Winter storm

In some parts of the world, the winds during winter storms can be so strong that they can create “snow rollers.” Snow rollers are essentially balls of snow that form when strong winds pick up loose snow and roll it into a ball. These snow rollers can be as small as a tennis ball or […]

college football game between Georgia Tech and Cumberland University

In the early 1900s, a college football game between Georgia Tech and Cumberland University ended with a final score of 222-0 in favor of Georgia Tech. Cumberland had only recently formed a football team and was severely outmatched by Georgia Tech, which was one of the top football programs in the country at the time. […]

Why people shaved their eyebrows in ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, it was common for people to shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when their cats died. Cats were considered sacred animals in ancient Egypt and were often depicted in art and literature as symbols of grace, beauty, and good fortune. The loss of a beloved pet cat was therefore a […]

First footing

New Year’s Eve is usually celebrated with parties, fireworks, and other festive activities. In many cultures, it is also a time for making resolutions for the coming year, and for looking back on the past year. One somewhat unusual tradition that takes place on New Year’s Eve in some parts of the world is the […]

New Year’s Eve superstitions

Traditionally, New Year’s Eve is a time for superstitions and rituals believed to bring good luck in the coming year. Some people believe that eating certain foods, such as beans, lentils, or pork, can bring prosperity and good fortune. Others believe that performing certain actions, such as wearing red underwear or jumping over waves at […]

Dropping a ball to mark the start of the New Year

In Times Square in New York City, the tradition of dropping a ball to mark the start of the New Year has been a longstanding tradition. The first ball drop was held on December 31, 1907, and it has been a staple of New Year’s Eve celebrations in Times Square ever since. The ball is […]

The ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia

The ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, which took place in December, was a time of revelry and inversion of social norms. During the festival, slaves and masters would swap places, with slaves being treated to elaborate feasts and given temporary freedom to speak their minds. The festival was also marked by gambling, drinking, and gift-giving, […]

New Year’s resolutions

The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions dates back to ancient Babylon, where it was believed that the gods would bestow good fortune upon those who demonstrated a willingness to improve themselves. The ancient Babylonians would make promises to their gods at the start of the year to pay off debts, return borrowed items, and […]

New Year in ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, the celebration of the New Year was held on March 1st, and it was a time of purification and renewal. The Romans believed that the start of the New Year was a time to put the past behind them and start fresh, and they would celebrate by making offerings to the gods, […]


During the reign of the Roman Emperor Caligula (AD 37-41), he is said to have appointed his favorite horse, Incitatus, to the position of Consul, which was one of the highest offices in the Roman Republic. Caligula is also said to have planned to build a palace for Incitatus and to have given the horse […]