In 1967 Canadian Club whisky launched their…

In 1967 Canadian Club whiskey launched their “Hide A Case” ad campaign. Cases of CC were hidden in exotic locations such as Mount Kilimanjaro, Angel Falls, Mount St. Helens, and the Swiss Alps. A small number of cases, such as one hidden above the Arctic Circle have never been found.

There is an American restaurant chain…

There is an American restaurant chain, “Der Wienerschnitzel”, that contains three German language errors in its name. The gender is incorrect, the restaurant serves hot dogs (not Wiener schnitzel), and a missing space implies that residents of Vienna have been used as an ingredient.

In 1983 hundreds of workers broke a world record…

In 1983 hundreds of workers broke a world record by building a 3 bdrm home in just 3 hours. It was later sold to buyers who weren’t told about home’s origin. The home was an instant nightmare: uneven slab, burst pipes, flawed roof, mismatched paint, buckled walls, crooked doors, faulty sewer, etc.