People Confess Which Scary Facts Actually Keep Them Up At Night

There are all kinds of truths in the world that are fascinating, but there are also some that are absolutely terrifying.

So much so, these facts can keep people from sleeping at night.

Redditor OHBSquishy asked: 

“What’s a terrifying fact that keeps you up at night?”

Some thought about abstract ways they could die.

“If you’re diving with sperm whales and they make a click at full power, it could vibrate you to death, which I can only imagine would be one of the worst ways to die.”

“As unpractical as it is for me to be in that situation, not much would top being paralyzed underwater with internal hemorrhaging.” – NorthMcCormick

“About 5000 people die in their sleep every night with unknown causes.” – bubbles_teh_monkey

Others thought about the likely suddenness of death.

“That one moment I’m here and living and the next moment I could be 6 feet under or turned into ashes.” – MelanieSenpai

“Everything could just be taken away in an instant.” – boopydo1

“Living alone for a long time, I’m always worried how long my body will be discovered if I die in my sleep.” – Adonis_X

“It’s probably not helpful to hear about the guy whose kids stopped talking to him because ‘once again’ he didn’t show up for Thanksgiving.”

“So, a cop friend was called out to his house when the electricity was turned on to prep the house for foreclosure auction…”

“When the heat automatically kicked on (in August), the smell was horrendous… not from the body – it was long past the smelly point – but by the accumulated smells in the ducts from the prior winter when he passed… probably around Thanksgiving.”

“Take away? Be reliable. Call when you say you’ll call; show up when you promise to.”

“That way, when you don’t show up, people won’t just shrug their shoulders and say, ‘Well, it’s just Harold being Harold’ – instead they’ll say, ‘They alway shows up or at least call when they can’t make it! Something’s wrong. We should check on them.’” – tmccrn

Consumerism kept some up at night.

“We live in a world where the rich pit us against each other as they get richer, and it’s so far gone that people would rather defend corporations that trickle out comfort (all the while reinforcing the system) than accept the necessary uprising will be uncomfortable.” – FetaMight

“The thought that if I was a multimillionaire, I would invest a lot of money into making sure it stayed that way, which is kinda scary considering how powerful money is as a resource.” – pathemar

“I’m likely going to work full time for the next 40 years with almost zero free time.” IAmAToiletDontAsk

“We live to consume.”

“Go to work, make money, spend that money to live and contribute to your economy, repeat.”

“If you’re lucky, you retire around 60. If you’re really lucky, 30. If you’re really lucky, you’re Elon Musk’s kid or some s**t.” – sloop-salad

“The dollar is worthless. The treasury is not just empty, it owes the rest of the world trillions, and the government somehow owes itself more trillions.”

“Despite this, or more probably because of this, we continue to spend more than the rest of the world combined on the deadliest military in history.”

“There will be a reckoning, and I don’t think it will be gentle or pretty.” – Plethorian

One Redditor was especially perplexed by climate change.

“I’m concerned that no one has mentioned climate change. This is the greatest existential threat mankind will ever be exposed to.”

“I’m regularly stunned by the existential crisis that is thinking about climate change. It usually strikes me in the shower.” – 9T3

Some thought about what would happen after they were gone. 

“Life is just about finding distractions to keep yourself busy so you don’t think about the fact that there’s nothing you can do in your life to stop the Sun from exploding and wiping out the entire humanity with it.” – NotDaWaed

“I’ve reached the conclusion that it’s more important to live a life worthy of being remembered after your death, than to live a life that actually is remembered after your death. You have no control over the latter, and you won’t care.” – michaelochurch

“When I die, I will be forgotten in a few decades unless I do something amazing or horrific. It’s much easier to do something awful than it is to do something great.” – ZerenTheUnskilled

“I’m worried nobody will remember me after my generation when I die.” – rascally1980

“It would be nice to know you have had a positive impact on someone’s life. I have been lucky in my life and career to have had people I look up to.”

“Now I am getting to the age of those people I look up to, and I wonder if I had an impact on anyone in that same way.” – sadicarnot

“Folks, when it comes time to look back on your life, what you will regret are the things you did not do, not the things you did.”

“Go live your life with vigor and passion.” – ocrohnahan

Some Redditors were stressed about time.

“How many things I’ll never know. What will happen to humanity long after I’m dead?”

“Do you ever think about time? If it’s a property of the universe, what happens when the universe ends?”

“If the universe ends in a Big Crunch, where the expansion of the universe reversed and all matter converges in the same spot, will another Big Bang happen?”

“Will it happen exactly like the original one?”

“If that is the case, is time a loop? Has this already happened before? How many times have I thought about this and how many times have I written this comment? Has my death already happened an infinite amount of times?”

“There is no way to know the answer, and that’s something I never stop thinking about.” – whatthef**k21

Any of these facts could potentially be troublesome for someone if they were to think about it and its implications for too long.

The clear message in all of this, though, is to live life to the fullest, since tomorrow is never guaranteed.

15 Facts That Are Totally Disturbing

Ready for some disturbing facts?

Facts can be cool, interesting, and fascinating without being fun, and that’s exactly the sort of thing people were sharing on this Reddit thread.

So, if you’re looking for facts that are weird, strange, disturbing, and/or gross while still being super interesting, well – you’ve come to the right place.

15. When I throw up I want to die, soooo.

Horses can’t throw up.

If they need to throw up, they’ll die.

14. I can see this.

The smell of vomit comes from butyric acid, as does the smell of parmesan cheese.

When given a sample of butyric acid to smell, test subjects were disgusted or pleased depending on whether they were told it was puke or parm.

13. Just say no.

Heroin overdose is so prevalent (and dangerous) because of how fast tolerance bounces back.

So let’s say an addict gets arrested and is in jail for a few days, weeks, whatever.

If they’re a heavy user even half the dose they last used could kill them.

12. Nasty.

Gingivitis is contagious.

11. Just one more reason the prison system is screwed up.

Criminals that are considered unattractive usually receive a 50% longer jail time than attractive criminals.

10. Horrifying but interesting.

“For generations, the indigenous peoples of South American used blow darts laced with paralytic plant extract to hunt their prey.

In the 1800s, English physicians who interacted with these indigenous South Americans recognized the possible uses of this paralytic agent, now known as tubocurarine, as an anesthetic agent for surgeries. Physicians noticed that animals under the influence of tubocurarine would become temporarily immobilized but would recover after a period of paralysis.

According to these physicians, this discovery would revolutionize surgery as an anesthetic agent. So confident were they in their discovery that one of the physicians volunteered to undergo surgery under the influence of tubocurarine to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Unfortunately, he failed to realize that, although the drug was an effective paralyzing agent, it did not have any effect on the sensory receptors of the body, so he felt every cut of the surgery without being able to move or do anything about it. “

9. Color me shocked.

The TSA missed 96% of contraband during an inspection in 2015.

8. Nature, man.

Crabs eat their babies and sloths can die from starvation with a full stomach.

7. The loneliest whale in the world.

There is a whale called 52 Blue who sings at such a strange frequency he is unable to communicate with other whales.

6. A ray of sunshine.

When it comes to heart disease, the VERY FIRST symptom in roughly 1/3 of all cases is sudden death.

Meaning you could be perfectly healthy and drop dead because you had heart disease and didn’t know it.

Check your family history people.

5. Can never un-know.

Male bed bugs impregnate female bed bugs by penetrating the females abdomen with his hypodermic dick.

4. In today’s sad facts…

When another elephant dies, its pack make a little funeral for it. They pick rocks and put it around the body, and stand there for a while before they keep the way.

3. Human technology and nature are not friends.

If you shine a flashlight/smartphone on a newborn sea turtle for too long (which could be only minutes), it will start crawling around in circles. Known as the “Ring of Death”, it means that the turtle’s eyesight has been permanently damaged due to mistaking your lights for the moon that guides it to the sea.

By doing this, you have doomed the sea turtle to death right after birth.​

Edit: Information was given to me by the Sea Turtle Preservation Society in Indialantic, Fl during a presentation.

2. Only the strong will survive.

If any apocalypse happens, anyone who takes medication daily is f*cked.

1. No scuba for you.

If you have a pneumothorax (collapsed lung), even once it’s resolved you can never go scuba diving.

Also, there’s a one in three chance it will happen again within 12 months.

But yeah, I can never, ever, go scuba diving…

Delivered as promised!

The post 15 Facts That Are Totally Disturbing appeared first on UberFacts.