During the 1950s and 1960s, the Canadian government, military, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police utilized a technology known as “the fruit machine“. This machine was employed as a tool in their efforts to identify homosexual men in the public service. Individuals were required to watch adult content as the machine tracked changes in pupil size, sweat production, and heart rate.
Unveiling the Bard: Five Fascinating Insights into William Shakespeare’s Life
William Shakespeare, fondly known as the Bard, remains one of the world’s most iconic literary figures. But there are many less-known facts about his life that cast an intriguing light on the man behind the plays.
1. The Unfortunate Demise of Shakespeare’s Final Residence: The last place Shakespeare called home in Stratford-upon-Avon succumbed to an unfortunate fate in 1759. Reverend Francis Gastrell, the then-owner of the house, grew weary of the constant flood of tourists. In a moment of frustration, he demolished this historical edifice, forever erasing a tangible link to Shakespeare’s later years.
2. An Extraterrestrial Tribute to the Bard: Beyond the confines of our Earth, Shakespeare’s influence extends into the celestial realm. Each one of Uranus’s 27 moons carries a name from characters penned by William Shakespeare or fellow poet, Alexander Pope. A testament to the enduring impact of their literary works.
3. The Unseen Businessman: Not just a man of words, Shakespeare proved a savvy businessman. During periods of famine, he hoarded grain to resell at inflated prices, amassing a wealth used for money-lending activities. However, this enterprise drew the attention of authorities, leading to his pursuit for tax evasion and prosecution for hoarding grain.
4. The Grave Robber’s Curse: To deter any potential grave robbers, Shakespeare left a haunting warning on his tombstone. The curse remains a successful deterrent to date, with his final resting place remaining undisturbed.
5. The Enigma of His Name: Despite his fame, the exact spelling of Shakespeare’s name remains a mystery, even to the Bard himself. His contemporaries came up with over 80 different versions, including “Shappere” and “Shaxberd.” Surprisingly, the now universally accepted “William Shakespeare” was never once used by the man himself.
Twins Apart: The Astonishingly Parallel Lives of the Jim Twins
The Jim twins, who were separated at birth only to be reunited at the age of 39, lived incredibly parallel lives. Each of them had married and later divorced a woman named Linda, and they were presently married to women named Betty. Coincidentally, both had sons whom they named James Allan and owned dogs called Toy. Remarkably, they both drove the same type of car, were employed in the security sector, and had a regular vacation spot: the same beach in Florida.
The Boxer Rebellion: Martial Arts Club’s Secret Struggle for Change
During a span of approximately three years around 1900, there existed a secret society in China dedicated to martial arts training, which sought to topple the Chinese government and expel foreign influences. Recognized in the Western world as “The Boxer Rebellion,” this name derives from the fact that its members engaged in unarmed combat employing traditional Chinese fighting techniques.
7 Interesting Facts About Astronauts and Space
While the expanse of space continues to captivate our imagination, the everyday life of those who traverse its depths – the astronauts – often remain shrouded in mystery. Here, we delve into some unexpected and captivating facts about astronauts and their extraterrestrial experiences.
- To kick off, did you know that burritos are a preferred delicacy among astronauts? In the weightlessness of space, food crumbs can pose a potential threat to equipment. Thus, burritos, which are easy to eat and crumb-free, have become a popular meal choice.
- Gender biases didn’t escape even the final frontier. In an attempt to cater to female astronauts, NASA engineers went to the extent of designing a space-friendly makeup kit. They presumed that these pioneering women would crave the normalcy of their makeup routine amidst the stars.
NASA engineers designed this makeup kit in 1978 for women astronauts. The kit was never flown. (Image credit: NASA) - Food choices before a space flight are also meticulously planned. Traditionally, astronauts consume a hearty meal of steak and eggs before their missions. This meal is not only filling but also low in dietary fiber, reducing the need for astronauts to use the bathroom during their mission.
- The simple pleasure of coffee is not forsaken in space. Thanks to Lavazza, the Italian coffee maker, the International Space Station had its own espresso machine – the ISSpresso – between 2015 and 2017. Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut, had the honor of becoming the first person to enjoy a fresh espresso in space, made all the more special with a zero-gravity espresso cup.
- Some physical changes can occur due to the microgravity environment of space. Scott Kelly, an astronaut, experienced this first-hand when he returned from a space mission standing two inches taller than his identical twin brother.
- Racial bias in space wasn’t left behind on Earth, and it made its way into the realm of comic books. In 1956, the Comics Code Authority (CCA) tried to ban a story featuring a black astronaut. This move was not in violation of any existing Code, but the publishers stood their ground and challenged the CCA, even threatening to take the matter to court.
- Lastly, comfort upgrades have also made their way to space missions. For instance, the Apollo 11 astronauts had no choice but to sleep on the cold lunar module floor. However, subsequent missions, starting from Apollo 12, were equipped with adjustable hammocks. This innovation significantly reduced the chilling effects from contact with the cabin floor, making space sleeps a tad more comfortable.
Through these curious snippets, we get a glimpse of the extraordinary, yet very human experiences of astronauts in space. Their stories continue to inspire, captivate, and remind us of our collective strive to push boundaries and explore the unknown.
Hormel Foods’ Unique Terminology: Unwanted Emails over Spam
Employees at Hormel Foods, the company known for producing canned SPAM, are encouraged to call spam emails “unwanted emails.”
Back in the 1930s, who would’ve thought that the name of a canned meat product could stir up such a fuss in the realm of the internet? Hormel Foods, famous for creating SPAM, got a raw deal during the internet surge of the 90s. The term “spam” unfortunately took on a whole new meaning – spam emails.
But, get this: the naming of these annoying, unsolicited emails didn’t emerge from the internet era. It actually comes from a 1970 Monty Python sketch. Yes, you heard it right! This sketch, which features a couple struggling to order a SPAM-free breakfast from a SPAM-saturated menu, unwittingly gave birth to the term. The relentless repetition of the word in the sketch echoed the irritating repetition of unwanted messages online.
It’s totally understandable, then, that Hormel Foods isn’t thrilled about their product’s name being synonymous with the aggravating emails that flood our inboxes. Not exactly the best kind of publicity, right?
Unmasking the Monster: Five Facts About Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster
The Cookie Monster, a beloved figure of the popular children’s program Sesame Street, is much more than just a blue furry Muppet with a sweet tooth. Here are five intriguing facts about this iconic character that might surprise even the most dedicated fans.
1. A Sweet Illusion
Believe it or not, the cookies you see Cookie Monster indulging in aren’t cookies at all – they’re painted rice cakes. Real cookies contain grease that would damage the puppet, necessitating this clever, albeit less decadent, substitution.
2. From Munchos to Cookies
Before he found fame on Sesame Street, Cookie Monster made his debut in a different role. He appeared in three commercials for Lay’s Munchos Potato Crisps in 1969 under the name “Arnold, the Munching Monster”. Little did we know then, his munching days were far from over!
3. A Blast from the Past
Cookie Monster’s voracious appetite for cookies didn’t define him from the beginning. In a 2004 Sesame Street episode, he revealed that his original name was Sid, before he developed his infamous cookie obsession.
4. Meet Zobi, Nigeria’s Yam Monster
Sesame Street’s global influence has led to unique adaptations around the world. In Nigeria, they have their version of Cookie Monster named Zobi the Yam Monster. Since many Nigerian children don’t have access to cookies, producers gave Zobi a taste for a local staple: yams. His catchphrase? “Me eat yam!”
5. From Screen to Cyberspace
Cookie Monster’s influence extended beyond television and into the realm of cyber security. In the 1995 film Hackers, a virus named “Cookie Monster” made an appearance. This was a nod to a real-life malware program that would only halt its activities when the user typed “Oreo”.
Memorial Day Remembered: Six Facts About This Honorable Day
Memorial Day, an American holiday dedicated to honoring the country’s fallen military personnel, carries with it a rich and poignant history. The following fascinating facts shed light on the depth and significance of this solemn day.
1. Waterloo: The Birthplace of Memorial Day
The tranquil town of Waterloo, New York is acknowledged as the origin of the Memorial Day tradition. On May 5, 1866, local businesses shuttered their doors and townsfolk gathered to adorn the resting places of soldiers with decorations. This marked the first formal observance of what would become an enduring national tradition.
2. Manila American Cemetery: The Largest Collection of American World War II Graves
The Manila American Cemetery in the Philippines holds the record for containing the greatest number of graves for U.S. personnel who lost their lives during World War II. The cemetery is the final resting place of 17,206 individuals, with 16,636 of these belonging to U.S. personnel.
3. The Dutch Tradition at the Margraten American Cemetery
Memorial Day in the Netherlands carries its own unique tradition at the American military cemetery in Margraten. Every Memorial Day, Dutch families participate in a solemn “adoption” ritual, with each family choosing a grave to honor with flowers. This touching tribute ensures that every grave in the cemetery receives a personal commemoration.
4. The Inception of Memorial Day and its Deep Roots in Civil War History
The very first Memorial Day was conceived in the wake of the American Civil War. Freed slaves, in an act of gratitude and respect, held a commemorative funeral for the Union soldiers who had fought for their liberation in 1865.
5. The Unchanging Symbol at the Vietnam Memorial Wall
The Vietnam Memorial Wall holds an indelible symbol of soldiers still missing in action (M.I.A.). Each M.I.A. soldier’s name is etched with a cross, a poignant promise that their loss is not forgotten. However, should a soldier be found, a circle is drawn around the existing cross. To this day, the memorial has no circles, a stark reminder of those yet to return.
6. A Sobering Fact about Vietnam War Casualties
During the Vietnam War, a staggering 61% of U.S troops who were killed were under 21 years of age. Many of these young men had been drafted, their lives abruptly transitioning from adolescence to the harsh realities of war.
These six facts offer just a glimpse into the depth and breadth of the history and significance of Memorial Day. As we remember those who have given their lives for our freedom, let these stories serve as a reminder of the courage, sacrifice, and youth of those we honor.
Wealth, Education, and Federal Employment: A Snapshot of Washington D.C. and Its Suburbs
Five out of the ten richest counties in the United States are located in the suburbs of Washington D.C., within Maryland and Virginia. These counties boast a median income of approximately $134,000. Furthermore, when considering Washington D.C. alongside the fifty states, it holds the highest proportion of individuals with a college degree. Moreover, D.C. is a hub for a vast array of federal government and agency roles, inclusive of contractors. The jobs generally tend to pay well.
Bradbury’s Fire: The Playboy Debut of Fahrenheit 451
In 1953, the iconic novel Fahrenheit 451 was acquired by Hugh Hefner. This renowned work of Ray Bradbury was subsequently published across the second, third, and fourth issues of Playboy magazine.