfight happens, to James Bond having a luxurious glass of Macallans. Alcoholic beverages, as a whole, are being constantly debated by the researchers whether it is actually bad or good for you.  While they are out there busy studying and arguing about it, it is without a doubt, that whiskey is the one! Still,

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10 Health Benefits of Papaya

A fruit with soft, butter-like consistency, succulent and has a heavenly taste. Accordingly, Christopher Columbus, an Italian Voyager hailed it as the “Fruit of the Angels”. Yes! That must be Papaya! Papayas are pear-shaped or spherical, with a vibrant, sunlit yellow to orange or pink hues when ripe and blessed with a wide array of health benefits making it an awesome fruit option to include in your diet. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of papaya. 1. Slim-fit Body Yes, that’s right! Those who are trying to lose weight should include Papaya in their diet since Papayas are

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Why are bananas good for you?

Bananas are consistently among the most popular fruits around the world.  It isn’t really a mystery why so many people enjoy snacking on them.  They have smooth, slightly sweet taste and when they are ripe (but not overly ripe!) their scent is subtle and pleasant.  They are extremely versatile and go well in everything from bread to pudding to yogurt to smoothies to cereal to ice cream sundaes.  They pair well with other fruits (such as strawberries) and with grains (like oatmeal).  Bananas are compact and neatly ensconced in their own wrapper.  They also have a soft consistency that makes

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The History of Cheese

Most experts consider that the history of cheese first started in the Middle East, probably coinciding with the domestication of sheep and goats and the realisation that they could be milked. But legend has it that it was ‘found’ by an obscure Arab wanderer. He is said to have filled a saddlebag with milk to support him on a long trip on horseback.  Following a few hours riding, he stopped to extinguish his thirst, to find that the milk had separated into a pale watery fluid and strong white lumps. Since the saddlebag, which was produced using the stomach of

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Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

Our chompers are vitally important to our overall health as they allow us to chew and break down food in preparation for our digestive tract. Anyone who has had a toothache or undergone any dental work knows that unhealthy teeth can cause pain and inconvenience. By keeping our teeth in tip-top shape and eating foods that contribute to a healthy smile we can prevent problems over time and ensure we maintain good oral health practices. Our teeth are made up of a variety of materials and are strong and capable of handling various textures of food. The hard, outer portion

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What are the health benefits of cucumbers?

Cucumbers are botanically classified as a fruit, although they are typically perceived, prepared and eaten as though they were vegetables. Cucumbers, which belong to the same plant family as pumpkin and watermelon, are made up of 95 percent water, making them an ideal hydrating and cooling food. Its origin can be traced down to South Asia but is grown in other parts of the world too. As cucumbers contain many essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Manganese, Copper, and Potassium, incorporating cucumbers in your daily diet can lead to excellent health benefits. The following

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Bananas Have Natural Chemicals That Can Make You Happier

Contrary to popular opinion bananas are not just monkey fodder. They are actually very good for you helping with digestion, boosting our brains, alleviating morning sickness, offering protection against diabetes, kidney cancer, osteoporosis and macular degeneration. You can even use them around the home with a number of useful hacks. If you’re feeling stressed, eating a banana can help to make you feel happier due to the high levels of tryptophan which, when converted to serotonin, produces stress-busting relaxation. Being high in potassium, a banana also helps to reduce your blood pressure which helps prevent heart-attacks and stroke. In addition,

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Health Benefits of Strawberries

Strawberries have been considered a ‘superfood’ for a long time. It isn’t just their flavour and summery smell that makes them so popular, they should be included in a balanced diet for their amazing health benefits. They contain nutrients necessary for a smooth function of the cardiovascular system, stabilising blood sugar, production of collagen, supporting the immune system and contributing to the overall strength of all organs. They contain a great amount of vitamin C, manganese, fibre, iodine, biotin, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, vitamin B6 and omega-3 fats. Each of these nutrients plays an important role in keeping a

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