Do People Understand How Buying Things Works? These Posts Make Us Seriously Question That.

When I recently moved, most of the stuff I no longer wanted/needed, I just threw out. It was a shame, really, because there was stuff in there that I probably could have sold off and found a nice new home for had I not been so pressed for time.

The few items I did decide to list proved almost more trouble than they were worth. After days of back and forth with several people over some speakers, for example, I ended up handing it off at the last minute for what was, in retrospect, probably a lot less than they were worth.

But at least I didn’t have to deal with people like the ones in these screenshots…

11. Trigger happy.

You sound way too excited to sue somebody.

10. Half off!

“I’d like to buy your product but could you also do a bunch of extra work on it first and then charge me less as a result?”

9. Simp

Did you just try to “I know you are so what am I” your way into switching buyer and seller?

8. A clean break.

Maintaining a pool costs several thousand dollars a year, a bottle’s worth of tap water is like a penny.

7. The ol’ switcheroo.

Hey, at least he tried.

6. That’ll do, pig.

Yeah, I’m cuttin’ you off for your own good.

5. Sob stories.

As always, if they claim they can get it cheaper somewhere else but they don’t go somewhere else, they’re lying.

4. It’s my cash and I want it now!

You really don’t understand how this works, do you?

3. How wonderful!

Weird how every single person trying to buy something frivolous on the internet also happens to be going through a rough time that very moment.

2. Cars for kids.

Depending on how good of shape the car is in, this might actually not be that awful of a trade…

1. Mowed over.

Once again, the tragedy gambit fails.

Remember: don’t waste people’s time out there. Haggle, sure. But don’t be these folks.

Do you have a nightmare sales story?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Do People Understand How Buying Things Works? These Posts Make Us Seriously Question That. appeared first on UberFacts.

10 of the Worst Roommates Of All Time

Depending on where you like to get your information, apparently the number of American adults living with roommate(s) has gone up by somewhere around 10% in the last 20 years. At this rate, in a mere 140 years, every single person will have at least one roommate.

That would be mostly bad, though it would give us a lot of fodder for subreddits that specialize and thrive off of people complaining about the people they live with.

Like these!

10. Shirt happens

What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.

Friend has a creepy roommate. from cringepics

9. Foiled again

What exactly were they using it for?

So my roommate used my tin foil from mildlyinfuriating

8. Dolla dolla bills

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say your roommate is a stripper.

The way my roommate gives me rent from mildlyinfuriating

7. Meal time!

That looks like it’s been caked on for weeks.

Wanted to make a nice meal. Roommates habits had other plans. from mildlyinfuriating

6. Empty inside

When you literally have way too much chill.

My roommate puts the empty milk containers back into the fridge. from mildlyinfuriating

5. Very driven

I think what you’re looking for is a chauffeur. Or…yanno, just a car.

Need a roomie/miracle.. single ladies only. from ChoosingBeggars

4. The thin line

But think of what she’s doing for the environment.

It was my roommate’s turn to buy toilet paper from mildlyinfuriating

3. Water, water everywhere

He’s building an army of bottles and you’ll rue the day you laughed at them.

The way my roommate can never finish a water from mildlyinfuriating

2. Back in the tube

I feel like I should call the police but I’m not sure what to report once I do.

How my roommate uses toothpaste from mildlyinfuriating

1. Knife to meet you

Do the dishes? Sure, I’ll take a stab at it.

How my roommate places knifes in the drying board…. from mildlyinfuriating

We’ve all had bad roommates, hopefully most of us haven’t experienced any quite this bad. For those who have, godspeed to all of you.

What’s the worst roommate story you’ve got?

Tell us in the comments… if you dare!

The post 10 of the Worst Roommates Of All Time appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out Some of the Dumbest Roommate Moves Ever

Here’s a true story…

A few days ago I moved into my own place for the first time in my entire life. I don’t wanna say how old I am, but suffice it to mention that I’m…older than the average person is when striking out without a roommate for the first time in their lives.

I’ve shared lots of different places with lots of different people. Some of them are perfectly pleasant, others are awful, most are somewhere in between.

But rarely do any hold a candle to the outrageous crap perpetrated by the people being complained about in these Reddit posts.

10. Off the cup

What kind of awful monster…

My roommate ate all of the peanut butter cups off of the cupcakes that were made from mildlyinfuriating

9. The juice is loose

A fool and his money are soon partied.

My roommate spent her paycheck too fast again, so I offered to get us liquor. It devolved into this from ChoosingBeggars

8. Pot heads

If that ain’t the most inefficient, inconvenient thing I’ve ever seen…

My roommate and I own only two pots. When he cooks with them, he stores any leftovers from his cooking in the fridge in the pots, instead of putting them in containers. from mildlyinfuriating

7. On the tube

On top of that, he rolLED IT THE WRONG WAY.

My roommate has hit new peaks of laziness from mildlyinfuriating

6. Divide and conquer

This is the sort of conversation that might be reasonable in, say, a marriage, but a roommate situation? Nah, man.

Facebook CB wants roommate to pay more rent because she makes more from ChoosingBeggars

5. Self-contained

Just wait ’till he tried to heat those tots up in the microwave.

My roommate doesn’t put his leftovers in containers either. from mildlyinfuriating

4. Hair today, gone tomorrow

Um…why are they so short and curly…

The soap bar is mine, but the hair is not. My roommate better come home bald, or else I’ll have to move from mildlyinfuriating

3. Share the wealth

I’m gonna guess this is in NYC.

Live away roommate from ChoosingBeggars

2. Control freak

Remotes are like $10 brand new, I think you’ll be fine.

My girlfriends roommate refuses to take her TV remote out of the packaging to preserve the "value" of the TV. from mildlyinfuriating

1. Getting panned

Well, now it’s just a war of the wills.

we love shitty roommates from mildlyinfuriating

Love ’em or hate ’em, most of us have to have roommates at some point, because, yanno, the economy was handed to us in ruins. So you might as well learn to laugh about ’em!

What’s the worst roommate story you’ve got?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Check Out Some of the Dumbest Roommate Moves Ever appeared first on UberFacts.

All of These Employees Have One Thing in Common: Failure


And…it looks like you blew it. Yes, I’m speaking to the people who are responsible for the work fails that you’re about to see, but I’m also looking at YOU, buddy.

We might not know each other personally, but I have a feeling that you’ve messed up royally at your job lately and you need to be scolded…

So, just keep that in mind…and know that I’ll be watching…

And, with that, it’s time to enjoy epic work fails by other people!

1. I’m pretty sure that spells out P-O-O-P.

Oh, boy, this is not good.

Not sure if intentional or oblivious, but this architect did a crappy job. from onejob

2. That was a nice surprise.

But the pizza joint is missing a cutter…

I guess they decided to include the cutter as a premium topping from onejob

3. You deserve a break!

Nice work on this one!

Finished labeling the package, boss. from onejob

4. Elmo has now been possessed.

What do you have to say about this?

Elmo born with eyes on the back of his head from onejob

5. Hmmmm. Can’t seem to get past this screen.

Does anyone have suggestions?

Teachers making quizzes from onejob

6. I’d probably skip this place if I were you.

They’re eating people!

Food may contain human flesh from onejob

7. Do you think anyone fell for it?

I’m guessing NO.

You were close here. from onejob

8. I have to think about that one…

You know what, I’m really not sure…

I honestly want to know how someone manged this from onejob

9. Just go ahead and use it whenever.

It has no expiration date!

Legend has it that it’s still good to this day from onejob

10. Free coffee for sale!

What a deal!

Task failed successfully from onejob

11. Don’t try this at home.

Also, this is false advertising.

That’s definitely not "Bath" Sponge. from onejob

12. This was from a “professional” bakery.

Now, how does that work…?

hAppY BiRthDay COlleEN (from a professional bakery) from onejob

Okay, it’s confession time…

What’s the biggest fail you’ve ever been guilty of at work?

Talk to us in the comments and SPILL YOUR GUTS. Thanks in advance!

The post All of These Employees Have One Thing in Common: Failure appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Think You’re Bad at Your Job, These Fails Might Make You Feel Better

If nothing else, we think that these disastrous job fails you’re about to lay your eyes on will at least make you feel better about your own job and your own life.

And that’s something, isn’t it?!?! I sure think so!

Hey, if it takes the misery of other people to make yourself better, then I say just embrace it.

Are you ready for a pick-me-up. Let’s take a look at these job fails.

1. I’m sorry to hear that.

But just go ahead and use your finger, okay?

One space was all it was needed from onejob

2. Don’t get into any trouble in this area.

Just trust us on this one…

I feel so safe from onejob

3. Elmo has been possessed by the Devil.

Oh my God, he’s levitating off the bed!

Elmo born with eyes on the back of his head from onejob

4. No expiration date. EVER.

Oh, that’s good to know.

Legend has it that it’s still good to this day from onejob

5. You had one job!

That sure didn’t go very well.

Trick or Trick from onejob

6. How did they get THAT wrong?

Some people, I swear…

I know this year has sucked, but c’mon… from onejob

7. You did a bang-up job!

I think you deserve a promotion.

Installed the sink boss! from onejob

8. Anyone care to explain this?

Yikes…not a good look.

Nope, no problem here from onejob

9. What are you complaining about?

But you’re right, someone did not perform their job correctly.

My KitKat was just a bar of chocolate from onejob

10. That’s not very helpful.

Can someone point that down here, please?

Light up the stars, baby! from onejob

11. A good use of cardboard, paper, etc.

Come on, people!

I ordered a precision screwdriver and it got delivered like this from onejob

12. That is NOT a can of corn.

Not even close…

Opened a can of corn and… from onejob

Well, those made me feel a little bit better about my work performance.

How about you? Have you ever really biffed it at your job?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post If You Think You’re Bad at Your Job, These Fails Might Make You Feel Better appeared first on UberFacts.

You Had One Job! Check Out These Sad, Sad Work Fails.

It’s pretty amazing how many people are bad at their jobs and they still manage to float through life…and to never get fired. They blow it time and time again and there just never seems to be any consequences.

You know what I’m talking about, right?

Of course, you do!

Because these kinds of folks are EVERYWHERE.

Yes, I know we all make mistakes at our jobs, but sometimes people just really blow my mind with their laziness…it’s enough to get me all fired up!

Are you ready to see some infuriating job fails? Let’s take a look.

1. That was not even close!

You spent a few weeks on this, didn’t you?

No wonder I was struggling… from onejob

2. Get into the holiday spirit!

Wait a second…those look like…

Got the Christmas lights up. They’re… candles. Yeah. Really. from onejob

3. Now what am I supposed to do?

Well…that’s a little unusual.

I am so confused from onejob

4. They do now!

Just go with it!

Apparently, mermaids have butts. from NotMyJob

5. But what will it do to my hands?

Sounds like it could be dangerous.

Posted the sign, boss … from onejob

6. I’m totally confused.

Who’s responsible for this?

Visible confusion from onejob

7. This is gonna take a little while to fix.

Somebody is in big trouble!

it was almost fine from onejob

8. I enjoy biking very much.

This is just plain LAZY.

Finished labeling the package, boss. from onejob

9. Don’t go near that thing.

You might be in for a big shock.

Safety first from onejob

10. Those darn Socialists are at it again…

I’m a little bit worked up about this.

to fend off covid from onejob

11. Yeah, that is not correct.

I wonder how avocado ice cream would taste, though…

I’m pretty sure that’s an avocado! from onejob

Those poor people…

But enough about them. Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, share your own stories of work fails with us. We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post You Had One Job! Check Out These Sad, Sad Work Fails. appeared first on UberFacts.

Epic Work Fails That Are Bad Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry

I have to say, the older I get, the more it angers me when I see people being lazy on the job.

I mean, I understand that we all have bad days here and there, but come on, people! Put some effort in and be proud of your work, no matter what you do!

Some of the job fails you’re about to see might make you angry, annoyed, and they’ll definitely make you laugh.

Are you ready to have some LOLs at the expense of other people who probably got in trouble at work for their mistakes? Me, too! Let’s do it!

1. Are you sure that’s Big Ben?

It looks like something I’ve seen from another country…

Big Ben Looks Funny from onejob

2. Hahahaha. Amazing.

Well, I guess they took your directions literally.

“Write congrats on them” ( two cakes ) from onejob

3. Who’s ready to eat?!?!

It sounds good to me…

MMM! Lung damage! from onejob

4. I guess it happens from time to time.

Don’t even worry about it!

Don’t apologize, it happens? from onejob

5. Well…I can’t see the speed limit…

So, what am I supposed to do…?

Not sure if that’s how this works from onejob

6. Not getting the message across to people…

Nice try, though.

My churches anti racism slogan from onejob

7. Wow, that is kinda sad.

Who’s responsible for this?

Restored the sculpture boss from onejob

8. This is a total disaster.

Turn around and walk away…

Hit yourself you will from onejob

9. How did it taste, though?

Thank you, sir, may I have another?!?!

I found a use by date sticker in my burger… from onejob

10. The stuff nightmares are made of.

This poor kid is gonna get heckled.

Left: how it should be Right: how they did it from onejob

11. Would you want to work here?

You might never leave…just a warning…

Food may contain human flesh from onejob

How about you?

Have you ever had a monumental fail at work?

Share your horror stories with us in the comments. We can’t wait!

The post Epic Work Fails That Are Bad Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry appeared first on UberFacts.

Epic Job Fails That Will Make You Shake Your Head

Here we go again

It’s time for another painful installment of people who really biffed it at work and probably paid the ultimate price for it.

No, I don’t mean they got hurt, or anything like that! I mean that they probably got fired…because these fails are NG. And where I come from that means NO GOOD.

Take a look at these job fails and say a little prayer for these folks and hope that they’re still employed.

Let’s dive in!


Well, I guess this person doesn’t have a choice.

How hard is it? from onejob

2. This isn’t going to end well.

I’d stay far away from this truck if I were you…

Don’t worry boss, I wrote from onejob


Well, that wasn’t cool…

Who’s idea was it to put an elastic band around this… from onejob

4. You sure about that?

I’m not taking your word on this one, sorry…

Chicken nuggets from onejob

5. Sending some mixed messages.

The idea is not clear here.

adorpion from beatMeatToIt

6. I don’t think anyone’s gonna buy that.

Would you?

The sticker got a little too sticky from onejob

7. The guy got a little drunk.

And this is what happened…

How in the name of all thats holy did you manage to do that from onejob

8. Be careful with this one!

You might hurt yourself.

That’s definitely not "Bath" Sponge. from onejob

9. WEELCOME to our home!

This is not a good omen…

There was an attempt to write Welcome in the floor using stone inlay. from onejob

10. Had a few too many Appletinis.

You can hardly even notice!

He was “just a little” drunk when painting from onejob

11. Can anyone explain this to me?

I’m totally LOST.

I made the sign boss. from onejob

12. No wheels of any kind, I guess?

Or something like that…

Ah yes, skateboard from onejob

Okay, friends, now we want to hear from you.

Have you ever witnessed someone really blow it at work? Or maybe you’re the one who did it?

Please share your stories with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Epic Job Fails That Will Make You Shake Your Head appeared first on UberFacts.

Every Hotel and Airbnb is Not Created Equal. Here’s the Proof.

You can look at as many pictures as you want on different websites, but the fact is that you never really know what kind of hotel or Airbnb you’re booking until you step foot into the place.

And, as you already know, sometimes the photos just don’t tell the whole story…or maybe they’re not even from the same place that you just booked!

You’re always rolling the dice when you reserve a place to stay, it’s just a fact…and here are some photos from people who ended up in some strange places.

1. Something terrible happened here.

I can just feel it…

It looks like the hotel cart ran someone over and is tracking their blood through the halls. from CrappyDesign

2. Is there a body under the bed?

I’d be afraid to look underneath there…

Beijing hotel carpet pattern (/murder scene?) from CrappyDesign

3. Well, technically, they weren’t lying…

But still…not cool…

I raise you my hotel pool in Jeju circa 2017 from funny

4. How many times did you stub your toe on that thing?

That thing looks dangerous.

The door stop at my hotel. I present the "Toe Buster 5000" from CrappyDesign

5. This place is obviously very classy.

I like what I’m seeing here!

This hotel bathroom "tile" wall is actually just numerous pictures of denim-clad asses from ATBGE

6. Was this the romantic getaway that you dreamed of?

The spark is still there after all these years…

Girlfriends view from the bed of our hotel room…. from CrappyDesign

7. That doesn’t look safe.

Be careful in there, folks…

Hair dryer and shower combo in Cairo hotel from CrappyDesign

8. Totally worth the money.

Lemme, lemme UPGRADE!

Went to a hotel, payed extra for a room with bigger TV. from assholedesign

9. Did you ever actually find your room?

I have a feeling that you didn’t…

So you guys like crappy hotel room number signs? from CrappyDesign

10. I think this might be false advertising.

I’m gonna need to speak to the manager.

Airbnb said I’d have a balcony but seriously from funny

11. The view is absolutely stunning.

You’ll see once you get up into the room…

My hotel room with an ocean view. from Wellthatsucks

12. A lot of room to stretch out.

Time to work up a sweat!

The fitness room at the hotel I stayed at from WTF

Have you ever stayed at a really bad or just plain weird hotel or Airbnb?

If so, tell us about your experience in the comments.

And share some photos with us too, if you have them.

Let’s get weird!

The post Every Hotel and Airbnb is Not Created Equal. Here’s the Proof. appeared first on UberFacts.

Very Expensive Accidents That Are Hard to Believe

These photos sure do remind me of one of my brothers.

Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you

My older brother used to be a Teamster and he drove a truck for many years for the San Francisco Chronicle. In those years, he had quite a few accidents…and some of them were pretty bad.

Luckily, no one ever got hurt, but I often wonder what the total bill was for all those repairs…

And, on that note, let’s enjoy these very expensive mistakes that people made.

1. Well, let’s just chalk it up to human error.

What are the chances of this happening?

Stray bullet landed on a solar panel i just installed. from Wellthatsucks

2. Run for it, Marty!

Can anyone go back and time and fix this, please?

It will hurt the wallet from ThatLookedExpensive

3. Someone’s about to get fired.

I would not want to see the boss right now.

Some one forgot to lower the dump on the truck from ThatLookedExpensive

4. Sir…you now have two vehicles.

I hope you’re cool with that.

Taken from r/justrolledintotheshop from ThatLookedExpensive

5. That’s gonna be a pricey repair.

Just put a little elbow grease into it.

Tug hit an A300 from ThatLookedExpensive

6. Whiskey lovers…look away.

This is pretty tragic.

Jim bean wearhouse fire that was left to burn through 45 thousand barrels of whiskey to avoid runoff into nearby water sources from ThatLookedExpensive

7. Okay, just what the hell happened here?

I’m waiting for an answer…

Well, not one but two from ThatLookedExpensive

8. Just put it on the government’s tab.

They’ll take care of it.

Flipped the apc and crashed a truck that’s gotta be expensive from ThatLookedExpensive

9. I guess they didn’t slow down in time.

Oops…sorry about that.

A rock’n boat from ThatLookedExpensive

10. The most expensive test drive of all time.

That’s when you RUN.

300,000$ Porsche crashed during test drive from ThatLookedExpensive

11. Brought a tear to my eye…

Those poor Shelbys.

Trailer full of new 2020 Shelby GT500s tipped over in Detroit today. from ThatLookedExpensive

12. I’d love to hear this conversation.

Who’s to blame here?

Porsche Panamera Hybrid vs Tesla Model S from ThatLookedExpensive

13. Now it’s all under water.

It’s cool, you can buy another one.

70M Yacht Capsized in Greece from ThatLookedExpensive

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us about the most expensive mistake YOU’VE ever made.

We can’t wait to hear from you. Please and thank you!

The post Very Expensive Accidents That Are Hard to Believe appeared first on UberFacts.