In Uxbridge, Massachusetts (36 miles southwest of Boston), the local police department has requested that people stop pooping on trains from overpasses.
Mountain Dew was created to be used as a mixer for Whiskey and…
Mountain Dew was created to be used as a mixer for Whiskey and the name was slang for Moonshine.
Creativity has been linked to depression, anxiety, and “madness”, with writers….
Creativity has been linked to depression, anxiety, and “madness”, with writers being 121% more likely to suffer from bipolar depression than the general population and 50% more likely to kill themselves.
A 17-year old kid murdered his parents and hid their bodies…
A 17-year old kid murdered his parents and hid their bodies in a locked bedroom so he could throw a huge house party.
A 22 year old was shot 6 times in the back in Sept. for carrying…
A 22 year old was shot 6 times in the back in Sept. for carrying a fake katana (in an open carry state). Police claimed that he lunged at them which was later heavily disputed by video evidence, however they got off with no charges. No riots ensued and so it did not make national news.
During the alcohol prohibition some moonshiners used to wear…
During the alcohol prohibition some moonshiners used to wear ‘cow shoes’ which left cow hoof prints rather than human footprints so they couldn’t be tracked. The reason this sort of worked is because cows pretty much step in their own foot prints when they walk.
Irene Triplett, an 84-year-old woman in North Carolina, still collects…
Irene Triplett, an 84-year-old woman in North Carolina, still collects a monthly Civil War pension of $73.13 from the Department of Veterans Affairs. She is the last child of any Civil War veteran still on the VA benefits rolls.
When a person dies, hearing is the…
When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go.
For centuries before refrigeration, Russians dropped live frogs into their milk…
For centuries before refrigeration, Russians dropped live frogs into their milk to keep it from spoiling. Secretions from their skin inhibited the growth of bacteria.
In Ancient Egypt, little people were well-respected and some were considered…
In Ancient Egypt, little people were well-respected and some were considered to be gods. The Egyptians were tolerant of of many medical disorders, and they thought that caring for all people was a moral duty.