Driving while drunk destroyed the Soviet spy network…

Driving while drunk destroyed the Soviet spy network in the UK. After being arrested in London in 1971, Oleg Lyalin panicked and offered the names of every Russian spy. The UK government expelled 105 people from the country, and the USSR network in Britain “never recovered”. 00

An underage drunk girl at Chilliest 2015 got herself…

An underage drunk girl at Chilliest 2015 got herself out of a ticket by winning a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The 3 police officers let the girl go after she beat scissors with rock but they ended up getting in trouble when witnesses posted Vines and the videos went viral.

In 1955, an Arkansas woman drove into a service…

In 1955, an Arkansas woman drove into a service station and said to the attendant in a confidential whisper: “I wish you would check that guy behind me; I think he’s drunk.” Police said the “guy” behind was a driverless pickup truck, whose bumper was locked with the rear bumper of the woman’s car. She […]