People Share What They Think Happens in Movies but Never IRL

Movies are inspired by real life…but they often exaggerate or stylize some situations, occupations, or people.

Often, meaning…basically always.

Perhaps these tropes weren’t so obvious when cinema and TV were brand-new, but audiences today are more sophisticated (or at least have watched a lot more TV and movies). A Reddit thread posed the question:

“What movie things are generally accepted as normal, but are totally unrealistic in real life?”

People some funny, insightful, and sarcastic answers. Let’s check them out!

20. This Medical Misunderstanding

“Regaining consciousness after receiving CPR.”—lexxeffect

19. Happy Hours Galore

“People having copious amounts of time to spend with their friends, not being tired after work.”—celesteshine

18. A Priest Clears Up a Few Things

“I am an Anglican priest.

We are never found lingering alone in candle lit churches late at night picking up service bulletins or books from pews.

Yet every movie shows priests and ministers puttering around dark churches cleaning up.”—Auto_Fac

17. Unrealistic Beauty

“8 hours of travel and the character’s hair and outfit is still perfect.”—SnippySky

16. The Inaccurate Portrayal of Bad Guys

“If you are being attacked by multiple bad guys they will each wait there turn to attack. This shit bugs the heck out of me.”—lilflow88

15. This Unsafe Driving Trope

“Weird nobody mentioned that in movies everybody always looks at each other while driving. And they move the damn driving wheel way to much while driving straight forward, pisses me off.”—JingleJangleG

14. Young, Hot Doctors

“Everyone is young, especially doctors / professors/ specialists they all seem to be the top of their field with years of experience and they are all like 22…. and hot.”—The_Amazing_Username

13. Unrealistic Living Standards

“People on low incomes, e.g. students, living in expensive homes. I’m not necessarily talking about mansions, more like a large apartment in a big expensive city with no roommates.”—BlackCaaaaat

12. Strange Coincidences

“Turning on the tv or radio that happens to be covering the subject the characters were talking about. Unless you are talking about Sept 11 that would never happen.

Never discussing a meeting location, like for dinner.”—jumpinleg

11. High Heels That Never Hurt

“Women in high heels ALL day long. Sometimes they run in them to tackle a bad guy or to get away from a bad guy. The next day they put their non-swollen feet back in them without complaint.

Oh, women never sweat their makeup off. Their faces are never have a greasy sheen in Miami in August.”—sunflore_7777

10. Knock Knock

“People opening their front door 3 seconds after an unexpected knock, like they’re just constantly standing behind the door, just in case.”—brad-corp

9. Hiding Behind Breakable Items

“When someone hides from bullets behind penetrable objects, like tables or a refrigerator door.”—-everst

8. Cool Haircuts Without Training

“Women in action movies who drastically cut their own hair to change their appearance always end up with a fabulous style.”—lascielthefallen

7. Exaggerated Recoveries

“Everything medical.

Being in a coma for weeks or months, waking up and walking around a day or two later? Ridiculous. We treat people that were in comas even for just “a few” weeks and it takes them forever to recover from it.

“his heart stopped beating” and “clear!” – don’t get me started on that.

In the rare cases when they do fake CPR – the actual CPR success rate is about 3%. Yes, 3%. That even goes for health professionals.

Spinal cord injuries: “a miracle, he can walk again”. No, no, no. Takes months and years, will stay severely impaired. It’s more like walking with crutches very slowly and not very far for the rest of his/her life.

Gunshot wounds, knife wounds never cause nerve damage. Nope. They do. Again: disabilities for the rest of your life.

No oxygen for more than 5 minutes (you can go for a longer time in extreme cold): permanent and severe brain damage. Can you guess it? That’s right: Severe disabilities for the rest of your life.

The good guy breaks a bone, is in a cast for weeks/months. Cast comes off – leg looks like new. Nope. It literally stinks (especially in summer), skin doesn’t look healthy and yes – massive loss of muscle mass and function. Good news: with enough training (we are talking weeks and months) – no disability!’”—cszar2015

6. All of These!

“Winning over a girl by making over-the-top, grand gestures (especially when she has already rejected you in the past).

Shattering bottles easily over someone’s head (don’t attempt it unless you want to possibly go to prison for murder).

In action sequences in general, taking an enormous amount of injury and then getting up with a few attractively placed bruises and cuts.

In particular, the trope of the bad guy who more or less needs to be thrown into a jet turbine to be destroyed, or he’ll somehow get back up again.

Characters who always have something witty to say and are never at a loss for words.”—lookoutforthebadger

5. Easy-to-Find Parking Spots!

“Finding a parking spot in front of the building you’re going into.”—marfou

4. Unrealistic Hero Treatment

“Hero always get the best seat in a busy restaurant/dinner!”—Eat_Train_Code_IN

3. Wasting Food

“Not eating the meal that is in front of you.”—PTretro

2. Unrealistic Lack of Pain

“How nobody in movies hurts their knuckles after punching someone, martial artist here and if you punch someone in the forehead like they do in the movies you’d probably just break your own fist,

hitting someone in the forehead is basically like punching a cinder block except the skull is actually harder…”—IShallPetYourDogo

1. Cutting the Palm of Their Hand

“So many movies and shows have the trope of cutting the palm of your hand when blood is needed for some sort of ritual. It originated because it was an easy place for them to hide a blood packet back when special effects weren’t what they are today.

However, if you’ve ever had a cut on the palm of your hand you would know that’s a terrible place to make a wound because you pretty much lose the use of that hand and it can take a while to heal.

There are much better places to draw blood from yet we still see it all the time, hell I just saw it yesterday in the first episode of the new season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. And on top of that the characters are fine in the scenes after or in the case of shows like Supernatural and the 100, they are making fists and fighting with no problem.”—-eDgAR-

Though these tropes can get annoying, these posts are a great way to remember the importance of not taking all information on films and TV too seriously. They’re made to entertain us, but it would be nice if films and TV changed it up once in a while.

Do you have any comments on how you would change these tropes if you could? Feel free to sound off in the comments!

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Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Trailer for ‘Top Gun: Maverick’

If you weren’t around for in 1986, it’s kind of hard to describe how popular Top Gun was, but trust me, it was HUGE. My older brother even entertained the idea of becoming a fighter pilot for about four days.

Like I said, it was HUGE.

Well, we’re all in luck again! Top Gun: Maverick is set to hit the big screen next summer and original stars Tom Cruise (Maverick) and Val Kilmer (Iceman) are reprising their roles. Joining them will be Jon Hamm, Jennifer Connelly, Miles Teller (who plays Goose’s son from the 1986 film), and Ed Harris. The original Top Gun was directed by the late Tony Scott, and this time around, Joseph Kosinski (Tron: Legacy) is at the helm.

Here’s a sharp poster for the new film.

Concerning the action in the new film, Jon Hamm said, “We’re shooting the movie in, I think, 6K. So it’s incredibly hi-def. The aerial footage is mind-blowing. And it’s mostly practical. There’s not a lot of CG. Those guys are really up in planes and getting thrown around in multiple Gs.”

We don’t know a whole lot about the plot yet, but from the preview, it looks like it will be fully locked and loaded with action.

Top Gun: Maverick hits theaters on June 26, 2020. Check out the trailer below.

I don’t know about you, but I am excited about this one! Let’s hope that we get another love scene set to “Take My Breath Away.”

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15 People Reveal Which Popular Movie They Absolutely Hated

Have you ever seen a movie you completely hated, but you were all alone in your opinion? I’ll admit it: I’m not a fan of the Harry Potter series. I just can’t get into it at all.

Below are 15 movies that are so “universally” loved that the people who hate them are afraid to say so for fear of similar reprisal.

#1. A live action Fern Gully.


It’s a live action Fern Gully.”

#2. Remnants continue to resurface.

“Frozen. Watched it once, thought “eh Disney” and 6 years later remnants of it still continue to surface”

#3. Just a love letter to musicals of the past.

“La La Land. It was just a love letter to musicals of the past. Well-done, but not groundbreaking or particularly memorable in and of itself. All of my friends who had never really seen musicals went crazy for it and I couldn’t stand hearing the songs from it played.”

#4. It should have been offensive.

“Ready Player One was horrendous and should have been offensive to anyone who’s ever played a video game, something which Spielberg has clearly never done.”

#5. Mind-numbingly boring.

“”Lincoln” was a mind-numbingly boring movie that’s “highlights” were Daniel Day-Lewis being Daniel Day-Lewis with a fake beard. I majored in Political Science (pro-tip: DON’T). I knew what was going on and the maneuverings that were happening and etc. Did not change the fact that it was an insanely boring movie.

#6. So bad it’s good.

“The Room is incredible because it tried so earnestly to be an excellent film and flopped spectacularly. Movies like Sharknado are boring (to me) because they try so hard to be quirky. Huge difference.”

#7. I secretly want the dinosaurs to win.

“Jurassic World. I don’t get how it became so popular. I secretly want the dinosaurs to win and eat all the main characters.”

#8. Considering divorce.

“My wife hates Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Wondering if I should be considering divorce.”

#9. Just a cool premise.

“Bird Box. It really seems like someone thought up the cool premise and then they tried to force a script into it. Although i gotta say, the scene with the parking sensors in the car was super cool.”

#10. Can’t watch it.

“Anything that’s “so bad that it’s good”.

I can’t watch that shit.”

#11. A reason to get Sandra Bullock in her skimpies.

“Fucking Gravity. I hated that movie. I work for an aerospace firm that makes stuff for the ISS. That movie felt like a reason to get Sandra Bullock in her skimpies. Space isn’t sexy. Space is full of a rats nest of cables and 30 year old equipment that’s miraculously being kept on life support by an extremely dedicated group of engineers.

That, and what the fuck was satellite debris doing in the same orbit as the ISS?”

#12. Immature and obnoxious.

“Sausage Party, all critics liked it because it had “meaning” but I thought it was an inmature and obnoxious experience.”

#13. The first three movies suck.

The Hunger Games is probably my favorite book series, but the first three movies suck. I didn’t watch the last one.

Edit: First Silver! Yay! 😀

Edit 2: I’m going to look for the Battle Royale books! :)”

#14. I’m not afraid.

“I’m not afraid to clearly state my opinion of anything

I don’t like any of the current crop of action movies”

#15. I don’t get what’s so romantic.

“The notebook. I don’t get what’s so romantic about a guy hanging on a ferris wheel to make you go on a date with him. That’s basically blackmailing.”

Just be honest – you just might find your tribe in the process!

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15 “Modern Classic” Films That People Believe Will Be Iconic in the Future

We can’t help but try to predict the future. From the next big fachion trend to cutting edge technology, humans love to hypothesize on what will come next. So, in that spirit, here are 15 movies that are already considered “modern classics” and might be even more special in the future.

#15. Her

“The movie “Her” also captures a really specific sense of alienation from the modern world (and finding comfort in the company of a machine) that no other movie has gotten quite right.”

#14. American Psycho

“Do you like American Psycho?

Christian Bale’s early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when American Psycho came out in 2000, I think he really came into his own, commercially and artistically. The whole movie has a clear, crisp look, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the movie a big boost. His Bruce Wayne been compared to Michael Keaton’s, but I think Christian has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.”

#13. Toy Story

“Toy Story will be held as the turning point for animation, when 3D digital animation became mainstream and 2D animation began to diminish. It launched Pixar as one of the most successful studios in the world.

ETA: This is of course from a Western viewpoint as many have pointed out in the replies; Japanese animation studios are still producing high budget, high quality 2D animation. That being said, this doesn’t detract from the impact Toy Story had on modern cinema.”

#12. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Wish this movie was more popular. It does what a good movie should which is keep you thinking about it after you’ve seen it. It genuinely impacts you.”

#11. Shrek

“Shrek. Not counting just the memes behind it, it was one of the first CGI movies, had a strong message about being accepted, and had humor for all ages (while having a few less-than-kid-friendly jokes scattered about).

It also has the memes that have been going around for at least 5 years, ancient compared to the lifespan of most memes.”

#10. My Cousin Vinny

“My Cousin Vinny.

Law school students study it. It is still cited in the courts today.

Called one of, if not the most realistic portrayals of the practice of law on film.”

#9. A Nightmare Before Christmas

“Nightmare Before Christmas. What an art style.”

#8. The Truman Show

“The Truman Show. Way ahead of its time. This was a movie that really stuck with me. My favorite bit is when the show finally ends, and these people that have been watching for literally decades just go “hmmm, what else is on?” So subtle, yet poignant.”

#7. Oh Brother Where Art Thou

“Oh Brother Where Art Thou, and I’d like to think The Thin Red Line and True Romance will get greater recognition one day. People who are into films know them but a lot of people don’t.”

#6. Wall-E

“Wall-E definitely. Not only is it a gorgeous film, with the first half being a stellar ‘silent’ film but it carries messages of environmentalism and anti-consumerism which we are now starting to see fully the repercussions of in our own environment.”

#5. The Iron Giant

“The Iron Giant. By and far one of animations greatest tragedies but even after its tepid box office turnout this films significance & accomplishments are not wholly lost. The acting is on point, the animation superb and its message isn’t hackneyed or cookie cutter while also managing to explore the hysteria and anxiety of Cold War America in a manner palatable for children but cognizant enough that older viewers don’t feel talked down to.

I’d highly recommend Why The Iron Giant Is A Tragedy Of Animation it goes into great detail on WB animation, development of the film and the hand its marketing played in its box-office turnout.”

#4. The Dark Knight

“The Dark Knight revolutionized not just Batman but superhero movies in general.”

#3. Spirited Away

“Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke. Spirited away is the only traditionally animated film to win a non technical Oscar, the only non Western animated film to win an Oscar. It was the highest grossing film in Japan of all time for a long while, and is consistently ranked on the top 10 greatest movies of the 21st century, and top 100 of all time. With the exception of maybe a handful it won every award it was nominated for. And I can’t stress enough that it’s traditionally animated in a world where 99% of animated films are CGI, and the line between CGI and live action is more and more Blurred, a film like spirited away becomes more important as it is not only an opus of its medium, but also because the medium is dying or dead to most audiences. Spirited Away is also approachable by and easily enjoyed by anyone. It reflects positive themes of empowerment, respect, and Justice. Spirited also manages to repersent love between a male and a female that’s not romantic, but platonic and built on respect and admiration for one another.

Princess Mononoke is a better movie, in my opinion, but is probably less important to and for mainstream attention and study because it didn’t have the impact or approachability.”

#2. Groundhog Day

“Comedies are hard to predict, but I think that The Big Lebowski and Groundhog Day will still be watched a long time from now.”

#1. The Prestige

“The Prestige. It was overlooked I feel. And if Criterion is still a thing in 20 years, I think it’ll be one of their titles.”

A pretty solid list to be sure, but we’ll just have to wait and see!

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12+ People Reveal What Movie They Think Is Totally Overrated

Sometimes, all of your friends (and seemingly everyone in the world) thinks a movie is great, but you just can’t figure it out. Well, that’s exactly what these 15 people are dishing on today.

#15. Two hours I’ll never get back.

“Open Water. Everyone says it’s incredibly terrifying. I say I was incredibly bored, and that’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back.”

#14. Barely a story.


My teacher and classmates got mad when I said it was trash. It barely even qualifies as a fucking story.”

#13. You and Elaine Benes.

“The English Patient – I HATE IT!”

#12. All of them.

“Fast and Furious. All of them.”

#11. Pretty generic.

“Frozen. I didn’t think it was a bad movie by any means, but I thought it was weird how so many people said it was Disney’s best movie. I found it pretty generic.”

#10. Extremely.

“Extremely Overrated?

The Last Airbender (2010) has 6% on RottenTomatoes.

That is extremely overrated.”

#9. Why bother?

“Lol Jurassic World. Okay popcorn flick, but it was poorly written. Why bother? Just make up your own dinosaur movie.”

#8. Watch Lion King.

“People saying that Frozen is Disney’s best movie need to fuck right off and watch Lion King.”

#7. Spoiled and insufferable.

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I know everyone loves Audrey Hepburn and I do too but in this movie she just played a spoiled and insufferable twat for 2 hours.”

#6. Blah blah.

“One Night in Paris made Hilton an overnight sensation but the lighting was poor, acting was robotic, and the film basically had no final shot.”

#5. Rather drab.

“American Hustle. Does anyone even remember this movie now? It won so many awards but was rather drab.”

#4. Everything is mediocre.


That melodramatic after school special actually f*cking won best picture. BEST PICTURE. I couldn’t f*cking believe it when I saw it. Everything about that movie is mediocre.”

#3. Done to death.

“Generally anything that starts with:

The Fast and Furious



These things have been done to death.”

#2. Boring and cliched.


Fuck that boring, cliched pile of shit.”

#1. Nitpick.

“Wonder Woman. I get the social importance of it, but the movie itself really goes off the rails towards the end. It’s 2/3rds a good super hero movie (which are highly overrated relatively speaking already). It was also setup to make a nice statement on the nature of the evils of humanity, but just kind of lost it somewhere.

Also what the fuck was up with hiding her sword behind her back in a backless dress? Sure no one in front sees it but she literally walks through a crowd of people looking in every direction. It’s blatantly visible to anyone not looking head on.”

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12+ Moviegoers Share Their Worst Experiences at the Theater

People talking, looking at their cells phone, and otherwise making noise at the movie theater is my biggest pet peeve. It drives me insane and that’s why I only go see movies on Tuesdays at 11 a.m.

Anyway, enough about me. AskReddit users divulge their worst movie theater experiences…and they’re making my blood boil.

1. Teenagers

“Worst – Went to see Borat opening night (for some reason I thought it had been out a week already). The “obnoxious teenager level” was dialed up to 11 that night.

Best (at least most memorable in an amusing way) – nothing to do with the film, but years ago I went to see Wishmaster in the theaters with my girlfriend at the time. We were a minute or so late, so the movie already started. It was very dark, and we can see two people sitting right as we walk in. Thinking it was packed, we took the first two seats we could tell were open (which happened to be right across the aisle from the two people we saw.

A few minutes later, the next scene is the skyline of the city in the middle of the day. This cast light into theater, and those other two people we saw were the only other people in the movie, and we were sitting two feet away. I turn to my girlfriend and whisper “maybe we should move” which she said “no, it would be embarrassing.” _A minute later I hear the other guy whisper to his date”maybe we should move”and her say \”no, it would be embarrassing.” _We give each other apologetic looks and sit awkwardly through a pretty forgettable film.”

2. Didn’t even get a refund

“They were offering cheap tickets at a movie theater in a rougher area.

Group of kids playing with lighters the whole time.

One lit a chair on fire.

Smoke alarm went off.

Didn’t get a refund.”

3. It really does…

“I went to see one of the G. I. Joe movies with my brother in one of the worst theaters in my area. We were the only one in the room while watching. At one point my brother says out loud “man this movie sucks a**” and the guy working the projector said back “yeah it really does.” “

4. Ugggghhhhh

“Best/worse? A couple came in to a movie (Thor Ragnarok) with an infant and sat down not far from us. I was picturing the baby screaming through the whole movie. Nope.

The woman behind us talked through the entire thing. It was her 1st marvel movie.”

5. Waterworld

“Worst but best story

I saw Waterworld with Kevin Costner…and the ceiling started leaking from a storm so the rain literally soaked us. It was a $1 theater and I demanded a refund. And got it.”

6. I love this story for some reason

“I had the misfortune of watching Gone Girl in a theater with someone who thought it was a comedy. Gone Girl is a dramatic mystery, not a comedy in any sense of the word. At every mildly funny line, this person was hooting and hollering like it was an Adam Sandler movie. It really broke the mood of a tense, dramatic film.”

7. No sound

“Went to see _”Arachnophobia” _with my boyfriend at the theatre next to our college campus. Lights dimmed, previews played… then the movie started. About three minutes in, the sound goes out. Movie still playing. People start yelling _”Sound!!!”_ but nothing happens. A few jokers start improvising the dialogue, and it’s hilarious. More people chime in, effectively covering the entire soundtrack with gut-busting results. Never laughed so hard in my life. Then the sound came back on and disappointment permeated like a wave through the audience.”

8. WTF

“Experiencing “the crawler”

someone crawling under the seats to steal from people’s purses.


9. Great guy

“Drunk guy in front of me sh*t himself.

He waited at least 40 minutes before moving.”

10. Classy

“The couple immediately in front of us were getting pretty hot and heavy with a make out session, then the girl moved into the guys lap. At first I thought this was just cuddling, then it became quite clear they were having sex in a crowded cinema, and her head bobbing up and down was ruining my view of the film.”

11. WHAT

“The most outrageous experience was when the guy sitting next to me (in the dark) put his hand down into my hot-buttered popcorn and started helping himself.”

12. Best and worst

“I guess my worst and best cinema experience happened all in the same time.

In the very very early days of online ticket purchases… I purchased 4 tickets online to see 12 Monkeys, on opening day. I was taking a special date and wanted to impress her. Evidently, I was the first one to ever purchase tickets online for this particular theater. We got to the theater and the movie was sold out, even though we had purchased online tickets… The ticket booth was confused as to what was going on so they called the manager. The manager come out and explained that we were the first people to ever order tickets online and that it didn’t quite integrate with their ticketing system causing the theater to overbook. I was thinking… Just great. First date and this happens. I felt like an idiot.

The manager actually made it right in the long run… He suggested that we see another movie that was starting at the same time. He gave us tickets and we went to the theater. Right before the movie started he come in and brought us a full/big snack package, drinks, popcorn, candy, etc. Really great gesture. He said he would meet us after the movie to see how it went.

After the movie, sure enough, the manager was waiting right by the door waiting for us to come out. He stopped us and asked how the movie suggestion was. He then handed us tickets to come back and see the movie that we really wanted to.”

13. Oh boy

“In Doctor Strange, I was in the theatre opening weekend or something and so the theatre was pretty crowded. Right as the movie is starting, one mans phone starts ringing. In my head I’m thinking he will hang up and it’ll all be fine but NO.

So the guy picks up the phone and begins a conversation, at which another person in the theatre tells him that other people are in the theatre and he should hang up.

He responded to that suggestion by saying something along the lines of “I had cancer surgery yesterday and this is my f*cking doctor” much profanity was used.

The other man said “well you can walk out of the theatre so all of these people can not be disturbed”.

And at this point the one mans son is even telling him to stop but he feels it is important to argue his case so he says “I paid for my f*cking movie ticket now why don’t you piece of sh*t leave me the f*ck alone because this is more important than the f*cking movie”.

At this point he was standing up and yelling at the top of his voice. The other man had backed down and stopped responding but the one man was just saying “f*cking hell” and other profanity under his breath for the next 5 minutes.

I was in my theatre with my sister and I was actually scared a fight was going to break out, let alone the fact I was distracted and pulled out of the theatre experience the whole movie and missed the first 5 minutes.”

14. Nice family experience

“Went to see “Finding Dory” a few weeks after its release. Only people in the theater were my SO and I, another older couple with their kid, and a group of 4 teens in the back.

Anytime the movie showed Dory, one of the people in the group of teens would yell “FOUND HER!” with the entourage chuckling at their hysterical joke.

Eventually the man of the older couple ran out of patience and told the group to please be quiet. You would’ve thought he threw poop at them.

They all stand up and start harassing the couple. Telling them that they are going to rape their kid and force him to watch. Next thing I know, the dad flung himself over the seat and a 4-on-1 brawl began.

My SO and I ran out of the theater to get help. Fortunately this was a bigger chain of Movie Theaters and they had security on site. All 7 of them (teens, parents and kid) were escorted out of the facility even though it was the teens who instigated the whole thing.

At least I was able to enjoy the rest of the movie in silence.”

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