Coffee Experts Share the Secrets to Making the Perfect Cup of Joe at Home

We all love a truly well-brewed cup of coffee, but having to pay upwards of $4/cup at a coffee shop is definitely not great if you’re trying to save money. That issue only gets worse if you’re the type of person who needs more than one cup a day. So what’s a budget-conscious coffee lover to do?

If you’ve got the time and the willingness to learn, below are some expert tips on how to feel as if you’re sitting in a coffee shop without leaving your kitchen.

Get Your Ratios Right

Image Credit: Pixabay

Though the experts don’t 100% agree, they get close enough for you to experiment and decide what you think is perfect – for a hot brew, somewhere between 1 part coffee and 15-17 parts water.

Water Matters

Image Credit: Pixabay

If the tap water where you live has an odd taste or smell, try a filter or switch to bottled water. Or, if you want to get fancy, Third Wave Water is a mineral supplement popular among the experts that supposedly aids in coffee extraction and flavor.

The temperature of the water also has to be right – coffee shops brew between 195 and 205 degrees, and most affordable home brewers never even get close.

“Even if you’re starting with really high-quality coffee that’s fresh, ground fresh, and your ratios are right, if you’re not getting to the right temperature you’re never going to extract some of the more dynamic flavors of the coffee,” says Emily Rosenberg, senior educator at Stumptown Coffee Roasters. “I think that’s why we’ve pushed, as an industry, the pour-over method because most people have a way of heating water. Even if it’s just a pot on a stove it’s going to make a huge difference.”

Keep Your Equipment Clean

Image Credit: Pixabay

Michael Phillips of Blue Bottle Coffee Company issues a reminder that coffee extracts oil, which can make your carafe super dirty over time.

“I would bet 90% of the carafes you brew coffee into right now are dirty enough to the point of being able to taste it in the cup. People don’t realize how often and thoroughly they should be cleaning equipment.”

Invest in a Scale

Image Credit: Pixabay

The measurements on coffee makers and carafes are odd, but unless you’re some kind of savant, eyeballing isn’t the best course of action, either, says Rosenberg.

“I liken a lot of the things with coffee prep to cooking or especially baking. You can not follow a recipe and get different results every time you bake a cake. You can follow a recipe that uses volume measurements that’s not gonna be quite as accurate, or you can pull out your scale and really hit the mark on predicting what’s going to come out.”

And Jeremy Lyman, co-founder of Birch Coffee, chimed in, as well.

“If you look at the carafe at the lines that say three, four cups ― those aren’t actual cup sizes, and that can be very confusing. Especially because they don’t tell you they’re not real cups. I think they’re considered five-ounce cups. I don’t know why they do it that way, they just do.”

A Coffee Grinder Isn’t a Bad Idea, Either

Image Credit: Pixabay

When asked whether he would ever use pre-ground coffee, Bailey Manson of Intelligentsia Coffee replied, “if I was going camping.”

Which is to say, it’s best to grind and, what’s more, to do it every day.

“If you leave the loaf of bread and cut a slice each piece is going to be delicious, but the piece you slice within in an hour is going to be stale. Grinding the coffee immediately before is going to give you the best flavor but there’s also the matter of convenience – sometimes I buy the sliced bread.”

One thing that all of the experts agree on is that even though these rules will help improve any cup, you’ll have to do some experimenting to find the perfect cup of coffee for you. Things like acidity and taste vary by region, and different roasts are stronger or lighter, etc.

The perfect excuse for another cup!

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Apparently, “Milk Coke” Is a Thing – and Twitter Is NOT Having It

People are really partial to their beverages of choice, but I don’t think I’ve seen an uproar like this since the release of Crystal Pepsi back in the ’90s.

A comedy writer from Birmingham, England named James Felton got the Twitter-verse all fired up when he posted about an interesting drink combination: milk and Coke.

Take a look at this.

FYI, “Brummies” are people from Birmingham. I don’t know about you, but this sounds extremely disgusting, and I don’t think I’ll be taking the plunge anytime soon.

I’m not alone in my feelings.


And then this guy had to jump in and defend Mr. Felton.

And finally, this guy reacted in the way that any sane, rational person would.

What do you think? Have you tried this combination? Sound off in the comments below!

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New Beer for Dogs Lets You Get Wasted with Your Furry Best Friend

Do you love dogs? Do you also love beer? Well then listen up!

Good Boy Dog Beer is here and it’s brewed specifically for your dogs, so you don’t have to slip them a sip of your Old Style anymore when they won’t stop begging.

Good Boy Dog Beer (obviously non-alcoholic, sorry Fido) was created by a Texas couple named Megan and Steve Long so they could drink with their pooch, Rocky. They’ve turned their hobby into a business, and they now distribute their product throughout East Texas. The Longs skip the fermentation stage of the brewing process, though, because hops and alcohol are poisonous to dogs.

The Long’s line of dog beers has some pretty great names, including Mailman Malt Licker, Session Squirrel, and Crotch Sniffin’ Ale.

Megan Long explained the reason behind their special dog beer. She said Good Boy is for their “love for our own puppies and all the animals out there. Our oldest Rottweiler, Rocky, is very sensitive to foods and allergies so we started creating him his own treats and managing his diet better. It helped his allergy outbreaks significantly and we just seemed to progress from there eventually starting our own line of beer for dogs.”

You read that right, Good Boy Dog Beer might also help settle your dog’s stomach in addition to quenching their thirst. Cheers!

If you want to learn more, check out Good Boy’s Frequently Asked Questions page HERE.

Also, please drink responsibly – duh.

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15 Bartenders Reveal the Weirdest Things They’ve Heard on the Job

Bartenders hear all sorts of things. People don’t usually sit at a bar to be sober and quiet, so between being the patient ear to some poor guy’s sob story and hearing some drunk couple plan out the rest of their evening, you know they’ve heard some absolute doozies.

In this AskReddit article, bartenders reveal the weirdest conversations they’ve ever heard on the job.

#1. Categorize them

“I overheard a woman who worked for a New Zealand online dating service, and was basically a profile censor. She described her job as being 80% dick pic removal, and had seen so many she could divvy them up into a few distinct categories.”

#2. Sounds fun

“I once heard a guy tell his buddy, “It’s fun, it’s like laser tag but with real guns” That was twenty years ago and to this day kick myself for not getting the whole story.”

#3. These are on the house

“A customer is on the phone in the middle of the bar, not too crowded but a long bar. Guy couldn’t have been more than 25. I go to help someone at the end of the bar and on my way back I overhear:

“No, I don’t care! She’s my sister, she is THIRTEEN and there is no reason she should be doing cocaine! At all!”

Gave him a few drinks on the house that night.”

#4. Shady business

“I heard some chick say “and the worse part about it, is that lucky bastard got a whole gram of crystal out it for free.”

#5. Now I’m in love with myself

“I hated myself until I discovered masturbation.”

#6. Classy

“Had a husband and wife who were by far the most rude people I’ve ever encountered, talking with a traveling business man. By the end of the night the business man was propositioning the woman to go back to his hotel room for some money.”

#7. Lots of cheating

“Lots and lots of cheaters. It’s weird that serial cheaters take their girls to the same spot.”

#8. Heated argument

“I’ve bartended but my favorite conversation was overhead while I was on the other side of the bar. “Look all I’m saying is Grand Theft Auto severely ruined our generation’s perception of how many police helicopters exist.” Sounded like they were getting really heated over the matter haha.”

#9. Awwwww

“Even though we were busy, I clearly heard a women say to her friend, “Hey look, the bartender’s really cute.”

Friend: “No he’s not!”

Response: “Oh yeah, you’re right.”

#10. Negotiations

“Work in a downtown hotel bar right across from our convention center. I’ve heard way too many negotiations between businessmen and escorts.

Last one I heard involved the guy asking the lady how much extra she would charge to let his friend watch.”

#11. Tennis ladies

“I bartended at a country club, and there was this one group of tennis-ladies that would always sit at the bar and get absolutely sh*tfaced on weeknights at our wine nights. They took a liking to our main bartender and kept calling him exotic (he’s Mexican), they would say how love his beard, would talk about their fav (not tennis related) positions, how they kept their nether-regions tidy, slip him their numbers, how sh*t their husbands were, etc. Gave me death glares every time I’d be bartending/bar backing with him lol.”

#12. So obvious

“On Valentine’s Day this year, we had a guest who accepted a FaceTime from his girlfriend while his side-chick was with him at the bar. He angled the phone so his girlfriend wouldn’t see the girl, but it was so obvious.”

#13. Hahahaha

“Two businessmen having after work drinks on a Friday, where the conversation built up to one of the sweetest sentiments I’ve heard. At first the usual “Lemme tell ya, you’re a good person. I love you man.” Later on (still fairly basic): “Fuck the wives! Hey, you and me, we buy motorcycles!”

To finally this gem: “If a tornado were to blow you away… I would fly after you.”

#14. Adorable

“Guy: “I think I’m going to need a coke chaser for this one.” Girl, presumably SO: “we already did all the coke…” Guy: “Coca Cola, you idiot!”

Not even the most memorable, just the most recent. For sure, a real snapshot into their relationship.”

#15. Wonder how that worked out…

“I once listened to three people have an in depth discussion about how they were going to kill the “local vampire” and the steps to take to protect themselves from the coven that said vampire is surely from.

My favorite though what a heated debate over whether the first Robin would be a crime fighter if Batman hadn’t picked him up and trained him.”

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10+ Foodies Talk About the WORST Meals They’ve Ever Had

Are you a foodie? I don’t love the term -because I think just about everyone is a foodie to an extent in that everyone loves a great plate of food – but I am definitely someone who goes out of their way to find a great place to eat. Sadly, when the food doesn’t come out the way you’d expect it to, it can be a massive disappointment.

I’m not sure I could have handed any of these experiences, tbh. You?

#1. It used to be great.

“Paid $9 for a tiny burrito that contained a spoonful of rice, two pieces of fried tofu, about a teaspoon of pico and about three shreds of Monterey jack. It was soaked in a sauce that was so spicy I felt it for hours afterwards, and then all over again when it passed through. Absolutely disgusting. I was with a group who insisted that the food would be absolutely delicious. Talked to a relative who knows the area and she said that the restaurant used to be great but had gotten to be terrible within the last year.”

#2. Noped out.

“My aunt made some Hamburger Helper and fucked it up. I will never understand how you can mess up Hamburger Helper. Even my two year old cousin noped out of eating it.”

#3. I tasted tacos for the next two days.

“My husband made tacos. He misread the seasoning instructions and put in 3/4 cup instead of 3 tablespoons. I remember thinking that the mixture looked a lot darker than normal before I took a bite. I seriously tasted tacos for the next two days. He’s not allowed to make tacos anymore without supervision.”

#4. I hate milk.

“Mom made me drink some milk right after I’d eaten a grapefruit and the milk curdled in my mouth. I hate milk.”

#5. Don’t mess around with chicken.

“I got salmonella poisoning from undercooked chicken. After throwing up once I basically dry heaved for a few hours. Also, I had an insanely high fever, like 103/104 and hallucinated that I went to hell. I was dripping in sweat and saw shadowy figures in my peripheral vision dancing around in a circle.

After experiencing that I can totally see why people think they were visited by demons or went to hell. Don’t mess around with chicken.”

#6. She whipped up some food.

“My first time at one of my best friends house, his mom decided to make is a snack while we did homework. She was a single mom for a lot of his upbringing, so she worked all day and was usually not up for cooking lunch/dinner. She wanted to be nice and offer me something though, so she whipped up some food. She served us undercooked whole wheat pasta. She also didn’t have any sauce or topping for it, so she just crumbled some Triscuits over the top of them. My friend was severely embarrassed. His mom has since remarried and has learned much more about cooking food for others.

Edit: a word”

#7. The same damn thing.

“I made a microwaved pizza for myself when they first came out in the late 1980s. I loaded it up with extra cheese.

I hear the microwave go BING. I pull it out and it flips over onto my hands. I had boiling hot cheese stuck to my fingers. I screamed like a banshee. My mom looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo. And my best friends was there and started laughing at me with blisters forming all over my hands.

A few weeks later I was over at his parent’s place with him. He throws in a microwaveable pizza. I hear BING then him screaming like a banshee. He did the same damn thing.”

#8. I still remember the flavor.

“Probably a tie between the bad tortilla chips that gave me food poisoning and the time my sister tricked me into eating Cat Chow. Decades later and I still remember the flavor.”

#9. Like sweaty balls.

“Back in the days when I used to hate sushi I tried some in Tokyo just for the bragging rights. I don’t know what I ordered but it was slimy and gooey and salty and tasted like sweaty balls. It took all my strength to stop myself from chundering at the table.

Love sushi now so would probably enjoy it if I tried today.”

#10. A near poisoning.

“We travelled to Sicily and decided to get some pizza. Found a really nice place at the beach, where we could watch the sunset over the sea. We ordered our pizzas and everything seemed perfect. Then the pizzas came and my bf tasted his. First he thought his pizza had a funny seasoning and gave it a shot, but after a few bites he said his tongue began to tingle. I tried a few bites myself and it was a really weird sensation in my mouth. Like when something is really spicy, but more in the acid kind of way. So he tried to explain to a waitress something was off with the pizza. There was a huge language barrier, so in the end she took the pizza away and looked quite irritated. My bf decided to walk towards the kitchen because we had the feeling they didn’t understand our complaint. From my point of view, a saw different staff members rushing out of the kitchen, including a cheff, and tried to explain something to my bf in quite a panicky way. Turns out their dishwasher was broken and all the plates where covered with highly concentrated dish soap. Their head chef ate some pizza and had to be picked up by an ambulance, fortunately we didn’t get food poisoning and just left the restaurant with empty bellies.”

#11. I had to excuse myself.

One of my ex boyfriend’s grandmother had the whole family over for dinner one night. She cooked spaghetti and my ex’s mom warned me that it would be terrible. Boy, was she right. His grandmother boiled water, put in the noddles, DID NOT DRAIN THE WATER, and then dumped some salt, pepper, and KETCHUP into the pot and served it. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom so I could dry heave over the toilet.

#12. Disgusting beyond belief.

“I tried to eat andouillette, a kind of pork sausage, while I was in France. It’s notorious there. When I ordered it the server sort of said ‘are you sure?’ It was disgusting beyond belief. I was actually retching.”

#13. To this day.

“Food poisoning Benihana Millburn NJ. Age 16. BRUTAL. Cold sweats when passing any Japanese steakhouses, to this day.”

#14. Like we were eating houseplants.

“I had Chinese take away that was sub-par a couple weeks back. The rice was meh, nothing to write home about.

But then I tried the chow mein. Somehow, it tasted like soil.

I thought my tastebuds were tripping, but my girlfriend then tried hers and, yep: Like we were eating houseplants.

I still don’t understand.”

#15. For the next two years.

“I got food poisoning from a Mexican restaurant. I shit my pants twice, popped a blood vessel in my eye from vomiting so hard, and I couldn’t even think about Mexican food without getting nauseous for the next two years.”

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New Study Finds Your Bottled Water May Be Dirtier Than You Think

A lot of people believe that paying money for bottled water is a better idea than drinking tap water. Some believe it’s actually healthier for them, while others might insist that it’s cleaner. While there can be some truth to this (if you live in Flint, MI, for instance), a recent study may have consumers thinking twice about how much they spend on bottled water in the future.

The study tested 259 bottles across 11 brands and 9 countries (including the United States) and found that 93% of the tested bottles contained microplastics – around 10.4 plastic particles per liter of water.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In case you’re wondering, that’s twice the amount of contamination found in most tap water, according to an Orb Media investigation.

Microplastics are tiny fragments of plastic, including the plastic used to make some of the bottle caps. Researcher Sherri Mason told AFP “I think that most of the plastic that we are seeing is coming from the bottle itself, it is coming from the cap, it is coming from the industrial process of bottling the water.”

Even though research shows that microplastics can be harmful to marine life, it’s unclear whether or not they have similar effects on humans – they’re found in other edible products, like fish and shellfish, and in tap water, and a recent study found that they’re absolutely making their way into humans, too.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Mason continued:

“There are connections to increases in certain kids of cancer to lower sperm count to increases in conditions like ADHD and autism. We know that they are connected to these synthetic chemicals in the environment and we know that plastics are providing kind of a means to get those chemicals into our bodies.”

Joe Doss, the President of the International Bottled Water Association, cautions that the study hasn’t been peer reviewed and should be taken with a grain of salt until it is.

“Consumers can remain confident that bottled water products, like all food and beverages, are strictly regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and, thus, are safe for consumption,” Doss said in a statement. “The bottled water industry is committed to providing consumers with the safest and highest quality products.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The World Health Organization confirmed to BBC that they will be conducting a review into the potential risks posed by microplastics found in bottled water.

Until then…I don’t know. Buy a filtered pitcher or bottle? Switch to Gatorade? Drink from the tap? Your choice!

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New Study Finds Your Bottled Water May Be Dirtier Than You Think

A lot of people believe that paying money for bottled water is a better idea than drinking tap water. Some believe it’s actually healthier for them, while others might insist that it’s cleaner. While there can be some truth to this (if you live in Flint, MI, for instance), a recent study may have consumers thinking twice about how much they spend on bottled water in the future.

The study tested 259 bottles across 11 brands and 9 countries (including the United States) and found that 93% of the tested bottles contained microplastics – around 10.4 plastic particles per liter of water.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In case you’re wondering, that’s twice the amount of contamination found in most tap water, according to an Orb Media investigation.

Microplastics are tiny fragments of plastic, including the plastic used to make some of the bottle caps. Researcher Sherri Mason told AFP “I think that most of the plastic that we are seeing is coming from the bottle itself, it is coming from the cap, it is coming from the industrial process of bottling the water.”

Even though research shows that microplastics can be harmful to marine life, it’s unclear whether or not they have similar effects on humans – they’re found in other edible products, like fish and shellfish, and in tap water, and a recent study found that they’re absolutely making their way into humans, too.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Mason continued:

“There are connections to increases in certain kids of cancer to lower sperm count to increases in conditions like ADHD and autism. We know that they are connected to these synthetic chemicals in the environment and we know that plastics are providing kind of a means to get those chemicals into our bodies.”

Joe Doss, the President of the International Bottled Water Association, cautions that the study hasn’t been peer reviewed and should be taken with a grain of salt until it is.

“Consumers can remain confident that bottled water products, like all food and beverages, are strictly regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and, thus, are safe for consumption,” Doss said in a statement. “The bottled water industry is committed to providing consumers with the safest and highest quality products.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The World Health Organization confirmed to BBC that they will be conducting a review into the potential risks posed by microplastics found in bottled water.

Until then…I don’t know. Buy a filtered pitcher or bottle? Switch to Gatorade? Drink from the tap? Your choice!

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The Secrets to Getting In to 5 Real Chicago Speakeasies

Picture yourself in 1931 – the height of prohibition. You’re a young fella getting off a hard day’s work and hitting the streets of Chicago. You’ve got a fat new paycheck in the back of your pocket and you’re lookin’ for a good time and a stiff drink tonight. But how do you find it if alcohol has been outlawed? You find a speakeasy, of course.

Illegal drinking dens, or speakeasies, were some of the only places you could buy booze during the Prohibition Era of 1920-1933. Anyone who came to buy alcohol had to whisper a code word to enter. That’s how the  name “speakeasy” came about.

During that time, Chicago was a hotbed of hooch bootlegging, and, as a result, this rich history has been part of the city’s fabric for decades. To capitalize on the fun, modern bar owners there have embraced the idea of a tavern that’s difficult to find and even harder to get inside.

Below are five of Chicago’s best speakeasies with a few of their secrets revealed. Just be sure to make tracks if the coppers show, ya hear?

1. Milk Room

Photo Credit: Milk Room

The Milk Room is ultra private, ultra exclusive and was once a genuine speakeasy during Prohibition. Located on the second floor of the Chicago Athletic Association, this 8-seat microbar will only let you in if you make advance reservations. If you’re lucky enough to get on that list, throw back a whisky or two from their selection of rarities.

2. The Drifter

Photo Credit: Instagram

Under the historic Green Door Tavern (River North) is what was once a genuine speakeasy called The Drifter. The revolving menu of cocktails is presented on Tarot cards. Burlesque dancers shimmy nightly for your pleasure. It’s so popular, there’s actually a waiting room to get in at the bottom of the stairs somewhere in the back of Green Door Tavern.

3. Chicago Magic Lounge

Photo Credit: Chicago Magic Lounge

You know those nights where you need a place to launder your money, have a drink and catch a magic act? Proceed through a working laundromat somewhere in south Andersonville to enjoy a Sleight of Hand while you watch some sleight of hand at Chicago Magic Lounge.

4. The Ladies Room

Photo Credit: Mark Much

Back in the day, speakeasies were often hidden behind other, more respectable-looking businesses. The Ladies Room lounge is in the back of Fat Rice bakery. Powder your nose in the ladies room here and you may find yourself with a One Way Ticket to Bangkok.

5. The Violet Hour

Photo Credit: Instagram

You’ll find the door to this secret establishment somewhere within an ever-changing mural on Damen Avenue in Wicker Park. If you make it inside, reward yourself with a Woolworth Manhattan.

While these watering holes are no longer so secret, for those looking for a quirky, boozy night on the town, these establishments will fit the bill…dollface.

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Woman Pays It Forward at Starbucks as a Social Experiment, and the Result is Spectacular

Have you ever “paid-it-forward?” For those who may not know, paying it forward is the idea of doing something nice for someone, and then asking them to return the favor by doing something nice for someone else. There’s something truly beautiful about bringing a smile to a stranger’s face through an unexpected act of kindness.

With that in mind, one woman decided to attempt a little social experiment.

Photo Credit: Imgur, @kellylymcdaniel

<Eats popcorn> Read on…

Photo Credit: Imgur, @kellylymcdaniel

Looks like paying-it-forward is, indeed, contagious. Are you smiling yet?

Photo Credit: Imgur, @kellylymcdaniel

Smiling now? I thought so. Think about this the next time you’re in line at Starbucks, the grocery store, or even a drive-thru, consider treating a stranger to a smile and pay-it-forward. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

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The Truth Behind How Alcohol Really Impacts Your Mood

It’s a pretty commonly held belief that if you’re stressed out after a tough day, a drink (or two) can help you wind down and relax. This belief is bolstered by the fact that a glass of wine in the evening has become a crucial ritual for many a stressed parent trying to relax.

Luckily, for us, it’s not an unsubstantiated practice. Believe it or not, studies have shown that certain types of wine can have legitimate health benefits beyond the mental stress relief.

Photo Credit: Pixabay 


Alcohol quickly boosts our serotonin levels, which results in an elevated or euphoric improvement to our mood. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a biological chemical, basically), and it’s a key player in our happiness and mood. People who experience anxiety and depression often have lower than average levels of serotonin in their gut, blood and central nervous system.

The problem is, after that initial boost in serotonin brought on by a couple of drinks, serotonin levels fall down even lower than they were prior to your drinking. So if you drink habitually, it means that you’re regularly lowering your serotonin levels to below what is considered average, and that can eventually rewire your brain.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re someone who doesn’t struggle with depression and anxiety, then you may not have anything to worry about – but if you do, having a drink or two every day might be something you want to rethink.

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