In Nigeria there are scam artists who sell you houses by pretending to be the owners and get paid a considerable deposit by deceiving buyers. As a result, “This house is not for sale” is painted on many homes in Nigeria
There is a tribe where a man’s wife can’t speak…
There is a tribe where a man’s wife can’t speak the same language as him.
A student was arrested for stripping down to his underwear in Richmond International…
A student was arrested for stripping down to his underwear in Richmond International Airport revealing the Fourth Amendment written on his chest. Charges against him have been dropped and law enforcement officers are now required to take a two-hour class on the First and Fourth amendments.
Philip Seymour Hoffman had been sober for 23 years until he accepted…
Philip Seymour Hoffman had been sober for 23 years until he accepted an alcoholic beverage to celebrate the completion of The Master. This resulted in relapse, after which he started to use prescription medication. the following year he was using heroin.
Abraham Lincoln’s son, Robert, was once saved from being hit by…
Abraham Lincoln’s son, Robert, was once saved from being hit by a train when a man grabbed him off the tracks. The man was Edwin Booth, brother of John Wilkes Booth.
NASA intoxicated spiders with different drugs to see if they…
NASA intoxicated spiders with different drugs to see if they could still build an effective web. All of the drugs reduced web regularity except for small doses of LSD, which actually increased it.
In 1943 Packard Motors promoted 3 blacks to work next to whites on the assembly…
In 1943 Packard Motors promoted 3 blacks to work next to whites on the assembly line causing 25,000 workers to walk off the job.
After tearing a ligament in his throwing arm during what would…
After tearing a ligament in his throwing arm during what would be his final game, Nolan Ryan threw one last pitch that was clocked at 98 mph.
In 1961 a little girl wrote to President Kennedy concerned about the safety…
In 1961 a little girl wrote to President Kennedy concerned about the safety of Santa Claus amid Soviet nuclear testing at the North Pole. Kennedy wrote back that he had spoken to Santa and that he was fine.
The Coelacanth, a prehistoric fish more related to reptiles and mammals…
The Coelacanth, a prehistoric fish more related to reptiles and mammals than modern fish, was thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago until fishermen caught one in 1938