Patients Share Their Antibiotics Horror Stories

But what happens when things with antibiotics go terribly wrong?

These 11 people had horrendous experiences with antibiotics, and sometimes this stuff is hard to read…

1. That’s really a bummer. Best of luck to her.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Antibiotics kills ALL the good bacteria. Yogurt that shit!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is common too when you mess with your gut bacteria…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. OMG! Hope you get help…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Sulfa drugs can do this to A LOT of people…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yeah, but better than your body failing you…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Wow… I can’t even imagine!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Wait… what the fuck is this even about?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Ummm, how is this even a thing? Yeast infection?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. That’s an unexpected side effect…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. HA! Not exactly a horror story, but funny nonetheless…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, are you thinking twice about what you put in your body after reading these? Because I sure am.

That doesn’t mean we’re against VACCINES. They’re not the same thing.

By the way, which one of these was the scariest? Let us know in the comments!

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A Couple Mistakenly Received a Package with Almost $550,000 Worth of Ecstasy Pills

Online shopping can be a bit of a gamble—you never know what you’re actually going to get in the mail. But 25,000 ecstasy tablets? Now that’s a new twist.

A middle-aged couple in Austria opened a package one morning that was supposed to contain dresses from a retailer in the Netherlands. To their extreme surprise, it contained several bags of ecstasy tablets instead.

The woman initially mistook the tablets for decorative purple stones. Then her husband took a closer look and realized that they were likely stimulants. They returned the package to the local post office in Linz, Upper Austria.

“The originally planned cozy breakfast was quickly over and to the horror of the couple, it turned out that, though one of the packages did contain the two dresses, the second however had 24,800 Ecstasy tablets worth about €500,000 (roughly $550,000),” the Upper Austria police said in a statement.

“The (post) office was equally astonished, which is why the police, and subsequently the narcotics department of the City Police Command Linz, was informed.”

Photo Credit: iStock

The Netherlands is one of the world’s largest drug producers. After further investigation, the Linz drug squad discovered that the package was supposed to have been sent to Scotland. Scottish police and the UK’s National Crime Agency are now assisting in the investigation.

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A Couple Mistakenly Received a Package with Almost $550,000 Worth of Ecstasy Pills

Online shopping can be a bit of a gamble—you never know what you’re actually going to get in the mail. But 25,000 ecstasy tablets? Now that’s a new twist.

A middle-aged couple in Austria opened a package one morning that was supposed to contain dresses from a retailer in the Netherlands. To their extreme surprise, it contained several bags of ecstasy tablets instead.

The woman initially mistook the tablets for decorative purple stones. Then her husband took a closer look and realized that they were likely stimulants. They returned the package to the local post office in Linz, Upper Austria.

“The originally planned cozy breakfast was quickly over and to the horror of the couple, it turned out that, though one of the packages did contain the two dresses, the second however had 24,800 Ecstasy tablets worth about €500,000 (roughly $550,000),” the Upper Austria police said in a statement.

“The (post) office was equally astonished, which is why the police, and subsequently the narcotics department of the City Police Command Linz, was informed.”

Photo Credit: iStock

The Netherlands is one of the world’s largest drug producers. After further investigation, the Linz drug squad discovered that the package was supposed to have been sent to Scotland. Scottish police and the UK’s National Crime Agency are now assisting in the investigation.

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15 People Share the Dumbest Things They’ve Done While They Were Under the Influence

People do a lot of weird/stupid/crazy things when they’re high on drugs. And a lot of funny things. And a lot of ridiculous things.

You get the picture.

AskReddit users were brave enough to admit the weirdest things they did while they were high.

1. You did your best.

“I was fucked up looking for my hotel in Atlantic City. Somehow got there and woke up the next morning to just ‘hotel’ being in the search bar of my spotify. That was my best effort.”

2. Am I allowed to leave?

“Got up to leave my bedroom and knocked on the door before opening it to go out.”

3. A role reversal.

“Went to let the dog out and I walked out instead and left my dog inside.”

4. WTF am I doing?

“One time years ago I was camping at a campground with my wife and a few friends, we’re all sitting around the fire drinking. Her brother and I go for a walk to smoke some joints. We finish that and I have to piss so he goes back to the group, and when I’m done I head back as well.

So I get back and I’m pretty baked at this point and I’m just standing there watching the fire and drinking my beer for a few minutes. I then noticed a particular Coleman lantern on the picnic table and thought to myself, ‘I don’t remember us having one of those here’.

It was at that point that I realized I was standing at the wrong damned campsite, amongst a bunch of people I have never met, while my group was watching from the next site over, laughing and wondering wtf I was doing.”

5. So proud…

“Eating yoghurt with a fork in front of my parents. My dad waited for about 10 minutes to say that a spoon might make it easier.”

6. Probably the best place you can go when high.

“Went to White Castle to get food for everyone after we smoked. We all had the same order, two double cheese sliders and an order or mozzarella sticks. When I gave her my order I didn’t just say that I wanted 8 double cheese sliders in total, I repeated the two double cheese sliders and mozzarella sticks 4 times.

By the time I got to the end of my order the cashier sounded so defeated. I still cringe thinking back to that moment, but it’s also one of my funniest smoke stories.”

7. No more ciggies.

“A few years ago I was on shrooms with some friends and we went on a walk to smoke a cig. Every time I took a puff of my cigarette, I was expecting to taste Mountain Dew and I was disappointed every time that it didn’t. I quit smoking cigs a few days after that!”

8. I’m a genius!

“Was watching a korean drama when I had a whole freak out when I realized “Holy shit!! I suddenly understand korean!” I woke my bf up and made him watch with me as I translated for him. He laughed at me for 5 minutes before he told me I was just actually just reading the subtitles.”

9. Where could they be?

“Spent 45 mins looking for my glasses with my friend. Said fuck it bc I had to leave and was now running late. When I went to put on my sunglasses I smashed them onto my glasses.

I had my glasses on my fucking face the whole time and neither myself or my friend noticed.”

10. Wait a second…

“Ordered food for delivery. Forgot. Went to grocery store for stuff to BBQ. Remembered about the food for delivery while paying in line.”

11. Sorry, my bad.

“Freaked out that I’d lost my ipod somewhere on the way to the train station. I got off the train and went back, retracing my steps all the way back to my apartment.

Only to realize that I was listening to music the whole time… on my ipod.”

12. Sounds like quite a night.

“Some girls in high school invited me to go smoke and swim in a creek with them. Of course I went to got high as f*ck. Spent the next 30 minutes sitting in the creek, I was so still that a fish came up and bit my ass. I didn’t realize what I was doing until one of the girls ask me why the fuck I was all alone sitting in the middle of a creek not moving.”

13. Didn’t get hauled in.

“I was on acid at a music festival and asked a cop if he would name a hurricane after me.

Fortunately he thought that was funny.”

14. Time well spent.

“Walked up to the bathroom mirror with a flashlight, shined it on my eyes and studied the color patterns of my eyes for about 20 minutes straight. And singing loudly at the same time.”

15. We have a winner!

“I set a hot pocket in the microwave and put in my pin number for the cook time.”

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Tennessee Police Warned About “Meth Gators,” Then Had to Walk It Back

Remember that urban legend that said if you flushed a baby alligator down the toilet, the poor little fella would end up in the sewer, get enormous, have a major chip on its shoulder for being deserted, and then would go on a killing rampage? It’s actually the basis of a schlocky 1980 movie called Alligator.

Well, there’s a new alligator-centered urban legend you should familiarize yourself with because it’s a doozy…and police in Tennessee had to backtrack after the story went viral. Let’s begin, shall we?

Police in Loretto, Tennessee, posted a photo on Facebook about a drug bust. In the post, they also told people they shouldn’t flush their drugs down the toilet because it ends up in local waterways and that’s always bad news…oh, and it might create meth gators.

You read that right, meth gators.

The Facebook post read:

“Folks…please don’t flush your drugs m’kay. When you send something down the sewer pipe it ends up in our retention ponds for processing before it is sent down stream. Now our sewer guys take great pride in releasing water that is cleaner than what is in the creek, but they are not really prepared for meth.

Ducks, Geese, and other fowl frequent our treatment ponds and we shudder to think what one all hyped up on meth would do. Furthermore, if it made it far enough we could create meth-gators in Shoal Creek and the Tennessee River down in North Alabama. They’ve had enough methed up animals the past few weeks without our help. So, if you need to dispose of your drugs just give us a call and we will make sure they are disposed of in the proper way.”

People on social media bought into the hype and shared their thoughts.

Because the story went viral and people totally believed these doped-up reptiles might be coming to hunt them down, the Loretto Police Department had to clarify that meth gators are not, in fact, real.

I mean, this story even went international:

Loretto Police chief Bobby Joe Killen said, “As far as I know, there’s no methed-up gators being sighted anywhere. It’s just a joke to let people know they don’t need to be flushing their drugs of any kind down the sewer system. They need to dispose of it in a proper manner.”

Killen added, “We take our job seriously, but we like to joke amongst ourselves at the department. When you work eight, 10-hour shifts in our line of work, there are times when we like to laugh a little bit. Otherwise, you take your problems home.”

I predict a horror movie franchise based on meth gators and I could not be more pleased about it!

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A Guy Tweeted His Story of Accidentally Smuggling Drugs and It Should Seriously Be a Movie

Do this mental exercise with me… imagine that your best friend calls you up and randomly invites you on a road trip. You’d say yes, right?

And then you find $40,000 worth of heroin.

I’m not going to give anything else away because ALL of this is edge-of-your-seat reading.

It all started with a random phone call from a friend.

They make the necessary arrangements and away they go!

And, yanno, they buy a van to make the trip more comfortable…

Next, they stopped in Santa Barbara.

It was all going great!

But Shane had an idea: “What if I make some modifications to the van?”

Aside from some strange shit going on with the engine, everything else was going smoothly…

They camped at Mt. Shasta and enjoyed the view.

Eventually, though, the van need some fixing…

And now, the REAL story begins.

They found an entire BRICK of drugs…

And then somebody unexpected shows up…

They thought they were royally screwed…

Luckily nothing happened even though it was a close call.

So what did they do? Well… maybe some of us would do this, but not many…

Now, this is where everything goes wrong.

Yes, the guy who put the brick in the van came calling…

However, Shane managed to outsmart him.

How many of you would have tried this? I wouldn’t have…

So, he quickly got in touch with the guy he sold the van to and started making arrangements.

Shane keeps going with the scam…

To make everything look more genuine, he added a little twist.

The only thing left was to make a fake heroin brick.

And then… it was showtime!

That’s when Shane realized he had gotten involved with the wrong crowd.

No one suspected anything; the plan worked.

Or did it?

They agreed on $5000.

But, this is where sh*t actually got real.

Yep, Shane got caught.

However, there was some room for doubt.

Though he talked his way out of the mess, it was still not over.

Then Shane found himself in yet another situation.

They were the same guys.

And they finally found out…

It was a life and death situation, so Shane escaped when he got the chance.

He continued to play dumb and actually made it out alive.

As it turns out, they were MS-13 gang members.

So, what did you think about Shane’s story? Would you have done the same?

Oh, you wouldn’t have? ME NEITHER!!!!!


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2000 Olympics gold medal winner…

2000 Olympics gold medal winner, swimmer Antony Ervin decided to retire at 22. It didn’t go so well, as he begun abusing drugs. However, in 2011 he got back into swimming, and at the 2016 Olympics became the oldest swimmer to win a gold medal.

15 Scienctifically Verified Benefits of Marijuana

More and more states across the United States are toying with the idea of legalizing medicinal and/or recreational use of marijuana. You’ve probably seen it on the news, and might even be an occasional pot smoker yourself (a surprisingly large number of American adults have used or currently use marijuana).

In case you’re among the population that has had no exposure to it, you might be curious as to what exactly the medical benefits of the devil’s lettuce might be. Below are 15 benefits backed up by science, so take a read through (but of course consult a doctor before making any decisions).

But also, you’re a free person – you can do what you want and I’ll be minding my own business.

#1. Protect the brain from concussions and trauma.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A Harvard professor recently told NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell that players should not be tested or fined for using marijuana, because the plant could have some ability to protect their battered brains.

“Already, many doctors and researchers believe that marijuana has incredibly powerful neuroprotective properties, an understanding based on both laboratory and clinical data.”

At least one similar study found that patients who had used marijuana were less likely to die from traumatic brain injuries.

#2. Chronic pain management.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is the most common reason people request and are prescribed medical marijuana, and scientists agree there is definitive evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain.

#3. Halt the spread of cancer (maybe).

Image Credit: Pixabay

Research out of California’s Pacific Medical Center reported that CBD could help cancer from spreading, and other studies on aggressive brain tumors show that THC and CBD can, at the right dosages, shrink tumors. There are enough studies and positive correlations to warrant more research, which at the moment is preliminary.

#4. Ease MS symptoms.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal claims that marijuana could ease painful symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis. It looked at the painful muscle contractions experienced by 30 patients who did not respond to other treatments.

#5. Treating glaucoma.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The treatment and prevention of glaucoma, which increases pressure in the eyeball and damages the optic nerve, is one of the most common reasons doctors prescribe marijuana. The drug works to decrease pressure inside the eye, according to the National Eye Institute.

“Studies in the early 1970s showed that marijuana, when smoked, lowered intraocular pressure in people with normal pressure and those with glaucoma.”

It’s not good as a long term treatment right now, though researchers hope that perhaps a drug derived from marijuana could potentially last longer.

#6. Decrease anxiety.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Though research confirms that using cannabis can ahave a relaxing effect, it turns out that smoking too much actually has the opposite effect. Scientists have found what they term the “Goldilocks” zone, and when achieved, usage reduces stress and anxiety.

#7. Ease IBS symptoms.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, and ulcerative colitis can be treated with marijuana, according to multiple studies.

University of Nottingham researchers found that the chemicals in marijuana, including THC and cannabidiol, interact with the body’s cells that play an integral role in gut and immune function.

#8. Spur creativity.

Image Credit: Pixabay

People’s short-term memories tend to suffer when they’re stoned, but they actually get better at coming up with new ideas – so if you’re stuck creatively, sparking up just might work.

Research also finds that people’s ability to come up with different words actually increases while using marijuana.

#9. Decrease chances of obesity and sugar addiction.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Pot smokers are skinnier than the average person, along with having healthier metabolisms and more measured reactions to sugars – even when they do consume more calories.

The results come from a study of more than 4500 Americans, 579 of whom were regular pot smokers and 2000 who had, at some point, partook.

#10. Help veterans and others suffering from PTSD.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Colorado funded research into marijuana’s potential for people with PTSD and, as a result, cannabinoids have been approved in several states for the treatment of PTSD.

This is currently the number one reason people get a license for medical marijuana.

#11. Reducing or eliminating epileptic seizures.

Image Credit: Pixabay

People with treatment-resistant epilepsy seem to get relief from cannabidiol (CBD), with a number of people also reporting that the derivative helped their epileptic children.

#12. Slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A study out of the Scripps Research Institute concludes that marijuana may be able to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and at least one previous study agrees.

#13. Alleviate discomfort due to arthritis.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Doctors and scientists feel certain that marijuana alleviates pain, reduces inflammation, and promotes sleep, all of which are symptoms that plague rheumatoid arthritis patients.

#14. Soothe Parkinson’s tremors.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Research out of Israel shows that smoking marijuana results in a significant reduction in pain and tremors in Parkinson’s patients – it also improved fine motor skills among those same patients.

#15. Improving lung capacity.

Image Credit: Pixabay

It might seem counterintuitive, but there’s a fair amount of evidence that marijuana doesn’t harm your lungs – and that it may do the opposite. Research looked at the risk factors of heart disease and tested the lung function of over 5,000 young adults over the course of 20 years, and while cigarette smokers lost lung function over time, pot smokers actually showed an increase.

They’ve admitted it’s possible that the increase in function comes from taking deep breaths while inhaling the drug and not from any chemical.

It’s easy to see why so many states are jumping on the bandwagon in an effort to provide the best medical care to their constituents.

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Scientists once gave drugs…

Scientists once gave drugs to bees, and found that they respond similarly to humans: bees on cocaine tend to overestimate the amount of sugar they find and exaggerate when reporting back to the hive. 10

A think tank at Oxford University believes that…

A think tank at Oxford University believes that the prison industry may begin exploring psychoactive drugs that elongate the perception of time, either reducing actual incarceration times or making sentences for heinous crimes feel like an eternity. 00