A study of alcohol-stealing monkeys found that they could be divided into four groups: teetotaler, social drinker (the majority who only drink with other monkeys and not before lunch), regular drinker and binge drinkers that will drink themselves into a coma or death.
A fifth wheel was a concept to help with parallel parking…
A fifth wheel was a concept to help with parallel parking in the 1950’s.
ATM PINs were originally intended to have six digits, but have four…
ATM PINs were originally intended to have six digits, but have four because the inventor’s wife said she could only remember that many.
In Iceland, the phonebook is sorted by first names because everyone…
In Iceland, the phonebook is sorted by first names because everyone’s surname is basically their father’s first name followed by -son or -dottir.
The sweat from a man’s underarm can help women relax, boost…
The sweat from a man’s underarm can help women relax, boost their mood and help regulate their menstrual cycle, if applied to her lips.
If you could fold a piece of paper in half 103 times it would be as…
If you could fold a piece of paper in half 103 times it would be as thick as the observable universe.
There was a Japanese man who survived 24 days of cold weather by inadvertently…
There was a Japanese man who survived 24 days of cold weather by inadvertently falling into a state of hibernation. When he was found, his temperature had dropped to 71°F.
Margaret Anne Cargill was a philanthropist born into one of the wealthiest…
Margaret Anne Cargill was a philanthropist born into one of the wealthiest families in the world. She gave away more than $200M during her life, always anonymously, and provided that after her death all her wealth go to charity. In 2011 her assets were liquidated, resulting in a $6B donation.
American flags made in China are banned…
American flags made in China are banned in the U.S. Military.
There is an American military cemetery Margraten, Netherlands. On Memorial…
There is an American military cemetery Margraten, Netherlands. On Memorial Day each year every last grave is “adopted” by a Dutch family that lays flowers over the site.