A single human being’s DNA contains as much information as fifty novels.
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A single human being’s DNA contains as much information as fifty novels.
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General Electric is the only company remaining from the original Dow Jones index of 1896.
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Mr. T‘s trademark gold neck chains and jewelry was the result of customers losing the items or leaving them after a fight at the nightclub where Mr T. worked as a bouncer. A banned customer could return to claim his property from Mr. T wearing it conspicuously right out front.
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D-Day was originally supposed to happen on 5th June but meteorologist James Stagg persuaded Dwight Eisenhower to postpone by a day right at the last minute. The weather conditions had to be just right for the landings and planners took the tide, wind speed and even the moon cycle into account.
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In New Orleans during Mardi Gras they serve an iced, multi-colored cake called King Cake. Inside the cake there is a small baby figurine called a fève which represents baby Jesus. Whomever gets the fève is said to have luck and prosperity for the rest of the year.
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In the operatic song in The Fifth Element, composer Eric Sierra “purposely wrote un-singable things” so she’d sound like an alien. When opera singer Inva Muls came for the part, “she sang 85% of what [Eric] thought was technically impossible”, the rest being assembled in the studio.
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The air quality around the Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley (CA) is so bad that schools use green, yellow, and red flags to indicate whether children with asthma can go outside and play with their classmates
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Norse Paganism is the fastest growing and largest non-Christian religion in Iceland.
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TVs used to end broadcasting and go static at midnight.
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When Ozone gas was first identified in 1840 its harmful effects were not widely understood – it was associated with fresh air and recuperative properties. In 1882, a businessman coined the name Ozone Park (NY) to promote the area’s proximity to “fresh tonic ocean air”.
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