Julia Stewart, who worked as a waitress at an IHOP at 16 years old, worked her way up through various jobs to become a President at Applebees. After being passed over for CEO, she returned to IHOP, became CEO, and later acquired Applebees.
New Jersey lifeguards can retire when they’re 45 years old with…
New Jersey lifeguards can retire when they’re 45 years old with a lifelong pension of up to $61,000.00/year. And when they die, the payments continue on to their dependents.
Instead of handouts, panhandlers in Albuquerque, NM are offered…
Instead of handouts, panhandlers in Albuquerque, NM are offered a job making $9/hr cash paid at end of workday for doing work for the city’s Solid Waste Dept. A 16-seat van run by a homeless shelter cruises the streets to offer jobs to panhandlers. Homeless can also call 311 to receive help.
In 2000, a meat department at a Walmart in Texas became the first…
In 2000, a meat department at a Walmart in Texas became the first store to unionize. Within two weeks Walmart eliminated all meat department positions and switched to pre-packaged meats.
Chinese mathematician Yitang Zhang could not get an academic…
Chinese mathematician Yitang Zhang could not get an academic job upon graduating, having to work as an accountant and a delivery worker for a New York City restaurant. He later went on to solve a math problem that had been unsolved for 150 years and won a MacArthur Genius Grant.
In the US, it is legal for employers to set…
In the US, it is legal for employers to set a maximum IQ for a job. The thinking is that people with high IQs pose a greater risk of quitting compared to those with average IQs.
In 1973, three astronauts on the Skylab 4 space station…
In 1973, three astronauts on the Skylab 4 space station went on strike after being over worked, demanding more time for contemplating the universe and in Pogue’s words “studying the, the Earth below, and ourselves”: the first strike in space.
Two white brothers took the Boston firefighters test claiming…
Two white brothers took the Boston firefighters test claiming to be black so they would pass at the lower requirements. They worked for 10 years before being discovered.
Recent polling indicated 35% of U.S. workers would willingly forgo a substantial…
Recent polling indicated 35% of U.S. workers would willingly forgo a substantial pay raise in exchange for seeing their direct supervisor fired.
70% of Americans either hate their jobs or are completely…
70% of Americans either hate their jobs or are completely disengaged from them.