What Are Very Comforting Facts? Here’s How People Replied.

We all know social media sure can be a bit of a cesspool.

It seems like it’s REALLY bad right now, too, with the country divided and people yelling at each other about their beliefs. It’s enough to beat any person down. And frankly, I’m a bit sick of it.

That’s why we’re headed to the other end of the spectrum today, the one where positivity and wholesomeness rule the day and where we can all leave with big smiles on our faces.

What are some facts that bring you comfort?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Wow!

“During the Second World War, a Muslim man owned a mosque in Paris. After France got captured by the Germans, the french Jews were being killed.

The Muslim man offered every Jew he could find shelter in his mosque and handed out fake Muslim certificates so they wouldn’t be questioned. He saved over 400 lives.

No one’s your enemy, except for the ones you make yourself believe are.”

2. Can’t have just one.

“In Switzerland, it is Illegal to own just one guinea pig because they are very social animals.

Its considered animal abuse to only have one.”

3. Isn’t that cute!

“Elephants think you’re cute just like humans think dogs and cats are cute.”

4. Boom!

“America had a black President longer than the Confederacy existed.”

5. Perseverance.

“Malala Yousafzai, the girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban for insisting on going to school, recently completed her final exams in the University of Oxford.”

6. Saving lives!

“Swedish blood donors receive a text whenever their blood is used to help someone.”

7. Never too late.

“Van Gogh didn’t start painting until his late twenties.

JK Rowling didn’t publish Harry Potter until her late

Samuel L Jackson didn’t get his first big role until his forties.

It’s never too late to get started.”

8. We all make mistakes.

“Don’t feel bad next time you mess something up.

Every single living thing is an accident! Evolution was just a series of some cell messing up.

It’s literally nature to make mistakes!”

9. It’s amazing.

“Every cell in our body contains molecules that were something else in the past.

Maybe they were in your parents cells, maybe in the food you ate, in the cultivated land, and so on. And you can do the same reasoning also in terms of time.

Maybe your cells contains molecules form an ancient Roman spear of a simple soldier. I find this amazing.”

10. Beautiful.

“The VAST majority of people are actually decent.

Also, we don’t need to find meaning, we literally create it ourselves.

Everything that matters matters to someone, everything that is beautiful is beautiful in the eyes of someone.

The universe does care: we’re the part doing the caring.”

11. Pure freedom.

“There is no inherent purpose in life. That seems awful, but think about it for a minute.

Any goal, any purpose, any achievement, any victory, any lesson, they are all yours. They are entirely yours. No one is handing you a half completed work of art and telling you to finish it.

When you face the end, you know that your fate and your victories belong to you and no one else.

You’re free.”

12. Miracles!

“You are a miracle.

The sperm that was first to your mother’s egg was one in a more than million!”

13. Respect the Earth.

“No matter how badly we mess up the Earth with climate change, and politics and nuclear warfare, etc., once human beings don’t exist, the Earth will repair itself, and life will carry on.”

14. Your pets love you.

“My boyfriend has a panic and anxiety disorder.

Whenever he gets a panic attack, one of our cats will sit on him and purr loudly. It always comforts him and calms him down. We always joke that she is our little support animal.

She is very attuned to our emotions and feelings. When my grandmother passed away and I was very sad, she would not leave me alone. She would just sit next to me in silence or occasionally let out a small meow to inform me she was still there.

So, as conclusion, even if you are having a s**t day, your pet still loves you.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, share some wholesome facts that you think all of us will like.

Let’s see what you got!

The post What Are Very Comforting Facts? Here’s How People Replied. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Facts That We Think Will Make You Happy

We can all agree that this has been a very crazy year with way more DOWNS than UPS and the continuous bad news has even bordered on the ridiculous and unbelievable.

But it’s all true, people…unfortunately…

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t time to turn things around and end 2020 on a positive note, know what I’m saying?

We still have some time to fix this mess!

So are you ready…?

Wanna get happy?

Then let’s take a look at these facts that AskReddit users shared.

1. Thank goodness.

“All those embarrassing/cringy memories that come flooding into your mind when you least expect it?

Nobody else remembers them.

Every last one of us has them, it’s part of this complicated process called living. While you’re busy remembering yours’, everyone else is remembering their own.

Its in the past, nothing you can do right now can make it any better; chalk it up as a lesson.”

2. That’s progress.

“About 65 % of America’s aluminum is currently recycled. Every minute an average of 123,097 aluminum cans are recycled. On average, Americans recycle 2 out of every 3 aluminum cans they use. The average aluminum can contains more than 50% post-consumer recycled aluminum.”

Its just aluminum but it shows that we CAN as a society recycle over half of the stuff we use and we can start keeping the world clean. That and a push to renewable energy would be nice.”

3. You’re far from useless.

“Your body is home to its own unique ecosystem, the human gut.

Sounds gross, but billions of little creatures living inside you are helping you digest things, dispose of waste, and survive natural toxins in the food you consume.

If you ever feel like you’re useless, or that your existence means nothing, that’s not true. You literally mean the world to your gut flora.”

4. Naps are good.

“Bees take naps in flowers!

So yeah, it’s okay to need a nap, even busy bees do.”

5. The great Mr. Lee!

“Stan Lee started creating the Fantastic 4, Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc.at around 40.

So even if you think that you can’t get anything out of life, you still can push yourself creatively and leave a lasting impact on the world at an older age.”

6. Yes!

“Pillow fighting is a real, recognized sport in Canada.

It was founded in Toronto in 2004 by the Pillow Fighting League.”

7. Three good ones.

“A penguin was once knighted in Norway.

Blind people can smile even though they have never seen one. It is human nature. 🙂

The voice actors of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse got married in real life.”

8. Live to fight another day.

“Think of all the worst days of your life.

You’ve made it through every single one of them and are still going strong.

There’s always another day on the other side.”

9. Use it wisely!

“It is estimated every 10 years, the cells in your body will have been replaced with new ones.

Therefore, you get a new body every 10 years making it so you do get a fresh start.”

10. We’re lucky.

“Despite the fact that the universe is roughly 13.8 billion years old , you managed to exist around the same time as Bob Ross and Mister Rogers.”

11. That’s nice.

“If only 1% of the world population liked you, that would still mean 70 million people like you.”

12. The chain of life.

“If you’ve lost someone, and you feel like that are completely gone from you life, think about the impact they have had on you, on your loved ones, on others, and think of how that impact continues to live on throughout all of life, that impact won’t die with them either.

The chain of life goes on.”

13. Animal affection.

“Since animals have evolved next to human for thousands of years, they have learned to show their feeling towards us.

Dogs will wag their tag, lick you, step on your feet, press their body against your legs, lay on you, etc, all in effort to show affection and be as close as physically possible to you.

Cats make eye contact and slowly blink at you to say ‘i am comfortable, I am pleased’, they headbutt you as their form of a hug, they groom you as they would a kitten to care for you, they rub their scent on you to say ‘this is my human, all mine’ and it reassures them of your bond.

Cows will also groom you, and enjoy being pet as it is relexing and they truly trust you.

Also elephants get excited and happy looking at humans because we are to them as dogs are to us- they think we’re cute, and want to play and pet us.”

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, share some facts with us that bring YOU comfort.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Facts That We Think Will Make You Happy appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Very Uplifting Facts That Should Make Us Feel Better About the World

If you turn on the news these days, no matter what channel it is, you’re going to see a whole lot of doom and gloom, and blood and guts.

And it’s easy to get sucked into that negativity, which is why we’re going to do exactly THE OPPOSITE today!

We’re only gonna focus on the good stuff that should bring all of us at least a small amount of comfort.

So, what do you say?

Let’s check out some uplifting facts from AskReddit users.

1. True!

“The world is more literate, healthier and well fed than at any time in human history.

The percentage of people starving to death has been on a downward trajectory for years.

You are less likely to be assaulted or robbed than your parents were.”

2. It could be worse.

“There’s probably an infinite amount of different timelines in parallel universes where you’re doing worse than you are right now, so be proud of yourself.”

3. This is so true.


I’ve worked in multiple industries and no matter which, barely anyone above management level has a clue what they’re doing and the ones that do are too afraid to poke their heads above the trenches.

Everyone is winging it, every job is a bodge and your best to learn on the job.”

4. True love.

“Male penguins search for the most beautiful boulder to give to their fiance as a gift and sign of love.”

5. Don’t even worry about it.

“The chance of a plane crash is 1 in 5,400,000, and 95% of the time they aren’t fatal.

Also know most accident happen while taking off or landing.

Once you are in the air, you have basically nothing to worry about.”

6. You look great!

“If only 1% of the world’s population finds you attractive that’s 78,000,000 people.”

7. The best therapy.

“The ocean remains the same.

You can sit on the beach, listen to the waves and forget about the world’s troubles.”

8. Getting better.

“Things in the world are actually getting better, not worse.

Check out “Factfulness” by Hans Rosling. Right now things are in the sh*tter, but we’ll get past it.”

9. Another day.

“No matter what happens- good, bad or otherwise- remember one consistent fact: the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. The sun rises and sets every day, and this won’t change for several million years.

The motivational part of this is usually, just as the sun rises and sets everyday, every day can be a new day for you.”

10. Part of the team.

“Cats like to sit on your laptop, computer, paper work to feel included. They see you’re doing something important and want to help too in their own way.

If you are doing something on a laptop and have a separate old one just for her, she feels important and would not bother you on the one you’re using.”

11. Time well spent.

“Time that you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted.”

12. Children of the stars.

“You have iron and other elements in your body that can ONLY occur in a supernova. Which means a star died so you could exist.

You are the child of stars.”

13. Do your best.

“Dont worry about death. Just be the best version of yourself.

Either God exists and you’re in heaven chilling or you are just gone and you never had have think or worry again.

The sooner you can get your head round this, the sooner you’ll make the most of life and enjoy the moments you can.”

14. Put it into perspective.

“Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you perceive it. If you’re going through some hard times, try putting things in perspective and thinking from a different angle 🙂 !”

15. Your brain loves you.

“Your brain has your back!

No one truly understands the phenomena of your life flashing before your eyes when near death but the best guess is that it’s your brain trying to save you.

Experiences in your life are stored by your brain as lessons on what to do next time. When you start learning to walk your brain is learning how to shift weight around to keep you upright.

If you stumble as an adult, your brain immediately and subconsciously scans your experiences, finds the relevant data, and puts that into action to make your legs move the right way to keep you from falling. This happens hundreds of times a day for various things and you never realize it.

When you are near death, you brain does this same process, trying to find a relevant piece of data to inform your actions to get out of the situation. Obviously, in a fatal scenario, it can’t, but it continues to rapidly run through memories, dedicating more and more energy to the task.

This causes the normally subconscious process to be detected in parts of the brain that normally deal with conscious thought and so you become aware of it.

So even at the very last moments of your life, your brain is still at full-tilt trying to save you.”

How about you?

What are your go-to facts that really bring you comfort?

Tell us about them in the comments, please!

The post People Discuss Very Uplifting Facts That Should Make Us Feel Better About the World appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Facts That They Find Very Comforting

It’s a depressing world out there lately, and a lot of times we tend to forget about the pure, wholesome things out there that bring us comfort.

But if we dig under the grimy surface of all the bad news and negativity that exists, there are a lot of wonderful facts and stories that could really brighten our days and weeks…and maybe even our years.

So why don’t we go ahead and do that?!?!

Let’s get some comfort from some AskReddit users.

1. A life lesson.

“The story of a man named Colonel Sanders is quite powerful. He was 5 when his dad died, he quit school at age 16, had lost 4 jobs by age 17, got married at 18, but his wife left him when he was 20, taking his baby with her.

He lived depressed until age 65, when he retired and decided to commit suicide. He was writing his suicide letter when he began to think of what his life COULD’VE been, and began to think about his ability to cook.
He borrowed $87, cooked some chicken, and sold them door-to-door in the streets of KFC. By age 88, he was a billionaire. For those of you who don’t know, Colonel Sanders is the founder of KFC pictured in KFC’s logo.

The message: It’s NEVER too late to start.”

2. Nobody cares.

“It’s highly unlikely anyone but you remembers that embarrassing stuff you did 8 years ago.

So get over it.”

3. Amazing.

“Some bees will drink alcohol and get drunk off it.

Then when they try to go home, bee ‘bouncers’ won’t let them in the hive till they’re sober.”

4. I have to check this out.

“There’s a YouTube channel that hosts MARBULA ONE

It’s just a guy racing marbles on a hot wheels track and it’s super well produced and actually looks like a Formula One broadcast.”

5. Truth!

“Your dog will never not be happy to see you.”

6. Let’s get along.

“Some Liberals aren’t crazy, and some Conservatives aren’t racist.

I see them get along just fine in the real world, whenever this manufactured hysteria isn’t marionetting them around…

Shocking, I know.”

7. You’ll be just fine.

“Giving birth — either going through it yourself, or supporting someone — is terrifying. So is caring for a baby.

But humanity has existed for a ridiculously long time. And especially now, where maternity and infant death rates are at all-time lows, it is even safer.

If some prehistoric cave dwellers could pop one out in the dirt and the species could survive, you realize that babies are hardier than they look.

Very comforting when you go home with one the first time and realize you have no idea what you’re doing.”

8. Feed me!

“Hummingbirds will remember feeding spots for the rest of their lives, subsequently remembering the human which keeps said feeder filled. They might even send you a “cheet-cheet” when they’re zooming away.

If you forget to fill a feeder and leave it empty for a few hours, it’s very likely your neighborhood hummer (or international traveling hummer) will come to remind you to fill it.

I’ve had one circle my head non-stop until i refilled.”

9. I did not know that!

“When playing with female puppies, male puppies will often let them win, even if they have a physical advantage.”

10. Thank you!

“Spiders, moths and other insects don’t want to get near us while we’re sleeping, because of our breathing pattern and CO2 output.”

11. Purring.

“Elephants purr like cats when they’re happy!

Learned this in French Lick, Indiana when I met a beautiful elephant named Lou and she purred with all the pets!”

12. They trust you.

“A dog laying on its side shows the dog is incredibly safe and comfortable since laying on the side exposes the dog’s vital organs.”

13. Comforting to some…

“One day the sun will explode, the earth would be set on fire and none of us will exist anymore.

For some reason I find the inevitability of that event somewhat comforting. It helps me realise that in the grand scheme of things, nothing we do really matters so have a good time while you’re here, be good to others and just enjoy the ride.”

14. Having fun.

“In Alaska, bison run and slide on frozen lakes while other bison watch them and snort their joy and approval at each other.

Read Winterdance: The Fine Madness Of Running The Iditarod for this and other profound and f*cking hilarious stories of an idiot and his relationship with animals in the wild.”

15. They like us!

“Elephants have the same reaction in their brains when they see humans as humans have when they see babies or puppies.

Basically elephants think humans are cute.”

16. Stardust.

“Everything (physical) in our reality stems from the same original stardust source. In turn we are all one with the universe, we are all part of the same reality from the same original source (whatever that may be.)

When we die we will return to the source and wait for our next turn to manifest in whatever the universe sees fit. While we wait we will be reunited with our loved ones, we can never truly say goodbye.”

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about some facts that bring you comfort.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

The post People Share Facts That They Find Very Comforting appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Facts They Think Are Comforting and Wholesome

I need a ray of sunshine in my life right now…or maybe a whole bunch of rays of sunshine.

Because it’s been rough going lately, hasn’t it? A worldwide health crisis, a divided country, riots and protests in the street…when will it end?

Hopefully, the answer is very soon, but until then we just have to keep the best we can and keeping our fingers crossed that things will settle down soon…

So, in the spirit of keeping things positive, let’s check out some facts that AskReddit users say should bring us all some comfort.

1. How adorable!

“Scientists have discovered that rats LOVE playing hide and seek and squeal with joy when finding/being found.”

2. A beautiful day.

“All of the cardigans Mister Rogers wore on camera were knit by his mother.”

3. Don’t go too far.

“Otters hold each others hands when they sleep so their mate won’t drift away.”

4. A good deed.

“There’s a volunteer organization called ‘No One Dies Alone’.

You’re at Sacred Hearts medical center, you’re terminal, you need a companion. From someone to talk to, or just someone to hold our hand. They’ll make sure someone will be there for you.

Other hospitals have this too.”

5. That’s good news!

“Scientists, earlier this year, made a massive breakthrough in curing blindness, like verging a cure.

It was masked by the virus headlines though.”

6. Lucky for us.

“Jupiter gravitational mass is so immense modern science believe it’s been protecting us from meteors for millions of years.”

7. Let’s play!

“Crows and ravens love to play in snow.

One of their favorite activities is rolling hills.”

8. Interesting history.

“Liechtenstein once deployed 80 men for protecting the border against Austria. Despite their worries, they saw exactly zero combat.

When they called it a day they returned home – with 81 men. Because an Italian bloke bumped into them and wanted to come live in Liechtenstein.

They literally made a friend on the way.”

9. What a time to be alive.

“We have been born into arguably the best point in human history.

True that we have a whole slew of troubles. These issues are only minor examples compared to the plagues, social Darwinism, and overall pretty crap quality of life you’d live say 100 years back.

We still have those plagues, racial biases and hatred but we are lucky that we are alive in a time where over the past century so many strives towards equality have been made.

Except Black Licorice, we are unfortunately still in that era.”

10. Happy dogs!

“In dog/wolf movies where they use real-life dog actors.

The people who have to edit them sometimes have to add CGI tails because the dogs can’t stop wagging their tails because they are so happy.”

11. Very true.

“Nothing is permanent.

So even if you have no hope, everything sucks, or you’ve messed up, nothing is permanent.”

12. I like this one.

“Lots of people suffer from loneliness.

So when you feel lonely, you are not alone.”

13. Here we are.

“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”

14. That’s wild!

“Given all the atoms in the universe are recycled in various ways (having formed in the first stars), our entire body has already experienced billions of years of each atoms own personal history.

Even more comforting, it’s plausible those atoms will eventually become part of someone else in the future and will continue to exist in various forms – transforming continuously – until the end of time itself. So in a way, we’re connected to something absolutely eternal and our ultimate fate is to be spread across the stars.

Hell, depending how deep you want to get, there’s also a tiny, tiny chance that your pattern of DNA will form entirely by chance again, creating someone that is biologically you but with a whole new memory, experiences and history.

Basically, everyone and everything is connected.

The best part? None of this is based on religion or wishful thinking, it’s actual established and current scientific fact.”

What facts do you find comforting?

Let us know in the comments!

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Share Facts They Think Are Comforting and Wholesome appeared first on UberFacts.