A Wife Asked If Being Angry at Her Husband for Eating All Their Daughter’s Birthday Candy Was Wrong

What you’re about to read from Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page might make you a little bit upset.

Or, you might not think it was a huge deal and that this wife overreacted in a big way.

That’s the beauty of the stories that people post on that forum! Let’s take a look.

AITA for blowing up at my husband at my husband for eating my daughter’s bday candy?

“My husband and I have a 12 year old daughter and an 8 year old son.

My husband is the “no” parent. For as long as I can remember he will say no in stores or sports games to the kid’s requests for snacks or toys, even if they offer to pay with their own cash.I don’t undermine my husband when we are together but when I have the kids alone, I do tend to say yes (within reason of course, and not to every single thing)

Two days ago was my daughter’s birthday. It’s her second birthday that we’ve been in lockdown and I bought her 2 boxes of her favorite candy, along with her gifts. My daughter ate some of the Swedish fish out of the first box and decided to save the rest on her dresser where her brother is too short to reach and assumed us the parents wouldn’t take any.

Well was I wrong. I awoke to my daughter crying that her dad had eaten her second box of Swedish fish and some out of the first box and only left her with a few. I checked the trash in our bedroom and confirmed my husband had eaten them.I was FURIOUS. I screamed at him that he is a grown man who can go to the store and buy whatever the f*ck he wants without anyone to tell him no.

While he always says no to our kids and the rare time she gets to eat her favorite candy, his *ss has to eat it.He said we were both making a big deal over candy. I told him it was more than just candy, that he obviously doesn’t like seeing the kids happy, and he’s a thief.

I took my kids with to my sister’s house to cool down, and bought my daughter more Swedish fish to make up for the ones that my husband stole.We’re still at my sister’s house a day later. Until my husband can truly apologize to his child, the thought of him disgusts me.


Hmmmm. Let’s see how people reacted on Reddit.

This person made a good point: this marriage seems incredibly dysfunctional and this woman seems like she’s at the end of her rope with her husband.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that even though it seems like it on the surface, this story really isn’t about candy: it’s about the whole marriage.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual talked about how her own father stole food from her all the time when they were growing up, so they can relate.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person called the situation what it probably is: THE LAST STRAW.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this person said that some parents really don’t even treat their kids with respect…and this sounds like a classic case of that.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Was this woman wrong or totally justified in her actions?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post A Wife Asked If Being Angry at Her Husband for Eating All Their Daughter’s Birthday Candy Was Wrong appeared first on UberFacts.

Guy Asks if He’s a Jerk for Yelling at His Wife Over Two Dollars

I want my two dollars!

Sorry, I had to do it.

But let’s move on.

This story appeared on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole” forum. A man asked folks if he overreacted and if he should feel bad about blowing up at his wife over what on the surface was a measly two dollars, but was actually the culmination of a lot of issues.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA for yelling at my wife over $2?

“My wife (38F) and I (33M) have been married for 8 years. We have one child together (5M).

Some background that might be relevant: I work full time. She works about 15 hours a week. Our finances have always been separate. However, I pay all the bills and for all our “fun stuff,” as well as give her an allowance of $1,000 per month. In fact, she currently has almost three times as much money saved as I do.

The fight: We were out for a walk and I wanted to get a holiday drink from a coffee shop for us to share. My wife told me not to get it. She said she had a gift card, but only for a certain location. So I waited until we walked past that location. My wife then said she would go in to get it and we would meet at home. I left with our son.

When my wife got home I noticed she was drinking a plain coffee. I asked her where my drink was and she said there wasn’t enough money left on her card to get me the kind that I wanted. I admit I kind of blew up at her.

I asked her why she didn’t just let me buy the drink myself then? Or why not use some of the money I gave her. Or even just let me know she couldn’t get it. Honestly, it’s like a $2 difference.

I was actually so mad I had to leave the house. I’m currently at my sister’s place, just hanging out in the front yard (because COVID). I don’t know if I should go home and apologize for yelling or stay until I’ve truly calmed down

My wife always makes me feel like I’m overreacting but I feel genuinely hurt.”

Hmmmm, this sure is a tricky situation….

Let’s see what other folks on Reddit had to say about this.

This person said that the man was not wrong and that he’s clearly been giving and giving and not getting much back in return.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person went so far as to even call his situation “financial abuse”.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user brought up a very good point: who would actually do what the man’s wife did to someone they love? It sure struck me as odd.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This reader didn’t beat around the bush AT ALL.

Take a look.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual stated the obvious: that the incident with the coffee triggered the emotional reaction that had been a long time coming.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Here’s another person who laid out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

And I agree, a $1,000 monthly allowance is pretty wild.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Is this guy a jerk or was he justified in the way he acted?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post Guy Asks if He’s a Jerk for Yelling at His Wife Over Two Dollars appeared first on UberFacts.

People Offer Tips to Those Who’ve Never Been in a Fight Before

The older you get, the more you realize that fighting is very serious.

What seemed kind of harmless when you’re younger really becomes dangerous and potentially life-altering as you keep aging.

You should always avoid a fight whenever possible, but there are some instances in life when you have to defend yourself.

And you should be prepared, just in case.

Here are some fighting tips from folks on AskReddit.

1. If you have to…

“If you absolutely can’t run, take them out by any means necessary.

No such thing as a fair fight when your health and safety are on the line.”

2. Keep moving.

“Make sure to move away from a punch.

You don’t need to dodge a punch, you just need to make sure you’re dampening the impact as much as possible.

Notice in combat sports that they never move into a strike.”

3. At least look ready.

“Be ready if you can, at least look ready, that may discourage a would-be opponent.

Talk your way out of it if you can. Let’s face it; you’re probably in a situation that will not be improved by violence.

If all that fails, Theodore Roosevelt said: “The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly.””

4. Some tips.

“Elbows in, hands eyebrow level, chin down.

Throw mostly straight punches to the nose. “

5. Don’t drop your guard.

“Always keep your guard up!

This is one thing you see a lot of beginners do: throw a punch and then drop the guard. Don‘t expect that you can evade like some of the pros do by dropping their guard to provoke their opponent into a mistake.

This takes years of trained reaction and still fails them too.

Also, street fights can be quite scary even if you‘re trained. There are no rules, there is no ref, there is most likely no one stopping your opponent from going too far or using dirty tricks. That‘s no joke and a horrible situation to be stuck in. First rule is always: avoid the fight if possible.

If your opponent pulls a knife, distract (throw sth for example) and run! Don‘t try to disarm your opponent like in some of those idiotic YT videos – this works in those showcases, usually doesn‘t work in a real fight. A hand with a knife is a lot faster and flexible than you’d probably think. You‘ll end up heavily injured or dead.”

6. Fighting dirty.

“If in closer combat, and you aren’t mentally prepared to fight “dirty” (as in, gouging eyes, ripping ears, biting, etc.), use elbows.

Elbows, with the right velocity (swept across your body like a blade) can be absolutely devastating for close combat.

More effective if you have your other hand on the other side of their head.”

7. From an MMA fighter.

“I train MMA, here’s my advice.

Don’t get in a fight;

Always cover the temples & keep your jaw clenched shut.”

8. All in.

“Go all in.

If you’re not committed to do the most damage there’s a good chance you’ll get your ass whipped.”

9. A lot of advice.

“It’s easier to use the heel of your palm. Don’t throw a punch unless you have experience. Aim for the bridge of the nose. Maintain eye contact with the nose bridge, and don’t turn your head upward or to the side when they start throwing punches back.

Everyone turns their head because they don’t want to get hit in the face, but if you’re in a fight you don’t get the luxury. Maintain eye contact with where you want you throw your palm or punch.

Expect it to be mostly grappling. Hand-to-hand isn’t really a thing, despite what you see on tv and social media. Get ready to get on the ground, because that’s probably where you’re both going.

Don’t let them get behind you. The second anyone gets their arms around you they’re gonna try and snake their way to your back. Don’t let that happen, because their next step is probably a rear-naked choke, and those are impossible for regular people to escape. Unless you have forearms the size of tree-trunks, the fight is over once you’re in a rear-naked.

Don’t fight dirty unless you’re prepared to receive that back. For example: most guys never go for the balls, because that shit is excruciating and incapacitating. But the second you throw a knee to his balls, the “no balls” rule is off the table and your balls are fair game.

No big windups. Throw punches or palm strikes straight. Avoid hay makers and the such. And don’t hook to the face unless you know you have an opening. Be okay with the idea of not throwing any hooks, because there probably won’t be a chance.

Severely underrated moves include: fast gut punches and consecutive hard kicks to the legs (right above the knee). Most street fights won’t have these moves because amateurs mostly only go for face hits and rear-naked chokes, but professionals will tell you they are essential moves that are just as important.

Get out as soon as possible. The second it’s safe, turn heel and bolt. Why? Because fights aren’t worth it unless you’re getting paid. And the longer you’re there, the lower your chances are of getting out in one piece. Additionally, you’ll never lose a fight if you always end it on your own terms. I’m undefeated.

Does that means I’ve won every fight I’ve ever been in? That’s not the point. I’ve never been knocked out, I’ve never gone to jail, I’ve never had to go the hospital, and my face is still as beautiful as it’s always been. Some things are more important than pride. Prioritize.”

10. Fancy footwork.

“Footwork is important, stand so that a punch won’t knock you over.

Don’t lean into a punch. Also know what advantage you have over your opponent. If he’s bigger than you, try to move to the side or behind him, movings harder for him so make him move.

If he’s taller, get in close so his reach advantage is taken away.”

11. No chivalry.

“If you can’t avoid the fight, choose soft ground, if possible.

Fight to win. There’s no chivalry in a fight. Keep your head.”

12. Use those legs.

“People forget that they have legs a lot in fights, they also forget that there is more to do with them than just kicking people.

If you grapple someone else calve by wrapping a leg around it and twist your hips you can easily bring them down into groundwork which is always advantageous for the defender.”

13. Do what you gotta do.

“Your targets are eyes, throat, crotch, feet, in that order. Your goal isn’t to win, it’s to run away and stay alive.

Don’t fight like in the movies; scratch and bite and scream and shove them away and then run like hell.”

14. An interesting perspective.

“When shit is about to break loose, start undressing and get naked.

It is important to demonstrate the opponent that you are utterly insane and will use that during a potential murder trial.”

15. Run for it.

“I have years of experience in boxing and Muay Thai.

My best tip is: Run!

Street fights aren’t a sport where people follow the rules.

Even an experienced fighter can end up with a knife in his stomach or a brick in his neck.

Just run.”

Hopefully, most people will never have to use any of those tips in their lives…

Now we want to hear from you,

If you have any further advice in this department, please share it with us in the comments.

The post People Offer Tips to Those Who’ve Never Been in a Fight Before appeared first on UberFacts.

This Is Why Medieval Castles Were Built with Clockwise Spiral Staircases

If you’re enjoy medieval history and like watching TV shows based on the times (and who doesn’t?), you’re probably used to seeing the spiral stone stairs leading up through the castle to distressed damsels, hidden jewels, the king’s chambers and the like. These stairs are awesome settings for all the sword fights and other close combat clashes that make up a big part of the nail-biting drama.

Photo Credit: Flickr

But, did you ever notice how in the shows and movies the stairs mostly went clockwise?

In old castles, most every staircase was built to go clockwise. Here’s why: it put the enemy at a huge disadvantage when they tried to climb them.

Most soldiers were right-handed, which meant they had to get around the inner wall to fully extend their weapons. This exposed them to the defenders as they were descending the stairs.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

For defenders, a clockwise set of stairs gave them an incredible advantage. As they ran down the stairs to contend with intruders, they were able to swing their swords in the wide open space along the outer wall, while using the inner wall to shield themselves.

Defenders had a natural advantage anyway because they knew their own staircases and where the uneven spots were. Plus, it’s always easier to fling yourself down stairs onto your enemies exclaiming, “Long live the king!” then to fling yourself upwards.

Meanwhile, the (presumed) marauders, already tired from their long march, inevitably get out of breath as they climb.

Photo Credit: PublicDomainPictures.com

At any rate, next time you’re planning to invade the castle across town, pick up any left-handers you see. They’ll come in handy.

The post This Is Why Medieval Castles Were Built with Clockwise Spiral Staircases appeared first on UberFacts.

A Teenager Got Suspended for Fighting Back Against the Bullies Who Hit Him

Social media has changed bullying. I can say I’m glad it wasn’t around when I was growing up. Things are caught in video or in images, and they stick around forever. They follow you. So the 20% of students between the ages of 12-18 who are getting bullied at school are less likely to be able to escape their tormenters, even at home.

Kids who are bullied are more likely to have mental and physical health issues, are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, are more likely to struggle in school and have other general complaints about their well-being.

It’s a big deal, is what I’m saying, and while there have been steps taken by schools to make things better, the truth is, we still have a long way to go.

And after reading about this case, it’s clear we have a long way to go when it comes to treating genders fairly and equally in every situation where that’s possible.

This boy was harassed, followed, and then verbally and physically attacked by two girls as he actively tried to retreat. Once his back was against a wall (or a vending machine), he warned them that he was getting mad and he didn’t want to hurt them but if the hit him again or came any closer he would.

Image Credit: Twitter

Here’s what it says:

“So basically me and my friends talking and we hear her say that the school is dumb ass s**t for running a dance after the tragic we had this morning and my friends said that the school can we whatever they want and she didn’t like that and she said that “everyone that goes to that dance need to get shot and put into a grave” and me and my friends were like this b**ch crazy and she started yelling at my friend and I started to laugh and she said she will “smake that smile on my face” and I said ok whatever and she said “you think I’m playing games” I continued to say whatever and she was like ok after class you will see. I said ok and we got out of class and I walked out of the 2000 building and she said “hey pussy we’re are you going” I then turned around and looked at her and then she started yelling in my face and she started to get close to me and that’s when the video started. I walked backwards all the way to the vending machine and her friend dropped her bag like she was about To do something so I dropped my bad and then I continued to say back up I don’t wanna get mad and then she swung at me and then I said ” last time do not touch me” and then she started yelling in my face again as I’m still trying to get her the f**k away from me and then she swung again so then I slapped her with a open hand and then her friend grab and rips my t-shirt and I turn around and hit her, then she come back and then I hit the crazy b**ch again then a teacher split as up. What I did was f**ked up and I wish I could change it, but I didn’t want to turn my back to her and have both of them behind me so that’s why I did what I did. ”

All of this time, no one intervened. Not a teacher, not another student – no one stepped in to try to help this boy who was obviously in trouble but trying to keep it together.

He smacked the girl twice, then smacked her friend when she tried to run and grab him, too.

At that point, other students and a teacher stepped in to stop the fight, acting as if the boy was completely heinous for daring to put his hands on a woman.

Now. Fighting is wrong. It’s better to use words to resolve issues. Etc etc etc.

HOWEVER. If a woman is physically assaulting a man, and the only option left him to protect himself is to retaliate, then he should be able to do so. Women do not get a free pass because of their genitals. Those girls can’t just kick the crap out of a fellow student – literally and figuratively – because he’s a boy and he should just take it.

Also? The reaction and intervention was swift once he fought back, which means that people were watching the entire time, and just didn’t care when it was a boy on the receiving end of the torment.

I think that’s wrong.

Also, here’s an update as to how the school is handling the situation:

“Ok so there is rumors going around and I’m going to explain to everyone. All 3 of us got into trouble, it is unknown how long I’m suspended. I do not know what happened to the other girls yet and I don’t know if I will ever know. But the school is still “investigating” the fight and they do have the full video. I do not know what is taking them so long to give me a date for how long I’m outa school but I will keep everyone updated.
And when the girl yells don’t touch me ever again, I was putting my hand in between us so she can’t get any closer to me, but she keep getting closer and my hand was touching her chest and I continued to tell her to back up.”

What do you think? Am I totally off base here? Should he have tried to run away? Tucked himself into a fetal position and waited for them to go away?

Or was it okay to fight back?

I’m interested to hear your thoughts in the comments!

The post A Teenager Got Suspended for Fighting Back Against the Bullies Who Hit Him appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal the Moment That Ended Their Last Relationships

Fact: relationships are fluid. They’re constantly evolving, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. And sometimes it just needs to end but one spark is needed to send a relationship over the edge to its death.

In this AskReddit article, people opened up about the tipping points in their last relationship. Hang on tight!

1. That’s a GOOD tipping point

“When she drove 4 hours to meet me at the hospital where my mom was dying. We had not been together for long but she comforted me in such a way that i could never forget. I knew I loved her and I married her 1 year later.”

2. That’s awful

“He and I had this moment, lying on the bed, listening to some music, in my room, while the sun was setting, the city buzzing away below us, after a long day and I felt this wholesome feeling, like I knew where I belonged. And right then and there, he looks at me and said: “if you ever leave me, I’m gonna make your life a fucking hell.”

Guess I belonged far far away from him.”

3. Can’t stop, won’t stop

“She wouldn’t stop sleeping with her ex boyfriend and then decided to marry him. She told me this via text.”

4. I can breathe again

“Month after month after month, excuses why he couldn’t pay rent. And yet he would spend all his income on eating out, online gaming memberships, etc. Would also try to guilt trip me into getting him stuff constantly. 1 day we went to visit relatives in another state during the week before xmas and my uncle snapped.

He told him off about how he’s manipulative and can see that what he does has dragged me down as a serious burden. I didn’t attempt to intervene, he was absolutely right. And after we left, ex bitched me out for not stepping up for him. We broke up the day after and suddenly I felt like I could breathe again.”

5. Karma

“He was going out during the night to see two other girls. TWO. And when I saw him during the morning he would be tired as hell (because obviously he was out) and tell me he had sleeping issues. I found out he was cheating on me with the two girls when they both saw me hugging him and went to scream at me. For the karma part, the three of us agreed to leave him and not talk to him again, and I’m still a friend with one of them.”

6. Makes me feel sick

“She would threaten me with physical violence and self harm for years if I ever left her, I was made to choose between my friends or her, certain threats made if I’d choose friends over her etc. having to be in contact with her at all times if I wasn’t with her, going through my phone and years of messages with my closest friends whilst I’m asleep etc, deciding who I could follow on Instagram, be friends with on Facebook based off how attractive they were or if she deemed them as a ‘threat’ etc. even if they were long term friends – Makes me feel sick thinking about it all again.

Crazy shit. I was younger and didn’t realise how abusive she really was – lost a lot of friends because of her.

She eventually did another one of her ‘fake’ break ups and I decided not to crawl back to the person that would always tell me that no one else would ever love me etc. said “Okay, I’ll pick up my stuff tomorrow” or something along those lines and then she obviously freaked out realising I wasn’t falling for her tricks and playing into her usual games. Haven’t seen or heard from her in four years now.”

7. Ugggghhhhh

“I was leaving the gym and told her I would be over to her apartment in about 45 minutes after I showered. I kid you not, at the 45 minute mark she was texting me upset that I wasn’t there yet. I apologized and told her I had to go to the bathroom so its taking a little longer but I was on my way and almost there. Showed up at about the 50 minute mark, she would not open the door beyond leaving the security latch attached, and only to tell me to fuck off.

So, after about 5 minutes of trying to reason with her to let me in and her responding that she didn’t want to hang out anymore because I took too long because I was probably talking to “some hoe at the gym”, i decided to leave. When I got back to my apartment I figured might as well entertain myself and play some video games. About 40 minutes later she shows up to my place banging on the door. I happily open the door thinking she changed her mind!

She sees that I was clearly playing video games and enjoying a glass of wine, walks over and picks up the wine and throws it on the ground pissed off that I found something to do other than stare at the wall because she didn’t want to hang out with me. She sees how in shock I am at her reaction and tries to brush up the broken wine glass with her bare hands. She is bleeding and crying and im in shock and pleading with her to stop because she is tearing her hands up. I suggest she leaves and that was the last time we were in the same room together. What a whirlwind of a relationship that on was!”

8. Not treating her right

“He kept treating his dance partner better than me (would take her out for drinks to try she hadn’t before, took her shopping with him, post photos of her online, etc) but wouldn’t hold my hand in public, nothing about me on social media whatsoever (totes fine but if you go on and on about how great your dance partner is and making it seem like your girlfriend doesn’t exist, it doesn’t feel great), etc.

I have no issue with female friends or dance partners, but don’t pay for dinner and drinks with them and then have your girlfriend pays for every single date night (I dropped $70 for a movie night, $40 of which were his drinks).

Dude still hits me up whining about how we could’ve worked out, how he misses my cat, etc. I dumped him over a year ago.”

9. Not gonna get better

“Things had been going downhill for a long time, and we ended up in marriage counseling, which was actually what did us in. Sitting in a room with her refusing to listen to me and her own counselor about things going on in our relationship really clued me in to fact that things weren’t going to get better.”

10. Paint colors?

“We moved into a house together and things were a little on the rocks, but I figured I could work a little harder and she would too. I had my doubts as she was a control freak and really only took what I said about things at face value (really saw that later on after we split). We had a huge fight about the living room paint color.

She said it was just awful and couldn’t put up with it. We went round and round about it for a week or so until I finally just decided I could concede on this one, but that I got to choose the bedroom color. She described it as a cream color, but like adding too much creamer to coffee. “Disgusted” was her word for it I want to say. Anywho, I’m standing in the paint aisle on my day off and utterly exhausted from a week of work and remodeling. I’m dead ass tired and she’s combing through the paint swatches.

She finds the color and we get it mixed. We end up in an argument in the car as I’m opting for bed and she wants to paint. I told her it is better to do it during the day so we can open the windows and let it air out better. It was currently raining and I didn’t want water marks. It escalated and grew until she finally just got so pissed that she left. I decided to be nice and start painting the opposing window wall to at least show her I heard her thoughts. I got it all mixed up and dipped the roller.

Rolled over once and it all hit me at the exact same time: I was sick of her and her controlling attitude. I was done feeling like an ass for things I didn’t do wrong. I was tired of living her dream life. You know why it hit me? That paint was the exact same damn color as the wall.”

11. That’s a dealbreaker

“When my now ex-wife was arrested for having a sexual relationship with one of her female students…”

12. Didn’t learn a lesson

“She just kept getting drunk and going crazy. I had to call the police on her because she took a bunch of pills when I left during one of her binges. She would call me at night often, drunk as hell and yell at me, and then threaten to cut herself when I refused to come over at 1 in the morning. She still drinks to this day.”

13. Addiction

“His crack addiction reared its ugly head – after he was clean for more than a year.”

14. Lies

“She started telling me how she had to defend me to my friends after I had to miss watching a show with them to go into work. My friends told me that wasn’t true and she spent the entire time shit talking me.”

15. Refusing to get help

“I got tired of carrying her to bed after her nightly binge drinking. Also, her complete denial of being an alcoholic and refusing to get help.”

The post 15 People Reveal the Moment That Ended Their Last Relationships appeared first on UberFacts.