When Grigori Perelman, a Russian mathematician, solved the most important problem in topology he was awarded the Fields Medal and Millennium Prize of one million dollars. He declined both saying: “The main reason is my disagreement with the organized mathematical community. I don’t like their decisions, I consider them unjust.”
There’s a way to highly exaggerate microscopic vibrations on…
There’s a way to highly exaggerate microscopic vibrations on surfaces from any video, allowing you to see things like blood pulses in the face, sound affects on glass and even recreate the sounds that caused the vibrations.
A study of 2 million insurance claims concluded that 9 of the…
A study of 2 million insurance claims concluded that 9 of the top 10 occupations causing car accidents are medical-field related, with the most accidents being caused by Surgeons and GPs.
A group of friends faked a case to get on Judge Judy…
A group of friends faked a case to get on Judge Judy and got 1500 dollars out of it. The story they invented was, basically, that a guy called Jonathan had gotten wasted at the house of a girl named Kate and smashed two TVs that she owned. One of the TVs, she said, landed on her pet cat, Trips, killing it.
300 million years ago in north America there was a poisonous…
300 million years ago in north America there was a poisonous millipede the size of a car, called The Arthropleura.
When JRR Tolkien was asked for proof of Aryan descent in Germany, 1938…
When JRR Tolkien was asked for proof of Aryan descent in Germany, 1938, he replied, “If impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.”
The Amazon River spews so much fresh water into the Atlantic that…
The Amazon River spews so much fresh water into the Atlantic that surface water can be drinkable up to 200 miles from shore.
In the Spanish town Brunete council volunteers will send dog…
In the Spanish town Brunete council volunteers will send dog poo in the mail to dog owners who are seen failing to pick up their dog’s feces in public.
Mormons spent 2 Billion Dollars building a shopping mall next to their…
Mormons spent 2 Billion Dollars building a shopping mall next to their temple in Salt Lake and their prophet shouted “Lets Go Shopping” at the opening ceremony.
John Francis Peggotty was an armed dwarf bandit who roamed…
John Francis Peggotty was an armed dwarf bandit who roamed the South Australian Coorong region riding an ostrich, armed with two ornamental pistols and wearing stolen jewellery draped around his neck.