If you stood at the equator on Mars, the temperature would be 21C (70F) at your feet, where the Sun had warmed the ground, but 0C (32F) at the top of your head.
Show producers gave a homeless man $100,000 to do what he wants…
Show producers gave a homeless man $100,000 to do what he wants; within 6 months he had nearly spent all the money, and he eventually went broke and became homeless again.
France had its own calendar for only 12 years starting in 1792. Each week…
France had its own calendar for only 12 years starting in 1792. Each week had 10 days, each day 10 hours, each hour 100 minutes, and each minute 100 seconds.
Around 1,000 homeless people live in flood tunnels…
Around 1,000 homeless people live in flood tunnels under Las Vegas.
In 2013, Oxford researcher Kevin Dutton compiled a list of professions that attract…
In 2013, Oxford researcher Kevin Dutton compiled a list of professions that attract the most psychopaths. It probably won’t come as a surprise that plenty of psychos become police officers, lawyers, and surgeons. However, the number one vocation chosen by psychopaths was CEO.
$44 billion worth of gift cards have gone…
$44 billion worth of gift cards have gone unredeemed since 2008.
Romans used to call Christians atheists because they didn’t…
Romans used to call Christians atheists because they didn’t pay tribute to their gods.
No one knows what Jesus looked like; “The artistic depictions down…
No one knows what Jesus looked like; “The artistic depictions down the ages have total and complete variation, which indicates that nobody did a portrait of Jesus or wrote down a description, it’s all been forgotten.”
When Vladimir the Great was trying to decide on the national religion…
When Vladimir the Great was trying to decide on the national religion of Russia in 987, he nearly chose Islam; however, after realizing that Muslims weren’t allowed to drink alcohol, he decided on Orthodox Christianity instead.
A worm’s mind has been mapped, replicated, and placed…
A worm’s mind has been mapped, replicated, and placed inside a Lego robot.