A picture of a giant robot helping Russia revolutionaries storm the winter palace in 1917, was accidentally used in an Australian history exam. Some students wasted time in trying to figure out what the giant robot was, thinking it was a statue of a Russian politician or a battleship.
The final science exam for 8th grad….
The final science exam for 8th grade students in Ketchikan Alaska is a 2 night survival trip on an uninhabited island.
In Korea, planes do not take off or land during…
In South Korea, planes do not take off or land during the English listening portion of the college entrance exam.
In Korea, airliner traffic is modified to not disturb students…
In South Korea, airliner traffic is modified to not disturb students writing their college entrance exam. They also delay people going to work that day so that there’s no traffic jams as students are en route to take the exam.