Members of a chimpanzee troop in Senegal have been observed by scientists fashioning tree branches into spears and using them as hunting tools. 10
While living on islands…
While living on islands without many predators, humans and other animals become significantly smaller within 2000-3000 years in a process called “Island Dwarfism,” while small animals like rats become bigger. 00
In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant…
In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant from a baboon but ended up dying 21 days later due to rejection. When questioned with why a baboon and not a primate more closely related to humans, the surgeon said he didn’t believe in evolution. 00
The sudden startled jolt awake sometimes experienced when on the verge…
The sudden startled jolt awake sometimes experienced when on the verge of sleeping is known as a hypnic jerk, and is likely a vestigial reflex selected to help primates avoid falling while resting or asleep in trees.
In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant from…
In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant from a baboon but ended up dying 21 days later due to rejection. When questioned with why a baboon and not a primate more closely related to humans, the surgeon said he didn’t believe in evolution.
The concept of posthuman god is the idea that humans of the future…
The concept of posthuman god is the idea that humans of the future might be so intelligent and technologically sophisticated that their behavior would not possibly be comprehensible to current humans, in other words, that they would appear ‘god-like’ by present-day human standards.
Some chimpanzees and monkeys have…
Some chimpanzees and monkeys have entered the stone age.
There is a bug that evolved to have…
There is a bug that evolved to have actual mechanical gears.
Catholic schools in United States teach evolution…
Catholic schools in United States teach evolution as a part of their science curriculum.
The Plantaris is a small muscle in your calf that is believed to be used by our…
The Plantaris is a small muscle in your calf that is believed to be used by our ancestors to grip with their feet. It is so weak that it is considered functionally obsolete and arguments have been made that humans are evolving it out. It is absent in 7-10% of the population worldwide.