When Dads Are Involved with Kids, Everyone Benefits With These ABCs

There’s  a lot of science out there regarding parenting and its effects – good, bad, or indifferent – on the kids. And while dads today are infinitely more involved in the day-to-day muck in the trenches, it’s fair to say that moms are still doing most of the nitty-gritty work.

A recent publication, though, shows that not only are kids better off with super involved dads, but the dads are better for it, too.

Image Credit: Pixabay

University of Delaware professor Rob Palkovitz has studied father-child relationships across cultures, developmental stages, and life transitions, and says the ABC of Fatherhood model best explains how involved fathers can benefit from positive and consistent engagement with their children.

The three-point plan for long-term relationships and personal success suggests that these emotional investments literally always pay off in time.

A is for Affective Climate

Image Credit: Pixabay

This means promoting a sense of love and constancy, making the child feel as though dad not only cares for him, but will have his back no matter the circumstances. Being secure in a father’s love has been found to be the basis for a positive identity, as well as the courage to explore and learn new things.

For dad, learning to do this well improves a man’s cognitive skills, health, and capacity for empathy while building confidence, self-esteem, emotional regulation and expression. In short, it helps dads learn to control their anger, face their fears, and express those tricky tender emotions.

B is for Behavior

Image Credit: Pixabay

Dad going to games, helping with homework, playing with them in the yard has a positive impact on a child’s academic achievement, ability to make friends, and their decisions surrounding drugs, alcohol, and sex.

Doing these sorts of things with their kids gives men permissions to play, to re-experience childhood, and even to work through some issues they might have with their own upbringing.

C is for Connection

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is about how sensitive a father is to his children, which leaves him free to make use of teachable moments. Dads who are good at this are excellent at reading their kids’ moods, which makes it easier to guess when to push, when to back off, or when to simply sit beside them in silence.

Tuning in this way to their children makes men more empathetic, not only to the kids, but at work and in his friendship and romantic relationships, as well.

Not only that, it develops dad’s capacity for evaluation, planning, and decision-making, which are all things adults do every day.

Tuning-in changes men. A close father-child relationship means that a father will typically be more empathetic to the outlook of children, a skill that he can then apply elsewhere, such as at work, better understanding the diverse perspectives of colleagues.

What all of this means is that these relationships are not just about the kids, but proves that fatherhood can play a central role in the development of male adults. As these relations grow over time they lead to change, and immature newlyweds and newborns blossom into great parents and functional adults guiding independent young people toward adulthood.

Remember that parenting is a marathon, not a sprint. Give yourself the space and time to stumble, fall back, and persevere until both you and your kid find the kind of solid footing that will hopefully be the foundation for not only a lifelong parent-child relationship, but a friendship as well.

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18 Pieces of Parenting Advice From a Dad

Parenting is tough, and even though there is plenty of advice that applies across the board, the truth is that being a dad and being a mom really are different gigs.

If you’re a new dad or a dad who’s having a rough day, week, or teenage years, well, sometimes you just need a word of advice from dads who have been there and survived.

Here are 18 bits of advice if you’re in that place right at this very moment.

18. A spoonful of sugar

“When kids are young, you can convince them anything is fun. So, while you can’t have them scrub the floor, you can have them do little stuff, like matching the Tupperware lids to the containers.

My three-year-old loved to do that. This one came from my mom, who told me she used to have us clean out the refrigerator every week. She told us it was a game, and we totally bought it.” 

—Isaac, 32, Minnesota

17. Be specific when you want their help

“Don’t just say, ‘Your room is messy!’ You have to be specific.

Tell your kids about the dirty clothes on the floor, the empty water bottles all over, and the unmade bed. Messy is such a subjective word. What’s messy to you might not be messy to your kids, your spouse, or anyone else. So you have to articulate exactly what is unacceptable, and why.

When I was a kid, I didn’t mind doing chores because my mom was so specific. I always knew exactly what had to be done. She said doing it that way helped keep her sane, too.”

Adam, 36, New York

16. Don’t accept disrespect

“My grandfather never, ever let us disrespect him. Even if we were just playing around.

When I asked him why, he asked me if I loved him. I told him I did, very much. He said, ‘If you disrespect someone you love, what will keep you from doing it to anyone else?’

He was a Marine, so he commanded respect. And he knew how important it was to being a good person.”

Jim, 42, New York

15. Embrace natural consequences

“It’s like the difference between telling your kids not to put their hands on a hot stove, and them learning how much it hurts by actually doing it.

My sister is a teacher — and a mother — and she told me this when my son started getting a little older. ‘Natural consequences’ are like breaking your hand if you punch a wall, or burning your mouth if you eat pizza right out of the oven. Obviously, you don’t encourage your kids to do stuff like that just for the sake of learning what hot pizza feels like.

It’s more of a ‘What did you think was going to happen?’ teachable moment.”

James, 37, New York

14. Discipline is about teaching, not punishing

“If you punish a child without teaching them a real lesson, you’ve done nothing to help them grow.

A friend of mine told me that when I became a dad. He had a son who was about 10, and he expressed the importance of making discipline and punishment into two separate things. Discipline is the act of exploring what someone did wrong, and punishment is the consequence for that action.

You can’t just ground a kid and expect him or her to grow.”

Chuck, 29, California

13. All or nothing can be okay

“Give your kids 100 percent of your attention, or none of it at all until you can. Kids know when they’re being ignored.

Even worse, though, they know when they’re being dismissed. So, if you’re able to ask them to wait while you take a phone call, or whatever, instead of half-assing a conversation with them, you’ll both be able to give it 100 percent. I was raised by my grandmother, so she was really old school about that sort of thing. Look each other in the eyes, and connect.

She told me that those conversations with us were some of her fondest memories, so I try to do that as much as I can with my kids.”

John, 37, Ohio

12. They remember the little things

“Some of the best memories I have of growing up were when my mom and dad used to come surprise me at school and take me out to lunch.

We’d go to Burger King for the onion rings, and then to Dairy Queen  for a cherry slush. It didn’t happen regularly, which is what made it so special. It was almost better than birthdays. When I asked why they did it, they told me they needed a break from their days, and they wanted to spend it with their favorite person.

That meant so much to me.”

Edward, 37, West Virginia

11. Be careful what kind of relationship you model in front of the kids.

My mother used to get so upset when she would be disciplining us and my dad would walk in and interrupt. She taught me that parents have to be a united front.

If you don’t agree with something your spouse is saying, that’s okay. But deal with it after he or she has set the rules with the kids. Of course, this doesn’t apply to anything harmful or dangerous toward your child. But a new parenting style, or discipline policy can be discussed in private. My parents told me that they made a point to never let us see them argue.

Instead, they’d tell us they had an argument, and then explain how they worked it out. It impressed the importance of communication on me at an early age.”

Charles, 35, California

10. Interested is interesting.

“I learned this from a movie, actually.

It basically means that the best way to make yourself interesting is to become interested in someone else. Listen to their story. Ask questions. Make them feel important. The best thing I’ve done as a parent is to become actively interested in my kids’ lives. And it’s genuine, too. I want to know what they like, what they don’t like, what they think is funny, what stresses them out…everything. The movie was Loser with that kid from American Pie.

Easily the most random pearl of wisdom I’ve ever collected.”

Chris, 37, Ohio

9. Let your kids struggle.

“It’s hard, but my dad said some of his favorite memories of me growing up involved watching me struggle and then succeed.

There were so many times, he said, where he wanted to jump in and help, but held back and let me figure something out on my own.

He said it was so difficult, but so, so rewarding.”

Jared, 34, California

8. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

“The real goal of parenting is to try and help your kid try and figure out who he or she is.

Learn who that is — who your kid is at his or her core, heart, and soul — and encourage the best version of that. The actual mechanics of parenting — bedtimes, cleaning your plate, etc. — really don’t have much to do with that. I asked my mom her strategies on stuff like that once.

She said, ‘I don’t fucking remember. I just wanted you to be happy, safe, and kind.’”

Ethan, 35, Connecticut

7. Teach healthy boundaries.

“I learned to share, but I also learned not to share.

When I was about 7 or 8, my dad told me that it was nice to share my toys, but it wasn’t necessary. That it would make other people happy, but that it was okay to protect my things. I try to preach that to my kids, too. They’re so naturally generous that I want to make sure they know that it’s okay to keep things for themselves. Especially things they’ve worked for, or earned.

It didn’t make me selfish, just better at creating healthy boundaries.”

Stephen, 37, Washington, D.C.

6. Pick your battles.

“This is another way of saying ‘pick your battles’. You just have to.

My wife taught me this one. It’s sort of her mantra, even beyond raising kids. You’re going to have stress in life. That’s obvious. Some stress is primary — your kid gets sick, you lose your job, and stuff like that. But other stress is usually secondary, and you don’t need to deal with it right away. Sometimes not at all.

If you can choose which situations you actually allow to stress you, you can do a much better job managing being a parent.”

Joel, 30, North Carolina

5. Always say I love you.

“Just don’t waste a single chance to tell your kids they love you. Even if it embarrasses them. And even if it’s a thousand times a day.

It’s terrifying and morbid to say, but you never know if you might be speaking to someone for the last time. You just never know. So, no matter what, no matter if we’re or angry, or exhausted from laughing, we always end every conversation with ‘I love you’.

It’s a tradition my mother and father taught me when I was a kid, and it’s a good one.”

Hayden, 36, Toronto

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

“I was amazed at how willing a random, fellow dad was to help me deal with a diaper issue in a Target bathroom.

I was a new dad, and a friend of mine — also a dad — said that asking other dads for help is par for the course, within reason. This was completely out of reason. I mean, a dirty diaper? But the guy pitched in like it was his own kid. I was blown away and humbled. And I’ve paid it forward several times.

Luckily, no random dirty diapers, but I’m not shy about pitching in if I see another dad struggling to carry groceries, or something like that. We’re in this together, right?”

R.J., 26, Louisiana

3. No one can argue with a medical degree.

“This one works with intrusive in-laws and annoying friends.

Whatever opinions they have that don’t mesh with your parenting style can be instantly negated by saying, ‘Oh, well, the doctor told me to do it this way. So…’ They might push back, but you’ve got credibility on your side. Even though it’s made up.

Ya know who told me to do that? The doctor.”

Dylan, 34, Nevada

2. Let them know emotions are normal.

“As a kid, emotions are scary because they’re so unfamiliar. You know the basics — happy, sad, scared, etc.

But, when you start having more complex emotions, you really struggle to identify them. Being a parent, if you can use words like ‘confused’, ‘aggravated’, and ‘overwhelmed’ in front of your kids to describe your emotions, they’ll become better at doing it themselves.

I’m a parent, but I’m also a teacher, so I credit one of my college professors with that nugget. It’s absolutely true.”

Ian, 34, Arizona

1. Show affection, and not just to the kids.

“My mom and dad were very affectionate. And I remember it fondly.

I remember my dad sneaking kisses here and there, and my mom hugging my dad whenever she got the chance. Even when they weren’t at their best, it was clear that they were so in love. And that always made me feel safe as a kid. Like things would always be okay, thanks to the power of love.

I brought it up once, and my dad almost didn’t even realize he did it. He just said, ‘I love your mother so much. I’m not embarrassed to show it.’”

Marcus, 36, Texas

I’m not a dad, but I can tell you that good advice is precious and should be filed away for a rainy day.

What’s the best advice you’ve gotten from another dad? Share it with us in the comments!

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15 Tweets from Dads Who Have Accepted the Hilarious, Undignified Reality of Fatherhood

You lose many things when you become a parent, and yes, dignity certainly makes that list.

A reality these 15 dads are definitely living…

Proof below.

15. I mean at least they’re not currently destroying anything.

14. I hope your self esteem can take a beating.

13. I’m sure they just moved along.

12. You definitely wonder why you bother talking.

11. A stark realization.

10. Anyone? Anyone at all?

9. That’s all?

8. This is your full time job now.

7. She’s not wrong.

6. Repeat with sunscreen, diaper cream, soap…

5. Achievement unlocked.

4. Because he’s just given up, that’s why.

3. I feel his posture.

2. It gets less adorable quickly.

1. It’s your job.

Parenthood, man. It’s…great. Mostly.

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20 Things That All Dads Do, Even Though They Have No Idea Why

Why are so many dads across the same? Even if they’ve led completely different lives? And why are dad jokes universal?

BUT… the tweets below illustrate easily how true the jokes really are – even if men don’t even realize how and when and why it starts to happen.

20. Because kids are exhausting, obvs.

19. Their backs hurt.

18. They don’t really know what year it is.

17. They have so little joy in life.

16. Safety first!

15. Seriously why do they love noise?

14. It’s very serious business.

13. Their diets are crap.

12. Ask George Costanza.

11. To irritate others, I’m pretty sure.

10. To make sure they did not, in fact, melt in their hand?

9. That’s what they need, I guess.

8. No music when it’s time to get down to business.

7. I have no idea but they totally do.

6. What even is real money?

5. They know a shortcut.

4. Because meat.

3. Because they paid for it, most likely.

2. To aid in digestion.

1. I mean that’s your opinion.

We may not know why this happens to men, but it sure is funny!

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20 Fathers Share Their True Feelings About Their Newborns

Fatherhood is easily one of the most significant milestones of a man’s life. Keeping a helpless, innocent human alive and making sure they’re raised with the right morals is a responsibility that will (or should) change your entire perspective on life.

Needless to say, something this monumental brings up a lot of feelings. So how do men feel about fatherhood? Read on to find out!

1. Sounds like you’ll be staying home a lot then!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Raise her right!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Definitely scary! But you can do this!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. That’ll stop. Just hang in there.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Amazeballs!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Well, as long as you’re not married or attached, nothing wrong with flirting.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Yay! Glad you’re taking to it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. The right feeling to have!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. HA!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. You’ll do fine! Just trust the process.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Talk to her about it. This stuff doesn’t correct itself.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Completely agree with this!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Oh boy… you should probably talk to somebody about that…

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Awwwwww!

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Try to be there as much as you can. They’ll understand some day!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Double awwwwww!

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Well, sounds like most women!

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Poop and spit are all part of it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. LOVE this!

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. Yes. There is that!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Alright dads, what did you think?

Share this with your friends and let them know how you felt back when you had newborns!

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Dad Defends His Son’s Desire to Wear Nail Polish…And The Internet Agrees

The term “toxic masculinity” gets thrown around a lot these days, but in case you forgot what it means, let us give you a quick reminder:

It refers to the culture of masculinity that aggressively promotes gender stereotypes in boys – not crying, sucking it up, fighting it out, wearing “boy” things and liking “boy” toys and the idea that anything less is feminine and totally unacceptable.

Many believe this mindset and the passing of it from one generation to the next has forced males to become emotionally repressed, unable to connect on a meaningful, personal level and too scared to show any emotion for fear of being judged. Basically, girls are allowed a larger realm of socially acceptable feelings and interaction-types that boys are denied.

Well, now that many millennial parents are in charge and aware of the dangers of raising boys in this way, they’re keen on changing the narrative for both genders. Dad Aaron Gouveia, is clearly in these ranks of new-style parents. Recently, he just about lost his sh*t in a Twitter rant after some other kindergartners made his 5-year-old son Sam cry because he dared to wear polished nails to school.

In many ways, Gouveia says, Sam is a rough and tumble “boys boy” but he just thinks polished nails “look beautiful” – and they do – and his parents have no problem with him dressing himself however he wants. But one day, he wore them to school, and everything changed.

“When my wife picked him up from school he collapsed into her arms and cried uncontrollably. He was devastated at how other kids turned on him, even his friends. He asked them to stop but that just made it worse. Only 1 kid stood up for him.”

The full thread is below, and I dare you to not cry by the time you get to the end.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The next couple of tweets really brought it home – no little boy is born with these toxic ideas of what a man should be, which means they’re learning it from someone/somewhere.

Photo Credit: Twitter

This big brother, y’all. This is what family is all about.

Photo Credits: Twitter

Go out there and encourage your kids to celebrate individuality, people – or at the very least to follow this oldie but goodie: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

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These Hilarious Comics Show That Dads Change After Kids, Too

Weng Chen, a mother and the illustrator behind The Messycow comics, decided it was high time people saw how parenthood changes men as well as women.

“I don’t have big chunks of time to work, it’s always a couple hours in between chores and taking care of the kids,” she told Bored Panda. “But it’s fun and meaningful to document my children’s growth, as well as mine.”


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

Poop Stuff.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Image Credit: The Messycow

Shopping trips.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

Eating in the car.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

And there you have it!

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