Highway hypnosis, often referred to as white line fever, describes a psychological condition where an individual can navigate a vehicle – be it a car, truck, or any other form of automobile – across vast distances. Despite responding appropriately and safely to their surroundings, these individuals exhibit no conscious memory of their actions.
Under German law, self-driving cars…
Under German law, self-driving cars must be programmed to avoid human death at all cost. This means the car is allowed to destroy property, accelerate beyond legal speeds, and hit animals to avoid hitting a human.
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Cruise control on cars was invented…
Cruise control on cars was invented in 1948 by the blind inventor and mechanical engineer Ralph Teetor. He came up with the idea due to being frustrated by his driver’s habit of speeding up and slowing down as he talked.
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If you lose your driving license…
If you lose your driving license in France because of alcohol, you can then drive a “No License Required Car”, small and underpowered.
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If you lose your driving license…
If you lose your driving license in France because of alcohol, you can then drive a “No License Required Car”, small and underpowered.
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Driving Instructors Share the Wildest Things Their Students Did on the Road
I still remember the Driver’s Ed class I took…
It was the summer after my Freshman year of high school and I was so nervous that I was going to fail. Then what would happen?!?!
I wouldn’t be able to get a car, I wouldn’t be able to have a life, and I’d just hang out at my parents’ house for the rest of my life.
Of course, I ended up passing and it was fine…
But I guess that some kids didn’t do so well…
People took to AskReddit to share their stories of student drivers gone wild.
1. Can’t win this argument.
“The girl who got in an accident on her driving test that she caused (I believe she ran a red that had been red for a while and hit a car that had right of way), in front of a cop.
She didn’t understand why she failed and tried to argue about it and schedule an appointment for the same day to retake.”
2. I think it’s too late.
“A student ran over a grey squirrel.
Stopped the car, got out and got it.
Brought it back to the car and asked if she could bring it to a vet’s office.”
3. Overeager.
“I had a student so excited to drive that when he open the door to get in he hit himself in the forehead with the door and cut himself so bad I had to drive him to the hospital to get stitches.”
4. A lot of stories.
“I taught mostly foreign students studying in the US. I have lots of stories.
The first is about the mid 30’s woman from Bangladesh. We are driving around a surburban neighborhood getting acclimated to making 90 degree turns. Pretty low key not scary stuff. Her phone rings so she stops in the middle of the road to reach her purse in the back seat to answer her call. I informed her she must first pull to the side of the road as you cannot just stop in the middle of the street. She told me I could not tell her what to do.
The second one was a woman in her late 20’s from Saudi Arabi. She was graduating college in 3 weeks and wanted to go home with a DL as women could not drive in her country. I go to pick her up and I ask the standard, ” Have you ever driven before”. She replied she knew what she was doing. 3 minutes in I ask her again because she was performing like this was her first time behind the wheel.
She then stated that she had watched her family driver many times from her vantage point in the back seat. I made her pull over and I drove her to an empty parking lot. She was just not getting it after about 4 actual hours in the car with me on multiple days but she insisted I take her to the licensing bureau for her driving test. I had no choice but to take her even though I knew she would fail.
They call her name and off she goes with the testing person. 7 minutes later the tester walks through the door and straight up to me. She said the woman had about taken out a school bus and that she (the tester) had to grab the wheel to keep them out of the ditch. I was asked for advance warning if I ever returned with such a bad driver.”
5. A terrifying one.
“The most terrifying one I’ve heard of was from a colleague. Like me he takes drivers out to familiarize them with new routes, procedures etc. In this instance the vehicle was a 38 Ton wagon.
About half way though the training trip, the guy just freezes solid, literally mid sentence. Truck is going around a curve, and they end up on the opposite side of the carriageway, getting dodged by oncoming traffic.
By a miracle, nothing gets hit, and a few seconds later he snaps back awake and veers back over to the correct side of the road. Needless to say, they stop, clean out their underwear, and my buddy takes over.
Turns out he’d had a seizure, and once diagnosed had his truck license revoked. Had no medical history of anything prior to this happening.”
6. Oh, boy.
“I had a coworker driving instructor in south Australia who had trained drivers for thirty years (longer then me) and I asked him what is the worst driver you have ever had, Paul?
Right away he told me but I forget her name. She was a little Asian woman who was very nice but would get transfixed behind the wheel. She never spoke just nodded and never seemed to take anything in or change her bad habits. She had over 50 driving lessons before Paul gave up on her. He said one time she ran someone over.
I asked what happened and he said “we were approaching a road works where the guy was standing with the stop sign and cones, and she pulled up and was first in line. She went too close to the guy with the sign and he seemed a little uncomfortable (the car has signs she is learning) so he gave me the thumbs up with a concerned face like “is it alright? I gave him the thumbs up and confident nod “yes it’s fine, don’t worry”.
I explained to her she must pull over slowly to the other side of the road and turn away from the guy and cones. I kept asking her if she understood and she would nod. Eventually the man turned his sign around and she floored it straight at him. He fell on the hood and grabbed the windscreen wipers. He was screaming and I was screaming at her while applying the passenger brake.
At this point she was staring blankly ahead as if she want there and yet accelerating the car as much as she could, foot to the floor, transfixed. This is a true story. Thankfully I never had someone as bad as that.”
7. Not good.
“I was the only American working for an East Asian software firm.
They’d send over PMs or Devs on business, these guys had licenses in China/Vietnam but usually had never driven or even been to the US before. They need to drive so I’d take them out to practice US driving style. It was horrifying.
Example – they’ve heard right turn on red is ok. So they’d do it at full speed, no stopping or slowing or even looking at cross traffic (which is, seriously, how it’s done in Vietnam).”
8. Police driving instructor.
“I’m a police driving instructor, so I teach new recruits emergency operations of police cars. I don’t have any great stories personally, however when I was at the academy as a guest instructor once, I witnessed something pretty crazy.
It was the first day that the recruits were going to run at high speeds with lights and sirens. The way that it works is that an instructor is always in the car with the recruits. I watched as a car driven by a recruit made the turn onto the beginning of the course. The lights and siren came on and the car accelerated down the road.
At the end of this road there is a stop sign at a T-intersection, and on the other side of the intersection is some grass and then the forest. You’re supposed to stop, clear the intersection, and turn right. The car kept accelerating toward the intersection longer than what we were used to seeing, but I thought maybe this was just a particularly aggressive recruit. Most of them are more timid on the first few runs.
However the car was way past where they normally start slowing down, and looked like it was going to blow through the intersection, when suddenly we see the car veer to the right and spin out into the grass. We then see the instructor and the recruit get out of the car and the instructor is yelling and cussing at the recruit. They switch seats and come driving back to the staging area.
The instructor gets out and meets with the head instructor. He explains that as they approached the intersection and he began to realize that the recruit was not stopping he looked over and saw that the recruit had a glazed over look on his face, kind of like a 1,000 yard stare.
He started yelling at the recruit to stop, but the recruit was not reacting at all. Realizing they were about to run through the intersection and go into the woods, he grabbed the wheel from the recruit, and put them into a spin.
When he asked the recruit what the hell happened, the recruit said “sometimes, when I get stressed, I kind of halfway black out.” That was the end of the recruit’s law enforcement journey, as that trait is not very compatible with the career.”
9. This is crazy.
“I swear I’m not making this up.
My drivers ed teacher would take us down country roads on purpose, and not just because there was less traffic. She thought that the only way you could learn to protect a human life was by deliberately taking the life of an animal.
If she saw an animal in the road, she’d say, “Pretend there’s a human in your lane!” and she’d grab the wheel and swerve to hit the animal, if necessary.
This was horrifying, and when other students heard which instructor you’d gotten they’d ask which animal she made you kill. Mine was an opossum.
My best friend had to kill a squirrel. It was the first and only time I’ve hit and killed an animal while driving and I’ve been on the road for 20 years.”
10. Did I pass?
“I know a guy who used to give the final exams for people contesting suspensions of their drivers license with the DMV. He had horror stories to tell me about how bad drivers were.
He had multiple stories about students not even making it out of the parking lot before failing and losing their licenses permanently. But the best was when a woman was backing out of the parking space took quickly and hit a car behind her.
He turns to the driver, and tells her to park back in the space, she guns it and hits the DMV building itself! She then turns to him and asks “Did I pass?”. He said it was the shortest test of his career.”
What’s the craziest thing that you’ve ever seen out on the road?
Share your stories with us in the comments.
We’d love to hear from you!
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These Poor People Are All Having Some Serious Car Problems Today
Those days when you have car problems sure are the worst, don’t you think?
I was driving home from work one day in Kansas City in a horrible snowstorm and my car got stuck on some snow and ice on an incline and I just couldn’t move, no matter what I did.
Luckily, a guy with a pick-up truck was nice enough to stop and he tied a rope from his truck to my car and dragged me out. What a guy!
I have to say, though, I don’t think I’ve ever had as bad of a car experience as the people in these pictures did…
Let’s see what happened to them…
1. Talk about a bad omen…
I at least hope your honeymoon was nice and relaxing.
Newly wedded in front of their burning car. from Wellthatsucks
2. Darnit guys, who did it this time?
I think we’re looking at the modern-day version of The Three Stooges.
These guys locked their keys in an armoured truck from Wellthatsucks
3. That’s a double whammy!
Ouch. That one hurts.
Getting a speeding ticket on your car as it’s being towed from Wellthatsucks
4. This is pretty wild.
Never seen anything like that before…
A truck carrying a tank of white paint dropped it on the road from Wellthatsucks
5. Please tie down your loads.
Things like this happen all the time.
It’s not just junk flying out of your truck. It could be someone’s life. Secure your load – as if someone you love is driving behind you. from Wellthatsucks
6. How did this happen?
I hope these folks got out of that car safely.
Someone appears to have lost their Focus… from Wellthatsucks
7. I never thought so, either.
But here we are!
I never thought lighting could strike a car from Wellthatsucks
8. What are the chances of this happening?
This is totally wild.
Bird dropped a catfish onto car windshield from Wellthatsucks
9. Down in flames.
Sorry. That really sucks!
Picked my car up from the mechanic yesterday after having a bunch of things replaced totalling $2100 just to have burst into flames on me this morning. I’m too poor for this shit! from Wellthatsucks
10. This is absolutely disgusting.
Your poor dad…
My dad’s old truck got hit by a truck carrying old rotten potato slurry to a feed lot for cows. His passenger window was down…. from Wellthatsucks
11. Gotta be careful of sinkholes!
You just never know…
12. Oh man, what a bummer.
Also, how did that happen?!?!
13. Be careful when you’re parking out there.
See what happens when you don’t pay attention?
Well…that sucked…
But you know the drill…now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, tell us about some of the worst car problems that you’ve ever had. And share some photos, too, if you have ’em! Thanks!
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In Sierra Leone, before getting a driver…
In Sierra Leone, before getting a driver’s license, you have to buy a board game called “The Drivers’ Way” and play it at least once. The game involves rolling stoplight-themed dice and moving models of classic cars around a board, together with answering questions about the country’s road laws.
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Funny Memes About Having to Drive Everyday
I’m just as bad as anyone else out there when it comes to doing ridiculous things on the road, but I’m working on it, okay?
I’m trying not to get all worked up about little things that have no effect on my life. Maybe you should, too? Just a thought…
Anyway, enjoy these funny memes about life on the road.
1. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
Photo Credit: someecards
2. They do that, don’t they?
Photo Credit: someecards
3. Yeah, probably not a great idea.
Photo Credit: someecards
4. How could you?
Photo Credit: someecards
5. Rules of the road.
Photo Credit: someecards
6. Whoopsy daisy.
Photo Credit: someecards
Photo Credit: someecards
8. We’re not going anywhere.
Photo Credit: someecards
9. Highway to the danger zone.
Photo Credit: someecards
10. You’re fine, don’t worry about it.
Photo Credit: someecards
11. Right…that’s why…
Photo Credit: someecards
12. See ya later, sucka!
Photo Credit: someecards
My blood pressure just went through the roof looking at those memes!
What about you? Did these memes test your temper a little bit?
Hey, let’s all calm down and take a deep breath. Have you had any ridiculous stories that happened on the road? Tell us about them in the comments!
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The Time Record for Driving Across America Was Just Broken
If you haven’t heard of it, the Cannonball is a race from New York to Los Angeles that racing aficionados are constantly trying to win. There are no official rules or regulations because…well, it’s pretty much illegal; in order to break the record for the fastest cross-country time, you have to break a whole lot of traffic laws.
Just like the movie The Cannonball Run, remember?
But the fact that it’s illegal doesn’t stop people from trying to break that illustrious record all the time. And some guys in a 2015 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG just demolished the previous record, in place since 2013, by driving from New York to L.A. in 27 hours and 25 minutes.
The previous record? 28 hours and 50 minutes.
The two drivers, Arne Toman and Doug Tabbutt, and their “spotter,” Berkeley Chadwick, left the east side of Manhattan at 12:57 A.M. on November 10 and reached Redondo Beach, California in literal record time.
'Cannonball Run' race record broken with 27 hour, 25 minute drive across US https://t.co/UDmyDaPbKt pic.twitter.com/cb25m6l46C
— New York Post (@nypost) December 4, 2019
They drove on I-80 through Nebraska, took I-76 to Denver, I-70 to the middle of Utah, and then took I-15 to Southern California’s interstate system. They drove a grand total of 2,825 miles, and Toman and Tabbutt averaged a very illegal 104 miles per hour during the journey. Incredibly, they managed to spend only 22-and-a-half minutes on fuel stops. I’m assuming they ate and went to the bathroom in the car.
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
The group was obsessed with beating the previous record, so they outfitted the car with a custom-fabricated fuel cell and all kinds of electronic gadgets. Berkeley Chadwick acted as the spotter using gyro-stabilized binoculars to look out for police.
Here’s a cool video about the newly-broken record.
Let’s see how long this record stands…
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