1816 was called “The Year Without a Summer…

1816 was called “The Year Without a Summer” after the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia. Crop failure forced Joseph Smith to leave Vermont, and his journeys resulted in “The Book of Mormon,” the dreary rain in Switzerland drove Mary Shelley to stay indoors, where she wrote “Frankenstein.” 10

The the first deodorant for men was launched…

The the first deodorant for men was launched in 1935 (decades after the introduction of deodorants for women) because, at the beginning of the 20th century, body odour was not considered a problem for men; it was a part of being masculine. 10

In 1504 a German knight named Götz…

In 1504 a German knight named Götz von Berlichingen lost his right arm when enemy cannon fire forced his own sword against him. He had two mechanical hands made for him, capable of holding a shield to a feathered pen. He was then known as Götz of the Iron Hand. 10