The Bayanzi tribe of the Congo would execute via decapitation with a twist. While alive, the head of the condemned would be connected to a springy sapling so that when it was cut off, it would be thrown through the air “with the force of a bomb”. According to some studies, some consciousness remains after decapitation, so that flight would probably have been very confusing.
Slave laborers making tanks for Nazi Germany routinely sabotaged every part…
Slave laborers making tanks for Nazi Germany routinely sabotaged every part they could, and this caused German tanks to be extremely prone to breaking down.
Robert De Niro was so dedicated, to prepare for his roles…
Robert De Niro was so dedicated, to prepare for his roles, he actually gained 60 lbs for Raging Bull, lived in Sicily Italy for The Godfather Part II, ground his teeth for Cape Fear, became a cab driver for Taxi Driver, and learned to play the saxophone for New York, New York.
Jake Bird was a truly creepy character — an axe-murderer who may…
Jake Bird was a truly creepy character — an axe-murderer who may have killed as many as 46 people. But even after he was caught in 1947 and sentenced to death, he’s said to have continued killing people by putting the “Jake Bird hex” on them. Six people associated with the trial were said to have succumbed to his hex.
After his conviction was announced, Bird was allowed to make a final statement. He spoke for 20 minutes, noting that his request to represent himself had been denied and that his own lawyers were against him.
Bird then said, “I’m putting the Jake Bird hex on all of you who had anything to do with my being punished. Mark my words you will die before I do.” Allegedly, six people connected with the trial died: Judge Edward D. Hodge of a heart attack within a month of sentencing him to death, as did one of the officers who took his first confession. A police officer who took a second confession died, as did the court’s chief clerk, and one of Bird’s prison guards. J.W. Selden, one of Bird’s lawyers, died on the first anniversary of his sentencing.
To eliminate all the elusive invasive goats in the Galapagos…
To eliminate all the elusive invasive goats in the Galapagos, researchers attached a radio-collar to a ‘Judas goat’ who would, because of its gregarious nature, seek out other goats. It was then tracked down, the group killed, but with the ‘traitor’ left alive in order to find more goats.
A mother of a cheerleader hired a hitman to murder another girl…
A mother of a cheerleader hired a hitman to murder another girl’s mom so her own daughter had a better chance of making the squad.
In 2006, Honda sent a letter to all their dealers telling…
In 2006, Honda sent a letter to all their dealers telling them stop selling unnecessary maintenance services, and even explained how some services such as coolant and transmission flushes could be harmful to customer’s vehicles.
Simon the cat, a feline aboard Royal Navy Ship “The Amethyst”…
Simon the cat, a feline aboard Royal Navy Ship “The Amethyst” was awarded The Dickin Medal for gallantry under fire. The gallantry? He protected the ship’s food supplies from an infestation of rats.
Dr. Seuss was confronted by a feminist who stated there…
Dr. Seuss was confronted by a feminist who stated there are no strong female roles in his books. He then remarked his characters are animals, and “if she can identify their sex, I’ll remember her in my will.”
A fighter jet pilot shot his own plane down…
A fighter jet pilot shot his own plane down by flying into his own bullets.