Dunkin’ Donuts and Franks RedHot Are Taking Sweet and Spicy to a New Level

The tastebud-tantalizing combo of sugar and heat is a serious game-changer that will instantly make your dish the talk of the party.

But as much of an advocate as I am of full-flavor eating, sometimes some ideas are best left as just that. But I’ll leave it to the professionals to decide what’s delectable and what’s disgusting.

Apparently, the combination of America’s signature breakfast item and a popular condiment were a match made in heaven – otherwise known as the Frank’s RedHot Jelly Donut at Dunkin’ Donuts.

The campaign launched on Super Bowl Sunday and instantly became a hot topic on social media.

Safe to say some people were skeptical at the odd flavor pairing.

However, you can be assured there was plenty of research put into this fantastical idea.

Rick Golden, Dunkin’s manager of donut excellence, and his team tested more than 12 different flavor combos. Ultimately, the Frank’s RedHot Jelly Donut won out.

Donut aficionados are all too familiar with Dunkin’s tried and true offerings. But this spicy special offered only in two Miami locations on February 3 was a stark departure from anything the iconic brand offered previously.

Those lucky enough to get their hands on were able to savor over the apple- and raspberry-flavored jelly stuffed donut with white icing and a hot sauce drizzle.

Both Dunkin’ and Frank’s RedHot encouraged people to respond on social media with their own innovative ideas. Considering both brands have extensive product lines, the possibilities are truly endless.

And as we’ve seen with other restaurant titans like Taco Bell, ideas that start out as local specials can quickly grow into national offerings.

So if you’re down with the sweet and spicy, start cookin’ up recipes that could make their debut in your town.

The post Dunkin’ Donuts and Franks RedHot Are Taking Sweet and Spicy to a New Level appeared first on UberFacts.

Son’s Tweet about His Dad’s Empty Donut Shop Helps Sales Skyrocket After Going Viral

Ah, Twitter. It’s been the source of all sorts of craziness in the last few years, but this might be one of the best Twitter stories yet.

When Billy By’s dad opened Billy’s Donuts in Missouri City, Texas, sales were slow to say the least. Nobody was coming in. So Billy did what any normal person does in 2019 to try to boost business: he took to social media to plead his case.

You know people couldn’t resist Billy’s dad standing behind the counter waiting for customers to come buy up his delicious donuts.

And guess what? The tweet picked up steam, went viral, and people started going to the store!

It worked!

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Even TWITTER jumped on the story and told people to get on down to the shop.

How’s that for advertising? As of this writing, the original tweet has been retweeted 343,000 times!

Billy’s dad looked pretty darn happy about this turn of events.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Billy tweeted an update about the amazing turnaround.

Check out the Billy’s Donuts Instagram page, too.

I needed that wholesome story! And now I need some donuts!

The post Son’s Tweet about His Dad’s Empty Donut Shop Helps Sales Skyrocket After Going Viral appeared first on UberFacts.