5 Fascinating Narratives from the World of Mythologies

From creatures that speak in human tongues to deities representing the abstract, these tales have been a fundamental part of human history, providing insight into the human psyche and the mysteries of the unknown. Here are five intriguing and whimsical myths that have captivated the imagination through the ages: 1. The Silent Orangutans of Indonesia … Continue reading 5 Fascinating Narratives from the World of Mythologies

5 Fascinating Narratives from the World of Mythologies

From creatures that speak in human tongues to deities representing the abstract, these tales have been a fundamental part of human history, providing insight into the human psyche and the mysteries of the unknown. Here are five intriguing and whimsical myths that have captivated the imagination through the ages: 1. The Silent Orangutans of Indonesia … Continue reading 5 Fascinating Narratives from the World of Mythologies

In the Middle Ages, people believed that…

In the Middle Ages, people believed that a “mandrake root” was a human-shaped root that grew beneath the gallows where criminals had been hanged. It was believed that the mandrake root would shriek when it was pulled out of the ground, and that anyone who heard the shriek would die. As a result, people would […]

Is Santa Claus a psychedelic mushroom?

One fantastic and wonderful origin theory of Santa Claus involves psychedelic mushrooms and shamanic rituals of the indigenous Sámi people who live in northern Finland. Paul Devereux wrote about this incredible hidden history in his fascinating 2008 book The Long Trip: A Prehistory of Psychedelia. Then, Brooklyn filmmaker Matthew Salton blew mainstream minds with this […]

In Japanese Folklore, Ijuu…

In Japanese folklore, Ijuu is a strange beast that lives in the forests. If you are hiking and run into Ijuu, don’t be scared. Just offer to split your lunch with it and the beast will most likely repay you by carrying your heavy backpack.