A real estate broker in the city of Ermelo in the Netherlands found a great way to encourage prospective buyers to take a quick tour of this house: his company built a roller coaster through it.
Starting in the 1960s, the American Heart Association advised the public to eat…
Starting in the 1960s, the American Heart Association advised the public to eat less saturated fat and switch to vegetable oils for a “healthy heart.” The American Heart Association was founded in part by the makers of Crisco.
An ultralight craft, like a paper airplane, could in theory be dropped…
An ultralight craft, like a paper airplane, could in theory be dropped from space and land safely on Earth. There have even been discussions about releasing one from the International Space Station to see what would happen.
There is a library that was built on the US/Canadian border. Exiting….
There is a library that was built on the US/Canadian border. Exiting the library through the opposite entrance requires one to report to the country’s customs thereafter.
In 1965 two astronauts on their way back to orbit played a joke…
In 1965 two astronauts on their way back to orbit played a joke on mission control, pretending to spot Santa in space.
An astronaut threw a boomerang while in a space station and it returned…
An astronaut threw a boomerang while in a space station and it returned to him. As long as there is air to provide the necessary forces, a boomerang will return to its thrower, even in the weightlessness of Earth’s orbit.
In 2007, a 75 year old woman from Virginia named Mona Shaw, smashed…
In 2007, a 75 year old woman from Virginia named Mona Shaw, smashed up a Comcast office with a hammer from being fed up with their poor customer service.
After an 8-week course in mindfulness meditation, the amygdala, associated with…
After an 8-week course in mindfulness meditation, the amygdala, associated with fear and emotion, shrinks, while the pre-frontal cortex, associated with awareness, concentration and decision-making, becomes thicker.
The Kodak company used a 13-month calendar from 1924 to 1989…
The Kodak company used a 13-month calendar from 1924 to 1989 and George Eastman pushed for its worldwide acceptance.
167 people cashed in big on 175 to 1odds that Luis Suarez would bite…
167 people cashed in big on 175 to 1 odds that Luis Suarez would bite someone during the 2014 World Cup after a Norwegian betting site posted a joke bet.