Pet Rock was so popular in the 70’s that the creator became a multimillionaire about 6 months after marketing it.
A guy sold his imaginary friend, named…
A guy sold his imaginary friend, named Jon Malipieman, on eBay for over 3,000 dollars.
A nursing home in California shut down and staff went home even though…
A nursing home in California shut down and staff went home even though there was more than a dozen patients still there. Cook and Janitor stayed and cared for them for two days.
The scent given off by each person’s unique immune system is the second…
The scent given off by each person’s unique immune system is the second-most important criteria (after disposition) women use to assess potential partners. Women are more likely to find people attractive who have with immune systems unlike their own.
When pirate Jean Lafitte saw the governor advertising a $500 reward…
When pirate Jean Lafitte saw the governor advertising a $500 reward for his capture, Lafitte offered $5,000 for the capture of the governor.
In 1977 a plane crashed into Yosemite Park, containing almost…
In 1977 a plane crashed into Yosemite Park, containing almost 10,000 pounds of marijuana. Local rock climbers were first on the scene and amassed a fortune from the wreckage.
In 1974 sociologist Phillip Kunz sent 600 Christmas cards randomly…
In 1974 sociologist Phillip Kunz sent 600 Christmas cards randomly to people he didn’t know. He got more then 200 replies, including people sending pictures of their families, diplomas and new homes.
In 2009 a Belgian bodybuilding championship was canceled after…
In 2009 a Belgian bodybuilding championship was canceled after doping officials arrived unannounced and all the competitors fled.
Male orangutans can be attracted to women with red hair. One male…
Male orangutans can be attracted to women with red hair. One male, Hsing Hisng, has even ripped pictures of Nicole Kidman out of magazines and placed them in his enclosure.
Stephen Hawking’s wife was given the option to take him off…
Stephen Hawking’s wife was given the option to take him off of life support after he was placed in a medically induced coma. She refused, and upon recovering he finished writing ‘A Brief History of Time’.