People Discuss Their Favorite Memories From Going to School

We all tend to look at the past through rose-colored glasses…at least a little bit.

When I look back on my school days, especially high school, it seems like it was all fun and games and having a blast with my friends.

But I know that, in reality, certain days were really difficult and I was pretty unhappy for stretches of time.

But I have a lot of wonderful memories from those years, too.

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about their favorite memorial from when they went to school.

1. Sounds fun!

“My 3rd grade class had a “reading loft”.

It was a pretty good sized “fort” (probably taking up 1/3 of the classroom) covered in carpet and had lots of cool places to hang out if you wanted to read.

The teacher incentivized us to finish work early so we could grab a book and head to the “reading loft” so we didn’t have to hang out at our desks being bored.”

2. A nice gesture from Dad.

“I got bullied a lot in middle school.

One day in math I’d just been overwhelmed and couldn’t take anymore so I called my dad and begged him to pick me up. He told me I’d be alright and just ignore it.

20 minutes later I got called to the office for check out and he took me to get my favorite food and spent the afternoon in the park with me. RIP old man, that was one of the best days of my entire life.”

3. Field trip.

“In third grade, it was some reading appreciation week, and we decided as a class to visit a cemetery.

Granted it’s a pretty famous cemetery with a couple of really important people buried there, and we had a scavenger hunt to find them. Along with like the oldest grave we could find, the biggest, and we had to make a rubbing of one of our choosing.

As a strange child, it was the best field trip I had ever been on.”

4. New BFF.

“When I was in second grade, I got bullied because my whole family was deaf.

One kid kept picking on me everyday. Well one day he came up to me and started screaming, saying can your mom hear me, and this tall girl stepped in and punched him in the face.

She got suspended, but no one ever made fun of me again. We became best friends after that.”

5. Look out!

“Every morning my teacher will ask us questions about history if we get it right he would give us a snicker bar.

But this the funny part, he would throw the snickers bar at us real hard. So if get the question right you would had to dodge the fast moving snickers.”

6. Who’s the biggest fan?

“I was a terrible student and a huge baseball fan growing up. In 6th grade I had an English teacher who knew I wasn’t dumb, just hard to motivate.

She privately offered me an extra credit assignment, all I had to do was write a 2 page essay on any topic I liked at all explaining why I liked it so much. I straight up turned down her offer, being content with my C- grade.

So she flipped it around on me and publicly told another guy in my class that since HE was the biggest Red Sox fan in the class, he should write a 2 page essay about the Red Sox and present it to the class.

I practically jumped out of my seat and said I was a way bigger Red Sox fan than Mike and I should be the one writing that essay. She let us both write one. She was a really good teacher”

7. Now THAT’S a good memory.

“Skipping out on a Monday to drive to the city 5 hours away to see Iron Maiden in concert in December 1984!”

8. The good old days.

“The record for most milk cartons drank before throwing up was 26 by the time I graduated.

They started suspending anyone who tried to break the record because they were cleaning up milk puke so often.”

9. Epic!

“Nickelodeon took over my school when I was in the 2nd grade. All the Nickelodeon celebrities were there.

Mr. Wizard did cool science experiments, Barth did gross stuff with food, Marc Summers had the Super Sloppy Double Dare obstacle course we could go through and teachers got slimed and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles put on a concert.

It was literally a dream come true. And then at the end we all got free backpacks filled with Nickelodeon swag. I still think about that day.”

10. Keeping the kids interested.

“Listening to my middle school history teacher give her lectures.

In her heart of hearts she was a storyteller and always knew how to keep me captivated.”

11. A nice reminder.

“On my first day of school, my mom sent little Debbie pumpkin smiley faces in my lunch.

Fast forward a couple of years, and due to my dads dangerous mental state, I had been in long term physical rehab, recovering from a gunshot, and living in a group home for about 6 months before my uncle got custody of me, halfway across the country.

There I was, in a different state, with different weather, at a new school where I didn’t know anybody, and I open my lunchbox, and there’s my pumpkin snack cakes.”

12. Going back in time.

“My 5th grade teacher brought in an actual 1700s musket to show us during the Revolutionary War unit.

I’ll never forget that honestly. Especially considering that would NEVER fly in schools today.”

13. Congrats!

“My last day of high school, actually. It was our graduation ceremony. The school made me sit with a bunch of kids I don’t know. Others were allowed to sit with whoever they want. The school didn’t tell us anything, just made us sit there.

Apparently my stupid *ss got the highest standardized exam grade in a subject and I was sat there because those kids got the highest grades too, in other subjects. I honestly did not see that coming at all, but I was so happy and proud of myself.”

14. Nap time!

“When I was on 8th grade a Friday at 6:40am we were at Biology class, all of us including the teacher were still sleepy, one of my classmates fell asleep and the teacher said: “I know all of you still sleepy, like yesterday everyone of you did a good work I will let you sleep half of the class”.

He also fell asleep, but he forgot to wake us up until the bell rang. Biology class lasts two hours.”

In the comments, tell us about some of your favorite memories from school.

We’d love to hear from you.

Please and thank you!

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Tweets From Parents That Sum Up Distance Learning

There have been no easy decisions for parents, educators, or any of us over the past few months. Some parents have chosen to take their chances, or feel as if they don’t have a choice in sending their kids to in-person school.

Others, though, are tackling “distance learning,” which is not supposed to be like homeschooling, but kind of is.

And these 17 tweets show us just how well (or not) everyone is coping.

17. Kids gonna be kids.

They’re never going to change, and honestly, would you want them to?

16. This is honestly how I feel in meetings.

And I’m an adult. Technically.

15. Feeling her teacher’s pain now, aren’t you?

Donate all the extra school supplies next year.

14. We all should have just taken the year off.

Unschooling, I believe it’s called.

13. Somehow, that’s the least of our problems.

We’ve definitely got more than 99.

12. You have to stay on top of them.

No relaxing allowed.

11. They’re never on mute when you want them to be.

It’s one of the laws of the universe.

10. I fail to see the issue.

Everyone likes to see pets.

9. How are teachers supposed to prepare for this?

They’re not, and they need booze for the holidays.

8. People love to learn the hard way.

It’s just who we are.

7. That’s a 10 minute conversation.

Or longer, tbh, depending on how old the kids are.

6. You do what you have to do.

No one is judging you. We’re crying in our own pantries.

5. These are important updates, people.

We’re all wondering whether or not the tooth fairy showed up yet.

4. I’m sure she played it off like she wasn’t talking about Zoom.

But we all know she was talking about exactly that, because we feel the same way.

3. Make him walk the dog.

That’s more exercise than I ever got in gym class.

2. Is that all?

Seems like a conservative estimate.

1. And then you have to explain you were talking to the dog.

Or just go ahead and die of embarrassment.


We’re going to make it, y’all. We are.

If you’re distance learning, which one of these hit you the hardest? Tell us in the comments!


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People Talk About What’s Common in Their Country but Rare in Other Parts of the World

Doesn’t traveling to a far and distant country sound incredible right about now?

Because of this seemingly never-ending pandemic we’re going through, it looks like it might be a while before we can venture to another part of the world…but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it happens sooner than later.

Because traveling exposes us to different cultures, languages, customs, foods, etc. And it’s great to get outside our comfort zones and to learn about different people. So let’s do some more of that!

AskReddit users talked about things that are common in their countries but rare in other parts of the world.

1. Sounds delightful.

“Such cheap olive oil.

And eating incredinly late.

Lunch is more or less at 1-3 pm, and dinner at 9-10 pm.

That is why in Spain we have snacks between foods.”

2. This has to be in Scandinavia.

“Saunas in most apartments or at least apartment buildings, haven’t lived in a building that doesn’t have one.

A lot of great well known (and underground) metal bands.

And a nuclear power plant that is at this point 11 years behind schedule and according to Wikipedia the 3rd most expensive building in the world.”

3. Paradise.

“Bagged milk, legal weed and fermented maple syrup.”

4. Free drinks.

“Milk dispensers at school cafeterias (or restaurants but it’s not as common).

I live in Sweden where food and drinks such as water and milk is provided free for students.

Whenever I tell someone outside of Scandinavia that we have milk dispensers they’re always very surprised.”

5. USA!

“Root beer.

In America this is widely available and basically universally liked, but give it to someone from another country, especially a European country, and they will hate it.”

6. India.

“Cheap Streaming subscriptions.

In my country a pack for Disney+, HBO, Showtime, ABC, Live Sports and a lot more, costs less than 2 dollars a month.

Yes 2 dollars TOTAL.”

7. I need this in my life.

“They look like snowballs in size and shape, but they’re made of potatoes and boiled, with a piece of meat inside for flavoring. You eat it with sausage, fat’n’bacon and kohlrabi/carrot puree.

It’s not as common as it used to be because it’s mainly grandmas that used to make it.

Also known as “komle”. In some places they simply refer to them as “potato balls.””

8. The paranormal.

“In Mexico we experience paranormal stuff very close. Even people like me, who doesn’t believe in it, have parents, siblings, children or grandparents who have experienced ghosts or other entities very close.

Not in the “friend of my friend” kind of way. It is really really common to be in the same room, and someone just says: “I saw my great-grandfather coming out from the well” or stuff like that.

And nobody makes a fuss about it. We just process it and move on. But really, I don’t know anybody who hasn’t experienced a close encounter with something paranormal in one way or another.

And again, I’m an atheist and a skeptic. I haven’t experienced something at first hand. And that makes me an exception. Not the average.”

9. Probably not these days.

“Drinking a hot drink from an hollowed pumpkin through a metal straw and sharing it with others all drinking from the same straw.”

10. Interesting.

“The Swastika.

Although a banned Nazi symbol as assumed by others, a swastika is actually a symbol of divinity and purity so you will see that alot in my country.”

11. Drink up!

“Underage drinking.

I live in Belgium and everyone does it from the moment they’re 14.”

12. Not cheap.

“Expensive fuel.

A liter of gasoline costs like €1.

It might not sound much, but look at the average wage of a working class Romanian.”

13. Corruption.

“Drinking at the age of 12.

And bribing police, politicians, and basically everyone.

Welcome to Greece.”

Do you have any insights about things that are common in your country but not in other parts of the world?

If so, please talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

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Important Academic Lessons From the World of Tumblr

We could definitely learn things by “reading books” or “taking classes” or whatever, but wouldn’t it be more interesting to just scroll through Tumblr until we found some posts that taught us things?

That’s what I do, and now I have an absolute wealth of dubious, fascinating knowledge with which to annoy my friends at parties!

Check out these twelve incredible topics I learned all about from the Humans of Tumblr.

12. Psychiatry and diagnostics

Back in my day, we didn’t have all this dark matter! You kids and your quantum physics!

11. Economic theory

Turns out very few of us are happy about anything ever but we all need money. Who knew.

10. Psychology and mortification

This is literally why I cannot watch the first couple seasons of The Office.

9. Currency and debt

It’s almost like we have a system designed to make money trickle up.

8. Personal motivation

The voice in our head has much to teach us, and I don’t wanna hear a word of it.

7. Mexican-Japanese history

I smell a smash hit HBO series in the works.

6. Biblical literature

Blessed are the meek, for they will have righteous gains.

5. Marketing and sexuality

Come on Barbie, let’s go party.

4. Photography and cultural etiquette

I would buy rice from this man any day of the week.

3. Literary analysis

Once upon a time…

2. Locomotion and human enterprise

Can’t stop won’t stop.

1. Grammatical structure

I’m going to need this entire post to just get out.

I think this list basically counts as some kind of undergraduate degree. You’re welcome.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned on the internet recently?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes that Define Our Beautiful, Weird American Education

Are you a victim…I mean…product of the American education system?

I’m so sorry. I sympathize.

I literally didn’t even know biological evolution was a real thing until college. We’re not exactly killing it when it comes to education and properly preparing kids for life. But what we ARE killing it in is making funny memes about our frustration with what we’ve learned and how we’ve learned it. And maybe, just maybe, that was the real lesson all along. (What?)

Anyway, I never learned how to write a proper introduction paragraph so here is memes now:

10. High expectations

Why can’t you be more like your imaginary brother?

9. Pop culture knowledge

All that education and this is what could have earned the guy some actual money.

8. It’s electric

All lessons should be taught in this form.

7. Doesn’t measure up

“It’s not a good way, but it’s our way.” – America

6. Business etiquette

Learn the rules for personal and professional success from this one movie.

5. Ding dong dorm

To be fair, there wasn’t much money left after spending $4,000 on 3 textbooks.

4. State of play

This meme literally just reminded me that Delaware exists.

3. The universal answer

It’s the powerhouse of education itself.

2. Big problems

“Kyle has 23 pineapples. Showing your work, solve for why.”

1. Crunching numbers

Remember, water freezes at Christmas degrees fire hydrant.

We may not have learned much in school, but at least we know how to meme.

What’s your biggest gripe about how you got learned?

Tell us in the comments.

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Posts That Show the Difference Between High School Teachers and College Professors

There are many differences between high school and college.

Freedom, living on your own for the first time, the list goes on and on. But one of the major things that is different in that transition is your teachers.

You’re on your own now, baby! No one reminding you of the assignments you need to turn in, no one hassling you about incomplete work, and no one threatening to call your parents.

College professors are a whole different breed and if you don’t get in line with their attitude, you might be left behind…or at least very confused…

Let’s take a look at some funny posts about the difference between high school teachers and college professors.

1. Be thankful…

It didn’t really work out that way, did it?

2. You’re gonna get an earful.

No doubt about that.

3. A totally different story.

Oh, Ms. Johnson, give it a rest.

4. Oh yes, they will!

It gets easier…in some ways.

5. The professor is watching you.

There is no escape! Ever!

6. Talking to the kids on Snapchat.

How’s that for laid back?

7. Speaking the truth.

They are free spirits, that’s for sure.

8. The great trailmix disaster.

Sorry about that…

9. You’re in for a real treat!

I wish I could do it all over again!

10. Some of it is definitely a joke.

You’ll learn all about this!

11. No more taskmasters.

And that’s a good thing!

12. Try to explain that one…

I didn’t think you’d be able to!

13. Let the good times roll!

And let the jokes roll, too!

Did you notice a big difference when you made the leap from high school to college?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us about your experiences.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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High School Teachers and College Professors Are Pretty Different and Here’s the Proof

Did you attend college after you graduated from high school?

If you did, you probably noticed quite a few differences.

It’s all up to YOU now and you won’t have anyone hassling you and reminding you about what’s needed to get the ball rolling…and for it to keep going…unless you give your parents a call…

And you’ll also notice that college professors are LAID BACK. Hey, it’s a much different lifestyle than teaching high school.

Professors pretty much do what they want, when they want, and you need to be along for the ride…because it is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

Let’s take a look at some funny tweets about the differences between high school teachers and college professors.


1. How did that work out?

All that strictness for nothing!

2. Oh yes, they will!

Putting up with all kinds of shenanigans.

3. This guy is out of control!

And that’s a good thing!

4. Just because…

Don’t even worry about it!

5. Get it together!

On second thought…

6. Letting all kinds of stuff slide.

Just keep it sliding!

7. Hahaha. This is good.

As the youths say…

8. You got a little bit of credit.

So it wasn’t all terrible.

9. This is epic.

This prof went the extra mile, for sure.

10. So very true.

Thamks a lot…

11. We all need sleep.

Even professors, ya know?

12. This professor is not messing around.

Did you learn a lesson here?

Those tweets sure do speak the truth.

And now it’s your turn!

Tell us about your high school vs. college experiences in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post High School Teachers and College Professors Are Pretty Different and Here’s the Proof appeared first on UberFacts.

Teachers Shared Students’ Weird Responses When They Were Asked, “Tell Me a Fun Fact About Yourself”

Kids can be just plain weird.

And teachers REALLY know that to be a fact. Because they deal with those little weirdos…I mean adorable children…on a daily basis.

And the weirdness really comes out when the kids are asked to share something about themselves, which I’m sure you remember fondly.

Let’s see what people on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Drunk dad.

“I had a student tell me that sometimes his dad got drunk and asked his mom for things.

As I was starting to tell him he didn’t need to elaborate any further, he continued with “like soup and he yells it like ‘soooooooooup’” it took every bit of restraint to not laugh.

It’s been years and years since that happened but I still laugh when I think about it.”

2. Takes the cake.

“I teach middle school, This one still takes the cake.

That his mom and dad have the same parents. I asked him to clarify because I didn’t understand what he was saying and he said “I only have one set of grandparents, they had the same parents”

I quickly moved to the next student so no one else would realize that this kid just told the class that his parents were siblings…

I talked to him about it the next day in private and he said that he got it mixed up, his parents don’t have the exact same parents, they shared a dad…

I felt so much better when the mom called me to let me know her elderly step-father married her husband’s elderly mother. still weird, but much better.”

3. Wow.

““My arm is F*CKED y’all” in the deepest southern drawl and proceeded to wildly swing his “f*cked” up arm around.

He was 12, had Erb’s palsy and also got detention that day.

He might be one of my fav students.”

4. That’s odd.

“Student told me that there is a chapter dedicated to him in a dental surgery textbook because of a very rare disorder that he had as a child.

I may still have that essay.”

5. Oh, no!

“During an introductory activity for my new class, a boy, aged 9, got up and said ‘My dog has to wear a cone on its head because dad had his bollocks cut off!’”

6. Don’t ask any more questions.

“Kid in my kindergarten class said “My pee-pee fell off at Disneyland”

I didn’t ask any follow up questions.”

7. Horrible.

““I found my dad who hung himself”

From a fifth grader.”

8. Family drama.

“A few years ago on the first day of school, this kid in one of my classes casually answered, “I have a restraining order against my Dad.””

9. Too much info.

“‘My dad clogged the toilet this morning and that’s why I’m feeling frustrated’ -5 year old child.

I will say the question was “how are you doing this morning?” But I could barely keep from laughing out loud!”

10. Starting early.

“A young girl, who seemed uninterested, said, with no hesitation, that she can chug an entire bottle of beer.

She got expelled later that year for keeping drugs in her locker.”

11. Shane.

“This guy in my class named Shane has this medical condition that causes him to grow tons of hair at an early age.

Full beard in middle school.

He would say “I’m Shane and I’m Very Hairy.””

12. You know what that is.

“A student once told my wife that her daddy had a special device that he had to blow into to start his truck…”

13. That’s awkward.

“We would do this weekly “how was your weekend” sort of thing where we’d sit in a circle and share.

This one girl casually goes “I found out that my biological father didn’t want me” in a super nonchalant tone and everything.

I still remember the awkward tension.”

14. Don’t say that!

“I said “my dad steal cars.”

It was something my parents always told us growing up as a joke. The teacher just laughed and said “that’s nice”.”

What’s the funniest or weirdest thing that you’ve heard a kid say?

Tell us in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

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