Sammy Nahas, a 38-year-old electrician from Staten Island, has spent over $100,000 on Christmas decorations in the last three years. This year alone, he estimates spending around $60,000. The season isn’t all cheery and bright for Nahas. After finalizing a divorce three years ago, he said that Christmas Day actually became the most depressing day of the year for him. But once it’s over, he starts planning for next year.
The earliest piece of great literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh…
The earliest piece of great literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh, includes a story in which Utnapishtim is told to build a ship to save the animals of the world from a “great flood”. Nearly 2,000 years later, a similar tale with different names appeared in the Bible’s book of Genesis.
During WW2 two polish doctors saved the lives of 8,000 Jews by faking…
During WW2 two polish doctors saved the lives of 8,000 Jews by faking a typhus epidemic that stopped the Nazis entering their town.
Sid Meier didn’t include multiplayer in the original Civilization…
Sid Meier didn’t include multiplayer in the original Civilization game because “if you had friends, you wouldn’t need to play computer games.”
Stanford PhD student Joan Ginther is either the luckiest women…
Stanford PhD student Joan Ginther is either the luckiest women in the world or has a secret she has not revealed. Ginther has won the lottery on four separate occasions playing scratch off tickets with the smallest jackpot being $2 million.
In 2010 Microsoft banned a user from Xbox Live for putting Fort…
In 2010 Microsoft banned a user from Xbox Live for putting Fort Gay (A real location in West Virginia) as his address. Microsoft refused to believe that Fort Gay actually existed, and eventually took an appeal from the towns Mayor David Thompson for the issue to be corrected.
More Nazis were killed by the Russians in the Battle of Stalingrad…
More Nazis were killed by the Russians in the Battle of Stalingrad alone than were killed during the entire WWII by America.
During WWII a fully grown Reindeer lived on a British submarine…
During WWII a fully grown Reindeer lived on a British submarine, ate a navigation chart and got so fat that it couldn’t get back out.
Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon is a recovering…
Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon is a recovering alcoholic, was penniless, and has been married multiple times.
Marian Morgan believed that dance could be used to enhance the instruction…
Marian Morgan believed that dance could be used to enhance the instruction of just about any subject. And back in 1916, she toured the country with her six dancers, demonstrating how dance-enhanced education would work. The basic theory was that students would pay more attention if young female dancers performed at the front of the classroom as the lecturer talked.