People Share The Conversation They’d Have With Their Pets If They Could Talk For 24 Hours

I graduated high school and went right to adopting rescue animals. The first one was a 5 week old puppy—a brindle girl so dark you’d be forgiven for thinking she was just a dirty black dog at first.

Her name was She-Ra and she was by my side for 22 years.


She saw me through scandalous college years, several whack partners, a first marriage…

She-Ra was as much a part of my “definition” as my sarcasm, my hair, or my loud face. She was, very honestly, the best friend I’ve ever had.

And I would have LOOOOOOOOOVED to hear the stuff she wanted to say back when we would sit around having chisme time.

Homegirls face was as loud as mine—I just KNOW she wanted to read some people into oblivion in English, Spanish, Spanglish, AND Pitbullian. I would have listened and been on stand-by with water so she could stay hydrated while she went off.

I’m a supportive bestie like that.

Reddit user l0velygh0st asked: 

“You’re gifted 24 straight hours where you and your pet(s) are suddenly able to understand each other and have real conversations like you’re old bffs just catching up on lost time. What would you want to tell them and how would you want to spend those hours with them?” 

Obviously She-Ra and I would be on our Thelma and Louise—minus the tragic ending and plus some incredible fashions.

Reddit users had their own incredible, adorable, ideas. The love between people and their pets is going to be our happy thought around here for the day.

“Lemme Upgrade Ya” 

“Write down every single quality of life improvements I can make for you.”

“Let’s go find you your perfect food to eat, let’s make sure there aren’t any aches and pains you have that we can’t address.”

“Tell me all of your favorite spots.”

“Tell me what you like, what you don’t. Literally everything.”

– Straightup32

About The Vacuum

“I would tell them that I love them, and that they’re good, and I would explain that I don’t cut their nails or vacuum the floor to hurt and scare them, it’s just stuff I need to do.”

“I would want to know what their lives looked like before they got to my family, if they can remember it. I would talk to them about funny stories from when they were young, and hopefully they’d have funny stories from when I was young.”

“I would also like to hear what gossip they might know because people still talk when pets are around.”

“I would want to ask them if there are ways I’ve been caring for them wrong, how I can care for them better and enrich their lives more. Are they hurting in any places that aren’t obvious?”

“They’re getting old, so I just want them to be happy for as many years as they have left.”

– SallyTwoSocks

When I Leave 

“Stop freaking out when I left the house. I will be back, like always.”

– Rawinza555

“But what if someday you’re not? Like you get in an accident and die and your buddy never knows what happened.”

“I think about that a lot and it breaks my heart”

– testerpants

“This happened to me!”

“I had sudden heart failure and was in the hospital for two months. Apparently, my dog just sat looking out the window every day, not understanding why I wasn’t coming back.”

“When I got home we were both so happy and getting back to her definitely helped save my life. I feel so guilty that she had to wonder why I had abandoned her for all those weeks…”

– cosmichorror845

“I’ve told my wife that if anything was to ever happen to me, my cat needs to see me so he understands I didn’t just leave.”

– Pure1nsanity

What’s In A Name? 

“To figure out what name he gave me.”

– Zure-Mossel

“Dog: ‘It’s Bar-woorrdddll!’ “

“Human: *tries to say it* “

“Dog: ‘No, you’re saying it wrong, but I like what you call me.’ “

– MoreNMoreLikelyTrans

“My cat’s name is Dobby, and I have another one named Nyxi. My conversation would go something like this:”

“N: ‘Why’d you call me Nyxi?’ “

“Me: ‘Well Nyx is the goddess of night and cats are known for loving the nighttime.’ “

“D:’Wow cool! Why’s my name dobby?’ “

“Me: *…shows picture* “

“D: 😑

“Me: ‘Your ears are big!!’ “

– 12Lister12

John Wick

“I would explain to them how much I love them and how they’ve saved my life many times.”

“I would ask what happened to them before they came into my life. They’re both rescues and we have made HUGE progress over the last three years, but they were pretty traumatized when I adopted both of them.”

“We would spend the day talking about our favorite things.”

“I would ask for the names and addresses of the owners that abused them both.”

“And I would go John Wick on those motherf*ckers.”

– [Reddit]

“OMG imagine if they could tell us their abusers…..that’s a dangerous path to go down but so many evil people would be gone from this world…”

– l0velygh0st

“I can’t even imagine.”

“My husband and I rescued our boy when he was barely two and we are his third or fourth family. He’d been passed around because he was “aggressive” apparently.”

“We’ve had him for five years and can’t imagine how anyone could ever think this massive goofball, scared-of-his-shadow, cuddly gentle giant could ever be aggressive.”

“Makes me wonder if he was being mistreated. He has a lot of separation anxiety, even now, because he was left and abandoned so many times before he was ours.”

“I get really sad thinking about it. He’s my world.”

– canohughess

Some Questions

“I’d have mostly questions:”

“’You don’t have to like your brother, but can we all agree to just coexist peacefully please?’”

“’I understand that taking medicine is no fun, but it’s what makes you feel better, so please stop fighting me whenever I need to give you the thing. It’ll suck for a couple seconds and then it’s over.’”

“’What is your obsession with lettuce?’ which seems like a normal thing until you realize it would be asked to cat.”

“’Why do you hump me when I lay down on the couch, but not when I’m sitting?’ (Asked to boy cat)”

“’Do you actually like the food I feed you?’”

“ ‘Is the temperature I keep the thermostat good for you?’ ”

“According to the internet, apparently I keep the temperature set too low, yet the kiddos run into my fridge or freezer often, and they sit on the vent when the AC is on in the summer, but also sit on the vent when the heat is on in the winter… are they hot or cold?! I don’t have the slightest clue.”

– SportsPhotoGirl

So now that we know what Reddit would do with 24 hours of talk time, it’s your turn at the mic.

Tell us what you’d want to talk about if your pet friends could converse for a day!

Hiliarious Text Conversations That Just Hit Different

My favorite thing about text conversations is that they just never go away if we don’t want them to.

We can immortalize them, not just through the various built-in options our phones have for archiving, but through screenshots, the quickest way not just to save a moment of conversation but to spread it far and wide across the internet.

Which is what these wonderful souls did when they found themselves within a chat that just did not go like they were expecting. Thanks, Twitter.

15. Fun in the sun

Thanks for clarifying the reason behind funerals, though.

14. Your what?

I like how he’s just being totally straightforward. Like he knows he’s screwed now.

13. Smoke ’em up

Who exactly does your brother live with?

12. The devil within

I really don’t understand you young people and your sensual talk.

11. Coming out

Context really is key.

10. I’ll try

Our bodies don’t stay 20 forever.

9. Wait who?

What kind of games are you playin’ here?

8. A strong personality

This might be the lowest effort I’ve ever seen.

7. The vaccine?

Yeah, sure, that’s what I’m asking.

6. Push notification

These things are getting out of control.

5. Like a virgin

Being stuck for the very first time.

4. The big lie

The one we all tell each other in circles every day.

3. Leave me alone

Where there’s smoke…

2. Giving thanks

I just think they’re neat.

1. It’s in the stars

Bruh you have no idea how exhausting this is about to get.

Man. That is some straight talk right there.

What’s the best conversation you’ve had recently?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Hiliarious Text Conversations That Just Hit Different appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy 10 of the Most Ridiculous Tinder Conversations Ever

Tinder was launched about nine years ago which means soon enough we’ll be marking a decade it’s been with us on this strange little planet and still I can’t quite grasp what it’s all about, or how to navigate it.

Sometimes it seems like a nice way to meet people, other times it handles like a straight-up hookup machine, and still other times it feels like some sort of game to just see who can have the weirdest conversation.

We’re dealing with that last category with this collection of convos.

10. Megan

Oh how the turntables…

9. In the bag

I thought this was an elaborate setup for some sort of wordplay, but nope.

8. Pickup lines

“It’s a match! She already hates you!”

7. Cat’s out of the bag

The man is a master negotiator.

6. So happy

Why are you trying to screw this up, my man?

5. You win

And everybody told ME that my “dumb improv classes” would “make nobody want to date me.”

4. The fun suck

How dare you ruin this for me.

3. The doctor is in

I also find that confusing. Like…what am I supposed to do with this information? How does this influence my actions?

2. Updog

Sometimes the oldest jokes are the worst jokes.

1. Just plane wrong

Pull up, dude, pull up.

Love it or hate it, I think Tinder might be with us for quite a while longer.

What’s been your experience with online dating?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Enjoy 10 of the Most Ridiculous Tinder Conversations Ever appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Statement, “Once Someone Agrees With You and Acknowledges Their Mistake, You Should Shut Up”

It’s time to zip your lip!

It sure can be exhausting going over and over the same issues with family members, significant others, bosses, co-workers, etc.

That’s why it’s always helpful when folks know when to shut a conversation down once and for all and to MOVE ON.

So, should you just shut your trap if someone agrees with you and admits their mistake?

AskReddit users weighed in…

Once someone agrees with you and acknowledges their mistake, that’s your cue to shut up. from unpopularopinion

Let’s take a look at what they said…

1. A time to rage.

“This one makes me rage sometimes. So there you are, having made some sort of mistake.

For hypotheticals lets pretend you forgot to put your mask on before going into Walmart. (This isn’t about masks dont make it about masks, just using an example).

“Sir you need to have a mask on.” (Acceptable)

“Why yes here it is, I’m so sorry I forgot. You’re right.” (Puts on mask)

We are officially done here.

“Well you see theres a pandemic going on…..” (wrong. The conversation is over)

“Yeah, you’re right I’m sorry man.” (Acknowledged twice now, problem corrected! We are done now.)

“When you dont have a mask on you can infect other people….” (why the f*ck are you still talking?)…”

2. Oh, I’m the *sshole?

“Then when you politely tell them that you get it and to stop bringing it up, you somehow turn into the *sshole of the situation.”

3. I got it!

“In situations like this I’ll typically just say “look dude, you’ve already made the sale.

Stop trying to sell me on it.””

4. All about power.

“I think it’s a power thing. They have gotten the apology but continue as they see an opening to exert authority under the guise of “being in the right”.

Usually people like that are just worth ignoring at that point. It’s not about sincerity just a power dynamic.”

5. You don’t always have to argue…

“It’s not even just about humiliation. Some people get so personally invested in arguments that they forget that you don’t always have to argue.

I was going out with this girl that was coming from a very manipulative environment and I had to articulate this to her to stop her from needlessly torturing herself on my behalf.

She’d bring up something that she assumed I might not like, I’d accept and she’d go on to explain herself regardless. “Take the yes” I’d remind her. First time I said it, I actually had to explain to her that what I meant. It just wasn’t ingrained in her that further deliberation is pointless once there’s nothing more to be gained from a conversation.

She was just conditioned to expect resentment over any decision and was offering justification unprompted. What an exhausting way to approach human interaction.”

6. Give them an “out”.

“It’s important to give people an “out.”

Like Sun Tzu said: “When you surround your enemy, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.”

It makes sense in warfare, so they are willing to flee instead of stand their ground. Likewise, If someone is trying to walk back bad behavior, or is apologetic, allow them that.

Don’t force them to defend themselves and get combative. Don’t punish good behavior.”

7. Here’s a trick to consider.

“I’ve discovered this new trick.

It’s absolutely amazing and I don’t know why it took me so long to discover. When people start talking about sh*t I don’t care about I just walk away. Right in the middle of their little spiel. I walk away from them.

It’s sooooo satisfying because who the hell just walks away while someone is speaking to them? Rude right? I don’t give a f*ck. There’s nothing they can do except follow you which most won’t do. And even when they follow me and keep talking I completely ignore them.

Its like they cease to exist in my reality altogether. You should try it out some time. It’s incredibly liberating.”

8. Good point.

“Some people who do this grew up in households where their feelings were never acknowledged or appreciated. Ever.

They never received a single second of validation from their parents, so they spend their entire lives fighting for validation from everyone else. And when they get it, they aren’t quite sure how to react to it, and they aren’t quite sure that the other person is actually validating their feelings.

I’m not saying this is your personal situation, I just jumped on this comment to provide some context for others to understand why some people may behave like this.”

9. It’s over!

“I can’t stand that.

I’ve apologized, why am I still being chewed out? Makes me go from apologetic to angry really fast.

Sorry, but that first sorry is now a f*ck you and you’re gonna get yelled at.”

10. We all make mistakes.

“I have no problem admitting I’ve made a mistake, I’m only human and I’m still learning.

What really f*cks me off is when people talk down to me thinking they’ve one upped me.

If it’s really that much of an achievement for you to be right, think about how rarely it happens.”

11. Ego boost.

“People who keep on going don’t really care about the message getting through, but about their ego getting a boost.

In the case of the facemask, it’s just a way to show they are part of “the good ones” and by going through the usual “there’s a pandemic…” spiel, they’re simply reaffirming their self-appointed role of Saviours.

Same goes for unsolicited lectures about politics, society, religion, dietary choices and basically ANY topic where soapboxing is a possibility.

Frankly, I can’t be arsed to point out people’s flaws and shortcomings, as it’d be a full-time job, a thankless and frustrating job for me and for them.”

12. Ugh.

“I moved house last summer and was moving the Bbq in my garden when I tripped, fell onto gravel with a Bbq on top of me and swore as I fell over (quite loudly tbf).

My neighbour, who I had not met before, popped her head over the fence. I assumed she was checking if I was okay as I was still on the floor and thought “what a lovely neighbour”. I was very wrong. The conversation went like this.

Neighbour: “You swore”

Me: “Sorry about that, I fell over.”

Neighbour: “I have a young child at home”

Me: “Right, sorry. I fell over and panicked, I won’t do it again”

Neighbour: “Upstairs have young children too, you shouldn’t swear”

Me (still on the floor and now bleeding): “Understood, sorry again”

Neighbour: “You’re voice is very loud”

Me: “Yep, sorry”

Neighbour: “Very booming”

Me: “right”

Neighbour: “have you just moved in?”

Me: “yeah last week” (now surely she’s going to give me a welcome to the neighborhood and ask if I’m okay)

Neighbour: “oh” turns and walks off.”

Okay, folks, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this.

Please and thank you!

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Absolutely Brutal Text Conversations You Need To See

I’ve been having one of those months that is full of brutal conversations. But I count myself lucky that none of them have been at the level of brutality presented in the screenshots of convos from these people on Reddit. Because holy crap.

Laugh, cry, and wince along as we look through some taxing texts.

10. Feelings are feelings

Wow, what did they do to deserve this war crime of a response?

9. Missed me

Sure hope you won, Caroline.

8. Ever-vigilant

When you’re very involved in your son’s life but not enough to know how old he is.

7. Comfort

To be fair, how does one respond to that?

6. Rachel

Yeah this has gotta be against like a dozen company/privacy policies.

5. Get it?

Move on honey, he’s not worth it.

4. Group projects

Arjun is never gonna recover from this one.

3. Caved

I think we can safely say reconciliation is off the table.

2. I am the night

Stick with the normal cliches like “It’s not you, it’s me” next time.

1. Face the facts

You both need to move away and start new lives somewhere.

I feel like I’m playing Mortal Combat because that was some brutality turned fatality right there.

What’s the most brutal exchange you’ve had lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Absolutely Brutal Text Conversations You Need To See appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Times That Text Messages Went Hilariously Wrong

There’s a subreddit you should absolutely not visit unless you want to cringe yourself into such a condensed state that you actually become a black hole and devour the entire solar system. But you should really check it out…

It’s called r/sadcringe and it is what it sounds like; user submitted cringe content that is sad. That said, it’s also frequently really funny, as evidenced by some of the better text exchanges that get regularly get added to the gallery of failure.

Check out these 10 examples of conversations that that did NOT go well.

10. Ready, aim, fired

This is the most compelling short story of a generation.

Yea just got fired no big deal. Wanna hangout though from sadcringe

9. *sweats A LOT*

Anime is not real life, my guy.

*cringe nervously* from sadcringe

8. What a twist!

Your deductive powers know no bounds.

Damn feels bad. from sadcringe

7. For not your eyes only

…what exactly are you trying to pull off here and how did you fail at it so hard?

Yikes from sadcringe

6. Glub glub

Come on friend, there are other fish in the sea.

Smooth Operator from sadcringe

5. Stonks are down

These are the wonders modern technology has brought us.

Found on reddit. Thought it belonged here from sadcringe

4. Hell-no

Even if I wanted to talk to this person I wouldn’t because this is too entertaining.

Persistence is the key to success from sadcringe

3. Man hunt

I’m not sure this is the most efficient way to go about that.

F from sadcringe

2. Night of the living dead

Yeah generally texting random numbers isn’t cute.

Oops from sadcringe

1. Trust issues

I feel like I know what’s going to be the first topic of discussion at that session.

Oh boy from sadcringe

Looking at how terrible all those conversations went makes me feel slightly better about the fact that I work from home and don’t talk to people enough. Obviously, talking to people is dangerous. That’s the lesson here, for sure.

What’s the worst text exchange you’ve ever had?

Make us cringe in the comments.

The post 10 Times That Text Messages Went Hilariously Wrong appeared first on UberFacts.

13 People Who Met Their Bullies Years Later

Bullies suck.

They all eventually grow up, but that doesn’t mean that they all stop being bullies – though some of certainly them do.

Meeting your childhood bully rarely goes like in the movies or that short story that was actually too long to be a short story, you know that one you wrote/read in your sophomore year of college that was totally just a rip-off of Pearl Jam’s Elderly Woman Behind a Counter in a Small Town.

Anyhow, here are 13 folks who stumbled onto their old bullies years later and reported the mixed results on askreddit:

#13. Never rely on the kindness of your old nemesis.

Even though I am a college graduate, I decided to go to truck driving school for a CDL. It seemed like the perfect job for an introvert; just driving around, listening to podcasts all day.

One of my bullies in high school dropped out so he could work for his father’s truck driving business. I figured since he knew me, I’d have an advantage over all the other applicants.

Bad idea.

My bully used the interview to lord it all over the valedictorian who was now relying upon the kindness of the dropout for a job.

“You sure you’re man enough to handle a 40 ton eighteen wheeler?”

Then he lectured me on the importance of customer service. “The business owners we deliver to like to bullshit with the drivers but you wouldn’t even say ‘shit’ in high school.”

I was also notorious for napping in class back in the day. “If you couldn’t keep your head up for fifteen minutes in class, how can I trust you behind the wheel for ten hours?”

#12. “It felt really good.”

I was bullied by this mean girl all through elementary and middle school. Senior year of high school we had a mutual friend and were sitting at the same lunch table. I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 2.5 years and she asked me about it. She then told me that I was too good for him and he didnt deserve me.

It felt really good. No animosity towards her ever again.

#11. The really sad one.

Mine’s kinda sad. I was bullied by this kid in high school pretty often. I was small, he was big, and in his mind that was all it took to mean I was worth tormenting.

Flash forward to two years ago: It’s ten years later.

I’m successful, independent, healthy and happy. I’m working in my hometown’s ER now. We get a patient found down out in the bushes, and I’m asked to see him. It’s this dude. He’s looking kinda rough, puked on himself, covered in leaves, but still huge.

I don’t miss a beat. Vitals, line, labs, fluids, everything you would do given the situation. Hours later he’s sobering up, were talking about his situation and he stops and just stares at me mid sentence.

“Oh, I remember you now.”

Cue me thinking, “Great, thought we weren’t gonna bring this up.”

But then he went on, “Man I am so sorry for how I treated you in high school. I was a horrible person, there is no excuse. But I really want you to know I regret who I was and I’m not that person anymore.”

Well my jaw basically hit the floor. It gave me a lot of hope for people to change. I’m glad he had a chance to, but his alcohol addiction was probably now covering the same pains that caused him to be such a broken person a decade before.

Three months later he came in again as my patient, this time because he choked on his own vomit. He never woke up.

The post 13 People Who Met Their Bullies Years Later appeared first on UberFacts.