People Divulge Their Past Minor Social Missteps That Still Keep Them Up At Night

Social missteps are quite common. Often, we are supposed to follow a set of social rules but no one seems to talk about what they are openly.

We’re just kind of expected to pick up the cues.

For some of us, those social missteps have lasting effects.

Anxiety effects 40 million U.S. adults making it the most common mental health issue. Around 15 million adults struggle with social anxiety.

Since it really is so common to lay awake at night thinking about all the ways you’ve caused an awkward situation, we went to Reddit to see exactly what those social faux pas were.

Redditor anfla56 asked:

“When you’re lying in bed at night, do you ever randomly remember some relatively minor social missteps or poorly chosen words you did/said years earlier?”

“And then beat yourself up over it even though it really wasn’t a big deal?”

“If so, what happened?”

Hopefully this doesn’t bring up any bad memories for you.

Talking to a cute girl.

“In 7th grade, a cute girl asked me to sit next to her. I said my mom won’t let me sit next to girls. My mom said no such thing.” – Risklotrman

“If you said CUTE girls you’d have been a total baller. So close.” – AccidentallyInterest

“When I was in 8th grade one of the hottest girls in our class, who had never spoken to me before, stopped in the hallway near where I was rummaging around in my locker, walked up to me, and said ‘Hey…your cologne smells good’.”

“I replied with a forceful, ‘I…I’m not wearing cologne!’”

“She said, ‘Oh, ok.’ and walked away.”

“I was wearing cologne.” – VaultBoy9

Wrong inside joke.

“I accidentally mixed up an inside joke with the wrong friend group with disastrous results.”

“Friend group #1: The ‘joke’ was when someone calls and asks who’s all there we would add Darrell to the list of names. Darrell wasn’t a real person. The joke wasn’t really funny, and made no sense out of context, but I guess that’s why it was an inside joke.”

“Friend group #2: I was hanging out playing some drinking games with a bunch of people that I hadn’t hung out with in a while. It was a kind of get together to remember a friend that they had who had recently died in a car accident. I didn’t know him that well, but I was always down to party.”

“Anyway the phone rings, and the person who answered started listing off names. Sorting my cards for another round of Presidents and A**holes I offhandedly said, ‘Heh and Darrell!’”

“It was the typical record scratch moment where everyone stopped and looked at me. Darrell was the name of the friend who had just died.”

“This happened in 2002 and I still think about it all the time.” – Redditor

“Oh man, I have a mixed up inside joke scenario. It wasn’t me, it was my neighbor.”

“My neighbor is morbidly obese and my mom is Korean, and they joke with each other about it. My neighbor makes racist commits to my mom, she makes fun of my neighbor’s weight.”

“It’s just part of their friendship. They often did it in public too, but it was always obvious when they were standing next to each other that it was inside joke.”

“At one point my neighbor was out with her husband (they’re both white). She was at a check out counter when she blithely remarked about all the damn Koreans taking over the region.”

“The check out lady just stares at her. Then the husband leaned over and said ‘It’s not as funny when [Dragonmeme’s mom] isn’t standing next to you’.”

“Cue my horrified neighbor desperately trying to explain that she wasn’t a racist, that it’s an inside joke. ‘My friend is Korean!’ which of course just made her look worse.”

“My mom lost it when she heard the story.” – DragonMeme

A difficult time laughing.

“When I was in fifth grade, our teacher said a joke in front of the class and everyone laughed including myself. After the laughter died down, a girl looked up at me and said. ‘You have a really damn disgusting laugh, ew’.”

“I became so self conscious about laughter since that specific, day, and after years I have trouble actually laughing. My brain kinda made it a habit to just smile or slightly chuckle at something, even if it is really funny.” – precious3tears

“Omg This! When I was in 7th grade I had such a hard time in school. No self esteem at all. I was suicidal, no friends, etc…”

“The one friend I had was a very pretty girl (I’m a girl too) and she was so nice. Well we’re sitting in class and we’re laughing, like genuinely. I would always cover my mouth when I laughed but I didn’t that time because I was genuinely happily laughing.”

“The guy next to her turned to me and looked at me with such disgust I can’t forget it 10+ years later and he said. ‘You look like a man’.”

“I think of that to this day and it hurts like no other. I have never been comfortable with my smile, and always feel like I do look manly. It sucks.” – Hopefulwitch

Just blurted it out.

“Junior prom I blurted out during dinner to my date ‘I’m so bored’ and I have NO idea why it came out of my mouth. I’m pretty well-mannered and quiet. I forget how I tried to play it off, but I felt so bad.” – georgeangela

“I was sitting in a small group of friends in school, and my crush (literally the love of my life at that point) admitted she liked me. It was the happiest moment of my entire life. So naturally I said ‘Ew’. In front of everyone.”

“This was 2nd grade and I still think about it weekly.” – sweetcuppingcakes

Awkward situations because of religion.

“I went through a phase where I scolded people for reading harry potter because my parents told me it was evil. Lots of awkward situations because of that.” – Redditor

“The crazy thing is there is actually a lot of Christ mythology to the story. There’s a chosen one, prophecies of the death of the chosen one, and he dies in sacrifice of everyone else. Then comes back to life.”

“Nothing evil about it, just religious people being afraid of something they don’t understand. My mom remarried and became Pentecostal, it was a rough childhood to say the least.” – moonsnakejane

Being a jerk for no reason.

“For most of my education, I went to public school and like most kids, I was socially awkward. For High School, I received an academic scholarship to a private Catholic school.”

“It was a really big deal for my family. I didn’t know anyone at the new school. Between an odd combination of academics, sports and the tail end of puberty, I became very popular in this new school.”

“I wasn’t used to the attention and it definitely got to my teenage head. Nearly all of my social circles became around the new school and not with my old local friends.”

“I’m in my junior year, I head to a McDonalds for lunch with a few friends from the new school. Working the counter, I see a girl who I used to go to public school with that I used to have a crush on.”

“She just lit up when she saw me, she was so excited, and I … I was a sh*tty teenager and I just ignored her. I pretended I didn’t recognize her. She looked so deflated when I didn’t acknowledge her.”

“Note this was the 90’s. My family moved a few times after that. I settled down in a different part of the country after University. I never made it back to that town.”

“I’ve relived that a**hole moment for years now. Fast forward to one of those nights when I relive that moment, and I decide to look her up on Facebook to apologize.”

“I find out she died 10 years ago in an auto accident. Since I found out her fate, I feel even more awful about that moment.” – Redditor

“I’m one of the people who have been ignored by old friends many times (when younger for similar reasons I assume), and I will just say that I’m sure she had no hard feelings towards that moment.”

“If anything, it was a passing, small feeling of loneliness. Don’t beat yourself up over it, the fact you even looked her up to apologize—that gesture—is kind enough to cancel out the action (times 10).”

“All we can do in life is to move on and learn from our mistakes, especially those we make when we’re younger.” – indeciciveop

Didn’t hear the question.

“When I was 11, it was my first day at a new school and all the other students were also new. The Maths teacher started our first class by asking each of us about our education background (what school we came from, what they taught in our last year’s Maths class etc.), just trying to get a general idea of what kind of students he was dealing with.”

“Thing is, I was so nervous that I spaced out for a bit and got lost in my overthinking mind, so I didn’t hear the teacher’s questions to my classmates. When it got to my turn, the teacher just said ‘Now tell me about you’, assuming I understood what kind of information he was expecting.

“I just went straight into a monologue that started with ‘So I was born in the South Zone of the city, but my mom decided to move to our current neighborhood a few months after divorcing my dad…’.”

“And went on and on giving some very specific details about my short life. Everyone had a really confused look on their faces and as soon as I realized the teacher was also completely lost I stopped talking and went instantly red.”

“The teacher then said ‘that’s all really great, but I was only interested in what happened last year, not the last 10…’ and everyone started laughing.”

“Next day nobody remembered it anymore, but 12 years later it still comes to mind in pretty random moments.” – alexgvincent

A random hand shake.

“Freshman year of high school. It was one of those days before school starts and you meet your teacher and your parents are there.”

“My teacher was handing me a piece of paper and I didn’t see the paper so I shook his hand. He said ‘oh’ and my mom said ‘Ummm?’ and I panicked and said ‘I just wanted to be polite!’”

“So I still want to die when I think of that…..” – spaztasticnerd

“That’s actually a good recovery.” – AggressiveSpud

“Same happened to me at the AirPort. She held her hand out for my boarding pass, I shook it instead.” – bleachyanus

Couldn’t hold it.

“Bruh I can’t even begin to pinpoint one event.”

“I guess one thing is when I was 11, I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom three times during class and told me no. And well, sure enough, I couldn’t hold it any longer and there’s bullying for the next six months. Literally shakes me in bed about how I have never felt that low before.”

“SOMEHOW I managed to live through it though lol. We all got flaws. Mine is a bladder that urinates prematurely.” – RealisticYogurt6

Karaoke gone wrong.

“I was visiting Portland for a wedding that lined up with my birthday as well. We went out to celebrate and finished the night at a karaoke bar.”

“Realizing I’m too drunk to sing I pick ‘My Name Is’ by Eminem as my song to perform. There’s two versions of that song. One is the original release, the other tamed down (which you most commonly hear today).”

“The woman controlling the music put on the original, and off I went. One of the lines at the end is ‘running over lesbians in a spaceship while they screamin at me lets just be friends’.”

“I finish the song and I’m met by applause from my friends and one other table. The rest of the place is silent.”

“The DJ goes ‘nice job! Don’t know if it was the best choice for gay women’s night though’. And at that moment I wanted to leave my skin.” – johngannon8

This AskReddit post had over 96 thousand likes, so trust us when we say you’re not alone.

Take it from Redditor MayorScotch who commented:

“I think that is the key takeaway from these stories. No one remembers them but you.”

Let the memory fade knowing you’re the only one holding onto it.

People Explain How A Mistake They Made Actually Made Things Better In The End

We all make mistakes.

Some are bigger than others.

Some errors are massive, having profound ramifications that impact the rest of our lives while others have more limited consequences.

Turns out, though, that not all mistakes are the end of the world—some are the beginning of something fantastic.

Redditor HypnoViber pointed out this phenomenon when they asked: 

“What is a mistake you have made that actually made something better?”

Sometimes, a good hard hit really is the answer. 

“Accidentally backed into a pole at night in my mother’s Taurus.”

“Low speed, no damage, but it was dead center, so in between the reverse lights, I didn’t see it.”

“However, the trunk latch was never sticky again, worked fine after.” ~Speedy-McLeadfoot

Other times, the wrong turn is the right one.

I work in television.”

“A few years ago I was a background PA (I help set Extras in a TV show and give them their actions).”

“Anyways the scene taking place was that the main character was being checked by a doctor in an office with the door open (weird but I don’t make those decisions).”

“I sent an extra down that hallway and told him to go inside the office to the right – the one across from where the scene was happening.”

“I guess this guy didn’t hear me correctly but during the scene he went into the office where the scene was happening, upon realizing his mistake he played along as if he were part of the scene and gave them an: ‘Oops!’ “

“And the actors reacted to him, making the scene funnier.”

My boss was quick to yell at me but the director came out and asked who made the decision because it was awesome!”

“Of course my boss stopped yelling.”

“They decided to upgrade the extra and add his line.”

“The man went from getting paid $125 a day to making a bit more than $1k for saying the word Oops!”

“The guy thanked me profusely because he was in desperate need of money and this was going to help him with rent.”

“All throughout the day, he thanked me.”

“My mistake made someone so happy. It made my day.”~SuitableCamel6129

Mistakes, the spice of life!

I misread a chili recipe that called for tamari (a type of soy sauce) and put tahini (sesame seed paste).”

“It was creamy and delicious!”

“I realized my mistake the next time I made it, but to this day I still put tahini in it.”~HarrisonRyeGraham

More fantastic food flubs. 

“I was making a Moussaka recipe, this one was like… think lasagna, but Greek with slices of eggplant instead of layers of noodles.”

“Trying to help me, for some reason my SO diced the eggplant.”

“We said: ‘F*ck it.’ and continued making what turned out to be more of a Moussaka-like casserole.”

“OMFG it was good!”

“So that’s how we make it.”

“Not filling between layers of eggplant slices, we make it casserole-style.”

“Never even tried to follow the recipe again correctly.”~Sniffs_Markers

The error that keeps on giving. 

“I approached a dude in high school thinking he was someone else I met the other day.”

“(I was new to this school and still learning who people were).”

“I didn’t realize this until days later when he told me.”

“However we became best friends.”

“He eventually introduced me to my future wife who I now have a family with.”

“A simple case of mistaken identity shaped my whole life.”~Actuaryba

Many responses were surprisingly self-aware. 

I got into a drunken street fight a long time ago and ended up getting arrested.”

“I beat one guy up and then pulled a knife on another guy he was with when he tried to intervene.”

“I actually didn’t think it was a big deal after the fight ended as I felt that I had won and just proceeded to walk home.”

“Next thing you know 10 cop cars surrounded me and I was in handcuffs sitting in the back of a police car.”

“It was 100% my fault.”

“I went to a lawyer who said he would help me with the criminal case that came with what I had done, but I had to go to AA.”

“I told him that I didn’t remember much from the previous evening and he explained that I had experienced an ‘alcoholic blackout’ and that I was so inebriated that I stopped recording memories and couldn’t control my behavior.”

“He said that I was an alcoholic and he sees it all the time in clients that come to him for help after drinking and doing something stupid.”

“If this hadn’t happened I probably would have still been drinking every single day and continuing down the path of ruining my life.”

“I ended up going to 50+ AA meetings which gave me a chance to reevaluate my life and have been sober ever since.”~reaverdude

Not all mistakes are life-altering, some just save the day.

“Didn’t mute myself in an online meeting by accident.”

“Told a joke to my friend and because people from the online meeting heard it, they of course laughed and after the meeting one of the participants told me she was having a very hard time because of her depression and that I lifted her mood up.”

“Sh*t was pleasant, ngl”~wriggly_jiggled22

Always read the fine print. 

“In my 20s, when I was unemployed and almost broke, I got a great job offer and was so stoked that I said yes before reading the whole offer letter.”

“A few days later I realized the position they gave me wasn’t at the local office where I had interviewed but was on the other side of the country.”


“I went for it anyway and it turned out to be a wonderful move.”

“I started life over from scratch, had a ton of fun exploring a new place, made some great friends, and met my wife.”~SagebrushBiker

The wrong note just sounds better.

“As a musician, I have to say it’s every instance of ‘I keep playing this riff I wrote wrong so that’s how it’s played now’.” ~thrashingkaiju

That’s one way to quit?

“I ashed a cigarette in a glass that had a drink in it (don’t ask me why).”

“I accidentally picked it up and took the biggest swig of what I thought was my scotch- I projectile vomited, and never touched another cigarette”~Muriana_of

We all make mistakes.

We run from them, we shun them and we try our hardest to deny them but sometimes what we think of as a misstep is actually a step in the right direction.

Sometimes, our mistakes make us.

Secrets That Military Members Feel They Need to Keep From Their Loved Ones

Being in the military is very tough.

Oftentimes, you’re not the same person you were before becoming a member of the military. It changes you and you go through things that other people may not understand.

Today we’re going to meet 11 military members who reveal key secrets about themselves and their work that they simply don’t want to share with their loved ones.

Time to get interesting!

10. Such a horrible situation.

I hope you got some much needed therapy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. They have programs for this now.

Nobody should suffer in silence.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. This is such a common thing.

People think they need to live their lives on the battlefield, but they don’t.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. You should really tell them.

They can help. Truly.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. This rarely seems like a good plan.

Get married and then leave? Who actually thought of that?

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Whoa dude.

You got engaged to a straight up slut.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Isn’t this allowed these days?

I guess it depends on what country you belong to… hmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. If you feel alone in most places… you probably need to talk to somebody.

This isn’t uncommon at all.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. It’s time to end the relationship.

You can get some amount of custody.

Photo Credit: Whisper

1. How did you not earn it?

Isn’t that up to them, not you?

Photo Credit: Whisper

Now that we’ve seen those confessions, what do you think about belonging to the military?

Would it be something that you’d want to do? Have you done it before?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Secrets That Military Members Feel They Need to Keep From Their Loved Ones appeared first on UberFacts.

Confessions From Very Attached Couples Who Might Just Love Each Other Too Much

Is it healthy for couples to spend all of their time together? Probably not… and for most couples there’s usually limit to that desire.

But these couples really could care less. Because when they fell in love, all they wanted to do is spend time with their significant other and, when they don’t, they miss them like crazy.

Yes, the love of these 11 couples knows no bounds. From bathroom conversations to sharing everything and anything, find out the lengths they will go to make sure they’re never apart.

Let’s find out more!

1. Well, if it makes you happy…

It can’t be that bad, right?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. You all need to stop.

Because that is GROSS.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Do you wipe each other’s butts too?

Come on you two!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. This is sweet, but… you need your own life.

Don’t you?

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. True love sounds beautiful?

But is this true love or obsession?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. This is not an uncommon setup.

And if it’s been going on for a few years… it just might last.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Sounds like codependency to me…

Time to go see a therapist!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. That sounds healthy.

Heh… sure. Yeah.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Oh… so you found yourself a life!

Good for you two. More of these relationships exist than you might think.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. So because you do everything together you fight?

Or you fight because you do everything together? Hmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So now that you’ve read about these confessions… would you be joined at the hip? Or do you need your space?

Let us know in the comments!

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11 Times Infidelity in a Marriage Caused Problems, Even When the Partners Don’t Know

Marriage is hard. At least it can be if you don’t put in the work.

And once our eyes go wandering… perhaps they land on somebody that catches our interest. It’s a pretty common occurrence, and some stats suggest that 25% of marriages have at least ONCE incident of infidelity in it.

If you’re not good at math, that means 1 out of every 4 marriages has one person cheating at least once.

Yeah, people are getting it on outside of their marriages and they have to get that off their chests. And so we have these Whispers…

1. Priorities…

I mean, would you break it off just to be with somebody you cheated with?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Hey, if that’s your thing…

Maybe it keeps the marriage sane?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Well, that didn’t work out.

You should have been honest, bub!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. I don’t know Karen, will there?!?

Doesn’t sound like it should be up to you.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. That’ll teach him!

Or maybe it won’t.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. All the emotions!

All the time!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. How is that working out for you?

I’m guessing she just wanted revenge.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sometimes marriage is just a placeholder.

Not everybody should get marriage because somebody forces the issue.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Don’t brag about it!

Jeezus… what an a$$hole!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. So does that make you a horrible person?

Seems like you’re a horrible person, actually.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Is that sad or is it telling you something?

You should probably break it off.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that was pretty revealing, right? Who knew there was that much cheating out there.

Have you ever cheated? Feel guilty about it? Or could you care less?

Let us know in the comments… if you dare!

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10 First Date Stories That Might Just Make Your Jaw Drop

Have you ever heard of a site called Whisper? It’s got ALL the secrets. And some of them are truly shocking.

The following 10 secrets from the site are all about those first dates that went… nuts. Some in a good way, some in a bad way.

But they’re all gonna make you go, “Well well well… I did not expect that.”

Actually, who knows… maybe you’ve seen it all before. But just in case you haven’t…

1. Oh, what a rebel you are.

That’s never happened in the history of first dates. Shocking!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Here’s a girl who knows what she likes.

Or she knows how to trap a guy with that good good. Either way, she won!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Do you know what those guys have to deal with?

You’re both awful people. Yuck.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Those mushrooms lasted 8 months?

Jeezus! Got to the f**king hospital already!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah, that’ll make somebody not notice vomit.

Laughter might be the best medicine, but it’s a horrible vomit remover.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. So you’re boring now?

Got it. Don’t date this b**ch.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Do you not have an apartment?

What’s wrong with you?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Why do you hate people who value themselves?

Discounts are nature’s way of saying that you’re not worth the price of admission.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Wait… how does one get violently high?

I bet they had s*x. That weird, high kind of s*x.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. You sound like a f**king a$$hole.

I hope this guy gets arrested one day.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Wasn’t that fun? Peeking into people’s private lives like that? I mean, I had a blast. What’s more fun than getting balls deep into somebody else’s business?

Nothing! That’s what!

Okay, time for YOU to share, if you want. Do that in the comments.

Thanks fam!

The post 10 First Date Stories That Might Just Make Your Jaw Drop appeared first on UberFacts.

Couples Share the Sweetest Confessions About Getting Married Young

You know the song…

Love and marriage. Goes together like a horse and carriage… right?

It certainly can be… but sometimes when you get married young things don’t turn out that for the best.

But that is NOT this post. This post is all about the sweetest things that happened when people said “I do!” at a very young age.

Get ready to smile! Because these 13 stories are the best!

1. Exploring the world sounds amazing!

Especially with your best friend!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. What do they know anyway?

You do you, kids!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3.  Some people just wanna be married!

And that’s not a bad thing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Knowing what you’re going to do with your life is helpful.

Everybody needs a plan.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Come on people… stop being so judgey!

I mean, what are you doing with your life anyway?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Getting more years with your beloved!

Sounds great to me!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. More life with more support!

Fantastic point!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Best. Decision. Ever.

Yeah? Yeah. Yeah!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. BFFs for real.

Always got your back!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Keep on keeping on!

I’m sure it’s not always fun, though.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Now that’s a love that sounds like it’ll last.


Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Hey, at least they took some time.

Young love doesn’t have to be dumb love.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Deeper and deeper…

Being in love is a great feeling, especially if it can last.

Photo Credit: Whisper

I’m sure this has happened to a lot of people out there, so we want to hear your stories!

Let us know in the comments!

The post Couples Share the Sweetest Confessions About Getting Married Young appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Differences Between Co-ed Schools and All-Girls Schools

Most of us never went to an “all” anything school, but those of you who did… they know the signs.

Where I grew up there was exactly ONE all-girls school and exactly ONE all-boys school. That’s it. And the people that went there definitely had different standards than everybody else.

For one… the uniforms. What’s with same-sex schools and mandatory uniforms? Isn’t that a place where clothes actually don’t matter?

Today, we’re talking about the gals and all of those things that people who went to schools that were femme-foward.

Let’s take a look!

1. Because, why would anybody really care?

It’s not like they had to cover up.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Dressing in public. Got it. That’s a theme here.

And yeah, the presence of guys would immediately be different.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This would be the best thing about a school like this.

So much less competition!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, sounds like high school!

Some things never change.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. All pads, all the time!

And I bet they were free.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Did it? Or was that just you?

Hmmmm…. I think somebody might have just been socially awkward?

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Oh snap! Testosterone in the house!

Can you feel it? Because they could!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Actually, an amazing benefit.

Real competition because they’re not worrying about impressing boys? Sounds great to me!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Freedom!

I can’t imagine having to live up to these insane standards every single day. Ugh.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Yeah, but did you?


Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Girl power!

No showers!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. The answer is “YAS QUEEN!”

It’s not even a thing anymore.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Time to go out into the real world!

Seems like they wanted to get away from the “all-girls” reality.

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. If I were a school, I would NOT hire a male teacher.

Just seems like a recipe for disaster.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Really?

That doesn’t sound real…

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that got really real! And all because we took a sneak peek into a world we likely weren’t a part of.

Did you go to a same gender school? Want to share your experiences?

Do that in the comments!

The post People Share the Differences Between Co-ed Schools and All-Girls Schools appeared first on UberFacts.

12 People Who Admitted They Married for Money, Not Love

People tie the knot for a lot of reasons. We’d like to think that the reason is love, and it often is… but these 14 people had very different reasons.

Let’s face it, financial stability IS important when you want to build a life. Of course, it’s not the only thing, so maybe these people should have thought twice before tying the knot.

Check it out!

1. Maybe? Yeah, okay…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. EVERY single day? That must be hell!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. And… sometimes it works!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, but would your kids REALLY starve? Come on…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. It’s hard to fake what? Being rich?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Awww, poor baby…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Yeah, sounds like your mom is a real peach!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yikes! This sounds like it’s gonna blow up BIG time.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. That is a valid reason.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Time to talk it out!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Yeah, that’s gonna be tough to sustain…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Haha… next time… after you GET THAT MONEY!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, did you learn anything? What NOT to do? Maybe what you MIGHT do? Naughty, naughty…

Do you have a story like this? Well, we want to know! Tell us in the comments!

The post 12 People Who Admitted They Married for Money, Not Love appeared first on UberFacts.

14 Crazy Things That Happened When People Got Blackout Drunk

A lot of us know what it’s like to have a drink or two and start to get slurry, but how many of you have reached that stage where your memory just shuts off?

Because if you have, you remember it. Well, sort of. See, you remember NOT remembering. Because that’s a VERY strange feeling. You could have been walking around, talking, being silly, and your memory just shut off.

That’s what happened to these 14 people and they, thankfully, lived to tell the tales!

1. Jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Almost Whitney Houston’d it…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Well, you’re quite the asshole…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Hahahaha… oh boy…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yes, sometimes it gets messy AF!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. That’s bound to happen…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Well, that’s a win!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. How do you know he’s not…?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. At least you’re a happy drunk!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, sounds like you spent some more time in South America…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Haha, well, you weren’t wrong!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Yeah, I’d worry too!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Well… that’s one way to do it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. And there ya have it! Our winner!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Do you “remember” a particularly bad blackout situation? Care to share? We totally understand if you don’t, but it is nice to get these things off of our chests.

Share what you can in the comments!

The post 14 Crazy Things That Happened When People Got Blackout Drunk appeared first on UberFacts.