With Online Classes? Then These Memes Will Look Very Familiar.

What a year it’s been…

It seems like just when 2020 has knocked us down for the count, another huge wave of misery comes crashing down on our heads.

And for students and teachers, this year has been especially rough. So we want to do something special for you.

We want you to set aside your homework and your lesson plans, kick your feet up, and enjoy some funny memes about how miserable distance learning actually is! Hey, if you can’t laugh, you’ll cry, and we don’t want to see any tears today.

So enjoy these memes and provide yourself with a little comic relief!

1. Do you guys like my dog?

This is honestly the best part of Zoom.

2. The college life.

It’s not all it’s cracked up to be these days.

3. Will you please get a new Internet carrier?

You’re ruining it for the rest of us!

4. Gimme that link again, por favor.

And do it all over again in five minutes.

5. How’d that work out?

I’ll be right back!

6. College 101 these days.

Are you learning a lot?

7. A big difference, huh?

Kids just grow up so fast these days.

8. The story of all our lives.

Hopefully not for much longer!

9. This is agonizing!

Please, make it stop!

10. Well, it looks like you’re working hard.

So keep up the good work!

11. Don’t cry for me…

Does this look like your house?

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us how online classes are working out for you or for your kids.

And remember to hang in there!

The post With Online Classes? Then These Memes Will Look Very Familiar. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Hilarious Things That Were Blurted Out When Children Were Born

For a lot of people, there’s nothing more natural or terrifying than childbirth. Is the baby going to come out alright? Is the mom gonna make it? Will the dad pass out or not?

And when it comes to this Ask Reddit thread… nothing was held back. And I mean… nothing.

Doctors, nurses who deliver babies, what are some strange/funny things people have screamed while giving birth? from AskReddit

From surprise genders to raptor babies to some REALLY inappropriate things… these stories have got it all!

Let’s take a look.

1. Surprises abound!

My dad has told me they thought I was a girl all the way up to birth.

I came out as a c-section and the doctor goes “huh, this ones got extra equipment.”

2. Once you get there…

I am not an obgyn but I was questioning a patient in the ER about some other health problem, she wasn’t carrying at that time. When I got to the part about the gynecological history I asked how many kids did she have and how were they born. She had two kids and were both born with C-section. I should clarify that this was in Spain and the patient was gypsy, now gypsies are not usually well educated and women often marry young and don’t finish school, they also talk weird.

Now, the lady told me she had 2 kids and 2 c-sections and I asked her why she had to deliver by c-section she said because the first kid was a “come coño”.

Well, this can be translated as “p*ssy eater.” This lady was convinced that her first child was going to eat her pussy and had to be taken out before he did.

You can imagine my surprise.

At first I didn’t understand and left the room after the questioning still puzzled. I went and started digging in her file and found out that the c-section had to be done because after she broke water the doctors noticed the amniotic fluid was filled with baby sh*t, usually when a baby shits in-utero, it is a sign that the baby is suffering and has to come out quick, that was why she had a c-section. Now here is why it is funny:

  1. In-utero baby shit is called meconio.
  2. The doctors probably told this lady that she had to get a c-section because the baby comes with meconio
  3. Comes with meconio = “viene con meconio” in spanish.
  4. “Viene con meconio” sounds a lot like “viene comecoño” (p*ssy eater)
  5. Imagine being told your whole life that your mom had to get a c-section because you were going to eat her p*ssy when you actually almost died at childbirth.

I know it must not be that funny in English but I did my best translating it and hope some of you see how funny it was for me.

3. Well, that happened!

One lady was too posh to swear when in pain from contractions, she just said “jeepers creepers.”

4. Haha… can you imagine??

When I was born, my dad didn’t know that babies are usually born face down.

And as I was coming out he screams “OH MY GOD SHE DOESN’T HAVE A FACE.”

5. Let’s go higher!

I was high on meds at the time, I was begging for BBQ ribs in between contractions.

“C’mon, honey! The nurses will never know!”

They were standing right there.

6. Oh snap… that’s hilarious

Apparently, when my aunt was giving birth, she was all jokes.

Very angry jokes, but jokes none-the-less.


7. Dino baby!

Not a doctor, but a father.

When my first child was born his head was kind of misshapen, and when the doctor lifted him up to show my wife she yelled “why the f*ck does he look like a raptor?”

I lost it.

8. Perfect timing

EMT who did a birth on the side of the road.

Woman shouted “f*ck me!” during a contraction and the husband casually replied “that’s how we got into this mess, dammit!”.

I had a very hard time containing myself.

9. Nope! Time to go!

Patient fully dilated, started pushing, then changed her mind. “I don’t wanna do this, I’m going the f*ck home.”

And then tried to get off the table.

10. Haha… gurl…

When my sister was in labor, she was screaming and our mom was trying to be comforting:

“It’ll be OK. Take some deep breaths. It’ll be over soon.”

Then my sister looks up at our mom and says “You have no idea what this is like.”

11. It’s not a tumor!

Paramedic here: Delivered a baby for a lady who did not realize she was pregnant and called us for ‘abdominal pain’

Patient: ‘You are an idiot! I am not f*cking pregnant’

Me: ‘Well, I can see a head crowning’

Patient: That must be a f*cking tumor!

The tumor was a healthy baby girl. Mom was totally sweet afterwards btw.

12. Bad timing…

My roommate and I just finished our labor and delivery rotation in July.

During one of the births she was helping out in, the mom and the dad were separated but still good friends. So while this woman is pushing out her baby she begins to half tell/half scream that my roommate should date her ex/the baby daddy. The conversation went something like this:

Mom: You should really….(screams in pain)….go out with….(Screams again) him sometime. He’s really fun.

Dad: I wouldn’t mind some drinks sometime, what are you doing this evening?

No, she did not go out with him.

13. Is that even possible?

I’m white, Irish ancestry so I had red hair when I was a child, and my wife is black.

Her sister was also in the delivery room. When the baby crowned her sister told her she could see the baby’s hair. My wife who can barely breathe blurted out, “The hair isn’t red is it?!”

Apparently she was terrified the baby would be black with red hair.

14. She’ll never live that down

My mothers labour was extremely short, I was born within an hour. So that means that she went from experiencing minimal pain, to extreme pain with little time to adjust.

When my dad was driving her to the hospital, he unfortunately had to stop for gas. He went into pay, and just then an elderly man in a wheelchair stopped him, asking him to buy cigarettes for him as the store was not wheelchair accessible.

My mom then proceeded to lean out the window, yelling “DON’T HELP THE CRIPPLE.”

We have never let her forget that one.

15. Get the tongs!

When my brother was born, they had to use forceps to get him out.


I am seriously crying laughing. The things people say at their most vulnerable are comedic gold, right?

Do you have a story as crazy/silly as this? Let us know in the comments!

The post People Share the Hilarious Things That Were Blurted Out When Children Were Born appeared first on UberFacts.

Postal Workers Share the Things We Can Do That Would Really Help Them Out

With all the stuff that’s currently going on with the US postal service, it’s a wonder that anybody is a mail carrier at all. But, thankfully, we have a bunch of brave folks who continue to soldier on regardless of the circumstances so we can get our much needed mail.

That’s why one person on Reddit asked this question:

Postal Workers of Reddit: What do you need right now? How can we brighten your day when we see you on our routes? from AskReddit

Personally, I LOVE that this question exists because we really could do a lot more for our folks in light blue… and it doesn’t take a lot of work.

Let’s find out more…

1. It’s not hard

Husband delivers mail and he loves just about anything people do.

From pictures drawn from kids along the route to thank you letters to cold water and ding dongs.

He is appreciative of it all!!

2. That’s cool! Literally!

You could buy them a battery powered mini fan that clips to something in their truck. Some wear water vests to keep cool.

Yes, postal employees can accept gifts up to $20

Here’s the policy: https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2012/pb22349/html/cover_025.htm

3. Cooling down seems to be a trend…

Former carrier here.

Had one house that always left me a bottle of ice cold water.

Highlight of that route!

4. Basic. Human. Kindness.

My father has been a postal worker for decades.

What makes him smile the most is when people just reach out and be nice and friendly. He would always tell us stories about the people who would put a smile on his face.

Notes/cards go a long way. But also just say hi and ask them how their day is going.

5. Make their jobs easier.

Former mail carrier here, #1 get a bigger mail box lol.

Water and treats are nice, but a box they don’t have to get out at to deliver things is the gift that keeps on giving.

6. Games!

Cold drinks and maybe a bag of chips or something. I’m a current carrier and seeing that stuff can completely brighten our day. Also just saying hi, or leaving a note saying thank you.

I have a customer who plays tic tac toe with me. That’s pretty fun.

Honesty anything helps and please be friendly and understanding if something is late or missing. As of right now a lot of this stuff is out of our control. It’s coming straight down from up top and there isn’t a lot we can do about it ourselves.

7. The bigger the box…

I also agree that a big mailbox is an amazing option especially if you order a lot of small packages, but don’t feel like you have to replace your mailbox.

If something happens to your box or you’re looking for a new one, consider getting a larger box.

8. Pants pls!

Carrier here!

All I ask is for the love of God PLEASE WEAR PANTS WHEN ANSWERING THE DOOR!… I’ve had straight up naked dudes sign for there package without batting a eye…oh the stories of awkwardness I could tell you guys.

Oh also smiles and friendliness is appreciated 😃 ..but with clothes on…

9. Help them help you

Put numbers on your damn mailbox/house. Send cards/legit letters to people. Tear down your POS lockbox that nothing fits into and get an actual mailbox.

Say hello but don’t hold me up for a half-hour bc I don’t have time to lose. Buy stamps. If you see the mailman struggling with your giant ass refrigerator box, help, don’t just watch from your porch.


10. Control those pups!

Okay… I know the whole joke about “ahhh dogs hate mailmans dogs go brrrrrr”

But please do keep your dogs inside… it scares the mail 🙁

11. Wow! That’s so nice!

I’m a big Jimmie Johnson fan the Nascar driver, today I opened a box and there was a signed Jimmie Johnson hat with a note saying it was for me.

That has brightened my whole week, but water or Gatorade, snacks always appreciated. However I would recommend writing a note saying it’s for the mailman as a lot of times items are left in a box and we are unsure.

One Christmas I totally thought a gift was for me and it wasn’t. 😬

12. It’s the little things!

I’m a carrier and I can tell you the cutest thing I see with the men in my office is the pure joy on their face when they reveal all the drinks/snacks they were given on their routes.

They are so excited to take their treasures home to show the family. They even take pictures and post them on Facebook.

As for me I love being squirted with a hose. A garden hose that is!

13. Yum!

My dad and his dad were rural carriers.

My dad’s favorite treat he received was peanut brittle made by different ladies on his route. If we were lucky he would bring it home to us! When I was little I would ride with him and get to meet tons of folks on his route. And yes, he loved the really big mail boxes.

Back then there was no UPS – he delivered everything, including live chicks. Oh, stories to tell.

14. Legit advice!

Yoooooooo Let me chime in, Postal worker here!

STOP YELLING AT ME WHEN I CAN NOT FIND YOUR PACKAGE!!!! We get mail from UPS AND Fedex and sometimes it’s already comes all fu*ked up or they lost it…but we are last to touch it, then customers hate us for thinking we damaged the package or lost it.

MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR ADDRESS CORRECTLY ALONG WITH APT # (if you live in an apartment) Many many times we get packages and they don’t have an apartment number, and you know how big apartment complexes can get, so how do you expect us to find where it goes ?? Just so you guys know when it does not have an apartment number it’s get returned to sender.

Also that sh*t where it takes photos of the letters your suppose to get and it sends a pic to you, we don’t even know where the picture is taken it could be from the originating city/country, countless times people come pick up there mail and they say “where’s this letter ?!” Then proceed to show me the picture like they think I’m keeping their dam mail, it usually comes a day or so later.

STOP TRYING TO SCAM US Looking at you people who sell sh*t on eBay, we know you paid for postage for 5 lbs when In reality it weighs 30 lbs, you cheap asses !

BE PATIENT!!! many times customers come in bitching that “ooooh my package should have been delivered already” so I track that sh*t and it still has not even left the city it’s coming from just cause it says ARRIVAL AT UNIT does not means it’s out for delivery 😒 “Mam your package has not even left Philadelphia!”

There’s probably more but this is all I could think about right now. Any questions lemme know.

15. They’re thinking about you…

When the quarantine was just getting started, a few of my customers left me a note in their mailbox.

Just a friendly thanks and reminder that I am appreciated being out there during these hard times, making sure people get their mail and packages.

I’d say this small kindness would be much appreciated again with all of this political nonsense interfering with my career. ✌🏼

So, it seems like they want a little bit of kindness, a lot of cold water, and maybe some bigger mailboxes.

Got all that? Think you can help out?

Let us know what you do for our postal workers in the comments OR… what you will do going forward!

Thx fam!

The post Postal Workers Share the Things We Can Do That Would Really Help Them Out appeared first on UberFacts.

Photo Comparisons That Reveal the True Size of Animals

A lot of the time, we get so wrapped in our own lives and we have our eyes glued to a computer or a phone screen so often that we forget how the incredible this planet can be.

We are surrounded by beauty and nature and animals on all sides, but unless we’re actively seeking it out, we become oblivious to all the great things that are right under our noses.

I feel like the photos you’re about to see are the kind that we should seek out and look at every once in a while so we can truly appreciate how amazing life can be and how humans are just a small part of the planet. The animals are actually running this place, we’re just here taking up some of their space.

So get away from the rat race for a few minutes and enjoy these amazing pics of HUGE animals.

1. That thing is HUGE.

3,000 pounds, right there.

Tagging and blood tests for bison. Just to give you an idea of how big they are, this male weighs around 3000lbs. from Damnthatsinteresting

2. I didn’t know they were that big, either.

Were you aware of this?

I never knew what absolute U N I T S Clydesdales are until I saw this picture. from HumanForScale

3. He looks like a gentle giant.

And I do mean GIANT.

Minazo the Southern elephant seal was known for his blue bucket, he lived in Japan’s Enoshima Aquarium until his death in 2005. from elephantseals

4. Wow! That is enormous!

Kinda cute, though.

Giant African Land Snail from HumanForScale

5. That thing would take your arm off.

Don’t make snapping turtles upset!

🔥 A full size snapping turtle compared to what most people think is a full size snapping turtle 🔥 from NatureIsFuckingLit

6. A very large pooch.

And, by the looks of it, a pretty nice one, too.

My dad and my dog (dad is 6’2") from AbsoluteUnits

7. Just so you realize how big whales are.

Pretty insane…

A whale skull with a human for scale. from interestingasfuck

8. Dangerous or not, I wouldn’t get near that thing.

That is absolutely horrifying.

Believe it or not, this is one of the least dangerous spiders we have in Australia from WTF

9. A hammerhead bat.

A creepy animal, indeed.

This is a hammerhead bat and is by far the creepiest animal I’ve seen. from pics

10. The size of a tiger paw.

Wouldn’t want to run into this thing in the wild.

The size of a tiger paw compared to a man’s hand. 🔥 from NatureIsFuckingLit

11. That thing is a SALAMANDER.

My mind is blown.

The critically endangered giant Chinese Salamander (largest salamander and amphibian in the world). It apparently sometimes smells like pepper and makes noises that sound like small children. Scientist for size- from HumanForScale

12. Those folks probably got a bit of a scare.

Let’s hope the tour guide knows what he’s doing…

The size of this croc jumping out of the water from pics

13. This is awesome!

But…I wouldn’t want it inside my house.

PsBattle: A big, fat, nasty looking caterpillar [1363 × 1145] from photoshopbattles


Now we want to hear from all of you out there.

In the comments, share some interesting facts or photos about animals that you think will blow our minds!

Thanks a lot!

The post Photo Comparisons That Reveal the True Size of Animals appeared first on UberFacts.

All of These Students Should Have Proofread Their Papers Before They Turned Them in

Not long ago I was cramming for late-night exams and turning in papers in college that I’d worked so hard on.

In reality, it was quite a few years ago, but I do remember the stress and the anxiety that went along with those big, important papers that constituted a big chunk of my grades.

And I also remember the importance of PROOFREADING…which apparently, these folks did not. Because they all sent in un-proofread papers with errors that should make them blush.

Let’s just hope that their professors weren’t too hard on them…


Uh oh…better email your teacher.

2. Definitely a series of unfortunate events.

Oops! Sorry about that!

3. How’s your Thursday going?

That did not go very well…

4. THIS. This is how it’s going!

Don’t ask me again.

5. An incredible mistake.

Let’s hope your teacher has a good sense of humor.

6. This is the peak.

Not a good peak, by the way.

7. Incoherent screaming.

It happens to the best of us.

8. Here’s my to-do list.

That’s embarrassing.

9. That’s not good!

I can explain!

10. Not a bad title!

And you still got 100%!

11. Major facepalm.

Try not to do it again.

12. I love it!

I wonder what kind of grade she got…

13. Are you sure this was an accident?

I’m not sure I believe you.

Oh, boy…

Have ever done anything like this before? Maybe either in school or at work?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments.

We promise not to laugh…too much. Thanks!

The post All of These Students Should Have Proofread Their Papers Before They Turned Them in appeared first on UberFacts.

Don’t Put Your Keys Between Your Fingers to Defend Yourself

Hopefully you’ll never find yourself in a situation where you’d have to fight someone off, but, if you do, don’t use this method. I know a lot of people talk about it – I’ve even heard people I know say they employ this when walking to their car late at night. But for real: don’t put your keys between your fingers if you have to defend yourself.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Q108 Mornings

It looks cool and you hear about it a lot, but self-defense experts say you shouldn’t do this for a few reasons. The first is that you can injure your hand pretty badly this way. The jagged keys might cut into your hand, which will definitely make your punches less effective. You also might drop your keys this way, and, no matter if you’re by your car or your house, if you’re trying to fight someone off and you have no keys, you’re in trouble. Plus, if you do manage to get away, then your assailant may actually have your keys.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you are dead set on using your keys to defend yourself, self-defense gurus advise you to carry your keys on a lanyard or a device known as a kubotan that will allow you to swing them as a weapon if necessary.

Photo Credit: Public Domain

If you carry your keys normally, you can still use them to your advantage. Just don’t put them between your fingers like Wolverine. Hold your car key like you would hold a knife, pointing down. It’s still small, pointy, and metal, so you can use it to poke sensitive areas on your assailant’s body, like the throat, eyes, and groin.

Photo Credit: Instagram, matansmethod

If you have a bunch of keys, you can use the same method. Hold them pointing down and stab down on your assailant like you’re drawing an X on them. That should stun them pretty good. Like I said earlier, hopefully none of us will ever have to use any of these tips, but it’s always good to know how best to defend ourselves.

The post Don’t Put Your Keys Between Your Fingers to Defend Yourself appeared first on UberFacts.