A Woman Told Her Stepsister She Can’t Model Her Clothing Because She’s Obese. Was She a Jerk?

Whenever weight issues are brought up amongst friends, family members, or complete strangers, you know that it’s gonna be ugly and hurtful.

And this actually sounds like a pretty sad situation to me.

A young woman who is in design school was asked by her overweight stepsister if she could model her clothes…and then it went south in a hurry.

She shared her story on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page. Read on to find out what happened.

AITA for telling my stepsister that she can’t model my clothing because because she’s obese?

“I’m currently in a design class in college and for one of our projects, we had to create a clothing line made out of sustainable materials.

Since I love sewing and thrift-flipping, I was super excited about this. I made all the clothes based off of my own size so there isn’t a lot of size variation.

Last week, I asked two of my friends who are close to my size if they could model and I think my stepsister may have overheard because later that day, she asked me if she could model too.

I wasn’t expecting this question so I stumbled and initially told her that I’d already enough models. She didn’t take this as an answer and asked if I could just let her wear one piece since she loved how they all looked. Recently, she’s been really into modeling and photography so I get why she was so adamant.

I insisted I had enough models and that I couldn’t let her, which really upset her. She ended up going to her dad crying about it and he brought the three of us together for “conflict resolvement time.” He was on her side and asked if I could just let her do one piece.

I was getting p*ssed at this point, but I continued to say no because I know her weight is a sensitive issue for her and her dad. He called me selfish and my stepsister nodded in agreement. This was my breaking point.

I said, “I’ve been saying no this whole time because I did not want to hurt her feelings. You guys wanna know the real reason? I don’t think she’ll be able to fit into any of the clothes I created. She’s obese and I designed the clothes to fit my body type. I’m sorry.”

Well, cue the waterworks. Her father just shook his head at me in disappointment and said I didn’t need to “stoop that low.” All of us are now p*ssed off.


And here’s how Reddit users responded.

This person said there’s no way she acted inappropriately. The clothes were for a specific body type and her stepsister clearly wasn’t in that group.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person thought it was okay for the woman to tell her stepsister NO, but thought calling her obese was not the best idea.

Photo Credit: Reddit

A self-described “fat girl” said that the stepsister was ridiculous to even ask to model the clothes in the first place.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person believes that the stepsister is “pulling the fat shaming card” and is being manipulative about he situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this person thinks that the woman was way out of line and could have handled the situation in a much better way. In other words, she could have been polite about it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to get your take on this situation.

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think.

Thanks in advance!

The post A Woman Told Her Stepsister She Can’t Model Her Clothing Because She’s Obese. Was She a Jerk? appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Told Her Stepsister She Can’t Model Her Clothing Because She’s Obese. Was She a Jerk?

Whenever weight issues are brought up amongst friends, family members, or complete strangers, you know that it’s gonna be ugly and hurtful.

And this actually sounds like a pretty sad situation to me.

A young woman who is in design school was asked by her overweight stepsister if she could model her clothes…and then it went south in a hurry.

She shared her story on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page. Read on to find out what happened.

AITA for telling my stepsister that she can’t model my clothing because because she’s obese?

“I’m currently in a design class in college and for one of our projects, we had to create a clothing line made out of sustainable materials.

Since I love sewing and thrift-flipping, I was super excited about this. I made all the clothes based off of my own size so there isn’t a lot of size variation.

Last week, I asked two of my friends who are close to my size if they could model and I think my stepsister may have overheard because later that day, she asked me if she could model too.

I wasn’t expecting this question so I stumbled and initially told her that I’d already enough models. She didn’t take this as an answer and asked if I could just let her wear one piece since she loved how they all looked. Recently, she’s been really into modeling and photography so I get why she was so adamant.

I insisted I had enough models and that I couldn’t let her, which really upset her. She ended up going to her dad crying about it and he brought the three of us together for “conflict resolvement time.” He was on her side and asked if I could just let her do one piece.

I was getting p*ssed at this point, but I continued to say no because I know her weight is a sensitive issue for her and her dad. He called me selfish and my stepsister nodded in agreement. This was my breaking point.

I said, “I’ve been saying no this whole time because I did not want to hurt her feelings. You guys wanna know the real reason? I don’t think she’ll be able to fit into any of the clothes I created. She’s obese and I designed the clothes to fit my body type. I’m sorry.”

Well, cue the waterworks. Her father just shook his head at me in disappointment and said I didn’t need to “stoop that low.” All of us are now p*ssed off.


And here’s how Reddit users responded.

This person said there’s no way she acted inappropriately. The clothes were for a specific body type and her stepsister clearly wasn’t in that group.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person thought it was okay for the woman to tell her stepsister NO, but thought calling her obese was not the best idea.

Photo Credit: Reddit

A self-described “fat girl” said that the stepsister was ridiculous to even ask to model the clothes in the first place.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person believes that the stepsister is “pulling the fat shaming card” and is being manipulative about he situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this person thinks that the woman was way out of line and could have handled the situation in a much better way. In other words, she could have been polite about it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to get your take on this situation.

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think.

Thanks in advance!

The post A Woman Told Her Stepsister She Can’t Model Her Clothing Because She’s Obese. Was She a Jerk? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Asked if She’s Wrong for Not Letting Her Sister Near Her Animal After She Made a TikTok Video With It

If you mess with any animal in any way, shape, or form, you’re no friend of mine.

And people these days seem to be doing all kinds of stupid pranks not only to other human beings but to animals as well to get a few laughs on social media.

An 18-year-0ld woman asked if she was wrong for the way she reacted to what her younger sister did to her pet.

Let’s see what happened…

AITA for not allowing my sister near my bearded dragon after doing a TikTok trend with my pet?

“I(18F) have a bearded dragon named Phil who I have had for about 1 year now. Phil is deeply loved by me and my family.

My sister(15F) who I will call Jane, really likes to make TikToks of Phil which I have completely no problem with since they’re normally just videos of Phil running around or doing something silly like opening his mouth when he basks.

Yesterday my sister came up to me to show me a Tik Tok she had made of Phil. There is a trend on Tiktok of putting butter on dogs as some audio plays over it of this guy saying “butter dog”. Well Jane showed me a video of her putting some soft butter on Phil so that she could follow the trend. When I saw that I became very upset.

I had seen a video recently of someone explaining how doing this trend with bearded dragons can be dangerous cause the butter will stick to their skin and if they get put back under their basking light the butter will heat up and basically burn the bearded dragons skin.

I told Jane to delete the video and that she can’t do stuff like that with Phil and quickly got him out from under his basking light that she had put him back under after the video and started to bathe him in the tub to try and get off any of the butter she didn’t wipe off.

My sister came and told me I was overreacting and that it’s just a fun trend. It snapped at her and told her I’m not letting her near Phil until she apologizes to me and promises to not do trends like these with Phil again, and ask me every time she wants to make a video with Phil.

My sister got angry and told me she wasn’t apologizing for just wanting to have fun with Phil and that I can’t take Phil away from her. After I finished making sure all the butter was off I put him back in his tank that’s in my room and told her she’s not allowed to come in and take Phil.

My parents found out this morning and told me I was out of line for what I did and that it was just a innocent video. They told me I need to stop freaking out so much over things that involve Phil. My sister said she’s not apologizing cause she didn’t know it would hurt Phil so I should get over it and let her see Phil again.

I feel like I can’t trust her with Phil though, if she hadn’t shown me the video Phil would’ve sat in his tank getting burned under his basking light and I wouldn’t even know until it was too late.

I think I might be the *sshole cause I could be overreacting like my family say I am and for yelling at her when she didn’t know that doing the trend would hurt Phil.

So reddit, am I the *sshole here?”

What the hell…?

Here’s how people responded to the story on Reddit.

This reader didn’t mince words: this was not funny and it was animal abuse.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that the woman is entirely justified in the way she acted toward her sister.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person said that the woman’s sister has lost the privilege of seeing and spending time with Phil (great name, by the way) and that the safety of the pet is the most important thing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that while she might have been a little bit harsh with her sister, the younger sibling is acting like a child and she needs to grow up and take some responsibility for her actions.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this situation?

Is this girl wrong or were her actions justified?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post This Woman Asked if She’s Wrong for Not Letting Her Sister Near Her Animal After She Made a TikTok Video With It appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Wonders if They Have a Right to Be Mad After Getting Patted Down at Their Sister’s Wedding

I can’t say I’ve ever heard this one before…

Getting patted down at a wedding? That’s a new one!

But it happened and the woman who went through it took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to see if she was wrong for getting upset about it.

Take a look.

AITA for getting upset that my sister’s fiancé pulled me aside and patted me down at their wedding?

“The title sounds so stupid but here we go anyways.

I’m 24 and I’m an addict who has been in recovery for the past six months.

I used and used until I was basically in poverty and my older sister helped bail me out more than once.

She’s my best friend and I know it hurt her a lot to see me like that.

She also met her fiancé two years ago and he really only knew me as the junkie brother then. He’s not my biggest fan to say the least considering how much I put my sister through.

Despite this she still invited me to her wedding last week because I am her brother and she wanted me to be there.

When I get to the reception, my brother in law is greeting people as they walk in.

When I walk by he pulls me to the side and in front of everyone starts patting me down and says that he needs to check me to make sure I “didn’t bring anything in”. I instinctively pull away, because why wouldn’t I, and I tell him not to touch me.

He tells me to “calm down” and that if I want to be here then he needs to do this. I tell him he’s being ridiculous and I try to push past him. He stops me and tells me that he doesn’t want to throw me out but he “will if he has to.” I told him that he’s trying to look tough but it’s just making him look stupid.

At this point I’m getting more and more angry and I’m practically yelling in his face at this point. Bystanders came between us and separated us and told my BIL to just “drop it.” He said he would but that “they can deal with it when I get out of hand.”

I just went to go find a seat after that.

After the reception, a lot of my family told me that I should’ve let him just do it and that I was acting like a huge *sshole and like I had “something to hide.”

I don’t think he had any right to pat me down, especially in front of people and I don’t think my reaction was over the top. If anything, he was the one acting like a huge douche by trying to start drama so he can look tough. My sister has refused to take any sides in this.


And here’s how folks responded.

This reader said that the man’s reaction was totally out of line and he made a scene for no reason.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person pointed out that this could have been handled in so many different ways.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader had a totally different opinion and said that everyone was to blame in this situation.

They pointed out that the woman has been violent in the past but it probably could have been handled differently.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that the woman is to blame for getting that angry and that addicts just can’t be trusted at all.

Photo Credit: Reddit

One reader made a great point: if they didn’t want the drama, they probably just shouldn’t have invited the woman in the first place.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Well, that sure was a weird one…

And now we want to get your take.

Tell us what you think of this situation in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Person Wonders if They Have a Right to Be Mad After Getting Patted Down at Their Sister’s Wedding appeared first on UberFacts.

Mothers-in-Law Shared Their Crazy Stories About Daughters-in-Law

We always hear about “crazy mother-in-law” stories, but now the tables are about to be turned, everyone!

Because it’s time for the mothers-in-law out there to let loose on the daughters-in-law of the world and tell us how those younger women can also be nuts sometimes.

This should be fun!

Let’s dig into some crazy stories about daughters-in-law from mothers-in-law from AskReddit users.

1. Wish they’d never met.

“We lived on the other side of the country from them so we didn’t have many visits — one or two a year. When we visited, all was well — the house was clean, the kids were cared for, etc. She was fun to be around.

However, once we left, life went back to “normal” for my son and grandkids. She would say she was going to the store and would not come home for 2 to 4 days. She did drugs. She did not clean — anything.

My son traveled for business and when he was gone she had many different men in the house. He would come home to a trashed house, trashed car, trashed everything. She would put the kids to bed, then leave to party. She kept the two oldest kids home from school when he traveled — she was too busy sleeping from partying all night to take them to school.

As he was making plans to leave her and take the kids, she killed the youngest child and is now in jail awaiting trial. all of this came out after she died. I wish they had never met.”

2. Hateful.

“When I first met her, she was a tweaker.

She knew I knew and she hated me. Now she stays home and knits and crafts and I have not seen my grandson in 3 years.

She still hates me.”

3. Walking out.

“My DEL decided, after years of manipulating my son, to walk out on him and their two kids.

A few hours later she changes her mind and bombards him with all kinds of cr*p for a week. And then she gains access to the house when he’s out and changes the locks causing him and their two young kids to be homeless.

She sucks!”

4. A tight leash.

“The stories I’ve heard of my aunt’s DIL are the worst. She’s kept my cousin on a tight leash after marriage.

Banned my aunt from communicating with him from any social media acct. It’s so bad whenever my cousin happens to see my aunt he acts like he doesn’t know her.

All this due to the DIL. Just hurts to see my aunt not see her own grandkids.”

5. I’ll take it from here.

“I will respond for my mother.

She hates the fact that her daughter in law does not respond to phone calls or texts. She understands that she is a new mom but how long does it take to reply to a text message.

I also want to add that she’s turned the holidays from a casual wear you PJs & bust out your paper plates into a sit down event with formal place settings. I don’t enjoy getting together to eat with my family during Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore.

This year I was at least smart enough to bring salt packets.”

6. Sounds like a real treat.

“My sons GF practically lives with us. After she graduates from college they will get married.

Things I HATE: I text him; she responds like she’s him.

We are doing major renovations on the house. She didn’t help AT ALL. I understand if renovation is not your thing. But I was running in and out of the house switching laundry and cleaning up little messes.

She didn’t even offer to help.”

7. Scary lady.

“Happened to a friend. Her brother married this girl who was his college friend.

Very happy, have a baby girl… Suddenly her father passed away so her mother went to stay with son and DIL. At first she was ok. But after like a month, DIL started to lock the fridge ( in india fridges come with internal locks) and pantry doors.

She started cutting down MIL’s food. When my friend came to know about this, we went to her brothers place, packed her mom’s stuff and brought her back to my friends house.

Scary lady that DIL. Brother didn’t say sh*t to his wife.”

8. A real catch.

“I’m gonna speak for my aunt: my cousin is a party guy. He married a party girl.

I met her the day of my grandfather’s funeral. She was dressed like Betty Boop; too much makeup and balloon-sized fake t*ts in a sheer, black tube dress stretched too far for the imagination. She was sitting at my grandparents’ table as I walked bleary-eyed into the kitchen for a bowl of cereal; half-awake, I barely stopped myself from exclaiming “what the f*ck!?”

After the funeral, we held a sort of Irish wake at my uncle’s house, whereupon she tried to hook up with every male cousin, one-by-one asking them to do shots with her. I avoided her, so I was last. She got to me when I was having a beer in the driveway with two other cousins. One she’d already tried. She went to my more attractive cousin-in-law first.

He shot her down with “The Mother. Of. My. Newborn. Child. Is. Inside.” (I like him) I’m less assertive, so I tried the “if you ignore bullies, they’ll get bored and leave you alone.” She tried grinding up and down my front. I ignored her and hoped she would leave me alone. She moved around to try slithering up and down my back. I pretended she wasn’t there. She slithered down my back one last time, and then-She bit my *ss.

I hopped across the driveway doing the Goofy yell. I honestly don’t remember what happened after that. Somehow she left. I had a dental impression in purple bruise on my *ss cheek the next morning. Let me remind you, this was my grandfather’s funeral.

I’m told that the morning of their wedding, my aunt offered to pay for 100% of the wedding if he wanted to back out.”

9. Let’s mix it up a little bit.

“How about a crazy daughter, son-in-law story?

So I have one daughter who at 20 “came out” to me. As gay? No. As a polygamist. A pregnant one. Pregnant by a 40 year old dude with a wife and three grown kids. I was 44 at the time. Long story short, the original wife got sick of all the crazy and left.

Now my daughter and the son in law are monogamous with five kids and I have a son-in-law who is 4 years younger than me.”

10. On behalf of my mother.

“I’m writing on behalf of my mother.

My SIL is a lazy, obnoxious cow. She hasn’t worked in 10 years, while my brother works 60 hrs a week minimum. Even though she gets an allowance for being a stay at home mum, that goes to cigarettes and until recently a sh*tload of pot. My brother went years without a birthday/Christmas/fathers day card or gift from her. (Like… not even a card?!?!)

So my mum used to come down for weeks at a time whenever my SIL was ‘unwell’ (read: withdrawing). Last year, my mum bought my brother a big, expensive, kick *ss birthday present. He’s worth it, we always try n show him what he’s worth. Well, Mrs SIL chucked a wobbly. “You need to stop buying him sh*t, or you n me will be having words OUT THE FRONT!!”

Mum looked dead at her, “you wanna beat me up because I treat your husband better than you?!” That’s just one story.”

11. Almost there.

“Not a DIL yet (my stepsons girlfriend and mother of my 2 grand babies) but I’m 19 years younger than my husband but 12 years older than my stepson.

She thinks I want to sleep with my stepson ( never gave her any reason to think this, I do not want to). She keeps the babies from us, rarely we get to see them unless of course she has a circumstance that were her only option for a babysitter. We’ve tried very hard to have a good relationship but she just hates me.

I once even stopped by their house to visit, she was cordial but my stepson got an earful when he got home from work. Just sad all around- she doesn’t want us in their lives.”

Okay, all the ladies out there, it’s your time to shine!

Do you have any crazy stories about your mother-in-law or your daughter-in-law?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments. Thanks!

The post Mothers-in-Law Shared Their Crazy Stories About Daughters-in-Law appeared first on UberFacts.

A Mom Wants to Know if She’s Wrong to Change the Locks to Keep Her Kids’ Grandma Out of the House

This already sounds like a tricky situation.

Whenever there are grandparents and grandkids involved in any situation, there’s bound to be some drama and some hurt feelings some of the time.

But this woman has a unique situation: she wants to know if she was wrong for changing the locks on her house when her ex-husband gave his mom a key to the house…which sounds kind of weird to begin with…

Let’s take a look at how this whole thing unfolded.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Seems normal enough, the ex-husband would be allowed to have a key to her house for day-to-day stuff.

But then the situation went in a new direction and totally caught her by surprise.

But it seemed to be smoothed over after she had a talk with her unexpected guest.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But then Grandma struck again a month later.

So the woman decided to put her foot down. The grandma didn’t see eye to eye with the woman, so she decided to take some action.

Photo Credit: Reddit

That’s right, she changed the locks on her ex-husband the kids’ grandma.

The next time Granda came over to drop the boys off, she got a bit of a rude awakening.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Ouch. Well, she made a decision and decided to stand by it.

But the ex and Grandma clearly don’t seem to be getting the point.

And the woman clearly has some doubt about whether changing the locks on them was a good idea or not.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Not surprisingly… people are decidedly on mom’s side.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Nope nope nope.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This IS NOT a hotel, ma’am!

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think? Is she the *sshole?

Have you ever done something like this with a friend or a family member?

Tell us your stories in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you. Thanks!

The post A Mom Wants to Know if She’s Wrong to Change the Locks to Keep Her Kids’ Grandma Out of the House appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Their Stories About Things Really Work on TV Shows like ‘Jerry Springer’

How does it work???

When people tune in to television shows like Maury and Jerry Springer, they expect to see drama…and it’s drama they get. But how real is what we see on our TV screens? Are shows like this completely fabricated, or are those people actually unsure who the father is?

A number of users on Reddit have responded to AskReddit threads about this very subject. Some have been on these shows themselves, other have friends who told them all about it, but all of them offer an inside look at how shows like these are made.

1. Devastated

A guy I work with was a regular on Maury. He was one of the people that you’d see ‘updates’ on fairly regularly.

He first went on there because his girlfriend had something to tell him. It turns out that she had cheated on him and there was a possibility that he wasn’t the father of their child. He’s crying and they bring out the guy she cheated with. They’ve done DNA tests and tell my co-worker that he IS NOT the father. He’s crazy about his kid, so of course, he’s devastated.

Then they read the results for the other guy. Of course, he IS NOT the father, either. She swears that’s the only time she’s cheated. Then they go back on Maury and she remembered about three other guys she had cheated with.

Go figure, none of them are the father, either.

They wound up testing seven or eight guys before they actually found the real father. My co-worker stupidly actually ended up marrying her. Ultimately, I think it came down to the kid. He wanted to be in their life but had no legal rights to do so if he dumped her…at least, that’s what I hope it was. Yet no one was too surprised when she dumped him a couple years later because she’d started hooking up with the baby daddy again.

Last I saw of him, he was fired because he kept showing up to work all messed up. I still occasionally flip through channels and see re-runs with him on it.

2. Made Him Look Stupid

A good friend of mine was on Jerry Springer. At the time, he had a fiancée, and they thought it would be something funny to do. So they made up this whole story that she was a dancer in Vegas, and while out on vacation he met her and has been stalking her ever since. You know, standard Jerry.

So they fly them out there, put them up in a hotel, everything seems to be just fun and games. Well, they show up at the studio and the costume team starts going nuts on them. You know how everyone wears shirts that are too big for them? Well, I learned that it’s a deliberate thing Jerry’s team does to men who they want to look especially stupid (and oh god did he look stupid – we still bust on him).

At the taping, they are both nervous as anything. My boy has visible sweat stains and his voice kept squeaking, but they made it through it. He was demolished by the crowd afterward, I honestly wish I taped it because I only have my memory. Anyway, they broke up two months later. No more fiancée for my buddy Vince. He is still a great guy with an amazing sense of humor (and a new girlfriend) so I guess his life was pretty good afterward. He gets ripped on all the time for being on the show, but that’s just guys busting on each other.

3. Blood on the stage

I had a buddy that was on Springer a few years ago. One day, the Jerry Springer show called him. I always tell him that you know your life is messed up when Springer calls YOU, but anyway.

The true story is that my buddy’s then wife’s transvestite ex-boyfriend wanted her back. So Springer calls him and they start the process of booking the show. A few days later, the ex drops out. Since they’ve already booked the show, the producer says, ‘Is there anything else you’d like to talk about? Anything?

ANYTHING?’ insinuating that they should just make something else up.

They came up with a story where my buddy was cheating on his wife with his male friend, but that she was also cheating on him with her girlfriend. But wait! Both of the paramours were also cheating — with each other! They flew out to Stamford for the taping. Before the show, the lawyer came in and gave them ‘the speech’ — no cursing, no throwing things. no acting like jerks.

Then, the producer came in and said to ignore all the stuff that guy had just said.

‘I want you to break chairs, I want you to throw things, curse all you want, just don’t get blood on the stage.’ They went out and acted out their made-up story. His wife’s ‘lover’ danced on the pole. He and his ‘boyfriend’ ripped their shirts off and tried to beat each other up. At the questions and answers section, somebody in the audience called him a ‘werewolf-looking dude.’

Everyone in the audience jumped up and did a weird dance when they found out he was from Tennessee. Then they flew back.

The show aired a couple months later. I couldn’t be seen out in public with him without people recognizing him and asking if I was his new lover. That got old, quickly.

4. Ridiculous

I was a guest on the Carnie Wilson Show (eons ago when she had a show). A friend of mine’s then-girlfriend was a producer for it. She’d heard through my buddy that I had reconnected with a girl I used to have a crush on (let’s call her Yolanda) and was wondering if I’d agree to be flown to New York, be picked up in a limo and put up in a hotel in exchange for telling her as much on national television.

Of course, I said yes.

We did a pre-interview on the phone and my buddy’s girlfriend, the producer, asked the basic questions I was likely to be asked. I answered with humor and charm and I was to repeat this basic banter on the air. No problem. As we’re ending the conversation she says, ‘So after the first segment Carnie will say ‘and when we come back we’ll meet [me] who says he must sleep with Yolanda’ and then after the break we’ll come back and Carnie will say, ‘So, you must sleep with Yolanda’ and you will say, ‘yes, I must sleep with Yolanda’ and then we’ll do all those other questions I just asked you.

Okay? Gotta go.’

‘Wait a minute,’ I thought, ‘I never said I must sleep with anybody.’ So it’s the day of, and I’m still not really comfortable with the language. Would I sleep with Yolanda? Sure, if she was up for it. Did I have to? Was it absolutely imperative that this happen? Of course not. Besides, it made me sound desperate.

And if there’s one thing I hate it’s sounding desperate. This whole thing was starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

So there I was on stage in front of a live studio audience and the producer comes out and goes over what’s going to happen again. Then her boss, the executive producer, comes over and says the exact same thing, verbatim.

This was getting ridiculous.

I didn’t immediately respond, searching instead for a tactful way to bring up my concerns moments before taping. The execs must have seen the concern on my face because she looked at my friend’s girlfriend like she was about to get fired and said, ‘You’ve gone over this right?’

When she hesitated, the boss looked at me instead and in the most stern, ‘don’t mess with me’ broadcast voice said ‘You’ve gone over it now.’ She marched off stage. I look to my producer friend and meekly ask, ‘Couldn’t I just say I’d really like to sleep with Yolanda?’ She scrunches an apologetic face and says ‘Must.’

And when I heard Carnie Wilson of Wilson Phillips’ fame say ‘So, you must sleep with Yolanda?’

Time stood still. I looked out at the sea of faces. Regular American folk, suddenly and inexplicably riveted by my tawdry, speculative intimate life. I thought of the lyrics to ‘Hold On,’ one of Wilson Phillips’ most popular songs: ‘No one can change your life except for you, don’t ever let anyone step all over you.’

Would Carnie want me to follow this advice right now? If I said ‘Meh, I’m in if she is?’ what would they do? Would they stop rolling and scold me in front of this full house of strangers? What would Carnie Wilson do if I threw her under the bus? The truth is I would never find out because that was the moment that I discovered what a spineless media monster I am.

I didn’t just say the words, I said them like it was the most important thing I would ever do. ‘Yes.” I proclaimed, ‘Yes I must sleep with Yolanda!’ And that night I did, twice, and it was just so-so.

5. Signals

Years ago, a friend of mine was on Springer. She and her two male housemates had been sitting around drinking and someone said, ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be fun to be on Springer?’ They devised some lame premise, phoned the show and three weeks later they on a paid-for trip to Chicago on an episode titled, ‘My Girlfriend Sells Herself Out.’ Their idea was to pretend that she listed her ‘services’ on Craigslist and that one of her housemates was her boyfriend and the other a client.

The guys went out partying the night before the show, but she decided to stay in.

Watching Fraser that night, one of the characters said something like ‘some of us are angels, some are devils and the rest of us are just doing the best we can.’ She thought that that would be something a streetwalker might say, so she dropped it during the segment the next day. She said that was the only moment when the ’emotions’ guy signaled the audience with a finger to his temple so they would all say ‘hmm.’

The other emotions the audience are signaled by thumbs-up (cheering) and thumbs down (booing). She is a very funny girl and lots of fun, but she did not give me the sense that being on Springer was particularly enjoyable. I have the impression that she wishes she hadn’t gone through with it. They were paid only for their trip, accommodation and about 100 dollars in expenses each. She didn’t speak with Jerry behind the scenes but said that there is a ‘priest’ who works behind the camera who spent tons of time with them and even contacted them after the show to see how things had worked out for everyone following the show.

She said this guy hit on her pretty hard.

6. Lie Detector

I appeared on Jeremy Kyle (British version of Maury and Jerry Springer) in December 2015. I went on because 800-1000 pounds (we didn’t know the exact amount) was stolen from my mum’s wardrobe. My mum was saving it up for Christmas as a little extra for all of us since she has 5 children.

Our family isn’t a trashy family and we’re all just normal people, apart from my 25-year-old brother, who also just happens to be a substance addict with a serious drinking problem.

So of course when 800-1000 quid went missing we all knew it was him.

But of course, him being the addict scumbag he is, he denied it constantly and proclaimed his innocence. My parents were so angry at him and my dad was even close to kicking the life out of him. They basically said you’ve got 2 weeks to get out of the house, so my brother, knowing that he has nowhere to go and no money thought the best option to prove his innocence was to get in contact with the Jeremy Kyle show to take a lie detector test.

He calls up the show and they all interview us over the phone and a few hours later they call back and ask if we can come to Manchester in two days (we live in Northern Ireland so they would pay all the flights and all the taxis) and we said yes.

My brother was booked to fly over the day before us – the day right after he first got in contact with the show.

The producers of the show book a taxi to go to our house, collect us (just me, my sister, and mum) and drive us to the airport. They had the flight all sorted so getting over to Manchester was so smooth.

As soon as we got off the plane we got the taxi to the hotel. The hotel was pretty bad but you got free meals so I guess that was the only good thing about it. My brother, since he left the day before us, was not in contact with us and was placed in a different hotel.

We spent one night in the hotel and the very next morning the producers come to collect us.

We go to the studio, get searched, our phones and bags taken off us and put into this very nice room that even had a bathroom with a shower in it. We wait there for about one to two hours until we’re called for a sound check.

We basically just go onto the stage and test the microphones we will be using. Afterward, we’re sent back to our room and the producers come and talk to us and have already decided how the show will play out.

Basically, they put me in the audience for some reason and told me to shout out as much as possible, as Jeremy hates quiet people on his show because he feels like he wasted money bringing them on. They decided that my sister would come out first and do most of the talking because she was the most outgoing one of us.

They said our brother would then come out and Jeremy, my sister, and my brother would talk for a while before they’d bring my mum out and then read the lie detector results.

After an hour in the nice room, we were finally told that we’re going on the show now.

We went backstage and I was brought to the middle of the audience by one of the workers (one of the most awkward moments of my life – the audience just looks at you with pure disgust and laughs at you for just being on the show).

Jeremy then comes out and does a few takes of his opening lines, and then he calls out my sister onto the show. They talk for a bit, he calls out my brother, then my mum, and then reads the lie detector.

Of course, he was lying. The audience was so shocked that he was lying because he doesn’t look like an addict and speaks like a normal guy, but my family obviously knew he had stolen the money.

So of course, like a typical Jeremy Kyle victim, he denies it and says the lie detector is wrong.

Jeremy insults him for a bit and the show is over and we’re led straight out the door and into the taxi to the airport. The whole show lasted about 15 minutes. Of course, my parents, being as nice as they are, didn’t kick him out and he continues to live in our house and gets high and HE STILL DENIES HE STOLE THE MONEY.

We all just try to ignore his existence. We didn’t get any money for going on the show, all we got was the free hotel room for the night and the meals in the hotel.

Jeremy Kyle was just as big of a jerk in real life as he is on the show.

He insulted the jumper I was wearing before the cameras even started rolling, and when I shouted out something from the audience, as I was told to do, about my brother stealing in the past, Jeremy Kyle turned around and gave me the dirtiest look ever and said ‘don’t you talk over me, this is the Jeremy Kyle show, I speak first.’

I just apologized and stopped talking. All in all, it wasn’t too bad of an experience though – the producers we talked to were the sweetest and nicest people I’ve met in a long time.

7. Awful

My girlfriend and I were visiting Chicago and had just gotten off the architecture tour boat. We were looking for a sandwich and there was a cafe underneath the NBC building. The cafe was closed, but there was a long line to get into the studio entrance.

The doorman asked if we want to watch the Jenny Jones show. For whatever reason, we said yes. We were escorted into a large waiting room. We sat there forever.

Eventually, a woman comes out and tells us about the show, ‘Missed Connections’ or something like that.

It was going to feature people who had a one nighter on spring break who they were going to reunite on the show. The people who had signed up in advance had been instructed to wear certain color clothes.

The woman encouraged people to get up to the microphone and be as controversial as possible. We were told once we sat down in the audience chairs that we couldn’t leave because they didn’t want empty seats.

We finally sit down, and there were cheerleaders on either side of the stage below signs that said ‘applause.’

The signs flashed on whenever they wanted a crowd reaction. It was awful. We wanted to leave. It took about 4 hours for the whole thing. To top it off, one of the boy bands from around 2000 was the ‘special guest’ and we all got free CDs.

I just wanted a sandwich. By the way, the show was atrocious and Jenny took time-outs for makeup and the people on stage were constantly being coached during breaks.

8. Paid Actors

My wife and I were down in Jamaica in the early 2000s and Jerry Springer was taping on our resort’s beach. They tape multiple shows in a day. Theoretically, they are supposed to blur your face if you appear on camera without signing a release.

This doesn’t apply to audience members, only to people caught on film in background shots of the beach. My wife and I never signed a release and we hung out in a hammock all day right next to the taping location.

A lot, if not all, of the ‘guests’ were paid actors.

At one point, we saw them rehearsing a verbal fight and then pacing off the physical confrontation. Springer had nothing to do with the planning. It looked like it was all up to the show’s director, and Springer would just come out and react to the foolishness taking place in front of him.

They had a segment about hypnotizing people. Ms. Texas was a guest on this show. She walked up to our hammock and started talking to us. Now, before you get any ideas, we are absolutely NOT the type of people that this sort of stuff happens to.

No ‘Dear Penthouse Letters, I never thought this would happen to me.’ We are not of the Beautiful People Master Race. So, needless to say, this was very odd to us.

After talking for about five minutes, she asked us to watch over her bikini.

She then proceeded to take it off and prance, and yes it was definitely a prance, over to the show. Now, this is weird on many levels. First, why is she asking a random couple laying in a hammock to hold her bikini when she could have just given to a production assistant.

Second, why was she even talking to us at all? It wasn’t like we happen to be in a convenient spot compared to where they were taping the show. The conversation was actually pretty normal. We asked about the Ms.

Nude competition and what she did for a living (shockingly, it was nude modeling and dancing). The entire Springer crew went to a foam party dance club after taping that night. The resort had a kind of act similar to a Jamaican themed circus for entertainment that night.

A large group of the female Springer guests kept yelling for the male contortionist to do various things on stage. It was an all-inclusive resort, so the drinks were HEAVILY flowing.

9. Separated

My wife and I were on Ricki Lake back in 1993. We were dating back then, we are married now. We told a lie to get on the show, saying that my cousin was too big a part of our relationship, and she wanted him out.

The real story is that my wife was born in Iraq but moved to America when she was still a baby. I was born in Iraq and moved to Canada before I was 5. She’s an American girl. I’m a Canadian guy. She has attitude, I’m passive.

She’s the one to go off on a car driver, I’m the guy who says, eh it’s all right. My cousin always hung out with us wherever we went. He would jokingly say I should grow a pair and he would stick up for me if my wife felt the need to yell at me.

I just don’t want to inconvenience anyone, especially not her since I was in love so I would go along with whatever.

So we took this premise and made it more serious, and Ricki Lake went with it. When we got there they placed us each in our own rooms and started with, ‘Well, she said if you actually stuck up for yourself and grew a pair of balls maybe you wouldn’t need your cousin,’ etc.

Basically, they separate you into private rooms, then they have producers come in and stir things up. She said this about you. He said this about you.

None of it was true, but when you have 6 people saying this to you in a closed room for over 30 minutes you start to believe that hey, maybe she did say something.

My wife took it way harder than I did. I was mad that they would outright lie to me about something my wife said to get a juicier story. I know I lied to get on but it wasn’t that far off from the truth.

So we went in there laughing but when we got on stage we were angry because of the lies the producers told.

I don’t remember all of the lies, but the one that has stuck with me is, ‘She just called you a wimp in the other room. She thinks you have no backbone and that is why you need your cousin to defend you.’

That struck me hard and I was pretty mad hearing that. I did not know that the producers were lying at the time. I believed every word they said, as did she. Looking back though, we still laugh about this and our daughter thinks this is the greatest thing.

10. All Dressed Up

My old neighbors were on the Maury show. While the basic story they featured was true, there was a lot of embellishment. The story was that the wife wanted the husband to quit his band and change his appearance.

For the show, the wife was given very conservative clothes and appeared much more serious than she ever was in real life. The man was dressed to look like a wild man. In real life, they were both somewhere in the middle.

They did some taped segments ahead of time and although the staff did not tell them what to say, the staff did suggest re-taping portions to make them ‘support the story more.’ It was a gentle prompting and they felt like they had to be dramatic to get on the show.

Their trip to the show was paid for.

They never saw Maury until they went out on the stage. The only interaction they had with him were those 15 or so minutes he questioned them. The husband, as expected, agreed to change his ways and they left the stage.

They were escorted from the building and headed home. The wife had to return the clothes she was given to wear on the show. They thought the trip was fun and worth it. I did not know this couple well but they loved that people who knew them saw the show and they said they would have done it again in a minute.

11. Scripted

My sister was on Maury. The theme of her episode was ‘controlling boyfriends’ or something like that. The joke of it was she and her boyfriend were broken up when they got the call to be on the show so they got back together just to go on (they have an on-again and off-again relationship all the time anyway).

The whole thing is fairly scripted.

They told them what to say and do. They made it seem like they lived together and that she was his slave. In actuality, they both live with their parents and he doesn’t even own a car so they only see each other when she drives to him.

They both got paid a little bit of money (she just got compensated for her normal salary for the day, he got around $100 because he is unemployed). So far nothing has changed. They are still in an on-again-off-again relationship and no one has mentioned to her that they saw the episode so her life is literally no different.

12. Crowdwork

I went to both shows as an audience member. Jerry’s crowd was kind of boring, which was disappointing because I love Jerry way more than Maury. Maury’s crowd was ABSOLUTELY INSANE. Before the show even started people were dancing and grinding in the aisles like it was a club.

It was 11 am on a Thursday. So much more fun. So if you’re gonna go be an audience member, go to Maury. Jerry is kinda lame. They also shoot Steve Wilkos in the same studio.

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If You Love Drama, These Memes Are Right up Your Alley

I try my best to stay out of drama…but if it doesn’t involve me it’s pretty entertaining.

Here are some memes you’ll enjoy if you like to watch the drama unfold from afar.

1. I’m watching

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Time for a press conference

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Just in case

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. I’m not really offline

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Ooooooo

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Own it

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Homemade

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Can’t look away

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Wait, what happened?!?

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Almost impossible

11. No choice in the matter

12. Get ready

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. From afar

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

14. Never too old

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

15. Get out the camcorder

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

16. Eavesdropping

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

17. See that?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

18. I don’t think so

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Now, wasn’t that enjoyable?

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15 People Reveal the Crazy Incident from Their School That No One Can Forget

Everyone has a memory from growing up that’s referred to simply as, “The Incident.” It’s that story that everyone remembers even years and years after the fact. In my case, it was a rather lewd incident that occurred between two teachers during school hours. They were pretty old too, so it was the kind of image that gets indelibly burned into your memory due to how horrific it is.

AskReddit users shared “the incident” from their school days.

How does your match up?

1. Holy cow

“The high school cop was fired for molesting a ten year old girl. He then murdered his wife, and fled. He’s on Marshalls top 15 most wanted list now. His mom thinks he’s dead. His name was Dan Hyers.”

2. That’s nice…and kind of shocking

“At a private Christian school a girl in 12th grade got pregnant. According to the official rules, she was supposed to be expelled to protect the school’s ‘image’.

Instead all the teachers and principals got together and decided that that’s not what Jesus would do, and that the rule was idiotic. They didn’t expel her and gave her all the support she needed during the pregnancy and after.”

3. Smooth move

“A girl tried selling weed to the school cop.

She’s the type of person who would smoke hand soap because it had the word hemp in it.”

4. Bathroom Bandits

“Someone stole a urinal from one of the boys’ bathrooms in high school. All year the principal went on about how if we knew anything we should come forward because “we must stop the Bathroom Bandits!”

Of course no one came forward because once the Bathroom Bandits had a name they became legend. I never did find out who they were, but someone found the urinal three years later, hidden under some stairs behind the auditorium, a good distance from the bathroom it was taken from.”

5. Birthday: Ruined

“Someone set off a pepper spray bomb in the hallway after lunch.

We were evacuated to the building next door and only directly related family members were allowed to pick us up. My neighbor drove my sister and I to school… so we were stuck there for like 3 hours.

Also that was on my birthday.”

6. Quite a discovery

“When I was in high school we had an “outdoor discovery” class that was basically just a giant ropes course. The teacher for that class was a nice middle aged man. One day he decided to take a shower in the locker room between periods and had a stroke. Now I don’t know what about this stroke was different but it made him decide he needed to go for a jog……around the high school….. and middle school…… naked as the day he was born.

So hes butt naked, sprinting past classroom windows in just his socks and sneakers, which he somehow thought to put on, when a sub goes outside to see whats going on when the outdoor teacher runs over and basically starts playing a game of “catch me if you can” until the ambulance arrives. It was a very odd day. But he was back to work a couple weeks later, making kids swing from ropes and climb over logs like normal.

Edit: Just saw I got a bunch of replies. To clarify: No he was not a druggie and didn’t go on a bender. He was an older man, outdoorsman, healthy and didn’t give off any kind of drug vibe.

It is possible, as some have pointed out, that he had an underlying condition that somehow got triggered and lead to this. He was a nice guy even after this happened, probably a little embarrassed about everyone seeing his birthday suit, but he carried on.”

7. Legend

“Former South African SAS now high school tech teacher ripped his shirt off and confronted a gang member that had come onto school grounds with a knife to ‘take out’ a student with connections to a rival gang.

Tech teacher wraps his torn shirt around his hand and grabs the knife while punching the gang member in the head with the other hand, knocking him out cold. All at lunchtime with half the school watching.

Absolute. F*cking. Legend.”

8. Sexy time

“Seniors at our high-school had a lounge, real nice place, it was at a back area near the auditorium.

They found a couple having sex there, and so they did the reasonable thing to do and moved the lounge’s location to right next to the front office.

Then they found people smoking weed in there so they removed the walls to the lounge and added glass walls instead.”

9. An interesting day

“In middle school, some kids put laxative chocolates in donuts and handed them out. The school went on lockdown. The police came. Kids were crying. Kids were pooping. Kids were looking for some donuts to get out of class.

Fortunately, I did not fall victim.

Although, while the school was on lockdown, I was in my science class disecting owl poop for four hours.

I bet if we were in high school, the kids would have gotten stricter punishments, because, legally, it could be poison. It was an interesting day.”

10. Okay, that’s pretty intense

“This one kid was constantly bullied by a group of rednecks. One day when he was at McDonald’s they showed up and started taunting him and berating him and so he left and went to the tractor supply store next door.

So he’s walking around and they followed him and started taunting him again and just being dicks. Next thing you know the bullied kid picks up an axe from the aisle and hits the leader of the bullies in the face. Everyone called it the ‘axe-cident’.”

11. Gunman

“In elementary we had 3 students that had to go out and empty the compost in the afternoon. One day my 2 friends and I were disposing of the compost outside and we seen a guy carrying a shotgun (which happened to be loaded, we didn’t know) literally down the road beside the school.

My friends and I thought he was probably just going duck hunting so we went over and talked to him, he was a pretty chill guy. When we went inside the school everybody was hiding underneath the desks and the school was in lockdown due to a armed-man walking around the school with intent to kill, I was scared shitless at the thought of such a man not realizing I had just had a 5 minute convo with him about hunting.

The next day we all found out that the armed man broke into a house down the road and shot somebody.”

12. Ugh!

“8th grade. 2 girls attempted to get drunk on lamp oil. It’s like lighter fluid for old timey lamps. They ended up in the ER for a few days. Luckily they got sick quickly and a teacher found them puking in the bathroom because someone who is not an idiot told on them.”

13. Followed him through the years

“A kid took a picture (Polaroid) of his junk and put it in the mens room (god knows why) in 6th grade. Anyway, they somehow figured out it was him and this followed him all the way through high school.”

14. Insanity

“My freshmen year of college our Dean of admissions was arrested for forcing chinese foreign students to do manual labor at her house under threat of revoking their student status. While awaiting trial (for slavery), she tried to burn her house down for the insurance money. When that didn’t work, she killed herself.”

15. Wrestling fail

“There was also the time were a kid died in the “courtyard” after practicing wrestling moves, falling and hitting his head on the bench. As someone who saw him fall, be resuscitated by a teacher, and then die, it was pretty traumatic. That was probably the main incident until a couple of years later when another kid died after getting hit by a car after school.”

The post 15 People Reveal the Crazy Incident from Their School That No One Can Forget appeared first on UberFacts.