People Share Absurd Pieces of Clothing and Their Outrageous Price Tags

When I want to buy an unusual new product, I remind myself that without risk there’s no reward.

Sometimes it works, and the unusual new product is a massive success!

Other times it’s a huge disappointment, and I kick myself for days.

The point is, we all make weird choices sometimes. And the luxury goods industry exists to feed those retail therapy choices.

When a woman went viral recently for posting her ridiculous discovery from Nordstrom, the post took off, with others joining in to share the weirdest and most expensive items they’ve seen for sale as well.

She wrote:

The $895 price tag may sound like a lot, but at least you won’t have any money left that you need to carry around, since, as one keen-eyed user pointed out the fine print:

This bedazzled objet d’art doesn’t actually carry anything, except for a conversation.

It sounds like something David Rose would say.

In addition to outrageously expensive and useless “purses”, there were a number of examples of horrifying (and useless?) clothing trends in the thread.

User @chelbee611 shared these bizarre underwear-exposing trousers.

Good thing they have free returns.

And who can forget this aptly described travesty, which I guess you could wear with those pants.

If you’re really looking to be classy, there’s this dress, which I would describe as “tarp & bungee chic” – perfect for any occasion.

And to really kick it up a notch, pair that dress with these matching gloves.
(They match the bungee cords.)

If the tarp dress isn’t to your liking, because, idk, you’re worried about rain on your back? Never fear, there’s always this shower curtain dress option shared by Ellen Grace.

Perfect for a rainy day or a chili dog eating contest.

And if you’re worried about getting cold (maybe in that backless dress) user @TSatch17 has you covered with this… sleeping bag wrap?

Another user, @jamiesanpedroo, who really got into the exercise, found these wacky toe-sock-boot-gizmos, and I don’t even know what to do with them.

Is Nordstrom okay?

Not to single out high end retailers, @my_tv_life pointed to her favorite source for the ridiculous, Etsy, and these fabulous handmade pants.

Mars OBSESSED responded to the original post with a joke, but these glasses (?!) are blowing my mind.

Several users shared the same $1300 hat, which I personally thought looked like an attempt to imitate an orca.

And don’t forget about the bling. There was the bike lock necklace that costs more than any actual bike lock.

Just in case, you know, you’re worried someone’s going to steal your head.

Honestly, these all make me feel better about the electric toothbrush I bought last week.

What about you? What’s the most absurd item to come into your social media ads?

Tell us in the comments!

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People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen

The luxury goods market is definitely interesting.

I mean, I’m as guilty as the next person of spending my hard-earned money on ridiculous things.

But there are definitely some items for sale that make you go “what?”

Last month, mother and hockey fan Lexi Brown, PhD, went viral for her Tweet about random and ridiculous luxury items, spawning a thread of similarly themed responses.

Lexi found a… well, they call it a “bag” (but it doesn’t actually hold anything) shaped like a diamond-encrusted folding chair, and the reviews were hilarious.

Users were similarly dumbfounded by the weird little purse:

Lexi’s post went viral, and soon her followers were chiming in with ridiculous finds of their own.

User Raahina Somani shared a similarly bizarre purse that I’m still trying to wrap my head around, but check out that price tag!

But it gets better. Zaza Chilvers found a Louis Vuitton bag and I honestly LOVE it, but it costs more than my car.

And for people who really love their veggies, there’s this hideous broccoli bag.

But I think I’ll take the broccoli purse over the shrimp cocktail one.

Danielle P. chimed in with another absurd bag she found at a different online shop:

Moving on from bags, there was the $280 (each) hair-roller for wealthy grandmas the world over.

And Greg never does explain why he owns this, but it comes with its own little pocket.

And then @Kristin_wrote was perplexed by this unusually shaped ping-pong table, but I guess it would add another level of complexity to the game.

Getting into the spirit of mocking Nordstrom, one user shared diamond-lined ski goggles.

Several users found something to balk at from Tiffany, where nothing comes with a small price tag.

And don’t forget the lovely but possibly useless sterling silver greenhouse.

One that really set the bar was shared by @thaisaustin.

Who, in their hour of grief, wants to commemorate their lost love with a 3D version of their head for the mantle?

No price tag here, but I’m guessing these don’t come cheap.

The winner of Twitter that day, though, was definitely @MsModernity who added Bernie Sanders to the OP.

I’ve seen all I need to see.

I honestly can’t even with most of these. What’s the most ridiculous (and ridiculously expensive) thing you have ever seen? Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Think Is Expensive, but Is Only Owned by Poor People

Why do people who don’t have muchf money buy expensive things?

For status? To show off? To make themselves feel better?

Who really knows…I think every person is different and probably does it for different reasons.

People on AskReddit were asked the following question:

“What is something that is expensive, but only owned by poor people?”

Here are some interesting responses…

1. Cars are pricey.

“I remember I had an old Chevy truck that cost so much to maintain and keep fuel in that I couldn’t afford to save for another car.

I literally kept me broke until I eventually joined the military and could afford a different vehicle.”

2. Doesn’t always work that way.

“Rent-to-own. Spoiler: you never quite own it.

Places like Aaron’s just make me mad. It seems like you’re getting a good deal, but you aren’t. You’re paying like twice as much for an item.”

3. It’s better to buy in bulk.

“Single items of things that should be bought in bulk. Like single rolls of toilet paper.

Barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck means buying bulk is sometimes impossible.”

4. It adds up.


The poor don’t own the machines. But they pay a lot more overall to do laundry at laundromats.”

5. Food deserts.

“In food deserts, things like meat and fresh vegetables are sometimes actually more expensive than the boxed stuff.

That’s when you look at total yield of food stuff that will fill your stomach over time.”

6. This is true.

“A lot of kids.

The poor are often very fruitful.

I have 6 siblings. I am the only one to have gone to college and graduate. I can’t remember a time when any of my family hasn’t lived off food stamps :/ “

7. Fancy cars.

“The amount of privates in the army who have just enough money to pay for their 30% interest 2018 ford mustangs, but not enough money to buy literally anything else is pretty ridiculous.”

8. In the long run…

“Just paying rent.

Where I live mortgage is waaaaaaaaaay cheaper then getting a house but they dont give me a mortgage because I dont earn enough… so I have to keep renting expensive places making it take even longer for me to save up.

And in my situation getting a better paying job is difficult… I swear this world is made for the rich and middle class. Poor people are straight up fucked in every way possible…”

9. Is it worth it?

“Lottery tickets.

Sure not individually but over time it must get expensive.”

10. You do see this a lot…


They’re not cheap, but somehow they’re inked from head to toe.”

11. A mystery to me.

“Designer handbags covered in the brand logo.

Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton.”

12. Bling bling.

“Bling, for the most part.

Yeah celebrities sometimes like to show off a bunch of bling but the rich people I’ve known don’t aggressively flaunt their wealth.”

13. Showing off.

“Designer belts.

Dudes will pay $300 to hold up their pants but can’t afford linens for their mattress that’s on the floor without a box spring.”

14. A bad habit.


I know more poor people who smoke than other groups.”

15. The shoe game.


Not exclusively owned by poor people but everyone in my “2 family one bedroom apartment neighborhood” is obsessed with who owns the most expensive Jordans as if it’s a status symbol.”

16. Two things…

“Starbucks and nice shoes.

In the Philippines some folks might earn equivalent of $5 a day, but they’ll get their Starbucks and nice shoes to give the impression they aren’t as poor as they are. They will take great care of that Starbucks cup, so they can re-use it.”

17. Branded items.

“Really expensive branded items that look horrible and have high price tags just because of the label like yeezes and other crap like that like someone with money and common sense wouldn’t spend money on or wear.”

18. In my neck of the woods.

“I’ve noticed a lot of the poor around the US do a lot of expensive things. At least in my neck of the woods…they smoke, drive gas guzzlers, have many animals, drink excessive alcohol, many do drugs, go to “pain management clinics,” etc.

Obviously a lot of these people I know have lots of debt, rent a home or apartment, make ridiculous payments on the unecofriendly vehicles they drive, but have the latest cell phones, tennis shoes (or whatever you call them where you’re from,) designer bags (ok mostly knockoff….but you’re trying to look the part!), fake fingernails, dyed hair…..I could go on…but I won’t.”

19. That sucks.

“Paying for public transportation to get to work.

I live in Portland. It costs me $100 a month just to get to work.”

20. A great point.

“Poverty itself.

It can be mind-bogglingly expensive to be poor. Everything gets put off until it becomes catastrophic.”

What did you think of those answers?

Are they on-point, or do you think the folks offering up these opinions are wrong?

Tell us what you think in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About What They Think Is Expensive, but Is Only Owned by Poor People appeared first on UberFacts.