In 2008, melamine added to milk in China caused kidney stones in thousands of Chinese children. To show his confidence in Chinese dairy products, Peter Mandelson MP drank a glass of Chinese yoghurt in front of reporters. The following week, he was hospitalized for a kidney stone.
A shipyard worker set fire aboard a nuclear submarine, causing $450M…
A shipyard worker set fire aboard a nuclear submarine, causing $450M worth of damage, because he was suffering from an anxiety attack and had no vacation or sick leave remaining. He was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison and ordered to pay $400 million in restitution.
In the 1980s the Naval Investigative Service undertook a massive…
In the 1980s the Naval Investigative Service undertook a massive and futile search for a woman named “Dorothy” in the Chicago area, after hearing gay men refer to themselves as “friends of Dorothy”. They believed she was at the center of a ring of gay military personnel.
William of Orange was the first head of state assassinated…
William of Orange was the first head of state assassinated with a firearm. Take a look at the assassins punishment: “The magistrates decreed that the right hand of Gérard should be burned off with a red-hot iron, that his flesh should be torn from his bones with pincers in six different places, that he should be quarteredand disembowelled alive, that his heart should be torn from his bosom and flung in his face, and that, finally, his head should be cut off.”
When Earth passed through the tail of Halley’s Comet during…
When Earth passed through the tail of Halley’s Comet during its 1910 approach, there was public fear that a gas discovered in the tail, cyanogen, would destroy all life on the planet, leading to people buying gas masks and “Anti-Comet Pills.”
There is a rare mental disorder in which the sufferer…
There is a rare mental disorder in which the sufferer is convinced that he or she is dead.
Dubai has a weight-loss contest called ‘Your Child in Gold’ where individual…
Dubai has a weight-loss contest called ‘Your Child in Gold’ where individual participants win one gram of gold for every one kilogram (~2.2lbs) lost, and double reward for families. The contest is aimed at combating early obesity and raise awareness on the disease.
A man who entertained at restaurants played a stolen Stradivarius…
A man who entertained at restaurants played a stolen Stradivarius violin for over 50 years before confessing its true value to his wife on his deathbed.
Eli Lilly, the company behind the SSRI antidepressant Prozac…
Eli Lilly, the company behind the SSRI antidepressant Prozac, hid its clinical trials from the FDA that showed patients who took Prozac were 12 times more likely to commit suicide compared to older antidepressants.
Seals have been known to have sex…
Seals have been known to have sex with penguins.