Learn About Tricks Employees Use in Dealing with Customers

I once worked at a country club with some wealthy members.

The official unofficial policy of the club was “you never tell a member no.” Which meant that whatever a member might request, you just told them you were on it and got to work.

Problem was, a lot of the time I either had no idea how to fulfill their particular request or knew for a fact that it couldn’t happen. But since I wasn’t allowed to just tell them that, my main strategy involved hurrying off to “take care of it” and then just kind of wandering around until I could find someone else to pass it off to.

It wasn’t good. That job wasn’t good.

But I’m not alone in finding these work-arounds.

The OP here wasn’t alone either. Because the tweet replies came flooding in.

10. Check in the back

The back is not some magical place, I don’t know what customers think goes on there.

9. It didn’t meet our standards

And we’re ALL about standards.

8. I AM the supervisor

I can be anything I set my mind to.

7. I’m still learning English

That’s a clever one.

6. Sorry, can’t help ya

Shouldn’t they have been trained?

5. I’ve just started

Sometimes, it’s official policy.

4. Keep the training sticker

Don’t ask me, find someone else.

3. The new girl

Not just a show.

2. It’s my birthday

It’s perfect until you start to get regulars.

1. Blessings be upon you

Now that’s a grift.

Maybe use some of those tips in your own life? Couldn’t hurt.

What white lies have you told at work?

Tell us in the comments.

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Employers Should Stop Doing These Things in their Job Listings

The anxiety of not knowing where your next paycheck is coming from is certainly not helped along by the fact that looking for a new job, for most of us, is a process that makes us feel like we’re taking crazy pills.

As we wade through various websites, filling out forms and trying to discern requirements, the tasks we’re asked to clear start to feel alien. Is this real life? Is this a real job?

People who find themselves hopelessly frustrated with these things will soon be on Reddit making their complaints known, and based on that, here are some things employers should maybe stop doing if they really want to land a good hire.

10. Use applicants as free marketing

Everybody can see through this.

Another company using job seekers’ desperation to do PR for free from recruitinghell

9. Use form letters that are obvious lies

Dude we literally never met.

So curious how this recruiter "enjoyed meeting me" during an interview they flaked on and didn’t apologize for missing? from recruitinghell

8. Try to hire beyond your means

So why did you talk to me?

Everybody requires security clearance, nobody got time to sponsor it. The usual. from recruitinghell

7. Be so picky

Beggars and choosers and all of that.

Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. from recruitinghell

6. Mislabel your listings

All you’re doing is wasting everybody’s time.

The location for the job posting is literally labeled "Remote"….but okay. from recruitinghell

5. Demand so much

Do you have any idea what a doctorate costs in America?

Huh?! Those qualifications, for that role, for THAT pay? from recruitinghell

4. Add extraneous responsibilities

As the list gets longer, the applicant gets more afraid.

[NY] Why are we doing this. from recruitinghell

3. Assume the worst

Resume gaps happen for all kinds of reasons, and laziness is far from the top one.

Stay Classy Recruiters from recruitinghell

2. Just disappear

You realize that by the time you get back to them, they’ve moved on.

Recruiter ghosted me on a phone screen. Two weeks later this was the email. from recruitinghell

1. List non-jobs as jobs

“After three months of not paying you, we might decide to pay you. Lucky you.”

Then don’t list it as a full time job???? from recruitinghell

Let’s start with those, shall we?

What’s the worst job application experience you’ve had lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Employers Should Stop Doing These Things in their Job Listings appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets For People Who Are Sick of Work

Let’s revisit the immortal words of Todd Rundgren:

“Take this, every day when I get home from work
I feel so frustrated the boss is a jerk,
And I get my sticks and go out to the shed,
And I pound on that drum like it was the boss’ head because
I don’t want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day.”

This lighthearted tune about an employer head trauma fantasy rings true with most of us, especially with the people who wrote these tweets.

Though I’d rather nobody bang on drums while I’m trying to relax. You can take that elsewhere, please.

10. Dead serious

Cool, cool cool cool, our society is broken.

9. Me time

How about mind your own business, Carol?

8. Tears in rain

Now THAT’S what I call freedom.

7. Code of conduct

Now I shall go to heaven.

6. Tow the line

It’s the delicate balance that binds us all together.

5. Growing accustomed

I don’t even need to see the rest of ya’ll.

4. See no evil

We’ve been speaking with our voices for millenia, we can just keep doing that.

3. The dream

Let me know if you figure it out.

2. Enthusiasm

I too have an inescapable guilt complex.

1. Many worries

Watch your language.

Nobody wants to work. But we gotta. At least we can all tweet about it!

What’s the best job you’ve ever had? What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? What made them unique?

Tell us all about it in the comments.

The post Tweets For People Who Are Sick of Work appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Asked Her Husband to Turn Down His Dream Job Because of Her Career. Is She Wrong?

If you haven’t spent a lot of time on Reddit’s “Am I The *sshole” page, you’re missing out.

It’s basically a public forum for everyday people to spill their guts about things in their lives that are bothering them and want to know, as the title implies, whether they are *ssholes because of the situations that went down.

And a woman asked the fine readers at Reddit this question about a situation that arose with her husband.

Here’s what she had to say.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Seems like she has a pretty good gig going on, yes?

Now let’s check out the deal with her husband.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sounds like her husband hit the jackpot…but there are some major issues involved, as you’re about to see…

If her husband took this position, it could cause big problems for her in her high-paying job.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Hmmmm, sounds like a real conundrum, doesn’t it?

So the woman asked her husband to not even consider the job anymore.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And…it didn’t go very well…

In fact, her husband got very worked up and angry about the whole thing.

And he kept his name in the ring for the job.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The woman felt like her husband betrayed her and she decided to let her co-workers know about the potential issues.

She decided that being straight-up with them was better than them finding out some other way.

And she gave her husband a very serious ultimatum.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This is truly a tough situation for everyone involved.

And you can tell how much it is eating this woman up inside.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this?

Is she being selfish about this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and share your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you!

The post A Woman Asked Her Husband to Turn Down His Dream Job Because of Her Career. Is She Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Tweets About Work That are Right on the Money

Many of us have seen changes to our work situations lately.

More and more folks are doing their jobs from home, which is kinda nice as long as you’ve got a little space to dedicate to that sort of thing. Not super fun to be creating makeshift desks with your kids running circles around you and throwing play dough at each other or whatever it is that kids do.

Not that all the problems would go away if you were back in the traditional office, of course. No matter what form work takes, there’s always something to contend with.

It’s a strange thing, the world of employment – and nobody expresses that strangeness better than the people of Twitter.

10. Work it

There’s something very special and very weird at play here.

9. Going up

Best of luck, bro.

8. Give me a break

I don’t run so good as I used to.

7. Good morning

Can we not right now? Or like, ever?

6. Slap suits

Sir I would PAY you for this privilege.

5. Speedy delivery!

If I wait too long, maybe everyone will hate me.

4. Work it

My forehead? That’s hot.

3. On the flip side

The grass is always greener.

2. The silent treatment

You just stare blankly until you find yourself in bed wondering what just happened.

1. The nod

Being an employee isn’t all it’s quacked up to be.

Tweets that good almost make the rat race seem worthwhile. Especially that last one. I’d work with that duck for FREE.

What’s your work experience like?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post 10 Tweets About Work That are Right on the Money appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Most Empowering Things About Their Jobs

Having a job that you enjoy and that EMPOWERS you is pretty incredible. And, if we’re being honest, those kinds of jobs are also pretty hard to find.

But they do exist, so don’t give up hope if you’re looking for a new gig.

It’s also nice to hear from people who are in those kinds of jobs so you can be inspired by their experiences and keep pushing for the best that you can be.

And hey, you never know: maybe you can change the culture at your own company over the course of time…

Enjoy these tweets about people talking about the empowering things they enjoy about their job.

1. I love this.

All about amplifying voices.

2. All the way.

It’s what public health is about.

3. Women in STEM.

Brilliant minds.

4. Show ’em how it’s done.

Keep up the great work!

5. Doing great work.

Helping minds.

6. Be there for them.

Getting through all the challenges.

7. Impact through art.

I love this one.

8. Research is crucial!

Working towards answers.

9. Stories are so important.

Keep them coming!

10. Feeding people.

And it’s affordable, which is nice.

11. Purpose and direction.

It’s essential work.

12. A good balance.

Works for some people, for sure.

Now we’d like to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us what you love about your job.

We can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

The post People Share the Most Empowering Things About Their Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.