13 Times People Said Really Stupid Stuff on Twitter

Social media can be great for a lot of things, but sometimes when I’m flipping through peoples’ posts, all I can do is shake my damn head…

I love that these platforms give every single person out there a chance to say what’s on their mind, but some folks REALLY need to think before they post.

It’s kind of like not drinking and driving…don’t post and be stupid…or something like that.

Whatever the case, we think these are perfect examples of what I’m talking about.

Don’t be like these people…but definitely have a good laugh at them!

1. That really is crazy!

By the way, are you a Math teacher?

2. One of life’s great mysteries.

Can anyone please explain this?

3. Can I get a discount?

Not dealing with a genius.

4. This is brilliant.

Look at that again very closely…

5. Good for you!

They deserve some respect!

6. Sounds absolutely delicious.

I could go for one myself right about now.

7. Hmmmm. Good point.

Let this one sink in.

8. Be very careful.

No one wants to get a Caucasian.

9. Go ahead and try it.

This person is a scientist, no doubt about it.

10. I prefer the michael wave, but that’s just me.

What do you think?

11. Hell yes!

I’ll be over to help you eat them…and to work on your grammar.

12. We won’t have to worry about it.

It’s just too far away, right?

13. Get out that sexy bird leaf.

That’s what it’s called, right?

Oh, people…let’s try to get it together, shall we?

Okay, now let’s hear from you.

Yeah, YOU!

Please share something really stupid you’ve seen someone post on social media lately.

Do it in the comments!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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People Talk About the Things They Think Only Exist Because Humans Are DUMB

Poeple can be…pretty dumb. Actually, they can be REALLY dumb.

It’s sad but true and we all need to admit it at some point in our lives…

In this article, people answered this question:

“What only exists because humans are dumb?”

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Oh, really?

“Recently (last couple years) TV ads started adding a sentence in the commercials:

“Do not take trivexica if you are allergic to trivexica.”

What happened to make that a thing that they need to mention now? Why the hell would anyone knowingly continue to put a drug in their body if they knew or realized they were allergic to it? Answer: people are stupid.

I get that it’s to protect them legally, but it’s mind blowing to me that it needs to be said even to do that.”

2. Yeah, don’t do that.

“Warnings on hammers saying this object can cause damage if you strike yourself.”

3. What are you doing to that fish?

“Some really strange laws, like handling fish suspiciously can end you up in jail in the UK.”

4. Come on…

“Wearing this costume does not enable you to fly.” -tag on a Superman Halloween costume.

Jerry Seinfeld had this joke. I liked his follow up.

“I want to meet the person dumb enough to think that this might make him fly, yet smart enough to think to check the instructions.””

5. Why not?

“Several warning markings like, “dont put your cat inside your microwave”.”

6. Wait, it’s round?!?!

“The belief of a flat earth.

My favorite story about this lunacy is the flat earthers who spent $20,000 for a piece of scientific equipment that measured the rotation of he earth in order to debunk it.

When the machine performed exactly as expected and proved what we all already know, their response was along the lines of, “hmm. Something’s wrong. We’ll get back to you.” They paid $20K to disbelieve their own eyes.”

7. These people.


If only all those children in iron lungs back in the 40s knew about lavender oil…”

8. That’s horrible.

“Measles. In 2000, measles was nearly eradicated, but then anti-vaxxers brought it back to popularity.

I should mention it was nearly eradicated in the U.S.A. Measles is still very prevalent in other places around the globe.”

9. Oh, that’s what it is!

“The warning on my dad’s old motorcycle saying “This is a motorcycle and only to be used as such.”

For clarification: the original Warning is in german and I translated it. For those interested it said: “Dies ist ein Motorrad und nur als solches zu gebrauchen.”

10. Not a good idea.

“Warning signs next to large waterfalls, cliffs, any other potentially lethal terrain.”

11. Haha, never thought of that.

“The word “AMBULANCE” written in reverse on an ambulance.

For those people that don’t realize that the huge vehicle behind them, with the flashing lights and siren is, in fact, an ambulance.”

12. Boom!

“Modern politics.

If we were smarter there would be a better collective decision making process.”

13. Poor kids.

“You know those labels on buckets with an upside down drowning baby?

Yeah, probably had to start using those for a reason.”

14. That never ends well.

“Warning signs on chainsaws that say “do not attempt to stop blades with hands or genitals”.”


“Pyramid schemes.

The fact that people actually fall for them….”

16. A classic!

“Please remove plastic wrapper before putting the pizza in the oven.”

17. My brother did this before. He’s really smart.

“Don’t know what it’s called but at the gas pumps the mechanism connected from the pump to the hose unlocks when people forget to place the nozzle back and drive off.”

18. Some good advice.

“Debt consolidation companies.

First hand experience:

I was desperate due to my own stupidly and got myself into too much credit card debt when I was in my early 20’s. Looking for an out I called a debt consolidation company. They told me to not pay my credit cards that I wanted to compile for months until they got sold to a lawyer. Well once I ruined my credit.

They took all those loans and tried to settle payments. After they denied. I had to go to court for each card and settle with a one time payment thusly putting a judgement on my credit report. It wasn’t until I was 33 or so that I actually fully recovered from it.

Pay your bills and never try to exceed what you can’t pay out of pocket, that way when you do have an emergency you can afford it easier by using credit.”

Kind of makes you lose a little faith in your fellow humans, doesn’t it…?

Okay, now we want to hear from all of you out there!

In the comments, we’d like to hear how you’d answer this question.

Please and thank you!

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13 Times When People Said Really Stupid Things on Twitter

Better be careful what you say on social media because if you say something dumb or offensive, you will live forever in memes and articles just like this one.

And nobody wants that…

But these people obviously didn’t take that advice to heart, because they really blew it…

Let’s take a look.

1. Hmmmm. Really?

2. It’s their life!

3. I’m a big fan of Parmajahn.

4. It’s a mystery.

5. Seriously. Good point.

6. That’s not good.

7. You are brilliant.

8. I prefer the Michael Wave.

9. A whole new country!

10. Sounds delicious.

11. Geography major?

12. Did you mean quesadillas?

13. I’ve thought about this, too.

Wow…like I said, use your head before you post something online, okay?

Have you come across any examples like this on social media?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

The post 13 Times When People Said Really Stupid Things on Twitter appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These Dumb Things Folks Said on Twitter

Let’s face the facts…people…aren’t too bright

In fact, you could even go so far as to call them STUPID.

Am I right, or am I right? Of course, I’m right. And here’s the proof.

1. Pay attention to your words.

2. That’s a great question.

3. Habla Espanol?

4. Barack Alabama.

5. That’s the Liberian flag, FYI.

6. Hell yeah! I’m a big fan.

7. A total cycle path.

8. What are they talking about?

9. Are you a doctor? You sound like one.

10. There’s this new invention I need to tell you about…

11. Black, Pinto, it doesn’t matter.

12. It’s what this day is all about.

Yowza…people never cease to amaze me.

How about you?

Have you seen anyone say anything particularly dumb on social media lately?

Please share some posts with us in the comments!

The post Enjoy These Dumb Things Folks Said on Twitter appeared first on UberFacts.

The Moment 15 People Realized They Were Dating Total Idiots

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been in love until you realize one day you’re dating a complete moron? Then you’re not so in love anymore? I mean, it can be satisfying to date someone who is dumber than you (so you can feel superior), but it’s also kind of embarrassing.

Take a look at these 15 stories from people who share exactly when they realized they were dating an idiot.

1. A present from the cat

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Pistachio Shells

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Genius!

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. “Not everyone went to college.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. I told my boyfriend I didn’t feel good and asked him to pick up a thermometer.

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. My girlfriend asked what “No” on this switch meant.

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. I asked my wife to bring me my shoes. She said, “the Opaads?”

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. How my wife unpacked the new cable.

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. So Real

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. A modern-day Magellan

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. My husband asked my gynecologist if he was a Texas Longhorns fan.

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Breast Feeding

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Well, is it?

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Noun

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. I am 5’1″. I asked my 6’2″ husband to hang a mirror for me.

Photo Credit: Imgur

h/t: Bored Panda

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People Are Sharing the Dumbest Thing Anyone Ever Said to Them

I actually remember the dumbest thing someone ever said to me, and how it kind of stunned me into silence for a good thirty seconds. There’s no way to respond to some comments, truly, that isn’t incredulous or flat-out rude.

Me? I just nodded and smiled.

These people have some pretty amazingly terrible stories of their own, and thankfully, someone thought to ask for them on Twitter.

Yay for us!

15. I promise her credentials are better than yours.

14. That’s not going to work out in her favor.

13. That’s not something you forget.

12. Just keep digging that hole deeper.

11. I need to hear the reasoning behind this.

10. I’m guessing this happens a lot.

9. I literally have no comment.

8. I would have struggled not to slap this person.

7. He picked the wrong lady.

6. It’s literally his name.

5. Well, that proves it then.

4. Why didn’t we think of that?

3. Oddly enough, it’s possible.

2. Yeahhhhhh that’s not how science works.

1. Pretty sure Canadians would take issue with this comment.


Mine was an actress – I complimented her on her ability to play two characters on a single show, saying that I could always tell which character she was playing when she came onscreen, even before she spoke.

Her reply, with a furrowed brow: “Do you mean right now?”

We were in an interview setting, soooooo. Yeah.

What’s your story? I know you have one!

The post People Are Sharing the Dumbest Thing Anyone Ever Said to Them appeared first on UberFacts.

Millions of Americans Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows

I’ve never thought about the fact that people over the age of 5 might think strawberry, chocolate, and regular milks come from different color cows, but, I mean, if no one ever told you differently…I suppose it could still make sense?

Aside from the fact that you’ve never actually seen a pink cow.

Then again, I live in the middle of the country, where cows appear regularly on the side of the road. So maybe I should give coastal city folk a break?


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NAH – this is ridiculous.

It turns out that A LOT of adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. How many, you ask?

Well, according to the Innovation Center for US Dairy’s website, around 16.4 million people across the country.

They know this because they commissioned a survey to see, which found that 7% of respondents think brown cows equal chocolate milk.

Yep, right out of the udder.

This despite the fact that their official statement (and common sense) says, “Chocolate milk – or any flavored milk for that matter – is white cow’s milk with added flavoring and sweeteners.”

And get this: 48% of respondents – which would mean over 154 million people nationally, if the survey statistics were extrapolated to the country as a whole – admitted they aren’t sure where chocolate milk comes from. As in, maybe it comes from a brown cow? Who knows??

A few more fun facts that emerged from the same survey:

37% of Americans admit to drinking milk straight out of the carton in the fridge (YIKES).

And 29% of Americans buy chocolate milk “for the kids,” but really they just want an excuse to drink it themselves.

As far as the latter, I hope by the time their kids move out they can own what they like and drink it all day like a m-fing adult (who may not know where it comes from). Because chocolate milk, brown cow or no, is delicious.

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15+ Hilarious Parenting Tweets. Their Patience Is Impressive…

The following kids are testing their parents’ patience to the limits and then some.

Just be glad you aren’t them.


19. Right on target!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

18. This kid is gonna be rich!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

17. I’ll offer you zero dollars!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Okay, listen here you dummy…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Oh damn. Dat me.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. He had to find out sometime!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Because they kept losing the brush… desperate measure were employed!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Actually, not mad at this kid at all. Wood penguins FTW!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Everything is a dog to a toddler.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Attack of the killer tomatoes!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Yeah dad, what if?!?!?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. You’ve got a future billionaire on your hands, sir!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. I am extremely impressed, actually.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Now they’re safe… forever!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. It just knew. Don’t question it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Well, she did it!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Well, can you?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

1. Guess she’s not going to Disney World then!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

So yeah, don’t have kids. Or do.

But don’t come blaming me when they act like psychopaths!

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11 People Who Have No Clue How Female Anatomy Works

Funny thing about the internet: it allows you to become famous not only for being great but also for being truly, epically, horrifically bad.

Take these bozos for example: their claim to infamy is having NO CLUE how the female body works. I mean, seriously, did they never take biology?

1. (Oris) it?

Photo Credit: Myceliemz24/reddit

2. Oh shut up and go to bed, Philip!

Photo Credit: anafuckboi /reddit

3. She’s not wrong… but he definitely is.

Photo Credit: rockservent/reddit.com

4. This is actually true. People were scared AF of trains.

Photo Credit: sgtlizzie/reddit.com

5. Not even with the tiniest “probe”

6. Pro tip. You should def try it sometime.

Photo Credit: Kore624/reddit

7. That escalated at lightning speed!

Photo Credit: aguadiablo

8. Imagine having to sit next to anybody who actually believes this?

Photo Credit: kittydarko/reddit

9. But testosterone is cool, right bro?

Photo Credit: chopstunk/reddit

10. I wonder how much cow pee this guy has consumed…

Photo Credit: cainisrealcool/reddit

11. #toodumbforlife

Photo Credit: Clementine_696/reddit

Faith in humanity NOT restored.

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10+ People Reveal the Absolutely Dumbest Ways They Hurt Themselves

Think back: what’s the absolutely dumbest way you’ve ever hurt yourself? For me, it was that time I punched my brother in the head and nearly broke my hand in the process. Ouch! Just for the record, I feel terrible about it now…

In this AskReddit article, people admit the stupidest ways they’ve ever hurt themselves.

1. Mooning gone wrong

“In college I went to visit one of my roommate’s hometown. It was a well visited summer destination, with a large lake. We took his Dad’s boat out and proceeded to check out the girls and blast around the lake. Being the smart 19 year old I was, I decided to moon him from the front of the boat. Well, he cut the engine and we hit a cross wake. My bare a** flew over the front. I hit the bottom middle of the boat, twisted, and my bare bum was dragged under the prop, getting cut from the small fin under the blades.

My legs went numb, and my bathing suit was around my ankles. My buds had to help me onto the boat with my junk hanging out. As I regained feeling in my legs, we went to the hospital to make sure not much more than my ego was injured all while my buddy kept asking me if I was going to sue his dad.

I tweaked my story to the nurse, saying I just fell over the front. She suspiciously asked why my bathing suit wasn’t cut up. I told her it was just big and must have fallen down.

Two days later, I had to drive my broken self 8 hours back to school and call off my job for the week (doctor’s orders).”

2. Not too bright…

“My dad had taken me and my siblings to get ice cream. He was pulling into the driveway. I wanted to see what would happen if I opened the door and put my foot on the ground. You get hurt is what happens.

Also grabbed the cord from a hot iron after being told not to about 6 times. Fell on my chest.

Was super hungover another time and tried to plug a cord in. Put my body in a weird position. My left side cramped. Stretched the other way to uncramp it. That side cramped. Then one of my calves cramped. Just had to wait it out and move around like an idiot.

I get off my couch after a nap kind of aggressively. I push myself up with my hand and swing my feet out and under me in one motion. One time they were wrapped pretty right in the blanket. Luckily my face was there to catch my fall.

No idea how I’ve made it to 27.”

3. Stabbed

“At my second grade Christmas concert we were drawing pictures before the show and I accidentally stabbed myself in the head.

Blood everywhere, pencil sticking out of my head I ran to the teacher who of course freaked out and rushed me to the nurse. She yanked it out and gave me a bandaid (this was the early 90s.)

It didn’t really hurt. I got a cool scar and still sang in the Christmas concert.”

4. Clumsy

“I sneezed as I was walking, tripped over a box and then went head first into the wall. My poor anxious father was in the other room and just heard a really loud THUMP followed by me cackling hysterically at my own stupidity. He came running in and I was holding my nose with clear fluid running out, unable to put a coherent sentence together (from laughing too hard).

He was convinced it was spinal fluid for some reason and that I had a concussion. He made me go to the doctor (thankfully not the ER). It was just some runny mucus that got knocked loose from my sinuses.”

5. Bowl in the face

“There was a dirty bowl left in the center my now wife’s coffee table in college. Her roommate had painted the table with the wrong kind of paint which caused everything to stick to it. So I went to pick this bowl up and it was REALLY stuck on there. So in my infinite wisdom I thought to myself ‘I bet I could pick up this entire table holding nothing but the bowl.’

Mind you this table wasn’t light by any means but I gave it a try anyway. I succeeded in lifting the table a good inch or two off the ground when it suddenly gave way, causing me to slam the bowl directly into my face. I still have a unibrow scar from that incident.”

6. Eye injury

“When I was like 13 I was stripping some cables with a pair of scissors to rewire a table lamp with a longer cable. Being a dumb little sh*t, I stripped by applying force in a face-ward direction. When the cable casing let go, my hand flew towards my face, jabbing the very tip of the scissors into my eyeball.

When this happened, time slowed into the most serious bullet time I’ve ever experienced, and I could feel the scissors hitting three distinct layers as it went in. Like how it feels when you cut an onion, and you can sort of feel the layers of the onion, right?

Anyway, it was just left of the iris. No damage was done and it just stung for like a few hours with a tiny blood dot as the only proof it ever happened and then it was good as new. Scared the sh*t out of me.”

7. I’m too young to die…

“Used to work at a recycling plant and everyday 1 hour till the end of our shift we had to clean up.

So I was sweeping the concrete floor with those long, fuzzy brooms. After 20 minutes of sweeping I’m getting bored of looking busy so I set the end of the handle in between my chest and continue walking while simultaneously pushing the broom.

As I’m sweeping like an idiot on the smooth concrete, I hit a worn out portion of concrete where it’s rough and jagged and the end of the handle comes flying up and hits me right in the throat.

I can’t breath for what seems an eternity and I’m thinking to myself I’m too young to die.

Realistically, after 5 seconds I was fine.”

8. Right in the nuts

“You know how when you put a comforter on a bed you kind of whip it from the edges to make it fall into place? I whipped it so hard that the wave crest of the comforter hit the chain cord for the ceiling fan, which was on. The chain cord had a weighted ball at the end that swung up into the spinning ceiling fan. The weighted ball broke off the chain and became a projectile that nailed me in the testicles hard. I dropped to the ground immediately and was in pain for a solid day.”

9. Face first

“As a kid I was running to hide from someone around the corner of a brick wall, so that I could jump out and scare them. I turned around to check if they were behind me while simultaneously starting to run around the wall. I undershot my turn, so when I looked back in front of me I was staring face first at the corner of the wall running full speed. That was the first time I had to get stitches.”

10. That poor penis

“Not me, but my husband burnt his peen on a plug in heater. My dog bumped past it and it fell while my husband was freshly naked and about to get dressed from taking a shower.

The metal heating plate on it was a honey comb pattern so it basically branded that pattern on his penis. The E.R. nurses kept coming in to see what was I’m sure to them entertaining and strange injury. It was hilarious aside from his understandably and excruciating pain.

Luckily for my husband his E.R. doctor was male and made sure the pain was taken care of. The doc was just covering his manhood in horror while trying to maintain composure. That was an interesting night.”

11. Ouch

“Literally stepped out of bed while talking on the phone and breaking one foot, simultaneously spraining the other one.”

12. Yes

“You ever try and pull the blankets up and end up punching yourself in the head? That.”

13. Rabbit attack

“Stuck my finger in a rabbit cage at a friend’s house and had one of my finger nails get chewed off.

Also walked around my house looking through binoculars backwards and walked straight into a wall, getting two black eyes in the process.”

14. Accident prone

“As a kid I kneed myself in the face and knocked out my front teeth trying to crawl through a play tube. A few months ago I threw out my back blowing my nose.”

15. Flesh wound

“Forgot I was holding a plastic butter knife, went to scratch my eye and somehow cut my fuckin upper lip and started gushing blood.”

The post 10+ People Reveal the Absolutely Dumbest Ways They Hurt Themselves appeared first on UberFacts.