Conditions seemed so bleak in America during the Great Depression that people in Cameroon sent $3.77 to New York for food relief.
A Polish midwife, responsible for delivery of over 3,000 children…
A Polish midwife, responsible for delivery of over 3,000 children in Auschwitz, marked them with a ‘tattoo’ that would not be recognized by the SS guards, hoping that in the future it would be possible to recover these children.
In Hiroshima, there are permanent shadows caused by the…
In Hiroshima, there are permanent shadows caused by the intensity of the nuclear blast when the bomb was dropped. Sometimes, there were shadows left of people, but no bodies found. This resulted from the extreme heat of the explosion which vaporized the bodies, leaving the shadows behind. The shadows are a unique occurrence from the nuclear explosion and they remain even after many years.
Thousands of lions are being bred on farms to be shot…
Thousands of lions are being bred on farms to be shot by wealthy foreign trophy-hunters.
Benjamin Guggenheim, heir to mining magnate Meyer Guggenheim, dressed…
Benjamin Guggenheim, heir to mining magnate Meyer Guggenheim, dressed in his finest suit, had a glass of brandy and smoked a cigar as the Titanic sank. “Tell [my wife] I played the game out straight to the end. No woman shall be left aboard this ship because Ben Guggenheim was a coward.”
As [his mistress & aid] reluctantly entered Lifeboat No. 9, Guggenheim spoke to the maid in German, saying, “We will soon see each other again! It’s just a repair. Tomorrow the Titanic will go on again.” Realizing that the situation was much more serious than he had implied, as well as realizing he was not going to be rescued, he then returned to his cabin with [his valet] and the two men changed into evening wear. Rose Amelie Icard wrote in a letter, “The billionaire Benjamin Guggenheim after having helped the rescue of women and children got dressed, a rose at his buttonhole, to die.” The two were seen heading into the Grand staircase closing the door behind them. He was heard to remark, “We’ve dressed up in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.”
When Casey Anthony’s computer was investigated by “computer experts…
When Casey Anthony’s computer was investigated by “computer experts”, they found 17 vague searches on Internet Explorer suggesting she killed someone, which wasn’t enough to be found guilty. Later they discovered Casey used Firefox, overlooking 1,200 searches including “fool-proof suffocation”.
Wrongful convict Shareef Cousin was arrested on the basis…
Wrongful convict Shareef Cousin was arrested on the basis of an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers. It was later discovered that the officer who arrested him was the one who phoned in the tip and collected the 10K reward.
Mattel made and sold Wonder Woman’s “invisible jet” as a…
Mattel made and sold Wonder Woman’s “invisible jet” as a collectible. The package was an empty plastic shell with nothing inside, and was originally intended as an April Fool’s joke.
Archaeologists have found the remains of what appears to be a family…
Archaeologists have found the remains of what appears to be a family group of 12 Neanderthals in Spain who were killed, butchered, and cannibalized by other humans about 42 000 years ago.
J.J. Thomson won the Nobel in Physics (1906) when he showed….
J.J. Thomson won the Nobel in Physics (1906) when he showed electrons were particles. His son won it in 1937 for showing that electrons are waves. And they were both right.