In 2002, a duel was proposed by the Iraqi government between the presidents of both nations instead of going to war.
The last recorded sword duel in history
The last recorded sword duel in history took place in France in 1967. One member of the National Assembly told another member to “shut up, stupid”, and so the recipient of the insult challenged him to a duel with swords.
In 1808 two Frenchmen held…
In 1808 two Frenchmen held a duel in the skies by both riding their own hot air balloon and shooting at each other’s balloon.
In medieval Germany, married couples could legally settle…
In medieval Germany, married couples could legally settle their disputes by fighting a judicial duel. To even the field, the man had to fight from inside a hole with one arm tied behind his back. The woman was free to move and was armed with a sack filled with rocks.